All Notices
- PhD Admission 2025(Even): Admission Notification will be published on 27th January, 2025 New
- Founders' Day 2025
- List of Casual Students 2024-2025
- List of eligible Students to obtain Casual Enrolment for the Session 2024-2025
- List of Ineligible Students to obtain Casual Enrolment for the Session 2024-2025
- Notice for Refund of Additional Tuition Fees
- Request for Trail services of Plagiarism Detection Software
- Notification for Casual Admission 2024-2025
- Notice regarding Credit Transfer
- Casual Enrolment(2023-2024)
- UG PG Gradecard distribution: extension of payment last date
- Value Added Courses
- Casual Enrolment for the Session 2022-2023
- DIstribution of Final Semester 2021-2022 Grade cards
- Guidelines of Internship / Summer Training Programme
- Notice on Memo no 686-F(P2) dated 20.02.2022
- Notice on Flag Hoisting on the occasion of Republic Day
- Provisional Student Registration List for 2021-22 subject to physical verification.
- Additional list of Casual Students for session 2021-2022
- List of Casual Students Enrolmented for the academic session 2021-2022
- Notice on Casual Enrolment 2021-2022 (Corrigendum)
- Notice on Casual Enrolment 2021-2022
- UG and PG Final year Grade Card Distribution 2020-2021
- Casual Enrolment for the Session 2021-2022
- Tribute to the memories of Late Prof. Swapan K Chakravorty
- PG Final year Grade Card Distribution 2020-2021
- UG Final year Grade Card Distribution 2020-2021
- Distribution of Final Year Grade Cards (2019-2020) and PhD coursework Grade Cards
- Notice regarding extension of PhD programme tenure
- Distribution of Grade Card is postponded due to covid situation, dates will be annnounced later
- Distribution of UG and PG Final Year Grade Cards (2019-2020) and PhD Coursework Grade Cards
- Notice on Casual Enrolment
- Founders' Day Notification
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Admission Notice for Three – Year (six semesters) Bachelor Degree Courses (Session:2020-2021) Ref: PU/FC/101/notice/admission/2020 Date: 14/08/2020
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Formation of Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP)
- Complete Safety Restrictions Order No.H&FW/120/20 dated 22.03.2020
- Extension of the earlier notice bearing Memo No. PU/Admin/UR/2020/03/14/01, dated 14/03/2020
- Urgent notice for closing the departments and hostels due to COVID-19
- Hostel Vacating Notice
- Metting with the students
- Founders' Day Notification
- Distribution of ID Card(Casual Students)
- Casual Enrolment 2019-2020
- Notice related to casual enrolment
- Subject-wise Merit List (Provisional) of PUMDET 2019 as received from WBJEEB
- Counselling and Admission Notice for Post Graduate Courses under Home(60% seats) Category: PU QUOTA
- Subject-wise Merit List (Provisional) of PUBDET 2019 as received from WBJEEB
- Admission Notice for Post Graduate Courses under Home(60%) Category: PU QUOTA (Session-2019-2020)
- Notice regarding Final semester Grade card distribution 2019
- Founders' Day 2019
- Students' Feedback Form: dated: 13.12.2018
- Notice for PhD Viva Voce of Sri Dhiman Roy
- Seminar on 5000 words for PhD thesis submission
- Provisional list of Registered Students (2018)
- Provisional list of Registered Students (2018)
- Eligible List of students for Casual Enrolment for the session 2018-19
- Non-Eligible List of students for Casual Enrolment for the session 2018-19
- Post Convocation Holiday ; Ref. No: PU/Admin-01/09-18 ; Dated:11.09.2018
- Notice Reagrding Casual Enrolment for the academic session 2018-19 ; Ref. No: PU/Admin-02/09-18 ; Dated:11.09.2018
- Notice Reagrding Casual Enrolment for the academic session 2018-19
- WBJEEB notice for PUMDET-2018 Counselling
- Notice regarding reporting dates mentioned in the PUBDET 2018 counselling & PUMDET 2018 counselling
- Provisional MERIT LIST for PG Admission 2018 under PU Quota
- Memo No: PU/Elec/Techers/18/03 Dated: 16.07.2018
- CBCS syllabus
- Memo No: PU/Elec/Teachers/18/02 Dated: 16.07.2018
- Rank List for PUBDET 2018 and PUMDET 2018
(as received from West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board) - Memo No: PU/Elec/Teachers/18/01 Dated: 03.07.2018
- Memo No: VC/PU/Elec/Teachers/18/01 Dated: 03.07.2018
- Grade card distribution
- Founders' Day 2018
- Download Admit Card for Written Test for the selection process of Junior Assistant, Junior Peon at Presidency University,Kolkata agianst Advertisement No: PU_RECR_AP_15-17 dated 21/09/2017
- 25th West Bengal State Science & Technology Congress, 2018
- Officers for RTI,date: 01.09.2017
- Casual enrolment notice,date: 18.08.2017
- Holiday Notice for completion of 5th Annual Convocation,2017
- Convocation 2017
- Invitation card for Press members and Media House to join with us in The Fifth Annual Convocation at Presidency University
- 41st Indian Social Science Congress
- Newton Bhabha PhD Placement – Applications Open for 2017-18
- Provisional list of applicants recommended for re-admission for session 2017-18
- Casual enrolment notice
- UGC notice regarding ceiling prices of the coronary stents.
- Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship Scheme
- Notice regarding readmission
- List of registered Ph.D Research Scholars in Faculty of Science
- Students' Feedback Form
- Notice for Admission in Day Care Centre
- Newton Bhabha - Researcher Link Workshop Grant 2017-18
- Digital Learning workshop for Presidency Faculty
- Notice regarding enactment of The West Bengal Universities and Colleges (Administration and Regulation) ACT 2017 date: 17th April 2017
- The Internal Assessment on 27 th February 2017 at Hindi Department
- The Climate Change Program
- Students' Council Election-2017
- Endowment Fund
- Notice to return service book
- Summer research programme at University of Groningen
- List of participants in the National Workshop on Mathematics in the Arena of Statistics
- World Humanitarian Summit
- Dastan Audition Notice
- Notice for casual enrolments
- Provisional List of Eligible Candidates for Admission to M.A. in Performing Arts, 2016 -17
- Notice for Mobile Apps for the Students
- The Fourth Annual Convocation at Presidency University
- Biological Sciences have been renamed as Life Sciences
- Notice for application forms for Odd semester Examination
- Post Convocation Holday
- NOTICE FOR LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP For 1st Semester Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
- 3rd Annual Convocation: Instruction to students
- Notice for special supplementary examination 2015
- Examination Schedule for the P.G. Special Supplementary Examination, 2015
- Examination Schedule for the U.G. Special Supplementary Examination, 2015
- Notice regarding services along with the stipulated time limit
- Notice for Distribution of grade cards and Post Publication Review
- Notice for application for PhD Coursework evaluation examination
- An appeal for enhancement of the amount of the Endowment/ Trust Funds
- Provisional (Revised) List of ineligible candidates for UG & PG even Semester Examinations 2015
- Notice for the STATISTICS GEN ED end-semester examinations of both UG 2nd sem & 4th sem students
- Urgent notice for UG / PG form fill up for defaulter candidates.
- Statistics GenEd Backlog Examination 2015,Department of Statistics
- Statistics GenEd (STAT0232 & STAT0431) Examination 2015, Department of Statistics
- UG & PG Even Semester Practical Examination 2015,Department of Statistics
- Holiday Notice
- List of Prizes, Book Prizes, Cash Prizes, Stipend, Scholarship, Medal, Gold Medal Etc. to be awarded from Endowment Fund of Presidency University
- PG even semester Exam Schedule 2015
- UG even semester exam schedule 2015
- Online submission of Examination Forms for backlog students of U.G. & P.G. courses
- Notice for extension/rescheduling for Online submission of Examination Forms U.G. & P.G. courses
- Online submission of Examination Forms for Regular students of P.G. courses
- Online submission of Examination Forms for Regular students of U.G. courses
- Online application for Post Publication Review
- Result of Students' Council Election -2015
- Notice
- Notice for refund of Library and Laboratory Deposits.
- Holiday Notice
- Notice for modification of GenEd choices for UG Sem 2 and Sem 4 students
- List of Ineligible candidates for the UG and PG ODD Semester Examination 2014(AMENDED NOTICE)
- The Second Annual Convocation
- Holiday notice.
- Notice for 2014-15 Student Aid and Merit-cum-Means recipients.
- Notice for 2013-14 Merit-cum-Means recipients.
- List of Selected Students for Free Studentships, Student Aid, and Merit-cum-Means Scholarship, 2014-15
- Notice to meet all Research scholars /students
- Notice to meet all students
- Holiday notice.
- Notice for Interview for the post of Accounts Officer (Contractual)
- Notice for refund of library deposit/laboratory deposit.
- Notice number: VC/EC/HSTL/4 Date: 18/09/2014
- Notice for distribution of forms for Free Studentship , Merit Cum Means & Student Aid
- Notice for National Service Scheme(NSS)
- Closure of all UG/PG admissions for 2014
- Notifications for postgraduate admission
- Provisional Merit List for PG admission. (Session 2014-2015)
- Provisional Merit List for First Year B.A./B.Sc. Admission (2014-15)
- Provisional Merit list of candidates from Presidency University for M.A / M. Sc. (2014-2015)
- Urgent Notice regarding tender opening(Tender No. PU/FRNTR-1/14-15(1) )
- Interview for Research Assistants under Public Health Engineering Department
- Urgent notice for blacklisted vendors
About Presidency
Quick Links
- Admissions
- Examinations
- Dean of Students Corner
- Career Counselling
- International Students
- PhD Students
- Student Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC)
- Internal Committee for Persons with Disabilities
- Equal Opportunity Cell
- Anti-Ragging
- Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
- Gender Sensitization and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell(GSPSHC)
- Migration
- The West Bengal Student Credit Card System
How to Find Us
Presidency University
(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner