Newton Bhabha PhD Placement – Applications Open for 2017-18
British Council India is inviting applications under Newton Bhabha PhD Placements for 2017-18 in collaboration with Department of Science and technology (DST) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT). This is a funding opportunity to support short-term PhD placements between the UK and Indian institutions and is open for students under Newton Fund. Deadline for application is Monday 21 August 2017 by 17.00 hrs UK time.
Through working with overseas research groups on challenging projects, Newton-Bhabha scholars gain from an exposure to high-quality international research at an early stage in their careers. We are in the fourth consecutive year for Newton Fund to offer this opportunity for the UK and Indian PhD scholars to spend a period of their study (2 to 4 months) in Indian and UK higher education institutions.
For more information about the programme, key dates, eligibility criterion and application process, please visit the British Council India website at https://www.britishcouncil.in/
newton-bhabha-phd-placements-p rogramme
Contact Person for More details:-
Arijita Sanyal |
Manager Projects, Programmes
British Council Division| British High Commission | L&T Chambers First Floor | 16
Camac Street | Kolkata | 700017 | India
+91 (0)33 4007 4333 | F +91 (0)33 2282 4804
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