Major Events of the University
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Sukanya Sengupta
Senior Director
Division of Knowledgebase Research & Development VELSERA
Title of talk:
“Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing in Precision Oncology“
Date and Time:
20 th December, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 1002, 10 th Floor, Tower 1,
Institute of Health Sciences,
Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
The Department of Sociology invites you to an online lecture by
Kunal Ambasta, Assistant Professor of Law at National Law School of India University, Bengaluru
on 20.12.2023 from 11:30 am on
"The Queer Movement in India and Substantive Equality".
The link is: meet.google.com/pnz-pxak-chx
Or dial: (US) +1 609-459-2469
PIN: 730 996 988#
All are welcome
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date, Time & Venue: 20th December, 2023, 3.30PM at P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium.
Speaker: Dr. Ranjan Laha, IISc, Bengaluru.
Title: Detecting Low-Mass Primordial Black Holes as the Dark Matter Candidate.
Department of English December Talk of the Month 2023
The talk will be delivered by Dr. Priyanka Basu on "Afterlives: Archives, Institutions, and the Cultural Politics of Folk in Kobigaan"
on 20th December 2023, Wednesday 3.30 pm, at A.K. Basak Auditorium.
About the Talk
Kobigaan (lit. song of the poet) is a verse-duelling and song-theatre genre practiced across the India-Bangladesh border. It is one of the many dialogic genres in South Asia highlighting the verbal virtuosity, bricolage, and storytelling abilities of performers (kobiyaals). While rural performances of this genre (most often tied with religious rituals and village fairs) can last as long as overnight sessions, Kobigaan’s other manifestations are often truncated and adapted according to diverse venues, audience tastes and artistic choices. Over time, the element of debate (kobir loraai) has become a synecdoche for Kobigaan. It has also come to signify people’s songs, national culture, folk heritage and even sound chronotopes (in cinema). Conflictingly, the perception of Kobigaan in Bengali cultural memory also relies on its status as ‘decadent’, ‘extinct’ or ‘obsolete’. In this talk, I take a literary historical approach to go back to the key texts of the nineteenth-century archive concerning Kobigaan and other allied genres to understand them through the lens of performance. I consider key figures and historical moments in the process of institutionalising Kobigaan and thus the formation of its literary canon. Following this, I analyse how Kobigaan was transformed into a ‘folk’ cultural practice, a process wherein the roles of individuals like Rabindranath Tagore, institutions like the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad, and Marxist cultural groups like the IPTA were fundamental. However, I also point to the politics of censure, ambiguity, and exclusion that have informed the way twentieth century individual and collective perceptions of Kobigaan have informed its contemporary practices. In contrast to such perceptions, I discuss figures like Kazi Nazrul Islam, Ramesh Shil, and Gumani Dewan as instrumental to the transformation of Kobigaan from ‘folk’ practice to people’s song and songs of mass mobilisation. Finally, I trace the institutional endorsement of Kobigaan by the Folk and Tribal Cultural Centre in Kolkata and the Bangla Academy in Dhaka in the context of post-Independence, post-Partition, and post-Bangladesh Liberation War. In doing so, the paper shows some of the continuing trends of archival, institutional, and identity politics in the establishment of the most recent Kobigaan Academy in West Bengal.
Dr Priyanka Basu is a Lecturer in Performing Arts at the Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries, King’s College London. She has previously worked as the Curator of the ‘Two Centuries of Indian Print’ project at the British Library. Her first monograph, The Poet’s Song: ‘Folk’ and its Cultural Politics in South Asia has recently been published by Routledge (South Asian History and Cultural Series). She was a recipient of the Royal Historical Society Workshop Grant (2023) for her project on ‘80 Years of the Bengal Famine: Decolonial Dialogues from the Global South’. She is a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society and Royal Anthropological Institute, and a Graduate and Early Career Representative on the British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS) Council.
Department of Sociology presents a talk on
Trans/Religiosities & the paradoxes of recognition in contemporary India
Speaker: Dr. Debanuj DasGupta
University of California, Santa Barbara
Date: December 22nd ,2023
Time: 2.30 pm
Venue: Sociology Seminar Room, Presidency University
A colloquium titled ‘Gender Awareness Programme’ (GAP) organised by Gender Sensitization and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Cell (GSPSHC)
The speakers are:
Dr. Jhuma Sen, Advocate, Calcutta High Court, Supreme Court; Professor of Law, Jindal Global Law School.
Dr. Nandini Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Institute of Development Studies.
Dr. Debdatta Chowdhury, Assistant Professor in Gender Studies, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences.
Debarati Sen, Junior Assistant, Department of English, Presidency University.
Barishan Ray, Post Graduate Student, Department of English, Presidency University.
Rajarshi Dhara, Post Graduate Student, Department of Bengali, Presidency University.
Date: 19th December’ 2023
Time: 3.30 pm onwards
Venue: A.K. Basak Auditorium
Industry-Academia Seminar Series, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
Speakers: Manisit Das, PhD, CMPP.
Medical Communications Manager, Global Medical Affairs, United Therapeutics Corporation, USA
Title of talk: “Industry Careers in Medical Affairs and Communications: A Chat“
Date and Time: 22 nd December, 2023 from 4:00- 5:00 PM
Venue: T1-1002, 10 th Floor, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
Special Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 19th December, 2023, 2.00PM @ Astrophysics Classroom
Speaker: Dr. Aritra Ghosh, University of Washington, USA
Title: Investigating Galaxy Morphology in Large Surveys Using Novel Machine Learning Frameworks.
প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের জ্যোতির্পদার্থবিদ্যা বিভাগ আয়োজিত সাপ্তাহিক আলোচনা
বক্তাঃ অধ্যাপক বিমান নাথ, রামন গবেষণা কেন্দ্র, বেঙ্গালুরু
বিষয়ঃ গ্যলাক্সির অশনি সঙ্কেত
সময় ও স্থানঃ ৩০ নভেম্বর, দুপুর ২টো ৩০ মি, এ. কে. বসাক প্রেক্ষাগৃহ
Department of English November Talk of Month 2023
The talk will be delivered by Dr. Parthasarathi Bhaumik on “Digital Archive: Indian Contexts" on 29th November, Wednesday at 3.30pm in Room 23 (TNS), Main building. PFA the poster of the event.
About the talk:
Based on personal experiences of working in various digital archiving projects in the British Library, UK, and the School of Cultural Texts and Records, Jadavpur University, I would like to share my ideas of archive, digital archive, and different challenges associated with them particularly in the Indian contexts . It would situate such projects in the contexts of ever-changing digital cultures of India vis-à-vis the world. The role of local and personal digital archives in place of big and expensive libraries and physical archives may turn out to be of advantage for a developing country like India, provided we harness technologies rightly for our purpose, and find ingenious ways for their use.
Parthasarathi Bhaumik is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. His recent publications are Bengalis in Burma: A Colonial Encounter (Routledge,UK, 2021), Nilkar Thomas Macheller Dinlipi (Signet, Ananda Publishers, Kolkata, 2023). He worked in the British Library, UK as a Chevening Fellow, and built a database on ‘Nationalism, Independence, and Partition in South Asia (1900–1950)' [ https://www.bl.uk/case-studies/parthasarathi-bhaumik ]. He taught South Asian cultures and history in the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan for the last two years. He is presently working on to build a digital archive of the manuscripts of Jibanananda Das.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 22nd November, 2023, 2.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Somnath Bhardwaj, IIT Kharagpur.
Title: Cosmology with the redshifted HI 21-cm line.
International Astronomical Union-Office of Astronomy for Education Teacher Training Workshop (Dec-1st & 2nd 2023)
A first of its kind workshop involving a university (Presidency University), College (Saint Xaviers College), and a School (Modern High School International) to bridge the gap at different levels of teaching with particular focus on the state of astronomy and astronomy education in India.
Some glimpses:
Moupiya Maji Talk
Ritaban Chatterjee explaining Seeing: IAU-TTP
IAU-OAE-TTP Workshop
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Arindam Talukdar,
Senior Principal Scientist
Professor, Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR)
Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Division
Head, Business Development Group
CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata
Title of talk:
“Agonism-Antagonism Interplay In Endosomal Toll-like Receptor (TLR): Rational Development Towards
Dual TLR7/9 Antagonist Against Psoriasis“
Date and Time:
22 nd November, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 1002, 10 th Floor, Tower 1,
Institute of Health Sciences,
Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Speaker: Dr. Supriya Pan, Department of Mathematics, Presidency University
Title: Are we living in the era of Tension Cosmology?
Date & time: 29th November (Wednesday), 2023 at 3.45pm((IST)
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
Regional Young Investigators Meeting (RYIM) Kolkata 2023 is being organized by Presidency University and several other institutions Organizers:
Grant support: Indiabioscience
Lead organizer: Dr Shubhra Majumder (Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University)
Co-organizers: Drs Somsubhra Nath, Chandrama Mukherjee (Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University); Arnab Gupta (IISER Kolkata); Nirmalya Sen (Bose Institute); Shilpak Chatterjee (IICB); Arunima Sengupta (Jadavpur University); Biswarup Basu (CNCI)
Date: 6-8 December, 2023
Venue: Institute of Health Science, Presidency University, Biswa Bangla Convention Center, Newtown and PC Mahalanobis Auditorium, main campus, Presidency University
Dignitaries: Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chairperson, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Former Chief Scientist of World Health Organization (WHO); Dr Anand Bachhawat, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali; Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Secretary, Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India; Dr Beena Pillai, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi; Dr Santosh Chauhan, CSIR-CCMB, Head of the institutions of major academic institutions and leading scientists and clinicians from Kolkata region.
Pre-conference workshop: Crafting Your Career’ workshop by IndiaBioscience for students pursuing PhD and M.Sc.
Special Lecture by Prof. Rangina Hamidi
Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University
Title: "Women and Development"
Nov 21st, 11AM, P C Mahalanobis Auditorium.
International lecture On
“Sonic Therapeutic Intervention for Strong will and Mind Power”
By Dr. Vasudev Das
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 8th November, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Manajit Sengupta, Chief Scientist in Predictive Analytics and Sensing, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA.
Title: Understanding Clouds and Radiation to Mitigate Climate Challenge.
The Department of History, Presidency University Kolkata, cordially invites you to the Fourth Satadru Sen Memorial Seminar on Friday 3rd November 2023, 2 PM onwards
at the P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, in the Baker Building, Presidency University, Kolkata.
This year’s lecture “Sovereigns of the Sea: Omani Ambition in the Age of Empire”, will be delivered by
Prof. Seema Alavi.
Seema Alavi is a professor of History at Ashoka University, India. She specializes in early modern and modern South Asia, with an interest in the transformation of the region’s legacy from Indo-Persian to one heavily affected by British colonial rule. She has written books on the military, medical and religious histories of India. Her most recent books are the Albert Hourani Award (Honorable Mention) winner, Muslim Cosmopolitanism in the age of Empire from Harvard University Press, USA; and Sovereigns of the Sea. Omani Ambition in the age of Empire, Penguin India, 2023.
Prof. Alavi’s talk puts the spotlight on the Asian elites who became integral to the functioning of the Indian Ocean in the age of Empire. It weaves the story of a family of Indian Ocean Sultans into the broader tapestry of world history. Putting the micro-optic on the Omani Sultans and their century long saga it retells the story of the Ocean carved as a political space where Asian and European aspirations competed. It shows how the Sultans made the most of Europeans who made a bee line to the Western Indian Ocean hungry for slaves, cloves, and ivory. They leveraged themselves to European economic concerns and politics, remained heeled in their own cultural tradition, and articulated their political ambitions. The talk forefronts these Asian imperial ambitions in the Ocean with important implications for the writing of global histories.
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Alok Ghosh
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta
Title of talk:
“Uncovering Ultra-rare Mitochondrial Disorders with Yeast Functional Genomics “
Date and Time:
11 th October, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 1002, 10 th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 11th October, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Lawrence Technological University, USA
Title: Select puzzles in flavor physics.
he Department of Political Science, Presidency University invites you
to the 27th Chandakumar Bhattacharya Memorial Lecture held in Association with the Council for Political Studies.
This year the lecture will be delivered by
Prof. Ramkumar Mukhopadhyay
on the theme ‘Bharatiya Shahityer Prantajon” (The Marginal/Subaltern in Indian Literature).
Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing
the Second Bhabatosh Datta Memorial Lecture on
1st November, 2023 in online mode from 6 PM.
Professor Amit Bhaduri,
Professor Emeritus, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Visiting Professor, Council for Social Development
will talk on
"Development with Full Employment".
All interested are requested to register using the link https://forms.gle/DoYLkPruWgPKt5mNA
by 28th October, 2023.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date, Time & Venue: 4th October, 2023, 3.30PM at P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium.
Speaker: Dr. Anupreeta More, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune.
Title: Detection of Gravitational Wave Sources and Gravitational Lensing Effects.
The Department of Sociology invites you to an event by Dr. Rosie Llewellyn-Jones, MBE, where she will be speaking about her latest book 'Empire Building: the Construction of British India 1690-1860'. The lecture will be held at the A.K. Basak Auditorium on Friday 6th October, from 3:00 pm.
Dr Rosie Llewellyn-Jones, MBE studied Urdu and Hindi at the School of Oriental & African Studies, London. Awarded a First Class Honours degree in Urdu and completed a PhD in 1980 which was subsequently published as A Fatal Friendship: the Nawabs, the British and the City of Lucknow.
She has written numerous articles and books on colonial India including a trilogy on Major General Claude Martin, and she is an honorary Old Martinian. Her book in the HarperCollins India series on India’s Historic Battles, Lucknow 1857 was published last year. And her new book Empire Building: the Construction of British India 1690-1860 is an unbiased look at the physical and other changes wrought by the East India Company. She is a member of the History Reclaimed Group of scholars.
Rosie lectures extensively in Britain and abroad. She was awarded an MBE in 2015 for services to BACSA and British Indian studies. She was archivist at the Royal Society for Asian Affairs until 2021 and is currently a Council member of the Royal Asiatic Society. She has visited India frequently, leading groups for major British-based tour companies, including Martin Randall and Indus Experiences.
Introduction to Polaniyan Political Economy Poster
The Problem and Promise of Coproduced Water Services: Implications from Ecuador for the Global South Poster
Industry-Academia Seminar Series, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
1. Mr. Debajyoti Sen Asst. Regional Manager – Spinco
2. Mr. Jayanta Mahato. Sr. Field Application Specialist – Spinco
Title of talk: “Recent Trends on Health Science Studies Using Advanced Mass Spectrometry Techniques “
Date and Time: 27th September, 2023 from 4:00- 5:00 PM
Venue: T1-1002, 10th Floor, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2nd Campus
The Department of History, Presidency University Kolkata,
cordially invites you to
the Third Subodh Kumar Mukhopadhyay Memorial Seminar on
Wednesday 27th September 2023, 2 PM onwards at the
P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, in the Baker Building, Presidency University, Kolkata.
This year’s lecture
"In the Hagiographic Mode: Writing the Lives of Abu Bakr Siddiqi of Furfura in Colonial Bengal'',
will be delivered by
Dr. Rajarshi Ghose.
Dr. Ghose is Faculty, at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta.
A talk on
"Peri-urban dynamics in the Global South: Theoretical reflections and empirical insights"
by Dr. Alexander Follmann,
University of Cologne, Germany.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 27th September, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Dhruba Gupta, Department of Physical Sciences, Bose Institute, Kolkata.
Title: The Cosmological Lithium Problem in Nuclear Astrophysics.
National Seminar on
"Climate Change: A vision for water safety and security"
to be held on 22nd September, 2023 at 2 pm
in the Derozio Hall.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 20th September, 2023, 3.30PM @ A.K. Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Mala Das, High Energy Nuclear & Particle Physics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata.
Title: The Initiative of Dark Matter Direct Search at Jaduguda Underground Science Laboratory, India.
Speaker: Prof. Utpal Chattopadhyay, IACS, Kolkata
Title: Low-Energy Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: A Brief Overview
Date & time: 20th September, 2023 at 3.45pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
Nonlinear Dynamics is an emerging field of intense interest in modern research. It has
a wide applicability in Condensed Matter Physics, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics,
Atmospheric Physics, and even in modern Biology and Chemistry. The fixed points of nonlinear differential equations determine the equilibrium phases of various Physical and Chemical systems and the limit cycles help to understand the periodic environmental situation in Atmospheric Science (Nobel Prize in 2021) and circadian rhythm of normal cardiac operations. The Glycolytic phenomena can also be explained through the limit cycle, an interesting outcome of two dimensional nonlinear systems. The event will be organized by the students of the Physics Department of Presidency University on 27th September 2023, in the afternoon.
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Prof. Dwaipayan Bharadwaj,
Systems Genomics Laboratory, School of Biotechnology
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Title of talk:
“GWAS to function: Indian story of type 2 diabetes “
Date and Time:
20 th September, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 1001, 10 th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Speaker: Dr. Sammriddhi Sankar Ray, ICTS, Bangalore
Title: In what sense are bacterial suspensions turbulent?
Date & time: 13th September, 2023 at 3.45pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
Professor Aditya Goenka, University of Birmingham, UK will talk on Health and Economic
Inequality During Pandemics: A Heterogeneous Agent Perspective on 5 th September, 2023 at
3.30 PM in Economics Lecture Theatre of the Department of Economics, Presidency
All interested are requested to join.
Department of Economics, Presidency University along with OIKOS, the Economics Society is organizing an online lecture by Ms. Subhra Bhattacharjee on 8 th September, 2023 from 7 PM. Ms. Bhattacharjee is an alumna of the Department of Economics and is currently the Strategic Planner and the Head of the United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office in Bahrain. She will deliver a talk on Global Development Priorities- the 2030 agenda. All interested are requested to join using the following link : Click Here
The Department of History, Presidency University Kolkata, cordially invites you to the
annual Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Seminar on
7 th September 2023, 3 PM onwards at the P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, in the Baker Building, Presidency University, Kolkata.
This year’s lecture “Hindutva and the Idea of India”, will be delivered
by Professor Rajat Kanta
Ray. Prof. Ray is former Head of Department, Presidency College, and former VC,Vishwabharati University.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 23rd August, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Pratik Majumdar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Title: Multimessenger Astroparticle Physics Using Photons and Neutrinos.
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Krishnananda Chattopadhyay,
Chief Scientist & Head, Structural Biology & Bioinformatics Division
CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology
Title of talk:
“Protein conformation, dynamics and aggregation: from test tubes to human diseases“
Date and Time:
23rd August, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2nd Campus (Newtown) Kolkata.
Speaker: Professor Debades Bandyopadhyay, Retired Professor of SINP, Kolkata
Title: Spectacular Supernova and Wonders of Neutron Stars
Date & time: 23rd August, 2023 at 3.45pm (IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2), Department of Physics.
প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় , কলকাতা রাষ্ট্রবিঞ্জান বিভাগ
আয়োজিত আলোচোনা সভা
বিষয়ঃ মহাভারতে নিম্নবর্গ
বক্তা - দেবীদাস আচার্য
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 16th August, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Priyarshini Ghosh, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Title: Overcoming Engineering Problems in a Zinc-Sulfide Plastic Scintillator and Introducing a Quantum Dot Gel-Based Scintillator
Royal Society of Chemistry and Presidency University Jointly Organizes
ChemCareers India on 22 August 2023 09:30 AM – 5:00 PM, Department of Chemistry
Presidency University Kolkata, India
The Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing an online special lecture on
"Political Economy of Indian Planning"
by Professor Anjan Chakrabarti, Department of Economics, University of Calcutta
on 12th August, 2023 from 11 AM to 1 PM.
All interested are requested to join.
Joining Link
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 9th August, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Sibasish Laha, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Title: The Fascinating Stories of Supermassive Black Holes at the Centers of Active Galaxies
Department of Political Science, Presidency University invites you for Book Discussion Body on the
Barricades : Life Art and Resistance in Contemporary India
By Dr. Brahma Prakash.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 2nd August, 2023, 3.30PM @ P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Subhadeep De, IUCAA
Title: Quantum Clock for Exploring Fundamental Science
Dr. Sounak Thakur, Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
will deliver a series of two lectures on
'Difference-in-differences: applications and extensions'
on 1st September, 2023.
Lectures will cover - difference in difference approach: Introduction, two-way fixed effects models, event study models: introduction, limitations, extensions.
Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing a special lecture on
"Demographic dividend in India: Is it a ‘Demographic Gift’ or a ‘Demographic Burden’?"
by Dr. Saswata Ghosh, Associate Professor, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK)
on 2nd August, 2023 at 3.30 PM in the Economics Lecture Theater.
Abstract is in the attached Flyer.
All interested are welcome.
Economics Department, Presidency University is organising a two-day International Conference
“Issues in Economic Theory and Policy”
on 27 & 28 December, 2023.
The Prof. Nirmal Kanti Majumdar lectures will be given by Prof. Kaushik Basu (Cornell
University) (to be confirmed), Prof. Arnab Basu (Cornell University), Prof. Lata Gangadharan
(Monash University), Prof. Nancy Chau (Cornell University) and Prof. Pushkar Maitra (Monash
Speaker: Dr. Biplab Pal, Kaliachak College, Malda
Date & time: 19th July 2023 at 3.45pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhiri Lecture Hall (PLT-2), Department of Physics
Title: The fascinating world of "Flat band Physics": Theory and experiment
The Deep Hydrosphere
Speaker: Prof. Mainak Mookherjee
The Department of Sociology invites you to a draft feedback workshop in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata and Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung South Asia on
‘Revisiting the Craft of History Writing for Children’
on 27.06.2023.
Venue: The A.K. Basak Auditorium
Time: 11:15 am. to 3:15 pm
5th June is the Last date of registration for Poster & Science-toon, Extempore, Photography.
Speaker: Prof. Sitabhra Sinha, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
Title: The "fearful" symmetry: Nonlinear dynamics of pattern formation in biology
Date & time: 2nd June, 2023, Friday at 2.30pm (IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri lecture hall (PLT-2)
Speaker: Prof. Joy Mitra, IISER, TVM
Title:Materials with Vanishing Dielectric Constants: Epsilon Near Zero
Date & Time: 25th May 2023 at 2.30pm (IST
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
Professor Gautam Bose, School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney will
talk on Contest Theory on 3 rd May, 2023 at 3 PM in Economics Lecture Theatre of the
Department of Economics, Presidency University.
All interested are requested to join.
Professor Apurav Yash Bhatiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of
will deliver an online lecture titled
" Expected Benefits and Costs of Migration
for Rural Youth: Experimental Evidence from India"
on 18 th April, 2023 at 7 PM (IST) via
Google Meet
Abstract of the talk
Teaching and Learning Workshop at the School of Astrophysics.
Invited Lecture: Prof. M. Sivakumar, Hyderabad Central University
Title: "Physics Higher Education, Problems and Prospects"
Date and Time: April 12th, 2.30PM at P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Panel Discussion: The Changing Face of Higher Education in India
Speaker: Prof. Gour P. Das, Emeritus Professor, TCG-CREST, Kolkata
Title: The 2D materials Renaissance
Date & time: 19th April, 2023 at 4.30 pm(IST)
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 5th April, 2023, 3.45PM @ A K Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Debasish Majumder, SINP
Title: A Humble Account of Multifaceted Dark Matter
Speaker: Dr. Arnab Saha, Calcutta University
Title: Physics of Life
Date & Time: 5th April, 2023 at 4.30pm (IST)
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 29th March, 2023, 3.30PM @ MLT-1 Department of Mathematics
Speaker: Dr. Jayanta Dutta, HRI
Title: Formation of the very FIRST STARS (primordial stars) in the Universe, and their survival possibility
Speaker: Prof. Utpal Chattopadhyay, IACS, Kolkata
Title: Status of Low Energy Supersymmetry in Particle Physics
Date & time: 29th March, 2023 at 4.30pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
The Department of Physics and the School of Astrophysics Presents
4th Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Memorial Lecture (Centenary Tribute)
TITLE: 'Classical Gravitational Radiation Using Quantum Gravity'
SPEAKER. Padmabhusan Prof. Ashoke Sen, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS)
CHAIR: Prof. Biswarup Mukhopadhyaya, IISER Kolkata
DATE & TIME: 8th April 2023; 2:00 PM IST
VENUE: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre, Presidency University
Program Card
Youtube Link
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 22nd March, 2023, 3.30PM @ PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, Syracuse University
Title: "Seeing" supernova neutrinos in Dark Matter detectors
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Pinaki Chaudhuri, Professor, IMSc, Chennai.
Title: Exploring the world of disordered solids.
Date & time: 22nd March, 2023 at 3.45pm((IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
Professor Arindam Mandal, Department of Economics, Siena College, USA
will deliver an online lecture titled
"US financial crisis: Lessons for India"
on 21st March, 2023 at 6.30 PM (IST).
All interested may register via
before 19th March, 2023.
Life Science Colloquium (March 2023)
Date: 15th March 2023, Wednesday at 3-00 P.M.
Speaker: Dr. Ritesh Ranjan Pal, Assistant Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Jadavpur, Kolkata
Title of the talk: Membranous Nanotube: A Novel CORE-associated Conduit for Bacterial Intra- and Inter-kingdom Communications
Venue: Physiology Lecture Theatre - 1 (DLS)
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 15th March, 2023, 2.30PM @ A K Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Ritesh Ghosh, NASA Goddard
Title: The curious case of Changing-Look Active Galactic Nuclei (CLAGNs)
Physics colloquium, Department of Physics, Presidency University
Speaker: Dr. Arindam Kundagrami, IISER, Kolkata
Title:Soft Condensed Matter Physics: A Few Basic Principles.
Date & Time: 15th March, 2023 at 3.45pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
The Department of Economics, Presidency University and the Presidency
University Young Entrepreneurs’ Society are jointly organizing Entrepreneurship Summit 2023
on 15th March 2023.
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University
All interested are requested to register via
by 10th March, 2023 (5 PM)
Please see the details of the programme in the attached brochure.
Celebration of National Science Day 2023 by Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
a. Scientific Rangoli Display
b. Scientific Image Display
c. Quiz Competition
d. Extempore
Prof. Mitali Chatterjee, Professor, Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata
Prof. Susanta Roychoudhury, Professor, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata
Dr. Sangram Bagh, Associate Professor, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physic, Kolkata.
Date and Time: 28th Feb, 2023 at 11:00 AM- 4:00 PM (IST)
Venue: T1-1002, 10th Floor, Institute of Health Science, Presidency University, Rajarhat Campus
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 1st March, 2023, 3.30PM @ A K Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Ritoban Basu Thakur, NASA JPL
Title: The earliest achievable glimpses of our universe: how quantum technology enables cosmological and astrophysical science.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 22nd February, 2023, 3.30PM @ MLT1, Mathematics Department
Speaker: Prof. Koushik Dutta, IISER Kolkata
Title: Some Implications of Early Matter-Dominated Epoch
Dr. Dwaipayan Chakrabarti of School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK
will deliver a Lecture on
"Colloids Get Creative: Key to Open Crystals"
in the Department of Chemistry, Presidency University.
Schedule of the Lecture is as follows:
February 22, 2023, Wednesday
2.30 pm at CLT1
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 15th February, 2023, 3.30PM @ PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Amitava Datta, University of Western Australia
Title: Application of deep learning in astrophysics
Outreach Program in Mathematics, Statistics and Cryptology (with Mathematical Quiz)
organized by Department of Mathematics, Presidency University, Kolkata
in association with R C Bose Centre for Cryptology and Security, Indian Statistical Institute and Heritage Institute of Technology
on 10th February at 10:30 pm.
The venue of the workshop is P C Mahalanobis Auditorium.
Special Seminar at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 10th February, 2023, 11:00am @ AK Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Subhayan Roy Choudhury, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 8th February, 2023, 3.30PM @ PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Parthasarathi Majumdar, IACS
Title: Must we quantize Gravity ?
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Dr Arnab Barik,
Assistant Professor & DBT-Wellcome India Alliance Intermediate Fellow
Centre For Neuroscience, Indian Institute Science (IISc), Bangalore
Title of talk:
“Central Circuits for Pain and Itch“
Date and Time:
2 nd February, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5 th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 1st February, 2023, 3.30PM @ AK Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Manik Banik, SNBNCBS
Title: Bell’s theorem: The Most Profound Discovery of Science
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Dr. Rwik Sen,
Field Application Scientist
Active Motif, Inc.
California, USA
Title of talk:
The importance of cutting-edge epigenetics technology in CLL as a disease model and single-cell
multiome in epigenetics research
Date and Time:
18 th January, 2023 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5 th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 18th January, 2023, 3.30PM @ PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Indranil Chattopadhyay, ARIES
Title: Effect of composition in determining the solution of matter flow in relativistic astrophysics
On behalf of the Department of History, Presidency University, we are very pleased to invite you all to the 8th Distinguished Lecture on Modern Indian History. This talk "Vivekananda: A New Vision", will be delivered by Professor Ruth Harris (Professor, All Souls' College, University of Oxford) on Wednesday, 1.02.2023, at 2 pm at the P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium.
Professor Ruth Harris is a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls’ College and Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford. She has been awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for research in French History and the Wolfson History Prize for her work. In 2011, Professor Harris was elected a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), the UK's national academy for the humanities and the social sciences. She has published widely in the history of science and medicine, the history of gender and religion, and the history of politics and emotion.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 11th January, 2023, 3.30PM @ PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Mukul Bhattacharya, Penn State University
Title: Magnetised outflows as potential sites of heavy element nucleosynthesis and high-energy neutrinos
The Indian Physics Association in association with the School of Astrophysics ,Presidency University presents the Second PAVINARI Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Suchetana Chatterjee, Presidency University
Time: 2 PM PC Mahalonobis Auditorium
Title: Harvard's Computers: The Legacy of the Stellar Women
Department of Economics, Presidency University, is organizing
the Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture 2023
on 21 st January, 2023.
Professor Amiya Kumar Bagchi will talk on
“From political economy to development studies”
at 2.30 PM. For details see the brochure.
Please complete your registration by 17 January 2023 using https://forms.gle/Vq6e1vn6oZoUeXwq7
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Dr Niharika Sahoo Bhattacharya,
Assistant Professor
Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law
Faculty of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Engineering
IIT Kharagpur
Title of talk:
“Patenting Biotechnology Invention“
Date and Time:
21st December, 2022 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2nd Campus (Newtown) Kolkata.
Special Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date and Time: 16th December, 2022, 2PM @ AK Basak Auditorium
Speaker: Dr. Arka Banerjee, IISER Pune
Title: Cosmology with nonlinear structure formation: Simulations and Statistics
Life Science Colloquium (December 2022)
Date: 7th December, Wednesday at 3-00 P.M.
Speaker: Dr. Saugata Hazra, Associate Professor, Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, IIT Roorkee
Research area: Bioengineering
Title: Design and Development of multilevel diagnostics toward identifying beta-lactamase based Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Under the banner of the National Space Science Symposium-2022, Presidency University presents
Outreach program for School students in Bangla
Dec 7th, Presidency Booth, Science City Kolkata
Bangla Public Lecture by Prof. Somak Raychaudhuri
Dec 9th, Derozio Hall, Presidency University
মাতৃভাষায় বিঞ্জান প্রসার অনুষ্ঠান
মহাবিশ্বের ভবিষ্যৎ
মহাবিশ্বের ভবিষ্যৎ (Youtube)
Bangla Space Quiz Glimpses
Presidency Booth at NSSE, Science City
Online International Seminar on Mathematics and Its Applications on 2nd December, 2022 over Google Meet.
Department of Political Science, Presidency University
Invites you to an interactive session and a talk by
Prof. Subrata Mukherjee
(Retd. Professor, Political Science, University of Delhi)
The Political Ideas of Rabindranath Tagore: Reflections of a Public Intellectual
Date: 29th November 2022, Tuesday
Time: 2 pm onwards
Venue: Political Science Seminar Room, Derozio Building
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2022 Susobhan Chandra Sarkar Memorial Lecture, scheduled to be held on 05 December, 2022, at 4 pm. The event is jointly organized by the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata & Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad.
Speaker: Prof. Shovanlal Dattagupta, Retd. S. N. Banerjee Chair Professor, Department of Political Science, Calcutta University.
Date & Venue: Monday, 05 December 2022 at 4 PM. at P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are welcome.
Life Science Colloquium (November 2022)
Date: 23rd November, Wednesday at 3-00 P.M.
Speaker: Dr. Sharmila Bhattacharya, Senior Program Scientist, NASA, USA
Research area: Space Biology
Title: Effects of Spaceflight on Biological Systems
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Public Lecture
Title: Future Roadmap for Particle Physics: A decade after the Higgs boson discovery at the Large
Hadron Collider
Speaker: Prof. Subir Sarkar, SINP
19th Nov 2022, PCM Auditorium, 11am
Chair: Prof. Anirban Kundu, Calcutta University
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Dr. Rahul Roychowdhury,
Consultant, Gynaecological Oncologist
Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre and Research Institute
Thakurpukur, Kolkata
Title of talk:
High Grade Endometrial Cancer and Its Management- An Analysis of Molecular Data to Define
Date and Time:
16 th November, 2022 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 306, 3 rd Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Partha Nandi , SNBNCBS,
Date and Time: November 9th, 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Title: The Kink of the Gravitational Waves in a Oscillator Detector: An Emergent Geometrical Phase shift.
The Geological Institute, Presidency University is delighted to announce the
next lecture which will be held on the 10th of November, 2022 (Thursday).
We are honoured to have Rajdeep Dasgupta, Maurice Ewing Professor in
Earth System Science, Rice University who will be delivering an intriguing
talk on the topic "Earth's Carbon Cycle and Long-term Climate". The venue
for the lecture is the P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University,
Kolkata and it will begin at 3:00 pm.
We are also glad to announce that this event will be open to all students of
Geology/Applied Geology. Students from institutions other than Presidency
University, Kolkata are welcome to attend this lecture. They are requested to
carry an Identity Card that'll be verified at the University gate to gain access to
the premises. We warmly welcome you all and hope to see you join us.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Sanskriti Das , Stanford University,
Date and Time: November 2nd, 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Title: Surprises from the X-ray observations of the hot circumgalactic medium
Public Seminar, Dept. of Life Sciences and Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
Speaker: Prof. Partha P. Majumder, Distinguished Professor and Founder, National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani;
National Science Chair (Scientific Excellence), Government of India
Date and Time: 20th October, 2022 from 3.30 PM (IST)
Venue: P.C Mahalanobis Hall, Presidency University Main Campus, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata-700073
Prof. Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar of Center for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences (II), Jawaharlal Nehru University will talk on “Basic Auction Theory” on 21st October, 2022 at 6.30 PM (online).
All interested may register using the link in the attached brochure on or before 19th October, 2022.
The abstract of the talk is in the attached brochure.
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University is pleased to invite you to
the Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series- (32nd) on
19/10/2022 Wednesday, at 3.30.pm (IST).
Speaker - Dr.Garima Dhabhai, Asst. Professor, Political Science, PU, Kolkata.
Topic - "Old Cities, New Facades: Political Economy of Heritage Conservation in India”
at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Department of Hindi.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Rukaiya Khatoon , North West University, South Africa
Date and Time: October 19th, 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Title: Understanding Blazars through Temporal and Spectral properties
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Annual Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture 2022
"Calcutta Docks, Indentured Labour Migration and the Girmitya experience: Stories from British Guyana and Fiji"
Professor Rajsekhar Basu
(Professor in History, Department of History, University of Calcutta)
Friday, 21 October 2022
02:00 pm (IST)
Venue: P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Date: 12th October, 3.30PM
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Surhud More, IUCAA
Title: Cosmology and Astrophysics from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey
Department of Economics is organizing the First Bhabatosh Datta Memorial Lecture on
14th October, 2022 in online mode.
Barbara Harriss-White, FACSS, Emeritus Professor and Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford University will talk
on “Behind the crisis: Two histories of knowledge production for Indian agriculture,"
at 7 PM (IST).
All interested are requested to register by 10th October, 2022.
Details are in the attached brochure
SERB-SSR program- Visit of college students
Coordinator: Dr. Susmita Mondal
Participating college: Sammilani Mahavidyalay, Baghajatin, Kolkata-94
Date & time: 28th September 2022 10:15 am to 5:30 pm
Venue: Department of Life Sciences
Special Colloquium in Physics
Speaker: Dr. Vijay Chakkadi, IISER, Pune
Date & time: 13th October 2022 at 3:45pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2), Department of physics, PU
Title: Nonequilibrium assembly of colloidal particles in active liquids
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Dhruba Dutta Chowdhury, Yale University
Title: Constraining Dark Matter with Gravitational Heating and Cooling Processes
Date and Time: September 28th 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Special Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Prof. Dipankar Banerjee, Director, ARIES
Title: Aditya L1: India’s own solar mission to study the variability of the Sun
Date and Time: 11.45 AM on September 26th
Venue: Physics Lecture Theater 3
Industry- Academia Webinar Series, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
Speaker: Dr. Zou Yu, Technical Sales Specialist, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Title of talk: “The power of CRISPR: Understanding the precision genome editing technology “
Date and Time: 21st September, 2022 from 4:30- 5:30 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/nLqxZ83M5XtPHYx1A
Last date of registration: 20th September, 2022,12 noon.
On behalf of the Geological Institute, we take the pleasure of inviting you to the 99th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Geological Institute, Presidency University, Kolkata, to be held on 26th September (Monday) 2022 from 2:30 pm (IST).
After two years of online activity due to the pandemic, we are glad to be able to organize the AGM at our favourite venue, the Old Lecture Theatre (OLT), Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata.
It will also be an absolute privilege for us to be announcing the release of the 62nd edition of 'Bhu-Vidya’ on the same day.
On this occasion, our honourable speaker, Prof. Dibyendu Nandi, Department of Physical Sciences, IISER Kolkata, will be delivering a talk on the topic, "Our Astrophysical Ecosystem: How the Stars Govern Planetary Habitability" from 3:30 PM (IST), Venue P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Your presence at this event will be highly valuable to us. See you soon!
SERB-SSR Physics seminar
Speaker: Dr. Sandeep Ghugre, Centre-Director, UGC-DAE-CSR, Kolkata
Title: New Age Experimentation in Nuclear Physics: The Kolkata Chapter
Date & time: 28th September 2022 at 3.45 pm(IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2), Department of Physics, PU
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Tapas Baug, SNBNCBS
Title: Formation of massive stars: Observational signatures of newly evolved theories
Date and Time: September 21st 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University is pleased to invite you to
the Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series (31st)
on 14/09/2022 Wednesday, at 3.15.pm (IST).
Speaker - Dr. Ved Raman Pandey,
Topic - "Hindi in Mauritius"
at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Department of Hindi.
Prof. Aditya Goenka of Birmingham University will talk on “Covid policy making and role
of Economists: A personal view based on the UK experience” on 14 th September, 2022 at
3.30 PM in the Economics Lecture Theatre of the Department of Economics. All interested
may register via https://bit.ly/3BeFxAc. The deadline for registration is 11 th September, 2022
(by 8 P.M.) The abstract of the talk is in the attached poster.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Soumya Chakrabarti, SNBNCBS
Title: Late-time Cosmology with Variation of Fundamental Couplings
Date and Time: September 14th 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Barun Raychaudhuri, Professor of Physics, Presidency University
Title: Sir J. C. Bose: Told and Untold
Date & time: 21st September 2022 at 3.45 pm(IST)
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Second Subodh Kumar Mukhopadhyay Memorial Lecture 2022
"A Cultural and Cursive History of Scripts: Some Perspectives from Western India"
Professor Prachi Deshpande
(Professor in History at Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta)
Thursday, 15 September 2022
04:00 pm (IST)
Department of Political Science
Presidency University, Kolkata
Invites you to a screening of the documentary
“Hakan's Journey to Peace”
Followed by a lecture to mark the birth centenary of
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
'Relevance of Political Philosophy of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman'
Mr . Shahriar Kabir (Noted Human Rights Activist and Film Maker)
Chief Guest: Honorable Deputy High Commissioner of
Bangladesh in Kolkata, Mr. Andalib Elias
On Wednesday, 31st August, 2022
Time: 2 pm
Venue: P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, 1st Floor of Baker Building, Presidency University
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Debanjan Bose, SNBNCBS
Title: Messengers of High Energy Universe : Cosmic Rays, Gamma-rays and Neutrinos
Date and Time: September 7th 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Achintya Pal, IAPT
Title: Voyager Mission and the voice of Indian Classical Music
Date and Time: August 31st 3.30 PM
Venue: TBA
Kolkata Partition Museum Trust in collaboration with the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you to the Inaugural Lecture (of the Annual Lecture Series), titled
"Bengal's tortuous road to Partition: What do the historians say?".
The lecture will be delivered by Prof. Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, Emeritus Professor of History, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Date & Time: Friday, 26 August 2022, 4:30 pm (IST)
Venue: P. C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Prof. Soumen Mondal, SNBNCBS
Title: Star-formation, Pre-main Sequence Stars and Very Low Mass stars to Brown Dwarfs: Physical Insights
Date and Time: August 24th 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Reflections on Development Economics
Lecture-II: Measuring monetary policy shocks in emerging economies: Evidence from India
The Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing lecture by Dr. Rajeswari
Sengupta, Associate Professor of Economics, IGIDR, Mumbai on 17 th August, 2022 at 3.30
PM in the Economics Lecture Theatre. All are welcome.
Colloquium at the School of Astrophysics
Speaker: Prof. Ushasi Datta, SINP, Kolkata
Title: Nuclei around the drip-line and its impact on the cosmic events
Date and Time: August 17th 3.30 PM
Venue: P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
School of Astrophysics Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Namrata Roy, University of California at Santa Cruz.
Title: Star formation suppression and feedback in nearby passive galaxies
Time: 3:30-4:30 PM, August 10th 2022, P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Anindya Ghose-Choudhury, Professor of Physics, DHWU
Title: Jacobi's last multiplier and its application to nonlinear ODEs
Date and time: 17th August 2022 at 3.45 pm (IST)
Venue: Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Prof. Soumen Paul,
Professor and Director of Graduate Program, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Director, Center for Perinatal Research, Institute for Reproduction and Perinatal Research
University of Kansas Medical Center,
Title of talk:
“Molecular Controls of Trophoblast Cell-Lineage Commitment During Mammalian Development“
Date and Time:
12 th August, 2022 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5 th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2 nd Campus
(Newtown) Kolkata.
Reflections on Development Economics
Lecture-I: Testing for Spatial Dependence in a Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) Model in the
Presence of Endogenous Regressors
The Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing lecture by Malabika Koley,
Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on 5 th August,
2022 at 3.30 PM in the Economics Lecture Theatre. All are welcome.
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Third Satadru Sen Memorial Lecture 2022
" Benoy Kumar Sarkar's Asian Odyssey "
Professor Sugata Bose
(Gardiner Professor of Oceanic History and Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, USA)
Monday, 22 August 2022
04:00 pm (IST)
School of Astrophysics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Sunanda Banerjee, IACS.
Title: Fifty Years of Experimental High Energy Physics
Time: 3-4 PM, August 3rd 2022, P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
Title: Unraveling Exotic Magnetic Phenomena in Two-Dimension
Speaker: Dr. Sukanya Ghosh
Materials Theory Division
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Uppsala University, Sweden
Abstract: The recent discovery of two-dimensional (2D) van-der-Waals (vdW) materials have developed increasing attention as they show new directions to explore magnetism in low-dimension with potential applications in spintronics. Materials belong to this class acquire exotic magnetic and spin related phenomena which can be controlled by the application of (small-scale) external perturbations. My talk will focus on the interesting properties and features, for example, magnetic, electronic, spin-orbit coupling, spin-texture, effect of electron correlation, etc., present in different types of 2D magnets ranging from insulator to metal.
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University is pleased to invite you to the Tagore Lecture Series (6th) on 29th July, 2022 Friday, at 1pm (IST). Eminent Hindi poet - Critic Prof. Sadanand Shahi will be delivering a lecture on "Begampur ke Kavi : Sant Raidas" at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Department of Hindi.
The Economics Department, Presidency University will organize a seven-day faculty upgradation workshop on “Exploring space: An introduction to spatial statistics & econometrics” between 22 - 29 August 2022.
Details are given in the Brochure.
Title: Entropy-induced organization: Lessons from bacterial chromosomes
Speaker: Prof. Apratim Chatterjee, IISER, Pune
Date & time: 25th July 2022 at 3.30pm(IST)
Venue: Department of Physics, PLT-2 (Amal Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall)
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Dr. Sourish Ghosh,
Senior Scientist, Infectious Disease & Immunology Division, CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Division.
Title of talk:
“New Breeding Grounds Revealed for Stomach Viruses: Think Before you Kiss…“
Date and Time:
22nd July, 2022 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Room No. 502, 5th Floor, Tower 1, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University- 2nd Campus (Newtown) Kolkata.
Astrophysics Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Shashwata Ganguly, University of Cologne
Title: Morphology, fragmentation, and dynamic balance: an investigation into early stages of structure formation in molecular clouds
Time: 3-4 PM, July 20th 2022, P C Mahalanobis Auditorium
YouTube Link
Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata, India is pleased to invite you and your research group to attend and submit research abstracts at the
International Conference (online) titled 'Biomolecules to Biome'
to be held on 24th - 25th August 2022.
The following speakers will be delivering keynote lecture at the conference:
Prof. Asim Kanti Duttaroy, Department of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway and
Prof. Alain Nepveu, Department of Oncology, Biochemistry and Medicine, McGill University, Canada.
Please visit our website https://sites.google.com/view/presidency-conference/home for further information.
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Sayan Kar, IIT Kharagpur
Title: Physics with springs and pendula
Date and time: 22nd June, 2022 at 3.45pm(IST)
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Professor Diptiman Sen, IISc, Bangalore
Title: Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 -- Flatland and Topology
Date & time: 15th June, 2022 at 4.15pm(IST)
Venue: PLT-1 (Meghnad Saha Auditorium), Department of Physics, PU
Margaret A McLaren will deliver a talk
Gender & Globalization
organized by Department of Philosophy
on 15.06.2022
Webinar on Career Opportunities in Biotechnology, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
Speaker: Ms. Rimly Roy, Mentor and Consultant, Frame Learning
Title of talk: “Global Opportunities On PhD Abroad “
Date and Time: 10th June, 2022 from 4:00- 5:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: Click Here
Last date of registration: 9th June, 2022.
Marine Ecology Laboratory Department of Life Sciences Presidency University, Kolkata
in association with Aquaphile
on the occasion of
World Ocean Day
on 8th June 2022
The Department of English
invites you to a talk on
“Made in America”:
Donald J. Trump and the Fantasylands of the Superhero Renaissance
for the Talk of the Month May 2022
Terence McSweeney
Senior Lecturer
Solent University Southampton
May 24, 2022
Tuesday, 5.30 pm IST
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/vcg-ecsp-feb
About the Talk:
The superhero has been an indelible part of American cultural identity since the iconic figures of Superman (June 1938) and Captain America (March 1941) battled America’s ideological enemies abroad during World War Two (1939-1945) offering a projection of how America saw itself on the global stage in comics as they have now done for the last twenty years on the cinema screens in the most financially successful and culturally impactful genre of the modern era.
From their early years, referred to as the Golden Age by comics scholars (1938-56), a period during which both Donald Trump (1946) and Joe Biden (1942) were born, through the Silver Age (1956-70), into the Bronze Age (1970-84), and the Modern Age (1984-), they provide us with the most powerful and enduring encapsulations of American Exceptionalism, a concept Robert Patman described as the “pervasive faith in the uniqueness, immutability and superiority of the country’s founding liberal principles, and also with the conviction that the USA has a special destiny among nations”. Into the new millennium, when this idea remains just as pervasive for many Americans although held up to greater scrutiny than ever before at home and abroad, the superhero underwent a cultural resurgence as these synecdochal avatars of American identity re-emerged at a time of crisis in the American experiment. In this talk Terence McSweeney explores the dimensions of the superhero film, debates their cultural relevance, impact and interrogates their connections to complicated notions of national identity in the twenty-first century.
About the Speaker:
Dr Terence McSweeney is a senior lecturer in Film and Television studies at Solent University. He is widely recognised as one of the leading writers on contemporary American cinema. He has held research posts at the University of Oxford, Queen Mary University of London, the Institute of Advanced Studies at UCL, and the London School of Economics. He is the author of The War on Terror and American Film: ‘9/11 Frames per Second’ (Edinburgh University Press, 2014), Avengers Assemble! Critical Perspectives on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Wallflower Press, 2018), The Hurt Locker (Auteur Press, 2019) and The Contemporary Superhero Film (Short Cuts) (Wallflower Press, 2020). He is the editor of American Cinema in the Shadow of 9/11 (Edinburgh University Press, 2016), co-editor of Millennial Cinema: Memory in Global Film (Wallflower Press, 2012) and co-editor of Through the Black Mirror: Deconstructing the Side Effects of the Digital Age (Palgrave Macmillan, 2019) with Dr Stuart Joy, which features contributions from renowned scholars such as Henry Jenkins, Sean Redmond, Steffen Hantke, M. Keith Booker and many others.
Terence’s newest book, Black Panther: Interrogating a Cultural Phenomenon (2021), is the first in a new series he is the co-founder of at Mississippi University Press (alongside Dr Stuart Joy) called Reframing Hollywood.
Terence is a Senior Fellow of the HEA. In 2018 he won a Solent University STAR Teaching Award in the category of 'Excellent Feedback', and in 2019 was shortlisted for the Solent Excellence in Teaching Award. In 2018 he was the recipient of the 2019 Everett Helm Fellowship Prize at the Lilly Library, Indiana University. He has been invited to speak at a range of locations including the BFI (British Film Institute), the British Library and UCL. In 2019 Terence completed his first film, the 30-minute long documentary Blowback: The 9/11 Wars in Global Film (co-directed with former Solent student George Lee), a companion piece to Terence’s book of the same name, which won the Best Documentary Short Film at the Belfast Respect Human Rights Film Festival.
Physics colloquium on 1st June, 2022
Speaker: Prof. Amit Dutta, IIT Kanpur
Title: Quantum Phase transitions: equilibrium and non-equilibrium
ICCMSP 2022 Video Playlist
YouTube Link
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to attend a Special Lecture on
"Taj Mahal or Tejo Mahalaya?"
Prof. Syed Ali Nadeem Rezavi
Professor Medieval Indian History, Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
Saturday, 14 May 2022
03:00 pm (IST)
Venue: A K Basak Auditorium, PU, Kolkata
Department of Chemistry, Presidency University is going to organise "25th CHEMIQUIZ & Seminars"
on May 12-13, 2022.
The entire programme will be held in P. C. Mahalonobis Auditorium.
On May 12, 2022, three lectures will be delivered by Professor Ranjit Biswas, S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Science, Professor Dilip Maity, University of Calcutta and Dr. Partha Mahata, Jadavpur University.
On 13th May, 2022, All Bengal Intercollege Chemiquiz will be held.
Speaker: Professor G. Baskaran, IMSc. Chennai
Title: Emergence in Quantum Materials
Date & time: 11th May 2022 at 3.45pm(IST)
A webinar on AN INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICAL META-ANALYSIS WITH AN APPLICATION to be organized by the Department of Statistics on 10th May 2022 (Tuesday) at 7:30 p.m.IST.
The speaker is Professor Bimal Sinha, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. (UMBC), United States of America.
Celebration of Earth Day 2022 by “PRAGATI”- Public Outreach Cell of Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Arindam Roy, Scientist- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Mr. Saptarshi Baishya, IT consultant and Entrepreneur
Title of talk: “Climate change from a perspective of an implementation practitioner”
Date and Time: 22 nd April, 2022 at 4:00- 5:00 PM (IST)
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/bm11K2zSsyhfuJMQ6
The Economics Department, Presidency University is organising a webinar by Dr Manan Roy, Assistant Professor in Health Care Management at Appalachian State University on 18 May 2022 (Wednesday) at 7 PM IST. Her topic is "Partial identification and causal effect in the presence of endogeneity and measurement error".
The talk will be held over Google Meet. Please register using the link given below to receive the meet link:
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Pragya Shukla, IIT Kharagpur
Title: Quantum entanglement growth in many body system: Role of system dependent random matrices
Date & time: 27th April, 2022 at 3.45pm(IST)
The Department of English invites you to a virtual talk on "The Curse, the Crisis and the Control: Amitav Ghosh’s Narration of the ‘New World’" for the Talk of the Month, April 2022, to be delivered by Dr Sajalkumar Bhattacharya, Professor of English, Kazi Nazrul University on Thursday 28th April 2022 from 5 pm to 6:30 pm IST.
Google Meet link:
About the Talk:
While the world is limping back to normalcy after the Covid-19 pandemic, the message on the board is unambiguously clear – that we shall have to learn to live with Covid and for that matter, many other forms of biological and ecological crises. Yet, a disaster, after it actually happens, is not the only crisis, but human failure to imagine it beforehand is an even more threatening one. Present climate crisis has assumed unimaginable proportions worldwide, largely due to this failure to imagine it. Issues at hand: how to control this crisis, who will control this crisis and importantly, do we, as members of Literature departments, have any role to play in this. My talk will aim at following Amitav Ghosh’s arguments in this regard in his recent creations (fiction and no-fiction) so as to decide our plan of action to make ourselves actively relevant in eco-activism.
About the Speaker:
Sajalkumar Bhattacharya is Professor, Department of English, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol, West Bengal, India. He wrote his PhD thesis on ‘Family-Nation Interface in Indian English Fiction with Special Reference to Select Novels of Salman Rushdie and Amitav Ghosh.’ He was awarded a UGC Fellowship for the research. He is a recipient of the prestigious Charles Wallace Fellowship. His areas of interest include Nineteenth Century British Literature, Indian and other New Literatures in English, Bangla Literature, Ecoterrorism and Biopolitics. He has authored In Search of Some Blessed Hope – A Critical Inquiry into Hardy’s Meliorism, and has co-edited Indian Fiction in English: Mapping the Contemporary Literary Landscape, The Diasporic Dilemma: Exile, Alienation and Belonging and Contemporary Indian English Poetry and Drama: Changing Canons and Responses. He has chaired sessions, presented and published papers extensively both at national and international levels.
Can Conditional Cash Transfer Defer Child Marriage?
Impact of Kanyashree Prakalpa in West Bengal, India
Subhasish Dey, University of Warwick
Tanisha Ghosal, Indian School of Business
DLS colloquium talk that will be held on 13th April 2022 (Speaker: Prof. Pubali Dhar)
Economics Department is going to organize a lecture series by Dr. Gautam Bose, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The first lecture in this series is going to be held on 23rd April, 2022 from 10 am onwards. The title of the lecture is 'Coordination failure and economic development'.
Speaker: Prof. Prabal K Maiti, IISc, Bangalore
Title of the talk: Multiscale modelling of complex systems
Date & time: 6th April, 2022 at 3.45pm(IST)
Venue: Department of Physics, Presidency University
Department of English
Presidency University, Kolkata
A Two-Day Online International Conference
7th and 8th June 2022 (Google Meet)
Theorising Anticasteism
Convenor: Dr Mahitosh Mandal, Head, Department of English
Registration Link
Industry-Academia Webinar Series, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University
Speaker: Mr. Rishi Kant, Head, PASS & Pres Sales, LM (Life Sciences), Carl Zeiss India
Title of talk: “Discover the diversity of Life, at different scales, using different SR techniques – with Zeiss Elyra 7 SIM2 “
Date and Time: 1st April, 2022 from 4:00- 5:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/r3qMGdNncdTTnAa47
Last date of registration: 31st March, 2022.
We cordially invite everyone to the Webinar Tagore Lecture Series on 16th March, 2022 Wednesday, at 4.45 pm (IST), organized by the Department of Hindi, Presidency University. Speakers: Eminent Hindi poet Neelesh Raghuwanshi. Looking forward to your participation
Monthly Colloquium, Institute of Health Sciences
Speaker: Dr. Baskar Bakthavachalu, Assistant Professor, School of Basic Sciences, IIT Mandi
Title of talk: “Drosophila as a model to study human neurodegenerative disease mechanisms“
Date and Time: 11th March, 2022 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/vvan9SWf7cbnW8Ey8
Last date of registration: 10th March, 2022.
The Department of Economics, Presidency University, along with Oikos, the Economic Society of the department, is going to organise a Paper Presentation Competition, one of the most prestigious events for the Undergraduate Economics majors, on 26th March 2022.
Register at https://forms.gle/MaG2TVXf1WexSrza6
It is mandatory to register before submitting your entry.
The deadline for the submission of papers is 12 March 2022.
Topic: Any issue in economics
Abstract:300 words maximum
Word limit: 6000 words (including abstract)
Papers are to be sent in a word file titled "Team Name_Paper title” with the following details on the first page: topic, team name, and contact details of all team members.
Entries are to be sent to oikos3300@gmail.com.
The top 6 papers will be shortlisted and the results for the first round will be declared by 19 March 2022.
For any query contact:
Aishi Dutta-8240204690
Shreya Saha - 8334021611
The Department of Economics, Presidency University, along with Oikos, the Economic Society of the department is going to organise an *INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL ESSAY WRITING COMPETITION* on 15 March 2022.
The link for registration
Please see the attached poster for the details of the programme.
We cordially invite everyone to the Webinar commemorating the 160th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda to be held on 2nd March, 2022 Wednesday, at 07:30 pm (IST), organized by Presidency University.
A poster of the event is attached herewith for notification.
Swami Sarvapriyananda, Minister, Vedanta Society of New York, USA.
Swami Ishadhyanananda, Assistant Minister, Vedanta Society of Sacramento, California, USA.
We cordially invite you to the seminar.
We look forward to your participation.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 2nd March, 2022, at 7:30 pm.
Platform: Zoom.
The Department of English, Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you to a talk on
We Are Not the Citizens
(A Performative Reading and Lecture)
for the Talk of the Month, February 2022 by
Dr Meena Kandasamy
Author, Translator, Activist, Academic
February 9, 2022
Wednesday, 6 pm to 8 pm IST
Please register here to attend the talk: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNdXHwXNkf05Kf8OOAoVzHTVOsNXDXoojXS5Ckutuu6ocO0g/viewform
Please find the poster attached.
About the Talk:
It is inconceivable to separate Meena Kandasamy’s poetry from its politics. Ms Militancy enjoys cult status among young feminists and anti-caste activists, even as Hindu right-wing organisations have burnt her books publicly and called for a ban on her works being taught and included in the university syllabi. She faces threats for her political writing, and yet, has never backed away from the poet’s role of being society’s conscience. It is against this extreme backdrop that We Are Not the Citizens came into being. We Are Not the Citizens is a bilingual (English and Tamil) performance of Kandasamy’s poems written during the last ten years. In these poems, previously performed on protest sites and at literary festivals, she deals with a panoramic range of issues: caste atrocities, the stifling of dissent through incarceration, the question of citizenship, rape culture, and the state’s abdication of its duty during the pandemic.
About the Speaker:
Described by the Independent as a “one-woman, agit-prop literary-political movement,” Meena Kandasamy is a poet, writer, translator, activist and academic based in South India. Her extensive corpus includes two poetry collections, Touch (2006) and Ms Militancy (2010), as well as three novels, The Gypsy Goddess (2014), When I Hit You (2017) and Exquisite Cadavers (2019). Her latest work is a collection of essays, The Orders Were to Rape You: Tamil Tigresses in the Eelam Struggle (2021).
Youtube Link DAE CV Raman Lecture
Physics colloquium on 12th January, 2022 at 4.00pm(IST),
Speaker: Prof. A. Buchleitner, University of Freiburg, Germany
Title: Inference of interference
National Space Science Symposium 2022
Physics Colloquium, Speaker: Prof. Somendra M Bhattacharjee, Ashoka University, Title: Entropy and Computation, Date & Time: 5th January, 2022 at 4.00pm(IST)
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Agneyo Ganguly, Assistant Professor, Department Of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology- Kharagpur
Title of talk: “Unravelling the Molecular Mechanism of DNA Strand Annealing by Human RECQ1 Helicase“
Date and Time: 22nd Dec, 2021 at 4:30 PM (IST)
Joining link: meet.google.com/vmo-hikp-xzo
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Dr. Subodh Kumar Mukhopadhyay Memorial Lecture 2021
"Indian 'Rennaissance' and Its Muslim Segement: Sir Syed's Project of Modern Education"
Professor Mohammad Sajjad
Professor of Modern and Contemporary Indian History,
Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History
Aligarh Muslim University (India)
Wednesday, 29 December 2021
4:00 pm IST
Please click here to join.
The Department of English invites you to a talk on
“…the whirr of the whins”:
Reading Finnegans Wake with Joyce’s Notebooks
for the
Talk of the Month December 2021
Dipanjan Maitra
PhD Researcher in English
State University of New York at Buffalo
December 23, 2021
Thursday, 6 pm IST
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/mre-xcnc-vgv
About the Talk:
In their celebrated Wake primer Danis Rose and John O’Hanlon declare early that “If literature is to continue to partake in the intellectual adventure, if it is to remain relevant, then the secrets of the Wake’s construction must be sought out and its lessons learned.” While the idea of producing a “simpler” Finnegans Wake can be, what Finn Fordham has called “commonsensical reductive,” the study of the Wake’s seventeen-year long “construction” process is productive in getting an introduction to the admittedly obscure world of Finnegans Wake. This paper will look at several techniques Joyce employed in gathering notes for the Wake. Starting with what are often seen as Joyce’s first notes for the Wake, the paper will primarily focus on Joyce’s Finnegans Wake notebooks at Buffalo and showcase several aspects of his authorship. Firstly, it will cite several examples of Joyce’s “exogenetic” attempts at collecting notes from external sources both by himself and with the help of others in his circle such as his amanuensis Madame Raphaël. Second, it will go beyond Joyce’s immediate “strong ties” with his circle to relatively diffuse, wider, print networks of private press-cutting agencies in providing raw material for the Wake. Thus finally, the paper will situate the composition of Finnegans Wake within larger networks of print and influence. These techniques, the paper will contend, were ways in which Joyce systematically decontextualized his source-texts from the Wake and produced effects of defamiliarization that often alienate first time readers from the Wake. The talk will also highlight how newer online digital repositories, such as the James Joyce Digital Archive can help students appreciate Joyce’s compositional techniques.
About the Speaker:
Dipanjan Maitra is a PhD Candidate in English at State University of New York at Buffalo. His dissertation, currently entitled “Built With Glue and Clippings: Modernist Collaboration and the Press-Cutting Bureau” explores connections between press-cutting agencies and literary modernism. His research articles have appeared in Modernism/modernity Print Plus, James Joyce Quarterly, Genetic Joyce Studies and other peer-reviewed journals.
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Ananda Dasgupta, IISER Kolkata
Title: Can you add a scalar to a vector ?
Date & time: 22nd December, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof Asim K Ghosh
Title:Topological phases in one dimension: SSH, Kitaev and spin chains
Date & time: 15th December, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Economics Department, Presidency University, is organizing the Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture 2021 on 22nd December 2021.
Please complete your registration by 20 December 2021 using https://bit.ly/3Dqs9qK
The Department of History cordially invites you to 6th lecture under its Distinguished Lecture Series, scheduled to be held Online on Friday, 10 December 2021, at 4 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Irfan Habib, Professor Emeritus, Centre of Advanced Study, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University.
Topic: “Indian Caste System: A Short History”
Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/kks-sgtu-ivm
All are welcome.
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Dibyendu Nandi, IISER, Kolkata
Date & time: 1st December, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Title:Space Weather: The Science of the Sun-Earth System
The Geological Institute, Department of Geology, Presidency University cordially invites you to the online lecture on ‘Determination of the Carbon Source-Sink Characteristics of the Forest Ecosystem’. Speaker: Dr. Supriyo Chakraborty, Senior Scientist and Head of Mass Spectrometry Group and MetFlux India Project, IITM, Pune.
Date and time: 27.11.2021, 17:00 IST Platform: Google Meet (Live YouTube streaming from the Institute YouTube Channel will be there).
For registration and any other details, connect with The Geological Institute on Facebook,Instagram,LinkedIn.
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Debadesh Bandyopadhyay, SINP, Kolkata
Title:Unlocking mysteries of Supernovae and Neutron Stars
Date & time: 24th November, 2021 at 4.00pm (IST)
Two-day National Webinar on “Considerations Towards A Theory of Social Change” on 9th and 10th December 2021
Brochure 1
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture, scheduled to be held Online on 23 November 2021, at 4 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Asok K. Das, Former Director, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, Jaipur.
Topic: “Mahabharata, The Hindu Great Epic Translated in Persian as Razmnama, and Illustrated for a Muslim King, Emperor Akbar”
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/exv-jwhu-twu
Brochure 1
Brochure 2
Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Nikolaos G Fytas, Coventry University, UK
Title: Scaling, Universality, and Supersymmetry in the Random-Field Ising Model
Date & time: 17th November, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
International Webinar on Host-Microbe Interactions: Present and Future Perspectives 2.0
Dec 1-2, 2021
School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata
DAY 1: December 1 (10 AM Onwards)
DAY 2: December 2 (11 AM Onwards)
Link for Registration as participants: https://forms.gle/eAbEi4Qsoq5ciTyH9
Last date of registration : 27th November, 2021
Link for Abstract Submission for selection of short talks: https://forms.gle/313tBWJU36R72ZL39
Last date of submission: 23rd November, 2021
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Dipyaman Ganguly, Principle Scientist, IICB-Translational Research Unit of Excellence
IICB-TRUE Kolkata.
Title of talk: “Galilean levers on the cell membrane: Piezo channels and their functions in human immune cells“
Date and Time: 24 th Nov, 2021 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration Link
Last date of registration: 20th November, 2021.
Weekly Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Rudolf A. Roemer, Warwick University, UK
Title: Dynamical signatures of localization via quantum quenches
Date & time: 10th November, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Web Lecture Series-5, scheduled to be held Online on 13 November 2021, at 4 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Amit Dey, Asutosh Professor of Medieval and Modern Indian History, Dept of History, Calcutta University.
Topic: "Traversing The Countryside Through The Prophet-Oriented Folk Songs of Colonial Bengal"
Join with Google Meet: http://meet.google.com/grm-wrdw-ijw
All are welcome.
Weekly Physics Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Ramkrishna Das, SNBNCBS, Kolkata
Title: Recurrent Novae
Date & time: 3rd November, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Weakly colloquium in Physics
Title: Electron in periodic potential: Experimental study by video tracking of an analogous system.
Speaker: Dr. Syed Minhaz Hossain, IIEST, Shibur, Howrah
Date & Time: 27th October, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Satadru Sen Memorial Lecture 2021
"Decolonising Maritime Heritage in Monsoon Asia"
Professor Himanshu Prabha Ray
Research Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, UK
Wednesday, 27 October 2021
10:00 am IST
Please click here to join.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Title: Directions in active matter
Speaker: Prof. Sriram Ramaswamy, IISc, Bangalore
Date & time: 6th October 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
The Economics Department is going to organize a series of four lectures in honour of Prof. Nirmal Kanti Majumdar, focusing on Macroeconomics and Finance. The department has invited four distinguished speakers from the UK, USA and Hong Kong to deliver these lectures online. For details please see the brochure of the programme.
Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata is organizing an online Symposium on Research Methods in Social Sciences: Sharing Experiences from the Fields on October 4 & 5, 2021 (Monday & Tuesday).
The poster, the programme schedule with Google Meet links and the concept note are attached herewith.
All are cordially invited!
Symposium Schedule and Links
Concept Note Symposium on Research Methods
Webinar: Department of Physics
Study of orbital selective electron dynamics using time-resolved angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Kalobaran Maiti
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005, India
Date: Monday, 4th October 2021, Time: 4:30 pm
Physics Weekly Colloquium, Department of Physics, PU
Title: Living Glass: Active Matter at High Densities
Speaker: Prof. Chandan Dasgupta, IISc & ICTS, Bangalore
Date & Time: 29th September, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
Mausumi Das, Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi will give a lecture on " Culture and Market : A MacroeconomicTale of Two Institutions " at the Economics Department, Presidency University.
The lecture is scheduled at 5.30 PM on 30 September 2021.
Abstract: In this paper we model endogenous evolution of cultural traits which is mediated through the market, and examine its impact on long run economic growth. Historically culture has played an important role in the process of economic development. Yet, economic development itself impacts upon the pre-existing cultural values and beliefs. We interact culture with the market and show that such interaction may generate multiple growth trajectories depending on the initial distribution of cultural traits in the economy. In particular, an economy may end up in a culture-induced low growth trap in the long run. We also show that over time, with economic development, culture takes a back seat but its initial influence continues to impact long run outcomes.
Please register before 5.00 PM on 29/9/2021.The link is:shorturl.at/ctFVZ
On behalf of the Geological Institute, we take the pleasure of inviting you to the 98th Annual General Meeting of the Geological Institute, Presidency University, Kolkata, to be held on 24th September (Friday) 2021 from 3:00 pm IST.
It will also be an absolute privilege for us to be announcing the release of the 61st edition of 'Bhuvidya' on the same day.
On this occasion, our honourable speaker, Dr. Somak Raychaudhury, Director, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, will be delivering a talk on the topic, 'The Future of the Universe'.
The event will be held over the Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) platform. The entire session will also be live-streamed on YouTube.
Your presence in this event will be highly valuable to us.
Colloquium at the Department of Physics, PU
Title: All electric field controlled spin-wave devices: An alternative of electronics
Speaker: Dr. Bivas Rana, University of Poznan, Poland
Date & Time: 22nd September, 2021 at 4.00pm(IST)
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Distinguished Lecture Series-5, scheduled to be held Online on 24 September 2021, at 4 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Aditya Mukherjee, Professor of Contemporary History (Retd.), Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Topic: "Challenges to the Social Sciences Today"
Join with Google Meet
The Department of English
invites you to a talk on
“Aurat Zaat: The Quintessential Woman in Manto’s Playful Writings”
for the
Talk of the Month September 2021
Saba Mahmood Bashir
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Jamia Millia Islamia
September 17, 2021
Friday, 6 pm IST
Google Meet link:
About the Talk:
Saadat Hasan Manto (1912 - 1955) is largely known for his Partition stories which were brutally gut wrenching and honest. One cannot deny the fact that his reach, largely to non-Urdu readers, is through the translation of a few stories like ‘Toba Tek Singh’, ‘Boo’, ‘Thanda Gosht’ and ‘Khol Do’. These are repeatedly translated, and even quoted in academic writings. However, it is to be noted that Manto wrote around 250 stories, and many of which are playful, and even humourous in nature. Apart from short stories, he also wrote sketches, radio plays, micro fiction, innumerable articles and even a novel. His oeuvre encompasses a very wide range of colourful characters, especially women.
In this lecture, I would like to draw attention to Manto’s humourous stories where the woman is bold and vivacious, taking examples from his book, Shikari Auratien, translated as Women of Prey. The lecture would be largely divided in 2 – the first part focusing on translation and the issues that one would face while translating Manto and the second, specifically on the stories from this collection, reading out portions which give an insight into this, largely unexplored, writings of Manto.
About the Speaker:
Saba is a poet, author and a translator. Her first book was a collection of poems, Memory Past (Writers’ Workshop, 2006). Her PhD (IIT, Delhi) was published by HarperCollins as I Swallowed the Moon: The Poetry of Gulzar (2013). She has also translated Gulzar’s screenplays of Premchand’s Godaan and Nirmala and Other Stories (Roli Books, 2016) along with pieces of fiction by Premchand and Manto. Her recent books are Gulzar’s Aandhi: Insights Into the Film (HarperCollins, 2019) and Women of Prey (Speaking Tiger, 2019) a translation of Manto’s Shikari Auratien.
Saba is an Assistant Professor at Jamia Millia Islamia and can be contacted at sbashir@jmi.ac.in.
Title: Spin Hall effect and the Challenge of measuring a voltage that does not exist
Speaker: Dr. Partha Mitra, IISER, Kolkata
Date & Time: 15th September 2021 at 4.00PM(IST)
The Department of Economics, Presidency University, Kolkata and the Presidency University Young Entrepreneurs Society present a one-day online entrepreneurship summit on 1st October 2021.
Geological Institute, Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata, requests the pleasure of your presence at the 45th Professor S. Ray Memorial Lecture, to be held on 6th September 2021 at 03:30 pm (IST) on the Microsoft Teams platform. On the occasion, Prof. Sumit Chakraborty of Institute für Geologie, Mineralogie und Geophysik, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, will deliver a lecture on "The Timescales of Geological Processes in the Earth: Continuous or Stop and Go?"
Speaker: Prof. Maitrayee Saha Sarkar, Retired Professor, SINP
Title: Excitement and Challenges in Nuclear Physics
Date & Time: 1st September, 2021 at 4.00PM(IST)
Abstract:Investigating the properties of atomic nuclei both experimentally and theoretically is essential for a complete knowledge of nuclear forces and interaction. However, it is indispensable for understanding the history of element formation and properties of stars in Astrophysics. Nuclear Physics is also relevant for present and future energy generation. It
has various critical applications in medical diagnosis, medication, therapy, and with defense and security. After a brief introduction, I shall discuss the importance of studies in Nuclear Astrophysics. I shall elaborate on the results from the related experimental and theoretical efforts of our group.
The Department of English
invites you to a talk on
“Reading The French Lieutenant’s Woman”
for the
Talk of the Month August 2021
Professor Nandini Saha
Jadavpur University
August 31, 2021
Tuesday, 6 pm IST
Speaker: Dr. Ankur Sensharma, Gour Banga University, West Bengal
Date & Time: 25th August, 2021 at 4.00PM((IST)
Percolation is probably the simplest statistical model with non-trivial critical behavior. In this lecture, I will start with the basics of percolation followed by a simple and realistic model developed by us. This model incorporates the lattice distortions (irregularities) which is inevitably present in almost every natural system. My plan is to illustrate our results and to indicate their direct link to some natural phenomena in very simple terms aiming mostly at the students of the department.
This is to inform you that the Economics Department, Presidency University is restarting the webinar series.
Dr Sanchari Roy (King's College London) will speak on The gendered crisis: Livelihoods and mental well-being in India during COVID-19 on 20 August (Friday) at 5.00 PM IST
Kaustav Das (University of Leicester) will speak on Exogenous Shock and Electoral Outcomes: Re-examining the Rational Voter Hypothesis on 24 August (Tuesday) at 5.00 PM IST
Registration is free but compulsory. For more details, as well as information on upcoming events, please see our website: Department website: Seminar page. The registration link is given in the website.
Industry- Academia Webinar series, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Rupam Sahoo, Senior Scientist, LakePharma, Inc., USA
Title: "Navigating the path from Academia to Industry”
Date & Time: 14th June, 2021; From 4-30 – 5-30 pm (IST)
Date & Time: 28th June, 2021; 8 am – 9 am (IST)
The Department of English
invites you to a talk on
“Vidyasagar on Polygamy:
Getting people to notice what they cannot see.”
for the
Talk of the Month June 2021
Professor Brian A. Hatcher
Tufts University
on June 28, 2021, Monday, 7 pm IST
Google Meet link: meet.google.com/qfw-rpwc-vry
About the Talk:
Based on a close reading of Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar’s Bahuvivaha in light of my earlier argument about his recourse to an “ethic of recognition,” this lecture raises further insights into the tools Vidyasagar employed to fire the conscience of his fellow Bengalis around the issue of Kulin polygamy. The lecture calls special attention to Vidyasagar’s use of empirical evidence and situates this attempt in the context of late-colonial developments around sociological reflection.
About the Speaker:
Brian A. Hatcher is Professor and Packard Chair of Theology in the Department of Religion at Tufts University, Medford, USA. He earned his Ph.D. in the Comparative Study of Religion from Harvard University in 1992. An expert on Ishvarchandra Vidyasagar, colonial Bengal, and modern Hinduism, he is the author of several monographs, including Idioms of Improvement: Vidyasagar and Cultural Encounter in Bengal (reissued by Primus, 2020), Bourgeois Hinduism, or the Faith of the Modern Vedantists: Rare Discourses from Early Colonial Bengal (Oxford, 2008), Vidyasagar: The Life and After-life of an Eminent Indian (Routledge, 2013), and Hinduism Before Reform (Harvard, 2020). He has also translated Vidyasagar’s Hindu Widow Marriage (Columbia, 2011) and is the editor of Hinduism in the Modern World (2016).
Industry- Academia Webinar series, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Viswanadham Duppatla
AVP and Head - Life Science Incubation, IKP Knowledge Park, Hyderabad
Title: "Funding Opportunities For Life Sciences Students”
Date & Time: 14th June, 2021; From 4-30 – 5-30 pm (IST)
Registration link - https://forms.gle/Bz2wuEoo3wFF73bt9
Only the first twenty external registrations will be accepted. A Google meet link will be shared with selected participants on 14th of June, 2021
Industry- Academia Webinar series, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. K. N Ganesh, Application Manager- Olympus India
Title: "High Resolution and High Speed 3 Dimensional Microscopy
Imaging and Quantitative Image Analysis using Artificial Intelligence (AI)”
Date & Time: 12th June, 2021; From 5 - 6 pm (IST)
Registration link - https://forms.gle/4VWDHkXRV3SCunPV9
Only the first twenty external registrations will be accepted. A Google meet
link will be shared with selected participants on 12th of June, 2021
Celebration of World Environment Day by “PRAGATI”- Public Outreach Cell of School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Sumit Mandal, Assistant Professor, Department of Life Science, Presidency University
Title of talk: “Marine Ecosystem in Anthropocene: Present state of knowledge and future challenges”
Date and Time: 5th June, 2021 at 4:00- 5:00 PM (IST)
Joining link: meet.google.com/uzs-riwb-she
Economics Department, Presidency University is organising a funded International Workshop on Advanced Research Methodologies for Social Science Research for Research Scholars and young faculty in June 2021. The workshop is funded by The International Growth Centre (IGC). The Workshop will be held online using Google Meet. Both theoretical and computing aspects (using Stata) will be covered in the lectures. Registration is compulsory. Brochure
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Web Lecture Series-3, scheduled to be held Online on 28th May 2021, at 4.30 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Francesca Orsini, Professor Emerita of Hindi and South Asian Literature at SOAS, University of London.
Topic: "Beyond the Two Shores: Indian Magazines and World Literature between Decolonisation and the Cold War"
Friday, May 28 · 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: Click Here
All Are welcome.
School of Biotechnology, Presidency University
Organizes a public lecture on ‘Research ethics’
Speaker: Prof. S C Lakhotia, FNA, FASc, FNASc
BHU Distinguished Professor (Lifelong) & SERB Distinguished Fellow, Banaras Hindu University
Date and Time: 26 th May, 2021 at 4:00- 5:00 PM (IST)
Registration link:Registration
Last date of registration: 6 pm, 24 th May, 2021.
Industry- Academia Webinar series, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Anik Luke Dhanaraj, Senior CI Analyst (R&D facility), Bayer Crop Science, Bangalore
Title: "Advances in Agriculture and Crop improvement in Bayer: An overview”
Date: 13th May, 2021, Time: 5 PM to 7 PM (IST)
Registration link - https://forms.gle/uLWAZTtbsobyV8Gj6
Only the first ten external registrations will be accepted. A Google meet link will be shared with participants on 13th of May, 2021
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Web Lecture Series-2, scheduled
to be held Online on 19th March 2021, at 5.30 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Francis Robinson, Professor of History of South Asia, Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London.
Topic: "On How Since 1800 Islamic Societies have been built from below"
Join with Google Meet
All Are welcome.
The Department of English
presents a talk on
“Homo Homini Lupus: Metaphors of Violence and Survival
in Migration and Genocide”
for the
Talk of the Month April 2021
Professor Peter Arnds
Trinity College Dublin
April 26, 2021, Monday, 5 pm IST
Google Meet link
About the Talk:
This paper explores a range of metaphors in literature and political/media rhetoric in the context of genocide, migration, and the dehumanization of people in various biopolitical scenarios, colonial, in Nazi Germany, and contemporary settings. The speaker will draw on the work of Italian Holocaust survivor Primo Levi and his use of chemical metaphors in the context of survival and violence but also cover a range of animal metaphors in dehumanizing processes from the wolf via the cockroach to current images of vermin and the virus in racist media rhetoric. A key aspect of this discussion will be to show the links between a persistent racist political rhetoric and time-worn imagery and dehumanizing stereotypes in literary antecedents such as Bram Stoker's Dracula and Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.
About the Speaker:
Professor Peter Arnds directs the Comparative Literature program and teaches German and Italian literature at Trinity College Dublin. He has held visiting positions in Kabul, Delhi, Adelaide and Salamanca, and is a member of the PEN Centre for German-Speaking Writers Abroad and of Academia Europaea. He has published widely in the fields of Comparative Literature, German and Italian Studies, Holocaust Studies, and the Environmental Humanities, including books on Wilhelm Raabe, Charles Dickens, Günter Grass, as well as his recent monographs Lycanthropy in German Literature (Palgrave Macmillan 2015), Translating Holocaust Literature (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015), and Wolves at the Door: Migration, Dehumanization, Rewilding the World (Bloomsbury, 2021). Dr. Arnds has also translated Patrick Boltshauser’s novel Stromschnellen (Rapids, Dalkey Archive Press, 2014, nominated for the IMPAC, Dublin International Literary Award) and published a novel, Searching for Alice (Dalkey Archive Press, 2019). His current research examines the links between cultural production and species politics as well as the philosophy of walking in world literature.
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Somdeb Bose Dasgupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, IIT- Kharagpur
Title of talk: “Mycobacterial pathogenesis: a tale of the opportune and beyond “
Date and Time: 24th April, 2021 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/FP214kxdvXk2CbuW6
Last date of registration: 22nd April, 2021.
Department of Physics Presents
The 3rd Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Memorial Lecture
on April 17th 2021 5:30 PM (IST) (Online Platform)
Speaker: Prof. Edward W. (Rocky) Kolb
University of Chicago
Chair: Prof. Pijushpani Bhattacharjee, SINP,Kolkata
Youtube Link
National Webinar on Statistical Physics
Organised by
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
Speaker: Professor Deepak Dhar, Emeritus Professor, IISER, Pune
Title: Chase escape percolation
Date & time: 2 nd April, 2021 at 4.00PM(IST)
Chair: Prof. Subhrangshu Sekhar Manna, SNBNCBS, Kolkata
Youtube Link
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Kutubuddin Ali Molla, Scientist, Crop Improvement Division,
National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack-Orissa
Title of talk: “CRISPR-CROPS: Coming In A Big Way “
Date and Time: 20th March, 2021 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: Click Here
Last date of registration: 18th March, 2021.
Economics Department, Presidency University is organising a Workshop on “Undertaking Literature Review” for Research Scholars in Social Sciences on 25th March 2021.
The resource person is Dr. Soumitra Sankar Datta, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist working in the Department of Palliative Care and Psycho-oncology of Tata Medical Centre.
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Web Lecture Series-1, scheduled to be held Online on 4th March 2021, at 4.30 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Ranabir Chakravarti, (Retired) Professor of Ancient History, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU.
Topic: "The Premodern Past of the Indian Ocean World Lit Up by Indic Inscriptions"
Joining info
Join with Google Meet:
Click Here
All Are welcome.
We cordially invite everyone to the Webinar commemorating 159th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda to be held on 20th February, 2021 Saturday, organized by Presidency University.
Swami Kripakarananda, Monk of Ramakrishna Order and Doctor, Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service, Varanasi;
Mr. Tarun Goswami, Resident Editor, Millennium Post.
We cordially invite you to the seminar.
We look forward to your participation.
Date and Time: Saturday, 20th February, 2021, at 4:00 pm.
Platform: Google Meet
Link: Click Here
International Webinar on Statistical Physics
Organized by
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
Speaker: Prof. Robert M. Ziff, University of Michigan, USA
Title: Percolation on lattices of extended range and relation to the pandemic
Date & time: 19th February, 2021 at 10.00PM(IST)
YouTube Link
Department of Physics: Colloquium
Date: 17th February , 2021, Time: 4 pm
Joining Link:
Speaker: Dr. Sujit Manna, IIT Delhi
Title: "Interfacial and Topological Superconductivity revealed by spin resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy"
welcome you all to a colloquium on 10th February , 2021.
Details are as follows:
Speaker: Dr. Kanan Kumar Datta, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Title: "After the dark: the dawn of the universe and 21 cm signal"
Date & time: 10th February , 4 pm
Joining Link:
Click Here
Physics colloquium on 27th January , 2021.
Details are as follows:
Speaker: Prof. Rudrajyoti Palit ,Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai.
Title: "New Frontiers in Nuclear Structure"
Date & time: 27th January , 4 pm
Joining Link:
Google Meet
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Distinguished Lecture Series-4, scheduled to be held Online on 5th February 2021, at 4.30 pm (IST).
Speaker: Prof. Faisal Devji, Professor of Indian History, St. Antony's College, University of Oxford, UK.
Topic: "The Childhood of Politics"
Joining info
Join with Google Meet
Google Meet
All Are welcome.
The Economics Department, Presidency University (erstwhile, Presidency College), Kolkata, is going to celebrate the 100th birthday of one of the past teachers of the department, Dr. Amita Dutta, by holding a webinar on 15th February 2021 at 6 pm on Google Meet.
Professor Abhirup Sarkar of Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, will deliver a lecture on ‘On Understanding the Economic Consequences of the Farm Bills’ on this occasion. Professor Soumyen Sikdar of Indian Institute of Management Calctta will chair the session.
All are welcome.
Please find the google meet link as follows:
When Mon 15 Feb 2021 17:45 – 20:15 India Standard Time - Kolkata
Joining info Join with Google Meet
Click Here
Colloquium Notice in Physics Department
Speaker: Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta , Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.
Title: " The Unravelling of Flavor Coherence "
Date & time: 20th January , 4 pm
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2021 Distinguished Lecture Series-3,
scheduled to be held Online on 22 January 2021, at 4 pm.
Speaker: Prof. Kingshuk Chatterjee, Professor in History, University of Calcutta
"How Blind was the Owl?
Sadeq Hedayat and the Travails of a Changing Society"
Fri Jan 22, 2021 4pm – 5pm India Standard Time - Kolkata
Joining info:
Join with Google Meet
All are welcome.
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Prof. Debashis Mukhopadhyay, Professor, Biophysics & Structural Genomics Div.
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics – Kolkata.
Title of talk: “Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) mediated signaling and AD like pathology: Molecular Cross-talks Deciphered “
Date and Time: 16th January, 2021 at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/EVkcK9gbN2eHALBN9
Last date of registration: 15th January, 2021.
The Department of English
presents a talk on
What was the 'auteur' in cinema? (Do we need 'him' anymore?)
for the
Talk of the Month December 2020
Dr. Anindya Sengupta
Assistant Professor, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University on
December 23, 2020, Wednesday, 5 PM-7PM
Platform: Google Meet
Link: https://meet.google.com/mhe-fzwb-yqs
About the Talk:
This talk looks back at the historical notion of the 'auteur' in cinema and thinks about its relevance in the current context of the audio-visual narrative media.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Anindya Sengupta is Assistant Professor at the Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University. He has recently submitted his doctoral thesis on auteur criticism and Satyajit Ray. He has also written a science-fiction novel titled Aparthibo.
Physics Departmental Colloquium on December 24, 2020 at 4: pm.
The speaker and the topic are written below.
Speaker: Prof. Kalyan Kumar Chattopadhyay, Department of Physics, Jadavpur University
Title: "Introduction to physical phenomena at lower dimensions"
Date & time: 24th December, 4 pm
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Deepa Subramanyam, Principal Investigator, Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance Intermediate Fellow, National Centre for Cell Science- Pune
Title of talk: “Intracellular trafficking in embryonic stem cells : to go or not to go “
Date and Time: 19th December at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link: https://forms.gle/B6zgm2VaJtqrsBPM8
The Economics Department, Presidency University is organising lectures by Kaivan Munshi, Professor of Economics at Yale University and Jonathan Morduch, Professor of Public Policy and Economics at University of New York.
The Department of English
presents a talk on
“Thinking Beyond Anti-Colonialism: The Periyarist Ethic”
for the
Talk of the Month November 2020
Dr. Karthick Ram Manoharan
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow, University of Wolverhampton.
November 26, 2020, Thursday, 5 pm
Platform: Google Meet
Registration link: November 2020 Talk of the Month
About the Talk:
This paper looks at Periyar's ethical opposition to nationalism and his critique of anti-colonialism. It probes how the logic of anti-colonialism needn’t be viewed in a positive fashion by all political groups in a colony, i.e., it need not be the single most important narrative that creates identification of groups against the colonizing Other. The paper starts with a discussion about Indian history, more specifically about how it was received and interpreted by Periyar. Periyar rejected the idea of an Indian nation existing in history and considered it a construct of the British Empire. Periyar challenged the idea of nation and nationalism from within. Both caste and gender oppression were key themes for Periyar in his critical approach towards nationalism. Periyar was keen on focusing on the internal and native forms of oppression as he considered them far more insidious and persistent than colonialism, which he identified as a passing phase.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Karthick Ram Manoharan is Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow at the University of Wolverhampton. He is working on the project “Freedom from Caste: The Political Thought of Periyar E.V. Ramasamy in a Global Context” funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. He is the author of Frantz Fanon: Identity and Resistance (Orient BlackSwan 2019) and the co-editor of Rethinking Social Justice (Orient BlackSwan 2020).
Please find attached the poster of the event. Do join us.
Speaker: Dr. Subhro Bhattacherjee, ICTS, Bangalore
Title: Emergent electromagnetism in condensed matter physics
Date & time: December 02, 2020 at 4:00PM(IST)
Platform: Google-meet
The 24th Chandan Kumar Bhattacharyya memorial lecture (Webinar)
Organised by
Council for Political Studies
Department of Political Science, Presidency University
Topic : দুঃসমেয়র সাহিত্য
(Literature of Troubled Times)
Smt. Anita Agnihotri
eminent littérateur and writer
Date: 5th December, 2020 (Saturday)
Time : 3.30 pm (IST)
বিশদে ( বাংলায় )
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Soumen Basak, Staff Scientist VI, National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi.
Title of talk: “RNA viruses and NF-kappaB signaling: friends or foe “
Date and Time: 28th November at 4:00 PM (IST)
Registration link (for outside Presidency University candidates only): Deadline 26th Nov, 2020
Professor Anjan Chakrabarti, Professor of Economics, University of Calcutta, will deliver two lectures on 'India in her Plan Period' on 18th and 19th November 2020 through google-meet platform. PFA the details of his lecture.
The SPE Student Chapter at Presidency University is organising an online seminar to be delivered by Dr Debnath Basu on 15 November as part of the ongoing lecture series
Dr Basu has been working with Schlumberger Overseas, a multinational company in the Oil and Gas Sector, in a global role for nearly 25 years.
The topic of the lecture is Deepwater Reservoirs: Characteristics and Variations with Global Examples.
Title: Joys of Discovery in Modern Science
Speaker : Prof. B Ananthanarayan, I.I.Sc., Bangalore
Date & Time: 10th November, 2020 at 4:00PM on google meet
Modern scientific research is a complex activity that calls for
a wide knowledge, training and also team work. In this talk, we
will use some anecdotes from history of science and come to the
modern age and discuss recent important discoveries such as
the discovery of the Higgs at the LHC and that of gravitational waves
at the LIGO collaboration as examples. In addition, I will consider
examples from mathematics, theoretical computer science, and
biology. The talk will be accessible to all science UGs and also highlight
the nature of the calling of a professional scientist and will be open
to discussion from students at the end of the talk.
Online International Conference on
Algebraic Graph Theory and Applications
to be organized by the Department of Mathematics
from 21st to 22nd November, 2020.
Monthly Colloquium, School of Biotechnology
Speaker: Dr. Moumita Dutta, NICED, Kolkata
Title of talk: “In situ structural analysis of enveloped virus membrane proteins by cryo-electron tomography”
Date and Time: 17th October at 4:00 PM (IST)
Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata presents
A talk by
Dr. Rajarshi Dasgupta
Assistant Professor, Centre for Political Studies, jawaharlal Nehru Unniversity, Delhi
After bare Life
Politics in Times of Exception
16.10.2020 Friday 3:00 PM
International Webinar on Experimental Statistical Physics
Organised by
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata, India
15 th October, 2020 at 7:30 PM(IST)
Speaker: Prof. Andreas Berger, Research director, CIC NANOGUNE, Spain
Title: Towards and understanding of dynamic phase transitions
The National Service Scheme (NSS), Presidency University, Kolkata, India in collaboration with Multitrophic Interaction and Biocontrol Research Laboratory (MIBRL), Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata is organizing webinar on:
'Covid19 pandemic: Today and tomorrow'
For more details visit: https://sites.google.com/view/dr-puja-rays-research-group/upcoming-events
You are invited to join the webinar on “'Covid19 pandemic: Today and tomorrow' .
Date: Wednesday 30th Sept 2020.
Time: 5.00 PM IST (GMT+05:30)
Physics Colloquium
1. Speaker: Prof. Subinit Roy, SINP, Kolkata
Title: FRENA facility at SINP and the future of Nuclear Physics research in the
Date & time: 1st October, 2020 at 4:00PM(IST)
2. Speaker: Dr. Praveen Kumar, IACS, Kolkata
Title: Materials innovation for H_2: Fuel Generation from Water
Date & time: 14th October, 2020 at 4:00PM(IST)
The Economics Department, Presidency University is organizing a webinar series on REFLECTIONS ON DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS from 6th August 2020, onwards. Distinguished faculty members from renowned institutes in India and abroad are delivering lectures in this series.
Prof. Puskar Maitra of Monash University, Australia, will deliver a talk on The long shadow of infrastructure development: Railways in Colonial India on 2nd October 2020 at 11.30 am and Prof. Tridip Ray of Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, will speak on Mixed Markets, Congestion and Competition on 16th October 2020 at 5 pm.
Faculty, Research scholars, and UG/PG students from Economics Department, Presidency University, and other departments, and institutes, and other interested persons are welcome to register.using the links given in the websites https://sites.google.com/view/webinar-series-2020
The Department of History cordially invites you to the 2020 Distinguished Lecture Series 1, scheduled to be held Online on 1 October 2020, at 5 pm.
Speaker: Prof. Najaf Haider, Professor in History, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU
Topic: “Money and Banking in the Mughal Empire”
Thu 1 Oct 2020 5pm – 6pm India Standard Time - Kolkata
Joining info
Join with Google Meet meet.google.com/swy-dtim-rko
All are welcome.
This is to cordially invite you to the 2020 Sosobhan Sarkar Memorial lecture, scheduled to be held on 26 September 2020 at 5 pm online. The event is jointly organised by the Department of History, Presidency University and Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad.
This year's speaker is Prof. Aditya Mukherjee and his lecture is on Indian Intellectuals in Crisis: A Historical Review.
Department of Statistics is organizing a webinar
Celebration of 100 Years of the living legend Professor C.R.RAO. on Sunday , 27th September 2020
Homage to a Great Treacher
Organized by department of Statistics on Sunday 20th September 2020
An introductory training session on Mendeley is being organised by the Economics Department, Presidency University on September 21, 2020 from 5.30 to 6.30 PM.
The session will be held over google meet.
The resource person will be Prof. Zakir Husain, Professor, Economics department, Presidency University.
A three day National Webinar on
Frontiers in Chemistry : from Fundamentals to Applications
Date: 25,26 and 28th September 2020
Webinar Series titled "GEOCHRON" in the month of September, 2020 organized by Department of Geology. This is in continuation of the earlier Webinar Series held in August 2020. The detail schedule of the Webinar series for the month of September, 2020 is given below:
GEOCHRON Chapter - II Schedule
*12th September, 2020 (Saturday) - 3:30 pm IST*
" Reading the Metamorphic rock record: A case Study from the Sikkim Himalaya"
by Prof. Sumit Chakraborty, Ruhr University, Bochum Germany, Director of Geochemical Society and RUBION.
*13th September, 2020 (Sunday) – 11:00 am IST*
By Prof. Ian Fitzsimons, Head of the School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin University, Australia.
*13th September, 2020 (Sunday) – 4:30 pm IST*
“Marvellous Marble: from sight to insight”
By Prof. Pulak Sengupta, Department of Geological Sciences, Jadavpur University, Kolkata and Coordinator of CAS.
*19th September, 2020 (Saturday) – 3:30 pm IST*
“Microbes and viruses: their fossilization and roles in carbonate sedimentology- Viruses are the new frontier”
By Prof. Maurice E. Tucker, University of Bristol, England.
*20th September, 2020 (Sunday) – 11 am IST*
“Mass flow dynamics: An appraisal”
By Prof. Prabir Dasgupta, Head of the Department of Geology, Durgapur govt. College, Durgapur.
*26th September, 2020 (Saturday) – 3:30 pm IST*
By Prof. Michael Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology, School of Earth Sciences, Life Sciences Building, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol,
*27th September, 2020 (Sunday) – 8:30 pm IST*
“Ups and Downs in the Himalaya - using the ancient sedimentary record to constrain Himalayan uplift and erosion”
By Prof. Nigel Hughes, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Riverside, USA.
The Economics Department, Presidency University, is organizing a series of e-workshops starting from 8th September, 2020. In this series of five workshops discussion on theory would be followed by practical sessions. It targets PG students, research scholars and young faculty with interest in the field.
Participants need to register using the links provided.
Anyone interested in attending more than one workshop needs to register separately for each.
Participants need to have a computer with stable internet connection.
The workshops would be conducted over Google Meet.
There are certain workshop specific requirements mentioned in the registration forms.
E-certificate would be provided to participants.
There is no registration fee.
Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata is going to organise an one day International Webinar on “Recent trends in Chemistry in the Fields
of Medicine and Industry” on September 5, 2020.
International Webinar on Nuclear Physics
Department of Physics, Presidency University
29th September, 2020 at 4:00PM(IST)
Speaker: Professor D. L. Balabanski, Professor of Physics, IFIN-HH, Romania
Title: Present day research in photonuclear physics
Date & Time: 29th September, 2020 at 4:00PM(IST)
International Webinar on Nanomaterials
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
25th September, 2020, 10:30 AM(IST)
1. Prof. J. Greer, California Institute of Technology, USA
2. Dr. D. Mandal, INST, Mohali, India
GEOCHRON Chapter-I Schedule
22.08.2020 (Saturday) – 3:00 PM IST
“Subduction Initiation in the Atlantic: Insights From the SW Iberia Margin”
By Dr. João C. Duarte
Assistant Professor, Geology Department, Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon, Portugal
23.08.2020 (Sunday) –11:00 AM IST
Partial Melting at Deep Crust: Rheology and Seismic Properties
By Dr. Santanu Misra
Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur, India.
29.08.2020 (Saturday) – 11:00 AM IST
“Application of High-Pressure research in Earth Sciences".
By Dr. Sujoy K Ghosh
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology & Geophysics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India
30.08.2020 (Sunday) – 11:00 AM IST
“Deciphering petrological processes using geochemistry of peridotite: A case study of the Oman ophiolite”
By Dr. Masako Yoshikawa
Researcher, Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
International Webinar on Statistical Physics
Organised by the Department of Physics & IQAC, Presidency University
Speaker: Prof. Michel Pleimling, Virginia Tech, USA
Title: Dynamic Phase Transitions in the Ising Ferromagnet: Bulk & surface phase diagrams
Date & Time: 27th September, 2020 at 7.00PM(IST)
Participation by invitation only
International Webinar on Remote Sensing
Organised by
The Department of Physics & IQAC,
Presidency University
Speaker: Prof. Peter Read, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK
Title: Global and Local Climatology of Mars & its Dust Cycle from Assimilation of Spacecraft Observations
Date & time: 15th September, 2020, 4.00PM(IST)
th & 6th August 2020.
A tribute to Acharya P.C Ray on the occasion of his birth annivrrsery, Department of Chemistry , Presidency University Click Here
Webinar series: Reflections on Development Economics
The Economics Department, Presidency University is organizing a webinar series from 6 th August 2020,
Registration is compulsory because of the limited seats.A Google meet / Teams link will be sent on the
day of the event to all those who register before the deadline.
For more details on events and how to register, please go to Departmental site: https://bit.ly/39xRmCb
International Webinar on Condensed Matter Physics organised jointly by the
Department of Physics & IQAC, Presidency University, Kolkata
Speaker: Professor Bertrand I. Halperin, Harvard University, USA
Title: Quantum Hall Physics in Coulomb Coupled Bilayers
Date & time: 8th September, 2020 at 7.30 PM
Participation by Invitation only
Youtube Link
International Webinar in Statistical Physics on 23rd August, 2020
Organised by the Department of Physics & IQAC, Presidency University
Speaker: Prof. P. A. Rikvold, University of Oslo, Norway
Title: Centrality reach and grasp: Attenuation of influence flows in
parametrized centrality measures on complex networks
Date & time: 23rd August, 2020 at 7.00PM
Participation by invitation only.
Youtube Link
The SPE Student Chapter at Presidency University is organising an online seminar to be delivered by Mr Tapas Kumar Sengupta on 25 July as part of the ongoing lecture series.
Mr Sengupta is the Regional Director (South Asis and Asia Pacific) of SPE and Director (E & P) of the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry. He was the former Director of ONGC.
The topic of the lecture is Impact of COVID 19, Lockdown & Depressed Oil Prices on Upstream Industry.
Host-Microbe Interactions: Present and Future Perspectives
DAY 1: (AUGUST 6, 2020) & DAY 2: (AUGUST 7, 2020)
Microbes, the most widely distributed life forms on earth possess the
capability to impact its associated host either positively or negatively or
both and thus acts like a double-edged sword within the living organism.
The current global pandemic has revealed once again how vulnerable we are
as a system against invading micro-organisms. This necessitates to
understand the dynamic interactions between microorganisms and their hosts
for our survival.....
About the Webinar
One Day National Webinar on “Aspects of Material Chemistry in Modern Times” Organized by Department of Chemistry on Date: 21st July 2020
International Webinar on Statistical Physics
Oraganised by
Department of Physics & IQAC, Presidency University, Kolkata
Speaker: Prof. Hans Herrmann, PMMH, ESPCI Paris, France
Title: Rotating Matter: The Bearing State
Date & Time: 30th Aug, 2020, 4:00PM (IST Kolkata)
Participation by invitation only
International Webinar in Condensed Matter Physics on 20th August, 2020
Organised jointly by the Department of Physics and IQAC, PU, Kolkata
Speaker: Professor Sir Michael Berry, University of Bristol, UK
Geometric phases and the separation of the world
Participation by invitation only
International Webinar in Condensed Matter Physics on 10th August, 2020
Organised jointly by the Department of Physics and IQAC, PU, Kolkata
1. Dr. Biplab Sanyal, Uppsala University, Sweden
Nanomagnetism: Fundamentals & Applications
2. Dr. Erol Vatansever, Dokuz-Eylul University, Turkey
Dynamical phase transitions in core-shell nanomagnets
Marine Ecology Laboratory (MEL), Presidency University in association with Aquaphile
organizing a two days International Webinar titled “Aquatic Ecosystem: Prospect and future
challenges” on 18-19 July 2020.
Webinar on Online Summer School-2020 on Mathematics Organised by Department of Mathematics, Presidency University,Kolkata will be held during June 27, 2020 to July 7, 2020
Webinar on Condensed Matter Physics
22nd July, 2020 at11.00AM(IST)
Organised by
Department of Physics, Presidency University,Kolkata
Youtube Link
Speaker: Prof. Chirantan Neogy (Retired Professor, University of Kalyani)
Date & time: 4th March, 2020 at 3.30pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
Economics Department, Presidency University is organizing the Eleventh Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture to be held on 23 March 2020 at Derozio Hall, Presidency University at 3.30 PM.
This year the lecture will be delivered by Prof. Kaushik Basu, Professor of Economics and Carl Marks Professor of International Studies, Cornell University.
The title of his talk is “Game Theory, Economics and Philosophy: Some Paradoxes and Open Questions”.
While the lecture is open to all, persons interested in attending are requested to register through the following link: https://bit.ly/38Ts7Jk within 20 March 2020, 5.00 PM.
Title: Opinion formation and spin dynamics:
connections and applications
Speaker: Prof. Parongama Sen, Department of Physics, CU
Abstract: Opinion formation in a society closely resembles the dynamical
evolution of spin systems, and has generated a lot of interest
in the phenomena from a physicists' perspective.
After a short review of the theoretical studies and results,
we discuss a recently proposed model and its relevance
in the context of two important real-world events, namely,
the US presidential election and Brexit.
Date & Time: 26th February, 2020 at 3:30 pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
The Department of Bengali is going to arrange a departmental seminar on "Indian Dramaturgy / ভারতীয় নাটক ও নাট্যশাস্ত্র" on 26 February 2020. The details are as follows :
Our honourable speaker is :
Dr Bidushi Rita Ganguly (Padma Shri)
(Ex-Professor, National School of Drama, New Delhi)
Date and Time
26.02.2020 (Wednesday) at 2
P C Mahalanabis Auditorium, Baker Building, Presidency University
All are welcome. The invitation card is attached herewith.
Invitation card
The Department of English
presents a talk on
"Letters and Photographs from the Second World War:
Recovering Indian Experiences"
for the February Talk of the Month 2020
by Diya Gupta
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of London
26th February, Wednesday, 3.30 pm
at TNS Lecture Hall
First Floor, Main building, Presidency University
Title: From Answers to questions in Fundamental Physics: Bias, Babble, Brouhaha
Speaker: Prof. Biswarup Mukhopadhyay, IISER, Kolkata
Date & time: 19th February, 2020 at 3:30 pm
Venue: Prof. Amar Kumar Raychaudhuri lecture hall, Department of Physics, PU
Special lecture in Physics
Title: Linear and nonlinear topological photonics
Speaker: Dr. Sebabrata Mukherjee, Pennsylvania State University
Date & Time: 14th February, 2020 at 3.30pm
Venue: Prof Amal Kumar Raychoudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics
Title: Bell's theorem, it's implication and experimental verification
Speaker: Amitava Dutta, University of Western Australia.
Date & time: 12th February, 2020 at 3.30pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture hall, Department of Physics, PU
Economics Department and Oikos (Presidency University Economics Society) is organising a discussion on the Union Budget: 2020 on 11th February, 2020 from 3.45 PM at P.C. Mahalonobis Auditorium. Prof. Partha Ray, Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata will be the speaker.
Speaker: Dr. Sourin Das, IISER Kolkata
Title: Temporal correlation beyond quantum bounds
Abstract: Emergence of classical world at macroscopic scale from its
quantum-mechanical subatomic constituents still eludes our understanding. Leggett and Garg designed an inequality which proposeda litmus test for quantum dynamics at macroscopic scales via study oftemporal correlations. Non-unitary dynamics owing to coupling of quantumsystem to a bath can lead to classical-quantum crossover. Hence anatural question to ask is - does non-unitary dynamics necessarily lead toloss of quantum correlation. I will show that non-unitary dynamics resulting form a PT-symmetric non-hermitian Hamiltonians can induce extreme temporal correlations which not only violates the quantum bound of Leggett-Garg inequality butalso saturates its algebraic bound. We show that such extreme dynamics is a direct consequence of ultra-fast evolution of state and is directly connected tothe optimisation of energy-time uncertainty. Finally, we show that thiskind of non-unitary dynamics can be embedded within a higher dimensional Hilbert space undergoing unitary dynamics and hence can be realised in a realistic quantum system. Our findings have non-trivial implications for ultra-fast quantum information processing.
Date & time: 5th February, 2020 at 3.30pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri lecture hall, Department of Physics, Presidency University
Department of Philosophy,Presidency University,Kolkata Commemorating World Philosophy Day Organizes
Two Day National Seminar
Science, Technology & Philosophy
Date: 4th and 5th February, 2020
Venue: A.K Basak Auditorium
Indian Council of Philosophical Research
We cordially invite everyone to the Seminar commemorating 158th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda to be held on 22th January, 2020 Wednesday, organized by Presidency University.
Swami Suparnananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark;
Professor Sougata Ray, Professor of Strategic Management, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.
We cordially invite you to the seminar. We also request you to bring your students to the seminar.
We look forward to your participation.
Date and Time: Tuesday, 22th January, 2020, at 2:00 pm.
Venue: A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University.
Speaker: Dr. Moupiya Maji, University of Geneva
Title: Understanding cosmic reionization using Lyman Alpha emission
Date & Time:15th January, 2020, 3:40pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture hall (PLT-2)
Cosmic reionization is one the most important periods in the evolution of universe when the photons from energetic sources (i.e. first stars, galaxies or quasars) ionized the ubiquitous neutral hydrogen gas in the universe. This milestone event around z~6 holds a key to understanding the formation and evolution of the first galaxies, however, till today, this period remains one of the least understood epoch in cosmology. The primary difficulty in understanding the processes and sources that powered the cosmic reionization is that it is not possible to directly probe the ionizing radiation at that epoch as those photons have all been absorbed by the intergalactic medium on their way to us. So, to search for the sources of reionization, it is imperative to find indirect tracers for ionizing emission. In recent years, several studies have shown that the Lyman alpha emission (Lya) from high-redshift galaxies have a positive correlation with their ionizing emission. The studies so far have explored this relationship in idealized theoretical systems and observed in few (~ 20) systems in the low-redshift universe. To use this relationship in the reionization era, we need to statistically analyze a large sample of realistically simulated galaxies.
In this talk, I will present the simulations and the codes used and developed by our team and will highlight my Lya analysis results. In our research I run a radiation transfer code (RASCAS) on thousands of galaxies in the radiation - hydrodynamical cosmological simulation SPHINX to derive their Lya emission properties. I analyzed the physical and radiative properties of these galaxies systematically and find that in bright Lya galaxies, there is indeed a correlation between their Lya and ionizing radiation. I have also used machine learning algorithms on these galaxies and have found that it is possible to predict the contribution of a galaxy towards reionization given their physical properties and Lya emission. This can be extremely helpful in identifying the reionization sources and can be especially useful in the forthcoming observational surveys, such as the early-universe survey by JWST.
Economics Department is organising a lecture
by Prof. Kajal Lahiri, Distinguished Professor of Economics, and Health Policy, Management & Behavior in University at Albany, University of New York.
He shall speak on Evaluation of Hospital Readmissions Program in America for the Elderly with Double Machine Learning
on January 28, 2020, at 2:30 pm.
Faculty, Research Scholars, and PG final year students of economics are welcome.
For details visit https://sites.google.com/view/econpresi
Economics Department is organising the Pasupati Sadhukha Lecture Series
on Industrial Organisation during Jan- Feb 2020.
The lecture series aims to familiarise the participants with the theoretical frameworks in Industrial Organization, enable them to critically read research papers and conduct original research in the field.
The first part of the lecture series shall be delivered by Prof. Gautam Bose, Professor of Economics, University of South Wales Business School.
He shall speak on An Introduction to Search and Matching on January 15, 2020, from 2:00-3:30 pm and on January 16, 2020, from 2:40- 4:30 pm.
The second part of the lecture series shall be delivered by Prof. Arghya Ghosh, Professor of Economics, University of South Wales Business School during February 4 - 6, 2020, from 10:30 am onwards.
Title:Luminescence and Surface Plasmons
Speaker: Dr. Joy Mitra, IISER, Tiruvananthapuram
Date & Time: 2nd January, 2020 at 3 pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri lecture hall, Physics, PU
National Seminar
Organized by
Department of Political Science, Presidency University and Council for Political Studies, Kolkata
Rethinking Gandhi at 150
28 January 2020
Presidency University
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata is going to organize the Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture series- 30 on 11th December 2019 Wednesday at 3PM in the Rajendraprasad Sabhaghar, Department of Hindi. Dr. Arunashis Acharya, Secretary Faculty Council (Arts & Humanities) Presidency University will deliver a lecture on "ICT Techniques: Some Basic Aspects" . All are cordially invited.
The Department of Political Science, Presidency University presents
The making of land and The making of India
by Dr. Niita Sud
Associate Professor of Development Studies
Oxford Department of International Development; Fellow Wolfson College
Date & Time: December 18th 2019, 12:30 Pm onwards
Venue: A J C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
All are Welcome
Politics with big data social science analysis with R
Organised by
The Department of Political Science, Presidency University with Association SNAP
20-22 December 2019
Presidency University
How to Register
An on-line registration can be found at PresiRworkshop
Successful applicants will be notified through email with payment details
Last date for receiving application is 15 December
email presirworkshop@gmail.com
Online Registrer
Title: Extreme living in Antarctica
Speaker: Supriyo Kumar Das, Department of Geology, Presidency University
Date & Time: 4th December, 2019 at 3:40pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudruri lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
The Department of English
presents a talk on
"French New Novel"
for the December Talk of the Month 2019
by Chinmoy Guha
Professor at the Department of English, University of Calcutta
December 04, 2019, Wednesday, 3.30 pm
at TNS Lecture Hall
First Floor, Main building, Presidency University
প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় রাষ্ট্রবিঞ্জান বিভাগের সহযোগিতায় কাউন্সিল ফর পোলিটিক্যাল স্টাডিজের উদ্যোগে আগামী ২৭ নভেম্বর , ২০১৯ (বুধবার) ২৩ তম চন্দন কুমার ভট্টাচার্য্য স্মারক বক্তৃতা অনুষ্ঠিত হবে ।
বক্তা : বিশিষ্ট নাট্য ব্যক্তিত্ব শ্রী বিভাস চক্রবর্তী মহাশয়
বিষয়ঃ প্রসঙ্গ প্রতিবাদ
স্থানঃ রাষ্ট্রবিঞ্জান বিভাগ , প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
সময়ঃ বিকেল ৩ঃ৩০ মিঃ
সবাই কে জানাই সাদর আমন্ত্রণ
Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata
in association with
Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA
organize a mini symposium on
‘Nutrition & Chronic Disease’
Speakers and Title of the talk:
• Satinath Mukhopadyay, MBBS, DM, FRCP; IPGMER and SSKM Hospital, Kolkata
- “Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance”
• Archna Singh, MBBS, MD, PhD, MPH; AIIMS, New Delhi
- "Lipid profiles in community and hospital settings in North India - a perspective from multiple studies"
• Kalyana Sundram PhD; MPOC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- "Impact of Dietary Patterns on Cardiovascular Disease Risk markers across multiple ethnicities: the Malaysian Lipid Study"
• Pramod Khosla, PhD, Wayne State University, USA
- "Malnutrition, inflammation and oxidative stress- the trifecta to control Chronic Kidney Disease?"
• Pratim Sengupta, MD, DM, Belle Vue Clinic and ILS Hospital, Kolkata
- “How agricultural science can help CKD management.”
Venue: P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium
Time and Date: 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM; 4th December, 2019
Introduction to the art form of the clown: A workshop by Katja Lindeberg
Organized by
Department of Performing Arts, Presidency University
19th November – 22nd November,2019
Katja Brita Lindeberg has 10 years of experience working as a clown both for adult and children, both in theatres and hospitals. She will be teaching a clown technique based on a mix of North American and European clown tradition. In this 4 day workshop, Katja along with the participants will work to find each participant’s personal clown.
Title: Evolution of ideas from Aristotle to Newton
Speaker: Bichitra Kumar Guha , Professor of Physics, IIEST, Shibpur
Date and time: 20th November, 2019 at 3:40pm
Venue: Prof Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
Prof. Shibdas Bandopadhyay of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata will deliver a lecture on 'Questionnaire Designing' from 2.30 pm in Economics Department on 26th November 2019. Interested Ph.D. Research Scholars of the University may join the lecture. More
Title:Eight decades of correlated electrons
Speaker: Arghya Taraphder, IIT. Kharagpur
Date and time:13.11.2019 at 3.30pm
Title: Physics of Cosmological reionization
Speaker: Sourav Mitra, Surendranath college
Date and time:13.11.2019 at 4.30pm
Venue: Prof Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture theatre
The Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
is organizing the Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture, which will be held on 7th November 2019 at 11 am in the AJC Bose Auditorium.
Professor Deepak Kumar, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University will be delivering the lecture on
"Why HISTEM? And How to do It".
We would be delighted by your presence on this occasion.
Department of Geology cordially invites you to a Special Lecture
“Advanced Seismic Tools for Subsurface Imaging and their Applications to Indian Provinces”
Speaker: Dr. Kalachand Sain
Director, Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun
Date and Time: 6th November, 2019 at 4 PM
Venue: OLT, Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Title "The thermodynamics of particle physics”
Speaker: Prof. Abhijit Bhattacharyya, Calcutta University
Date & time: 6th November, 2019, 3:40 pm
Venue: Prof Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall (PLT-2)
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata is going to organize
the Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture series- 29
on 23rd October 2019 Wednesday at 3PM in the Rajendraprasad Sabhaghar, Department of Hindi.
Dr. Shaon Nandi, Department of Bengali, Presidency University will deliver a lecture on
"Poetry in Hindi Movie Songs".
All are cordially invited.
The Department of English is happy to host the
Games and Literary Theory 2019 (GamesLit 2019) Conference,
the first of its kind in India.
We welcome our keynote speakers, Dr Diane Carr (University College, London), Ms Leena Kejriwal and Mr Satyajit Chakrabarty (indie games designers and the team behind the game, Missing)
and our speakers and guests from across the world.
For more details about the conference, please see the conference website: https://gameslit2019.wordpress.com.
Those who are interested in participating in the panel 'Gaming and Graphic Cultures in India' in the Games and Literary Theory 2019 Conference may please submit your abstracts.
For more details see: https://gameslit2019.wordpress.com/panel-gaming-and-graphic-cultures-in-india/.
Title: Satyendra Nath Bose and the development of quantum mechanics.
Speaker: Prof. Robin Banerjee, SNBNCBS
Date & time: 16th October, 2019 at 3.40 pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture hall, Physics department, PU
Economics Department Special lecture
Prof. Uttam Sarkar, IIMC
"Applications of Social Network"
25 October 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
Economics Department Faculty Colloquium
Dr Premchand Varma Dommaraju, Nanyang Technological Institute, Singapore
"Demographic Change and Ageing Policies in Singapore"
13 November 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
Economics Department Faculty Colloquium
Dr. Bikramaditya Datta, IIT, Knapur
"Delegation and Learning"
04 December 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
Economics Department
Dr Tannista Banerjee, Auburn University
Interaction with PG students on prospects of PhD program in US
11 December 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
Economics Department Faculty Colloquium
Dr. Reetika Jain, CDS Trivandrum
" Do job reservation hurt firm performance? "
16 December 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
The Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata is organizing the First Satadru Sen Memorial Lecture, which will be held on 25th October 2019 at 11 am in the AJC Bose Auditorium. Professor Pius Malekandathil, Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University will be delivering the lecture on Indian Ocean circuits and the Indian Merchants: a case study on the nature of "Indian merchants capitalism Poster More..
Economics Department, Presidency University and Oikos, Economic Society will organize an interactive session with
Dr. Bimal Jalan, Ex-Governor, Reserve Bank of India and alumnus of Presidency College
on 18th October, 2019 at 11.30 A.M. P.C. Mahalonobis Auditorium, First Floor, Baker Building
Economics Department, Presidency University is organizing an International Conference
"Issues in Economic Theory and Policy" on 26-27 December 2019.
The Nirmal Kanti Majumdar lectures will be given by Prof. Debraj Ray (New York University), Prof. Amartya Lahiri (University of British Columbia) and Prof. Maitreesh Ghatak (London School of Economics).
Last date for submission of abstracts is over.
Faculty/researchers who want to attend the conference (without presenting) may register by paying Rs.1000 (inclusive of GST) and emailing us at presiecon2019@gmail.com
Registration fee for foreign participants is USD 25 (inclusive of GST)
The fees will cover seminar kit, lunch on both days and all refreshment.
Pay Registration Fees (DOMESTIC)
The Department of English presents
for the September Talk of the Month 2019
by Subro Saha ICON PhD Fellow, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Amity University
September 25, 2019, Wednesday, 3.30 pm at TNS Lecture Hall, Main building, Presidency University
Department: Physics
Speaker: Prof. Raja Paul, IACS
Title of Talk: Search and self-organization in physical systems
Time: 25th September, 2019, 3:30 pm
Venue: PLT-2 (Prof. Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall)
Economics Department Faculty Colloquium
Prof. Amitabh Kundu,
Professor (retired), CSRD, JNU, New Delhi
Distinguished Professor,
Research and Information System For Developing Countries, New Delhi
Migration and Employment Trends in India: Evidence from Population Census and NSS
Wednesday 18 September 2019 at 3.30 PM in Room No 21, Economics Department
All are welcome.
Topic : Linguistics
Prof Probal Dasgupta (Ex-Professor, LRU, ISI Kolkata)
Prof Mina Dan (Professor, Department of Linguistics, Calcutta University)
Date, Time, Venue
11.09.2019 at 2PM, PC Mahalanobis Hall, Baker Building,
Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are cordially invited.
The Dept. of Hindi cordially invites you to Tagore Lecture Series-02,
Speaker : Prof.Vijay Kumar Bharty,Dean,Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol,WB,
Topic :‘साहित्य और इतिहास के अन्तः संबंध /‘Litrature and History: Interrelation’
Date&Venue:Wednesday , 11h September 2019 at 3PM at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
আগামী ৪ সেপ্টেম্বর (বুধবার) ২০১৯ দুপুর ২টোয় বাংলা বিভাগের জীবনানন্দ সভাকক্ষে একটি আলোচনা-সভার আয়োজন করা হয়েছে।
বিষয় : "বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্যে মানবীচেতনা" (Bengali Language and Literature : Feminist Approach)
আলোচক :
ড. ঊর্মিলা চক্রবর্তী
(কবি, অনুবাদক ও প্রাক্তন অধ্যাপক, ইংরেজি বিভাগ, উত্তরবঙ্গ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)
ড. বিনতা রায়চৌধুরী
(কথাসাহিত্যিক ও প্রাক্তন অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ, বিজয়কৃষ্ণ গার্লস কলেজ)
ড. মফিজ উদ্দিন
(সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ, প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)
ড. শান্তি সরেন
(সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বাংলা বিভাগ, প্রেসিডেন্সি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়)
বিভাগের পক্ষ থেকে আগ্রহী সকলকেই আমন্ত্রণ জানাই।
Faculty Colloquium
Dr. Bikramaditya Datta, IIT Kanpur will deliver a lecture on
"Delegation and Learning"
on Dec 11, 2019, at 3:30 pm
Venue: Dipak Banerjee Lecture Room
Physics colloquium :
Title: Space Exploration: Why the moon ?
Speaker: Dr. Ramkrishna Das (SNBNCBS, Kolkata)
Date & time: On 4th September at 3.30 pm
Venue: Prof. Amal Kumar Raychowdhury Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, PU
Departmental seminar
Title: Demystifying the Quantum World
Speaker: Asit K. De, SINP, Kolkata
August 28, 2019 at 3:30 pm
Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University in association with IndiaBioscience
Will conduct a one-day workshop on
‘Crafting your Career’ on Sep 20th, 2019
Venue: P.C. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University
Last date to register: Sep 5th, 2019
For more details and registration, please visit:
First Principles Simulation: The glue that binds materials, models and mechanism.
Indra Dasgupta
School of Physical Sciences
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032
Date & time: 21-8-2019 at 3.30pm
The twentieth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Anirban Mukherjee
University of Calcutta
“Political Economy of Identity Formation: Theory and Evidence from India ”
21 Aug 2019, 03:30 pm
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
The twenty-first lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Bappaditya Mukhopadhyay
Great Lakes Institute of Management
“Forced Displacements: The Issue With Land”
28 Aug 2019, 03:30 pm
The Dept. of Hindi cordially invites you to Tagore Lecture Series - 01
Speaker : Prof. Soma Bandopadhyay, Honourable Vice Chancellor, The West Bengal University of Teacher's Training, Education Planning And Adminstration, (WBUTTEPA), Kolkata
Topic : “ रवीन्द्र साहित्य : विविध पक्ष /Rabindra Sahitya : Vividh Paksh" Date & Venue : Wednesday, 14th August 2019 at 3 P.m. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhaghar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are welcome.
Physics Colloquium
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Time: 3:30 pm
Prof. Palash Baran Pal
Department of Physics, University of Calcutta
Unification of forces
I will discuss, starting from Newtonian times, how physicists have tried to understand different forces in a single unified framework. The pursuit includes Maxwell's unification of electricity and magnetism, and modern gauge theories of interaction, leading to the idea of grand unification.
The Department of History cordially invite you to the 2019 Susobhan Chandra Sarkar Memorial Lecture, scheduled to be held on 19 August 2019, at 4 pm. The event is jointly organised by the dept. of History, Presidency University & Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad.
Speaker: Prof. Bhaskar Chakrabarti, Professor in History (Retired), Department of History, University of Calcutta.
Topic: “History, Memory and Culture”
Date & Venue: Monday, 19 August, 2019 at 4 PM. at AJC Bose auditorium, PU.
All are welcome.
The commute of cancer to its targeted therapies
Dr. Sumita Sengupta
Department of Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics
University of Calcutta
The nineteenth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Prabirendra Chatterjee,
Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University
“Fake Media Content, Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias ”
September 11, 2019
A Two days International seminar will be organized by the Department of Bengali in collaboration with ISBS on 12 & 13 September 2019 at Presidency University.
Venue : AJC Bose Auditorium
All are welcome.
Please, see the details in card.
10th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata, India, November 26-29, 2019
The eighteenth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Sougata Poddar
The George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics, Chapman University, USA
“Innovation, Diffusion and Shelving ”
August 14, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
The seventeenth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Parimal Bag,
National University of Singapore
“Aspiring Parents and School Contest ”
August 07, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Life Science Special Seminar 2019
Speaker: Padma Shri Darshan Shankar, The Vice-Chancellor, University of Trans-Disciplinary Health Science and Technology, Bengaluru
Title: Leadership in the transformation of 21st century health science research in the context of food and medicine
Date and Time: 3-00 pm, Thursday, 18th July, 2019.
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
The Department of English is organizing a farewell lecture to celebrate Professor Swapan Kumar Chakravorty's contribution to and mentoring of the department as Kabi. The lecture titled 'Kayastha' will be delivered by Professor Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, University Professor, Columbia University on 9th July, 2019 from 2 p.m at Derozio Hall.
Dr. Kausik Chaudhuri, Leeds Business School, UK will be visiting the Economics Department, Presidency University from 17 to 20 June 2019 as part of the Faculty Colloquium Series programme. During the visit he will discuss issues related to Finance and Applied Development Economics.
Special lectures on Econometrics
Debopam Bhattacharya, University Reader in the Faculty of Economics and Fellow of Trinity College, University of Cambridge
"Topics in Applied Econometrics: Theory and Practical Guidance"
22 & 23 July, 2019 (11.00 AM to 1.15 PM)
These lectures would cover some fundamental concepts in Econometrics that are relevant to empirical work.
The emphasis will be on understanding the nature of endogeneity, its potential impact on estimates of the parameters of interest, and ways to fix the problem. Time permitting, we will also cover a few other topics such as quantile regression and nonparametric density/regression estimation. Some applications to demand analysis with both discrete and continuous goods will be considered.
All are welcome, but please confirm to mousumi.econ@presiuniv.ac.in by 15 July 2019.
Registration is closed for this event
Economics Department, Presidency University is organising a Summer School for faculty and research scholars from 29 July to 2 August 2019.
While the core theme of the workshop is Macroeconomics, we will also cover analysis of geo-spatial data, and network theory.
Invited speakers are: Prof. Niloy Bose, Professor, Virginia Tech. University, USA Prof. Kundan Kishor, Wisconsin Milwaukee University, USA Prof. Chethan Ghate, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Prof. Sudipta Sarangi, Professor & Head, Virginia Tech. University, USA Prof. Indrajit Ray, Infosys Chair Professor, Presidency University and Cardiff Business School, UK Dr. Meghna Agarwal, Asoka University, Delhi.
Details, including the programme, are given in the brochure. Attendance is by registration only. We regret that the last day for registration is over.
Workshop organized by Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University
Title: ‘Ethical aspects of biological research involving animal subjects’
Date: 16th May, 2019, Thursday, 2-00 to 5-00 pm.
Prof. Antony Gomes, Retd. Professor, Dept of Physiology, University of Calcutta
Title: Research Ethics for Beginners and Good mentoring
Anjan Adhikari, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology), FCCP, ACME, MIAPH, MIAPSM. Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology, R G Kar Medical College, Kolkata
Title: Ethical aspects of biological research involving animals
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University
The fourteenth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Tridip Ray,
ISI Delhi
“Whose Education Matters? An Analysis of Inter Caste Marriages in India ”
April 29, 2019: 12:00 Noon
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
The fifteenth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Arka Roy Chaudhuri,
ISI Delhi
“Gender Peer Effects in High Schools: Evidence from India”
April 30, 2019: 02:30 PM
The thirteenth lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Sourav Bhattacharya,
Royal Holloway University of London
“Condorcet Jury Theorem In a Spatial Model Of Elections”
April 24, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
The twelfth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Suman Seth,
Leeds Business School
Day 1: “Multidimensional Poverty: Theoretical Issues Part 1”
Day 2: “Multidimensional Poverty: Theoretical Issues Part 2”
Day 3: “Evaluating an Anti-Poverty Program's Impact on Joint Disadvantages: Insights from Philippine CCT Program.”
16 - 18 April 2019: 3.30 PM
Dr. Suman Seth, Leeds Business School, Leeds University, UK, will visit the Economics Department from 16th to 18th March, 2019 and deliver a series of lectures on Multi-dimensional poverty.
The lectures will be held at the Dipak Banerjee Memorial Room, Economics Department, and start at 3.30 P.M. each day.
All interested faculty and researchers are welcome. Kindly circulate the information among your Scholars and colleagues.
April 16, 2019: 3.30 PM
Session 1: Why Multidimensional Poverty Measures?
Session 2: Different Methods for Measuring Multidimensional Poverty
April 17, 2019: 3.30 PM
Session 1 and 2: Alkire & Foster Counting Approach to Measuring Multidimensional Poverty
April 18, 2019: 3.30 PM
Session 1: Assessing Inequality in Counting Approach Framework
Session 2: Evaluating an anti-poverty program's impact on joint disadvantages: Insights from the Philippine CCT program
Dr. Seth has a PhD in Economics from Vanderbilt University, USA. He has served as a consultant to the Regional Bureau of Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP, the Development Research Groups at the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank. His primary interest lies in the area of Development Economics with special emphasis on measurement methodologies and policy-oriented applications of multidimensional welfare and poverty measures.
Presidency University
Department of Physics
A series of Two Lectures
Frustrated Quantum Magnets: The Majumdar-Ghosh Model
Prof. Indrani Bose, Emeritus Professor, Bose Institute, Kolkata
April 20, 2019 at PLT 2, Physics Department
Beginning at 11 am
Session chaired by
Prof. Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Senior Professor
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Welcome !
The Dept. of Hindi cordially invites you to Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series-28
Speaker : Sajjad Alam Rizvi, Assistant Professor, Department of History ,Presidency University, Kolkata
Topic : “ भावनाओं का इतिहास: एक परिचय/History of emotions : An introduction”,
Date & Venue : Wednesday , 10th April , 2019 at 3 PM. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are welcome.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
10th April, 2019 Wednesday at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Samriddhi Sankar Ray, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru
Title: Interacting and Non-interacting Particles in a Turbulent Flow
The last decade or so has seen major advances in the study of particles suspended in a turbulent flow. In particular, for non-interacting spherical particles, we now have a reasonable understanding of questions related to collisions, coalescences, and settling under gravity. In the first half of this talk, we review some of these (slightly) older results and understand them within the framework of preferential concentration. In the remaining half, we discuss how some of these ideas need to be revisited when particles are
interacting or have additional (internal) degrees of freedom. These result in a large variety of phenomena, some of which, such as the trapping of chains in vortices and the onset of crystallisation in flow-driven granular systems, will be discussed if time permits.
The eleventh lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Sankarshan Basu,
IIM Bangalore
“Shadow banking in India: Do bank run Asset Management Companies (AMCs) perform liquidity transformation through exposure to Non-Banking Finance Companies (NBFC) in their debt – oriented schemes and will this increase the systemic risk of a bank due to a possible joint exposure to NBFCs?”
April 10, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Biodiversity and Conservation in North East India
A talk by Prof. Trevor Price
Date & Time: 4:00–5:00 pm on 3rd May 2019
Venue: PC. Mahalanobis Auditorium, Presidency University
The tenth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Rajesh Bhattacharya,
IIM Calcutta
“Corporate Governance: Opportunities and Challenges in Emerging Markets”
April 03, 2019: 03.30PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Physics colloquium on 3rd April, 2019, Wednesday at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Title: Clusters of galaxies and Active galaxies - an explosive Rendezvous
Speaker: Dr. Suparna Roychowdhury, Department of Physics, St. Xavier's College, Kolkata
Clusters of galaxies are possibly the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. These structures are thought to be formed out of the collapse of a large number of galaxies and baryonic gas (called the intracluster medium) alongwith the collapse of a huge amount of dark matter mass of around 1013 - 1015 M all trapped within a megaparsec. Observations of temperatures and luminosity of this intracluster gas show that it is extremely hot ( 107 K) and they emit mostly in X-rays. Infact, the observed temperatures of this gas and the velocity dispersion of the galaxies corroborate the fact that they are in virial equilibrium with the background dark matter potential. With the advent of detailed X-ray imaging through Chandra and XMM-Newton, we have come to know that most clusters harbour an active galaxy (AGN) at its centre. As we know, AGNs are powerhouses of energy and they have strong outflows and jets coming out from the central black hole which can reach out to hundreds of kiloparsecs. It has become almost clear now that these AGNs also play an important role in deciding the physical state of the intracluster gas. AGNs are assumed to deposit energy via buoyant bubbles which expand as they rise in the cluster atmosphere and do mechanical work on the ICM. Such bubbles have been observed by Chandra in the last few years. With the advent of Planck, one is also able to correlate the observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect along with the X-ray observations to give a more precise understanding of the e ect of AGN and other heating scenarios on the cluster gas proles. In this talk, I shall explore this AGN-cluster connection vis-a-vis some other heating scenarios and examine how theoretical models of cluster gas have tried to incorporate this non-gravitational heating to reconcile with recent observations.
The Dept. of Hindi cordially invites you to Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series-27
Speaker : Prof. Purna Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of English ,Presidency University, Kolkata
Topic : “ सब लोग साथ चलेंगे तो कुछ ना कुछ हो जायेगा/Sablog Sath Chalenge to kuch n kuch ho jayega ”: intersectional Feminism in Ketan Mehta ‘s Mirch Masala ‘
Date & Venue : Wednesday , 27th March 2019 at 3 P.m. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are welcome.
The ninth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Manisha Chakrabarty
IIM Calcutta
“Demand Analysis: Application Based on Consumption Expenditure Data- Past, Present, and Future”
March 27, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Department of Mathematics cordially invites you to a lecture
"Branched Hamiltonians appearing in some simple dynamical systems"
Speaker: Prof. Bijan Kumar Bagchi, Department of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University
Date & Time: 20th March, 2019 (Wednesday) at 03.15 pm
Venue: MLT-II, Department of Mathematics, 3rd Floor, Baker Building, Presidency University, Kolkata.
The eight lecture in this series will be given by
Dr. Shampa Bhattacharjee
Shiv Nadar University
“Electoral Cycles in Crop Residue Burning: Evidence from India ”
March 20, 2019: 3.30 PM
Physics Weekly colloquium
20th March, 2019, Wednesday at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Subhendra Mohanty, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Title: Hydrogen spin oscillations in a background of axions and the 21-cm brightness temperature
The 21-cm line signal arising from the hyperfine interaction in hydrogen has an important role in cosmology and provides a unique method for probing of the universe prior to the star formation era. The first observation of the 21-cm line from the cosmic dawn by EDGES experiment shows an anomalously large dip which indicates that the spin temperature of Hydrogen is lower than predicted by astrophysics models.
I will discuss the idea that the spin flip of Hydrogen by the coherent emission/absorption of axions causes a lowering of their spin temperature and can explain the stronger than expected absorption of 21-cm light reported by the EDGES collaboration. Axion interaction with the two level HI is analogous to the Jaynes-Cummings model of a two level atom in a cavity and we derive the spin flip frequency in this formalism and I will show that the coherent oscillations frequency $\Omega \propto 1/f_a$ in contrast with the incoherent transitions between the HI hyperfine levels where the transition rates $\propto 1/f_a^2$. I will show that the axion process has a discernible effect on the spin temperature and goes in the right direction for explaining the EDGES observation.
The seventh lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Jyotsna Jalan
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
“Collective Story Editing to Increase Women's Voice in Their Households and Reduce Domestic Violence: Evidence From India”
March 13, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Physics Weekly Colloquium on March 13th, 2019 at 2 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Raka Dasgupta (University of Calcutta)
Title: Ultracold Atoms : The Lego Blocks Scientists Play With
Abstract : Near absolute zero of temperature, quantum mechanical effects predominate and atoms start behaving in a weird and fascinating way. Bose-Einstein condensation, Fermionic superfluidity etc. are some of the signatures of this quantum world. The best part is, at this scale, ultracold atoms resemble building blocks that can be joined in various ways to create novel and exotic physical systems. Scientists have tried to simulate traditional condensed matter systems and also to mimic some pieces of beautiful stellar physics using these ultracold atoms.
Life Science Colloquium March 2019
Date: 13th March, Wednesday at 3-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Soumitra Sau, Amity University, Kolkata
Research area: Genomic Instability
Title: The yeast PCNA unloader Elg1 RFC-like complex plays a role in eliciting the DNA damage checkpoint
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Date: 27th March, Wednesday at 3-00 p.m.
Speaker: Professor Adinpunya Mitra, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Title: Emission biology of floral volatiles - many new questions
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Department of Mathematics cordially invites you to a lecture
"Sending information securely: need for quantum key distribution"
Speaker: Prof. Sibasish Ghosh, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc.), Chennai
Date & Time: 11th March, 2019 (Monday) at 03.45pm
Venue: MLT-II, Department of Mathematics, Baker Building, Presidency University, Kolkata.
The sixth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Prabal Roy Chowdhury,
Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi
“Racing to collusion: Incentive contracts under multiple bank lending”
March 07, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Physics Colloquium on 6th March, 2019 (Wednesday) at 3:30 pm at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Gautam Gangopadhyay, University of Calcutta
Title: Physics Research of Meghnad Saha
Abstract: Meghnad Saha, best known for the famous Saha ionization equation, spent four decades in research and published eighty nine papers. His interests in science were varied, ranging from astrophysics and nuclear physics to geology and flood control. He also started building the first accelerator of the country and was the Director of two research institutes. In this presentation, we will briefly discuss Saha's research in nuclear physics, astrophysics and upper atmosphere. We will also focus on the relevance of his work today.
Physics Outreach Seminar
Date & Time: 7th March, 2019, Thursday, 3:00 PM
Venue: AJC Bose Auditorium
Main Speaker: Prof. Frederik G. Scholtz, Director at National Institute for theoretical Physics in Cape Town, South Africa
Title: Our Strange Quantum World
followed by interactive session
Physics Weekly Colloquium on 6th March, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. N. D. Hari Dass (TIFR-TCIS)
Title: Varieties of Quantum Measurements.
Abstract: The rst explicit model for quantum measurements was given by von Neumann, strongly influenced by Dirac, for the type of measurements that have come to be known as Projective Measurements. In these, the outcomes are always eigenvalues and the post-measurement state is the corresponding eigenstate. A number of very interesting measurement schemes have emerged since then, and I shall present these varieties of quantum measurements and critically assess them. That will include i) the Arthurs-Kelly Measurements of canonically conjugate observables, ii) the Protective Measurements iii) the Weak Measurements, and finally iv) the Weak Value Measurements.
Call for Papers
Student Seminar on “Religion and Politics in South Asia”
Date : 28th March,2019.
Papers on Religion and Politics in South Asia are invited from advanced post-graduate students for a one-day student seminar at the Dept. of History, Presidency University, Kolkata.
The fifth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Suresh Mutuswami,
University of Leicester, United Kingdom
“Measuring Electoral Competition: A Probability Index”
February 27, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Department of Mathematics is organizing "An Outreach Programme in Mathematics for BSc students", aimed at advanced BSc Mathematics (Hons) students (second & third year students are preferred) on 1st March 2019. There will be lectures by some experts from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata and a quiz competition with cash prizes for the students. Further details and schedule of this programme can be found at:
For enrollment please contact the secretary at +91 8906130413 or fill in the online form in the above webpage. There will be arrangements for lunch for the participants.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
27th February, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker:Prof. Subhabrata Majumdar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Title: On Local Dark Matter
Abstract: In our Universe, Dark Matter (DM) is ubiquitous. However, we do not know what DM actually is. Understanding the (particle) nature of DM is one of the top-most questions in all of Physics. Some of our best knowledge of DM comes from observations within the Milky Way. Using these observations, and some reasonable theoretical prejudice, we can make a start by asking the three following questions:
(1) How much DM is there around us in our neighbourhood?
(2)How fast are they moving?
(3)How does our knowledge (or the lack of it) of local DM influence our search for the nature of the elusive DM?
This talk will try to provide answers to these three fundamental questions.
The March Talk of the Month 2019, shall be delivered by Dr Nicola Streeten, British anthropologist-turned-illustrator and author of The Inking Woman (2018) and Billy, Me & You (2011) on“Female-ness in Graphic Novels and Comics” on 1st March 2019, Friday, 4.20pm at TNS, Main building. PFA the poster of the event.
About the Talk
Drawing on her life experience and research as comics scholar and graphic novelist, Dr Streeten will reflect on “femaleness” in comics in this illustrated talk. Starting with consideration of her graphic memoir, “Billy, Me & You” she will venture beyond the visual representation of women, to consider the femaleness of the creative process itself. An often-overlooked element of this is the approach to getting things done and making things happen. By comparing works within a UK context with those emerging from India, Streeten will use this to introduce discussion about the influence and continuing importance of feminist theories and practice.
Nicola Streeten is British anthropologist-turned-illustrator and author of graphic memoir, Billy, Me & You (2011 Myriad Editions). Streeten’s doctoral research on Feminist Cartoons and Comics in Britain informed The Inking Woman (2018 Myriad Editions) a picture-led history of 250 years of women cartoons in Britain which she co-edited. She co-founded the international forum Laydeez do Comics in 2009 which launched the first women-only prize for graphic novels in progress in the UK in 2018, now run annually.
Department of Economics & PUYES are jointly organizing E-Summit 2019 on 28th February and 1st March 2019. Please see the details of the programme in the attached brochure.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Date & Time: Feb. 20th, 2019 at 2 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Abhik Basu, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Title: Correlations and Order in Two Dimensions
Abstract: Phase transitions and order are at the heart of statistical mechanics. Conventionally, phase transitions take place between phases with long range order (LRO) and disorder (or short range order - SRO), like between ice and water, or between phases with different LROs, like structural transitions in crystals, or between crystals and liquid crystals. Two-dimensional (2d) systems with continuous symmetries are exceptional in the sense that they cannot not sustain any LRO in the thermodynamic limit at any finite temperature (T), thus ruling out any conventional LRO to SRO transition. We illustrate this by focusing on the 2d XY model. We finally discuss how a novel quasi long range order (QLRO) to SRO transition at a finite T can still take place in the 2d XY model.
Three lectures by Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore Distinguished Professor in the Humanities, Prof. Swapan Chakravorty. His lectures are open to the public and the schedule is as follows:
27th February 2019: Literature is Ideology
Literature is False Consciousness
13th March 2019: Literature is Transgression
Literature is Propaganda
27th March 2019: Literature is Social Media
Literature is Fake News
The fourth lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Sattwik Santra,
Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta
“Frontiers in Healthcare”
February 20, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
The Department of Hindi cordially invites you to a lecture under Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series-25
Speaker : Dr.Manoj Kumar Panda,Assistant Professor,Department of Philosophy,Presidency University, kolkata
Topic : ‘ दिमाग़ और भाषा: दार्शनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य /‘Mind and Language: A Philosophical Perspectives ’ Date & Venue : Wednesday , 13th February 2019 at 3 P.m. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University,Kolkata.
All are welcome.
The third lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Subrata Sarkar,
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai
“Corporate Governance: Opportunities and challenges in emerging markets ”
February 13, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Physics Colloquium
Date & Time: 13th February, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Sarbari Guha, St. Xavier's College, Kolkata
Title: The Phenomenon of Gravitational Collapse
Physics Colloquium
Date & Time: 14th February, 2019 (Thursday) at 3 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Projjwal Banerjee, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Title: Origin of Heavy Elements in the Early Galaxy
Abstract: Metal-poor stars of $\lesssim 0.8 ~\mathrm{M}_\odot$ that have [Fe/H]~$\lesssim -2.5$ are thought to have formed within $\sim 1$ Gyr after the Big Bang. Because of their low mass, they have very long lifetimes and are still around today. Surface composition of these stars are a fossil record of interstellar gas in the early Galaxy from which they were formed and are crucial for studying the early Galactic and chemical evolution. Abundance pattern of elements observed in these stars provide a unique probe of studying the nucleosynthesis and understanding the nature of the first and early supernovae. Interestingly, elements heavier than Fe group such as Sr, Ba, and Pb, that are primarily produced by neutron capture processes, are ubiquitous in these stars. Furthermore, their abundance patterns show a large variation that seem to indicate that all types of neutron capture processes, (\textsl{r})apid, (\textsl{i})ntermediate, and (\textsl{s})low, operated in the early Galaxy. The sites for neutron capture process that can operate at such early times however, is still a major puzzle. I will discuss the current status about the sites heavy element synthesis in the early Galaxy including latest results from my work on \textsl{i} and \textsl{s} process in early massive stars.
Department of English February Talk of Month
The talk will be deliered by Prof. Robert A. Yelle on his book The Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India (Oxford University Press, 2013) on 8th February 2019, Friday 4.20pm at Tarak Nath Sen Auditorium.
Robert A. Yelle is Professor of Religious Studies at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich. He was educated at Harvard, Berkeley, and Chicago. A former Guggenheim Fellow, Yelle is the author of several books, including most recently Sovereignty and the Sacred: Secularism and the Political Economy of Religion (Chicago, 2019).
The Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India (Oxford University Press, 2013)
The Language of Disenchantment explores the ways in which Protestant ideas concerning language influenced British colonial attitudes toward and proposals to reform Hinduism. Protestant literalism, mediated by the textual economy of the printed book, inspired colonial critiques of Indian mythological, ritual, linguistic, and legal traditions. Central to these developments was the transportation of the Christian opposition of monotheism and polytheism or idolatry into the domain of language. Polemics against verbal idolatry that had been applied previously to Catholic and sectarian practices in Britain -including the elevation of a scriptural canon over heathenish custom, the attack on the personifications of mythological language, and the critique of "vain repetitions" in prayers and magic spells-were applied by colonialists to Indian linguistic practices. In order to remedy these diseases of language, the British attempted to standardize and codify Indian traditions as a step toward both Anglicization and Christianization. The colonial understanding of a perfect language as the fulfillment of the monotheistic ideal echoed earlier Christian myths according to which the Gospel had replaced the obscure discourses of pagan oracles and Jewish ritual. By uncovering the historical roots of the British re-ordering of South Asian discourses, Yelle's work challenges representations of colonialism, and the modernity that it ushered in, as simply rational or secular.
Physics Weekly Colloquium on Feb 6th, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Atanu Rajak, Presidency University
Title: Suppressed heating and pre-thermalization in chains of classical kicked rotors
Periodic drives are a common tool to control physical systems, but have a limited applicability because time-dependent drives generically lead to heating. How to prevent the heating is a fundamental question with important practical implications. We address this question by analyzing a chain of coupled kicked rotors, and find two situations in which the heating rate can be arbitrarily small: (i) marginal localization, for drives with large frequencies and small amplitudes, (ii) linear stability, for initial conditions close to a fixed point. In both cases, we find that the dynamics shows universal scaling laws that allow us to distinguish localized, diffusive, and super-diffusive regimes. The marginally localized phase has common traits with recently discovered pre-thermalized phases of many-body quantum-Hamiltonian systems, but does not require quantum coherence.
The second lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Manipushpak Mitra,
Economic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
“Prior-free on-line mechanisms for the dynamic queueing problem”
February 6, 2019: 3.30 PM
Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Mr . Atul khanna’s Session on 6th February 2019 at 11:30 a.m. at Sociology Seminar Room. More..
Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata
in collaboration with
Council for Political Studies, Kolkata
Announces a day-long workshop on
“Social Science Research: Methods and Problems”
13th March, 2019 (Wednesday)
Department of Political Science welcomes you to a lecture series on:
Japanese foreign Policy
Distinguished Speaker : Professor Yoshihide Soeya,
Japan Foundation Visiting Professor
And Faculty at Keio University, Japan
Venue : Seminar Lecture Theatre of Department of Political Science
Date : 5th and 6th February, 2019
The first lecture in this series will be given by
Prof. Arghya Ghosh,
Business School, University of New South Wales, Australia
January 30, 2019: 3.30 PM
Economics Department: Room 26
(Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room)
Annual Entrepreneurship Summit 2019
January Talk of the Month on 30th January 2019, Wednesday 3.30pm at TNS. The invited speaker is the author Chandrahas Choudhury.
Chandrahas Choudhury is the author of the novels Clouds and Arzee the Dwarf. His forthcoming work of fiction, set in a Chinese restaurant in Mumbai, is called Tales of My China Dragon. He is also the editor of a short introduction to Indian literature for the literature-loving traveller titled India: A Traveller’s Literary Companion. Choudhury also writes about literature, travel and politics for a number of periodicals, including the Wall Street Journal, Mint, Washington Post, Conde Nast Traveller, Foreign Policy, EnRoute and The National. He was a visiting fellow at the International Writing Programme at the University of Iowa in 2010 and at Akademie Solitude in Stuttgart, Germany in 2016.
Dr. Rumpa Pal,
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences,
University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-8571, Japan,
will deliver deliver a talk on the topics:
"X-ray charge density and chemical bonding analysis in molecular solids and metallic systems"
All are cordially invited to attend the seminar.
Date: 29-01-2019 Time: 4:00 p.m Venue: CLT-1
Department of Chemistry,
Presidency University, Kolkata 700073
Physics Weekly Colloquium on Jan 30, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2 PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Suprakash Roy, Science and Culture
Title - "Early years of X-ray Research in India: Contributions of J.C. Bose and Others "
The history of X-ray research in India is as old as the discovery of X-rays. X-ray was discovered in 1895, and within about six months of the discovery Dr. Mahendralal Sircar procured an X-ray tube at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS). Within another two years, Jagadish Chandra Bose built an improved X-ray apparatus in Presidency College, Kolkata. The first application of X-rays for clinical purpose, although in private capacity, were done independently by Dr. Sircar and Sir J.C. Bose. While main focus of the present talk will be on the ingenuity of J.C. Bose in developing the instrument and X-ray photography, achievements of other scientists like C.V. Raman and others will also be mentioned to showcase the contributions which helped India secure a global position in X-ray research and to establish a good school of physics in X-ray crystallography. The history of early years of X-ray research in India is a stimulating story of the glorious achievements of our scientists at a time when research on modern science was still at its infancy in India.
Physics Weekly Colloquium on Jan 16th, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2: PM
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Susmita Adhikari, Stanford University
Title - "The boundaries of Dark Matter Halos "
"Dark matter halos are endpoints of all cosmic structure formation. They harbor stars, galaxies and all the astrophysical objects that make up the universe. I will talk about the evolution and growth of dark matter halos with particular focus on my research which concerns studying the Splashback radius- the outer boundary of halos, to obtain knowledge about different models of Cosmology like LambdaCDM, modified gravity and the nature of dark matter . I will also talk about the different observational probes weuse to study the structure of dark matter halos and the current status of measurements in the Dark Energy Survey."
DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE is organising a Seminar Talk by :
Mme. Virginie Corteval
Theme of the Seminar Talk :
" Indo-French Relations"
Date : January 16th, 2019 Time : 2.40PM
Venue : Seminar Lecture Theater of Department of Political Science
Public Lecture
Title: Hyperbolic and Spherical Geometry on Surfaces
Speaker: Professor Athanase Papadopoulos, CNRS Research Professor,
IRMA, Université de Strasbourg, France
Date: 11th January, 2019
Timing: 3 PM
Venue: AJC Bose Auditorium, Main Building
Presidency University, Kolkata
S. N. Bose Memorial Lecture on the occasion of the 125th Birth Anniversary of Prof. S. N. Bose
Speaker: Prof. Rahul Pandit, J.C. Bose Fellow, IISc Bangalore
Title: The Grand Challenge of Turbulence
Chair: Prof. Jayanta Bhattacharjee
Date & Time: 9th January, 2019 (Wednesday) at 2:00 PM
Venue: Meghnad Saha Lecture Theatre (PLT 1), Department of Physics, Presidency University
Organized by Presidency University and S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Department of Life Sciences Presidency University, Kolkata
A Public Lecture by
Prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan
(Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009)
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK
January 22, 2019 at 10 AM
Venue: Derozio Hall, Presidency University
Please register at the following link:
Physics Colloquium on 2nd January, 2019 (Wednesday) at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr Sobhan Kumar Sounda, Department of Physics, Presidency University
Title: E.C.G Sudarshan and his Optical Equivalence Theorem
E.C.G Sudarshan’s seminal work of 1963 founded the field of Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence. But several Physicists around the world were puzzled over the question of why the singular contribution has not been recognized or honored with Nobel Prize 2005. To a great surprise, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics in favor of Roy J Glauber “…..for his contribution to the Quantum Theory of Optical Coherence”. This is misleading. In this context a survey of Sudarshan’s work–the diagonal representation, optical equivalence theorem and Glauber’s work on optical coherence will be presented to show Sudarshan’s catalytic role in the advancement of non-classical optics.
Department of Economics, Presidency University presents
Ananish Chaudhuri
Professor of Experimental Economics, & Head of the Economics Department,
University of Auckland Business School, New Zealand
Lecture 1: Why experiment in economics: The rise of experimental economics and its role in economics (including demonstration of some simple experiments) — Experimental Economics or Behavioural Economics: what is the difference? — Different roles played by experiments — Experiments designed to test theory; Experiments searching for facts; Experiments designed to inform policy — Criticisms of laboratory experiments in economics
Lecture 2: Fairness and Economics: The ultimatum game — Behavior in the ultimatum game: fairness or altruism? — Do norms of fairness differ across cultures? — What does a preference for fairness have to do with economics? Fairness as a constraint on profit-making
Lecture 3: Conflict and cooperation: Defining the problem — Looking for alternative explanations — Conditional cooperation and altruistic punishments — Punishments are sufficient but not necessary to sustain cooperation — Implications for economics and evolutionary theory — Concluding remarks
18 and 28 January 2019 (From 11.00 A.M. on both days),
Venue: Economics Lecture Theatre
All are welcome but prior registration vide email to zakir.econ@presiuniv.ac.in necessary
(Please send your name, designations, institutional affiliation, email and contact id)
Call for Papers: Nirmal Kanti Majumdar( NKM) Memorial Lecture and Seminar
28th January 2019
Department of Political Science , Presidency University, Kolkata
Physics Weekly Colloquium on Wednesday 10th October, 2018 at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Sumathi Rao (HRI)
Title : Topological phases of quantum matter
ABSTRACT: We will give a brief introduction to topology in condensed matter systems and explain the current excitement in the field of topological insulators and topological superconductors, starting from an explanation of the conductance quantisation in the integer quantum Hall effect. We will also give an introduction to emergent relativistic fermions - Dirac, Majorana and Weyl - in condensed matter systems and explain how the idea of topological protection gets extended to metallic systems. Finally, we will briefly mention some of our recent work in this field.
The Dept. of Hindi cordially invites you to Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series-26
Speaker : Dr.Mostak Ahmed ,Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali,Presidency University, Kolkata
Topic : ‘ बंगाल का ग्रामीण जीवन : बांग्ला आख्यान साहित्य /‘Village Life of Bengal: Bengali Prose Narratives’
Date & Venue : Wednesday , 27th February 2018 at 3 P.m. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata.
All are welcome.
Department of Statistics
Presidency University, Kolkata
A One-Day meeting with
Prof. Nitis Mukhopadhay
Department of Statistics
University of Connecticut-Storrs
December 20, 2018 at 2p.m.
Venue: Seminar Room,
Department of Statistics
All are cordially Invited
Economics Department is organising a special lecture by Prof. Kajal Lahiri,
University of Albany, SUNY on “How do households think of inflation? An Analysis
of RBI Survey data on expectations, 2016-2018”. The lecture will be held at the
Economics Lecture Theatre, on 26 December 2018 at 12.00 Noon.
Physics Colloquium at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
(1) Date & Time: December 17th, 2018 (Monday) 11 AM
Speaker: Prof. Prajval Shastri, Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Title: Do Black Holes Inch Up the Mass Ladder?
(2) Date & Time: December 21st, 2018 (Friday), 3 PM
Speaker: Dr. Subhayan Mandal, National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
Title: Probing Pseudoscalars with Pulsar Polarisation Datasets
Abstract: Recently a data set containing linear and circular polarisation information of a collection of six hundred pulsars has been released. The operative radio wavelength for the same was 21 cm. Pulsars radio emission process is modelled either with synchrotron / superconducting self-Compton route or with curvature radiation route. These theories fall short of accounting for the circular polarisation observed, as they are predisposed towards producing, solely, linear polarisation. Here we invoke (pseudo)scalars and their interaction with photons mediated by colossal magnetic fields of pulsars, to account for the circular part of polarisation data. This enables us to estimate the pseudoscalar parameters such as its coupling to photons and its mass in conjunction as product. To obtain these values separately, we turn our attention to recent observation on 47 pulsars, whose absolute polarisation position angles have been made available. Except, a third of the latter set, the rest of it overlaps with the expansive former data set on polarisation type and degree. This helps us figure out, both the pseudoscalar parameters individually, that we report here.
One-day lecture series entitled,
‘Condensed Matter Hours’
organized by Physics Department
(Convener: Prof. Arunava Chakrabarti), Presidency University
at AJC Bose Auditorium on the 21st December, 2018, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm.
National Seminar on Negotiating Nature, Culture and the Future
28th February - 1st March, 2019
organised by Department of Geography,
Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata - 700 073. West Bengal, India
Econometrics Lecture Series
Spatial Analysis:
From the Big-bang to Pre-history to the Frontier of Spatial Econometrics
Prof. Anil Bera,
Economics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Anil K. Bera is an eminent econometrician, best known for developing a test of normal distribution in collaboration with Carlos Jarque. Prof. Bera is a post graduate from ISI Kolkata, and completed his doctoral research at Australian National University. He has published extensively and is named in the List of Teachers Rated as Excellent almost every semester he teaches. He received the Economics Graduate Students’ Organization (EGSO) Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching eight times since 1989, the College of Commerce Alumni Association Outstanding Teaching Award for Graduate Teaching in 1991 and Honorable Mention of the Campus Award for Excellence in Graduate and Professional Teaching in 2005.
We will start with a bang, i.e., the big-bang. Then after a short prehistory we will begin at the beginning of spatial analysis, around mid-18th century. The introduction will be at a general level of epidemiology. Then we will slowly move to spatial statistics, spatial econometrics and finally to, spatial urban economics. We will touch on the contrast between time-series and spatial dependence, and the need for moving from linear to non-linear models; from fixed to space varying coefficient models. More specifically, in the context of urban econometrics, we will study the price of housing; we will argue that not only the spatial dependence of house prices, but also the dependence in the variability (risk) of prices need to be considered, leading to non-linear spatial autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (SARCH) model. The major highlight of the talk will be how to test various spatial models, particularly, in the context of possible misspecifications.
Date and timings:
3 January 2018 (Thursday): 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM & 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM
4 January 2018 (Friday): 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM & 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM
5 January 2018 (Saturday): 10.30 AM to 12.30 PM
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Economics Department, Presidency University
All interested persons are requested to register for the lecture. They should send their names, designation, institutional affiliation, email id and contact number by email (mousumi.econ@presiuniv.ac.in or zakir.econ@presiuniv.ac.in) within December 20, 2018, and pay a registration fee of Rs.1500 by cash to Mr. Suraj Bera, Office of Head, Economics Department by December 26, 2018.
Department of Economics, Presidency University
presents a special lecture on
Maitreesh Ghatak
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, London School of Economics
Member of British Academy
Distinguished Alumnus, Presidency University (erstwhile, Presidency College)
(A joint work with Clare Balboni, Oriana Bandiera, Robin Burgess, and Anton Heil)
This paper provides a test between the poverty trap and the economic fundamentals hypothesis using a unique large-scale randomised experiment that gave capital grants to poor individuals in rural Bangladesh. We find evidence that is consistent with there being a poverty trap. We identify a threshold level of initial capital needed for day labourers to take on a new and more remunerative occupational activity (livestock rearing). Individuals close to this threshold are pushed above it by the asset transfer and escape poverty whereas those further away fail to do this and fall back into poverty. We discuss the implications of our results for the design of anti-poverty policies to reach the extreme poor who live in risky environments.
18 December 2018 (11.00 am – 1.00 pm),
Venue: Economics Lecture Theatre
All are welcome.
Celebration of the 125th Birth Anniversary of Prof. Meghnad Saha
A Public Lecture by
Prof. Arnab Rai Choudhuri
JC Bose Fellow, Indian Institute of Science
Nov 27th 2018
Meghnad Saha Lecture Theatre
All are welcome
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 14 th November, Wednesday at 4-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Ajit Bikram Datta, Department of Biochemistry, Bose Institute, Kolkata
Research area: Structural biology and biophysics, Protein ubiquitination
Title: TBD
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
22nd Chandan Kumar Bhattacharyya Memorial Lecture 2018 on 15th November 2018 at 3:30 PM
The Department of Hindi , Presidency University cordially invites you to a special lecture on
“साहित्य,संस्कृति और अध्यात्म: अंतःसम्बंध/ Literature, Culture and Spirituality: Interrelation “
The Distinguished Speaker:
Eminent Hindi writer Dr. Krishna Bihari Mishra
( Awarded ‘PadamShree’ by the Hon’ble President of India )
Date-15/11/2018, Thursday, Time: 12.30 PM
Venue: Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department,Presidency University
All are welcome
Physics colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Srubabati Goswami (Physical Research Laboratory)
Date: Nov. 14th, 2018, Wednesday. Time: 3.30 PM at Meghnad Saha Lecture Theater (erstwhile PLT-1)
Title : Neutrinos : The Nobel Connection
In this talk I will discuss the Nobel Prizes received in the field of neutrino physics and will trace the history of the neutrino and the emergence of neutrino oscillation as a solution to the solar and atmospheric neutrino problems through this. I will also mention some of the open problems in this field.
Performing Truth of Self and Relationships
What drives us? What do we desire most? What are our secrets? Whom do we love? How do we connect? Through various techniques of acting and improvisation drawn from varied performance practitioners and theorists from Konstantin Stanislavsky to Aileen Passloff, this workshop explores how we can deepen into truth of objectives, relationships and relationships in performance.
Physics Colloquium on 31st October 2018, Wednesday at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Abhishake Sadhukhan (Presidency University)
Title: Dressing method for solutions on AdS_3 with Neveu Schwarz flux
Abstract: In this talk, I discuss how the "dressing method" can be applied to solutions on AdS_3 \times S^3 background with NS-NS flux to obtain other solutions that have already been studied from a stringy perspective in the literature.
The Economics Department cordially invites you to attend a special lecture series on ‘The evolution of Homo Economicus’ by Dr. Parikshit Ghosh, Faculty, Delhi School of Economics.
The lectures will be held from 3.00 P.M. to 5.00 PM from 29 October to 1 November 2018 at the Economics Lecture Theater.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018 at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Sukanta Chaudhuri
Professor Emeritus, Jadavpur University
Abstract: The works of Rabindranath Tagore present the most challenging textual scenario of any major writer in the world. He wrote voluminously in Bengali and English. Amazingly, he also revised his writings voluminously, sometimes over decades – perhaps changing a few words, perhaps virtually rewriting a work, even changing it from one genre or one language to another. The detailed study of these textual changes is not a dry bookish exercise: it is a close encounter with the working of his creative genius. The online Tagore variorum Bichitra (url: http://bichitra. jdvu.ac.in) attempts to document and analyse this textual treasure-house.
Sukanta Chaudhuri, Chief Co-Ordinator of Bichitra and editor of the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to Rabindranath Tagore, will talk about Tagore’s text and its incorporation in the website.
Indian National Science Academy
Golden Jubilee Commemoration Medal
(Animal Sciences) Lecture - 2018
Prof. Partha P Majumder
Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Distinguished Professor and Founder Director
National Institute of Biomedical Genomics, Kalyani
“Riding the Genomics Wave to Reach New Depths of Human Health and History”
Date: 27th September, 2018; Time: 12:00 Noon
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium,
Presidency University, Kolkata
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 26th September, Wednesday at 3-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Smarajit Polley, Department of Biophysics, Bose Institute, Kolkata
Title: Yin and Yang ofIKK Signaling: Targeting Beyond the Active Site to Tame NF-kappaB
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
Department of Political Science, Presidency University
welcomes you to a talk by
(Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Calcutta University)
Tibet as the Postcolonial Factor in India-China Relations
Wednesday, 19th September 2018
Time: 3.30 pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Department of Political Science
Physics Weekly Colloquium
19th September, 2018 (Wednesday) at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Supratik Pal, ISI Kolkata
Title: Lambda or not too Lambda?
Abstract:Several cosmological observations more or less confirm that our Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate in recent times. The cosmic constituent responsible for this acceleration, generically known as dark energy, contributes to around 70% of the cosmic budget today. Although there are several theoretically motivated candidates for dark energy, its exact nature is still a mystery to us. With recent data we can be more or less happy with a minimal description of our Universe – the so-called Lambda-CDM model, where the term CDM stands for Cold Dark Matter and Lambda is the Cosmological Constant – the simplest possible dark energy candidate. In this colloquium, I will try to give a broad overview of the theoretical and observations aspects of dark energy. Specifically, I will try to answer to the following questions:
(i) how do we describe different dark energy models in a common language called parametrization;
(ii) how do we extract meaningful information about dark energy from different observations; and
(iii) what is our understanding of different dark energy models so far? Towards the end, I will discuss certain disturbing issues involving the minimal Lambda-CDM model based on present observations, and try to search for possible reasons behind it. As I said, I will keep my talk at a broad overview level with no specific conclusion as such.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
12th September, 2018 (Wednesday) at 1:20 PM
Speaker : Dr. Nandan Pakhira, Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol
Title : Electronic structure of metallic tetra-boride TmB4 : An LDA+DMFT study
Abstract : Recent experimental observations of magnetization plateau in metallic tetra-boride TmB4 have created a lot of interest in rare earth tetra-borides. Hysteretic longitudinal resistance and anomalous Hall Effect are other remarkable features in the rare-earth tetra-borides which represent experimental realizations of Archimedean Shastry-Sutherland (SSL) lattice. Electronic band structures, calculated under generalised gradient approximation (GGA), show that TmB4 is a narrow band system with considerable correlation in its f-level.
In this talk I will address strong correlation effects in this system, studied under single-site dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) [LDA+DMFT scheme] approximation using multi-orbital generalization of iterated perturbation theory (MO-IPT). Interestingly the spectral function shows pseudo-gap like behaviour while the self-energy shows non-Fermi liquid behaviour. This arises due to non-trivial strong correlation effects present in this geometrically frustrated metallic magnets. We also consider the extant, heather-to-neglected, strong atomic spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effects present in this system. While there is a significant change in the topology of the Fermi surface in the presence of SOC, the non-Fermi liquid behaviour in self-energy survives. Finally we argue that the system can be modelled by an effective two orbital Falicov-Kimball model together with two free band like states.
The talk is aimed to general audience who would like to know about strong correlation effects in real materials and technical details will be avoided in most part of the talk.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
September 5th, 2018 at 2 PM. Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Pradip Mukherjee, Barasat Govt. College
Title of the talk: Galilean gauge theory
Abstract: Galilean gauge theory is concerned with an algorithm to couple non relativistic field theories with curved space time. I will try to explain the method and indicate its important applications.
Physics Weekly Colloquium on August 29th, 2018 at
2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Soumitra Sengupta,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Title: Looking back at Newtonian Paradigm
"Workshop on 'The Everyday as Performance’ from 28th to 30th August,2018
Amitesh Grover, Faculty, National School Of Drama, New Delhi
Organized by the Department of Performing Arts, Presidency University
Amitesh Grover is faculty in the National School Of Drama and
performance-based artist in New Delhi, India. He creates work across art
disciplines to produce performances, texts, objects, images, installations,
and films.
About the Workshop –
Where do the limits of everyday life and performance intersect? How can
performance make sense of, and intervene in the everyday? This workshop
introduces how artists create performances out of their own experiences,
using the lived everyday as primary inspiration. Exercises conducted
explore ideas of performance as research, immersion, embedded-ness, and
engaging public and the city through art. The workshop finally mobilises
ideas about how the event’s experience takes shape as an archive.
28th August,2018: Inaugural talk 11 a.m – 1p.m
Venue : A.K Basak Auditorium
29th August,2018 : Workshop with Students
30th August,2018 : Workshop with Students"
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 29th August, Wednesday at 3-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Pralay Mitra, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Title: Computational protein design and its applications
Venue: PC Mahalanobis Auditorium
To know more about Dr. Mitra's research please visit:
Lecture Series in advanced Economics
Semiparametric Regression Analysis
by Dr. Dhiman Bhadra on 3rd & 4th September 2018
Special Lectures in Macroeconomics
by Prof. Niloy Bose on 6th September 2018
The Department of Hindi cordially invites you to the Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series-21 .
Professor Swapan K Chakraborty ,
Distinguished Professor in the Humanities (Literary & Cultural studies ) Presidency University
will deliver a lecture on
’ Nature, Archeology & Literature : Few instances’
on Wednesday 29th August,2018 at 3 P.m. at Dr.Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department,Presidency University,Kolkata.
All are Welcome.
Dr. Sourav Bhattacharya
Department of Economics, Royal Holloway University of London
will deliver special lectures on
“The simple economics of violent conflict”
13th August – 16th August 2018
Physics Weekly Colloquium on August 8th, 2018 at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Abhishek Majhi, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Title: Black hole entropy from the first principles revisited
Abstract: Perhaps one of the most intriguing features of Einstein's theory of general relativity is the prediction of black holes, which can only grow or remain in equilibrium. However, if we quantize matter, then the theory predicts that a black hole emits thermal radiation and behaves like a thermodynamic system possessing an entropy given by one fourth of its area in Planck units (\ell_P^2=G\hbar/c^3). This fact necessitates the need of a quantum theory of black hole providing the description of microstates that can lead to a derivation of the entropy from the first principles. One such theory, providing the description for microstates of black holes, is Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). In LQG, one quantizes general relativity in the canonical approach. Unfortunately, the derivation of the entropy in the LQG framework is plagued with a fine tuning problem of a free parameter of the theory. I shall discuss about a possible way to tackle this problem.
Harendralal Basak Memorial Lecture 2018 on 13th August, 2018
Download Poster
Department of Hindi Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you to Premchand interdisciplinary lecture series-20.
Hindi writer Ashok Kumar Pandey will deliver a lecture on ' Kashmirnama' on 1st August,2018 at 2 PM.
Venue: Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi department, Presidency University.
All are welcome.
Departmental Seminar will be held on 3 August 2018 at 4:00 pm
Anirban Chattopadhyay Rushati Sen Biswajit Roy
Professor Swapan Chakroborti
Organized By
Department of Bengali, Presidency University & Dey`s Publishing
All are welcome
Physics Colloquium at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
30th July, 2018 (Monday) 2 PM: Speaker: Dr. Rajibul Islam, University of Waterloo
Title: Simulating the quantum world with trapped ions
Can physics be simulated by a universal computer? Classical physics, maybe; but what about quantum physics? Feynman's suggestion to build a computer out of quantum mechanical elements is now an active area of experimental research. While a large scale quantum computer is perhaps not practical for a long time to come, quantum simulators that can simulate a range of non-trivial quantum problems are already a reality. In this talk, I will describe quantum simulation based on laser-cooled trapped ions. Trapped ions are among the most well-controlled quantum systems and are an ideal platform for simulating a wide range of non-trivial spin Hamiltonians, such as frustrated spin models, with the ability to directly image the spin states of individual ions.
1st August, 2018 (Wednesday) 2 PM: Speaker: Prof. Surajit Sengupta, TIFR Centre for Interdisciplinary Sciences
Title: Rigidity of solids: a thermodynamic origin story
School textbooks tell us that the main difference between a solid and a liquid is the ability of the former to retain its shape. Any attempt at changing the shape of a solid is resisted by an internal elastic stress unless the deformation crosses a limiting value; at which point the solid fails. This naive viewpoint, although of great practical value, is, however, fundamentally incorrect. For example, one can argue that given enough time, atoms in the solid can always rearrange to eliminate stress no matter how much, or how little, the solid is deformed. Resolution of this paradoxical result lies at the core of our understanding of the behavior of solids under deformation.
Adapting ideas which were introduced recently to study glasses, we find that rigidity arises a result of a hidden first-order phase transition between phases which differ in the way they respond to changes of shape [1]. When deformed by any amount, howsoever small, the rigid solid goes into a meta-stable state analogous to superheated water. Eventually, this meta-stable state always decays by nucleating bubbles of the stable, stress-free, solid by a process very similar to how bubbles of steam appear in a kettle of boiling water. This fresh conceptual viewpoint curiously allows us to study failure of perfect crystalline solids in quantitative detail without invoking specifics of many-body, defect–defect interactions, raising hope of a more unified description of materials in the future.
[1] Nath et al. PNAS 115 E4322-E4329 (2018)
Further reading: http://nanoscale.blogspot.com/2018/06/there-is-no-such-thing-as-rigid-solid.html?at_show_links=true
A series of lectures will be delivered on "Performance Measurement Techniques" by Dr. Simanti Bandyopadhyay, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Public Policy, School of Management and Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar University
on 30th, 31st July and 1st & 2nd August 2018 from 11 a.m. onwards in the Economics Department of Presidency University.
The lectures will cover the following topics:
▪ The Theoretical Construct: Efficiency of a Decision Making Unit
▪ Different Classes of Models to Estimate efficiency empirically: An Overview
▪ Non Parametric Data Envelopment Analysis
▪ Parametric Econometric Models: The Evolution
All are welcome
Department of Life Sciences will host a lecture by Prof. Dr. Sreeparna Banerjee from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey on this Wednesday, 25th July at 4-00 pm.
Title: Inflammation and colorectal cancer
Venue: Departmental conference room
Physics Colloquium on three consecutive days: 23rd, 24th and 25th July, 2018
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre, Department of Physics
23rd July, 2018 (Monday) at 2 PM
Speaker: Dr. Sambaran Banerjee (University of Bonn)
Title: “Black holes in star clusters and their implications for gravitational-wave generation"
Black holes in densely packed ensembles of stars such as globular clusters and massive open clusters has always drawn attention due to their potential in giving rise to a number of high-energy astrophysical phenomena. At present, the interest has rejuvenated since the first direct detection of gravitational waves from a merging pair of black holes by the Advanced LIGO detector. Such “stellar-mass” black holes form due to the collapse of massive stars after their nuclear fuel has exhausted and a fraction of them remain trapped in the stellar cluster by the latter's deep gravitational potential. In this talk, I will introduce the dynamical behaviour of such a trapped and densely packed system of black holes; in particular, how it acts as an “engine” for generating binary black holes capable of merging via in-spiral and associated gravitational-wave radiation, that can be detected by the LIGO-Virgo and the LISA detectors. In this context, I shall discuss the typicalities of the binary black hole sources that can be detected by these detectors.
24th July, 2018 (Tuesday) at 11 AM
Speaker: Dr. Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (Lawrence Technological University)
Title: "Can flavor phenomenology provide a window into new physics?"
Abstract: The Standard Model of particle physics provides a robust but incomplete picture of the universe of particles. Experiments worldwide are looking for signals of new particles and interactions that will provide a more complete picture of our universe. Flavor phenomenology provides a unique window into high-energy new physics. New interactions can significantly modify rare low-energy phenomena through quantum effects. The study of these modifications can then reveal the nature of these new interactions. In this talk, I will draw your attention to some recent low-energy studies that can potentially lead us to a deeper understanding of nature at very small length scales.
25th July, 2018 (Wednesday) at 2 PM
Speaker: Prof. Supriya Chaudhuri (Jadavpur University)
Title: "Thinking the Crisis: the Humanities and the Public University"
The humanities and the public university today are alike in crisis. The future of both is imperilled, their survival in doubt. But the crisis of higher education as a whole is larger than that of the humanities disciplines. Should we then abandon the humanities in order to preserve scientific and technological education in the larger public interest? I would like to argue that the function of the humanities within the public university is to enable us to think critically, to think in times of danger, or to think the crisis, returning to the root meaning of the Greek word. I will look back at Immanuel Kant’s three essays on The Conflict of the Faculties to interrogate, not only the meaning and function of the humanities, but also the university space within which disciplines are formed, hierarchies instituted, and futures risked. I will focus particularly on the fate of the public university in India today, in the context of higher education policy.
Department of Physics
Lectures on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics on July 20, 2018 (Friday), 11 AM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Surajit Sen, State University of New York, Buffalo.
Physics Colloquium on 27th June at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre.
Speaker: Dr. Anirban Bhattacharjee, Sul Ross State University
Title: How Massive Are the Biggest Black Holes in the Universe?
Black hole growth plays a key part in galaxy formation and evolution as evidenced by observed correlations between central black hole parameters (e.g., mass) and galaxy-scale parameters (e.g., stellar velocity dispersion). Accurate measurements of the black hole mass are therefore required to better understand and characterize these relationships. Reverberation Mapping is a technique that is used to measure the size scale of broad line emitting gas in these systems. This size scale in conjunction with the Doppler width of the emission-line gives us black hole mass. My talk will focus on Reverberation Mapping as technique in comparison with other methods and it’s importance. I will also talk about biases and drawbacks involved in measuring the black hole mass through this technique and why measuring masses of radio-loud systems will allow us a better understanding one of these biases.
Department of Philosophy Presidency University Kolkata
Invites you to a talk on
Philosophy, Humanities and Political
Franson D. Manjali
Professor, Centre for Linguistics, School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Date- 22nd June, 2018(Friday)
Time- 11.30 AM
Venue- Seminar Room, Department of Philosophy, Netaji Subash Building, Presidency University, Kolkata
The NSS Cell of Presidency University is organizing yoga sessions on the 21st June, 2018 (Thursday) on the occasion of International Yoga Day.
Department of Geology cordially invites you to a Special Lecture
“Kinematic analysis of deformed rocks lacking visible fabric elements – integrating AMS and EBSD data”
Speaker: Prof. Manish Mamtani, Dept. of Geology, IIT, Kharagpur
Date and Time: 6th June, 2018 at 11:30 AM
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Physics colloquium on June 7th at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Nishikant Khandai (NISER)
Title: Mass and Luminosity Functions
One of the basic questions one wishes to address when studying Structure Formation in the Universe is "Can we predict the distribution of objects in the Universe?". These objects can mean various quantities, e.g. dark matter halos, galaxies, quasars etc. And to each of these objects we can ascribe a property of interest, e.g. mass, circular velocity or velocity dispersion, broad-band luminosity, line-flux, just to name a few. In this talk we will discuss these quantities which are known as mass functions and luminosity functions and look at theoretical advances in predicting these quantities and relating them to observations. This will be done with the aid of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation.
In the end we will discuss our current effort in understanding the population of low-redshift HI-rich galaxies.
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 18th April, Wednesday at 4-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Amit Pal, National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata
Title: Role of microbial proteases in pathogenesis and tumor regression
Venue: PC Mahlanobis Auditorium
Physics weekly colloquium
Wednesday 18th April, 2018 at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Special Celebration of the 150th Colloquium.
Speaker: Dr Suchetana Chatterjee, Department of Physics, Presidency University
Physics Weekly Colloquium on April 11th, 2018 at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Swapan Chakravorty, Presidency University
Title: Literature, History and Knowledge
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 4th April, Wednesday at 4-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Chandrima Das, Biophysics and Structural Genomics Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Title: Reprogramming the Epigenomic Landscape by the Histone “Readers”: Insights on their Role as Breast Cancer Suppressors
Venue: PC Mahlanobis Auditorium
To know more about Dr. Datta's research please visit: http://www.saha.ac.in/web/technical/personal-page?mid=92&tab=tab2
Physics Weekly Colloquium
April 4th 2018 (Wednesday) at 3 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta (IACS)
Title: Electrons in Complex Materials: from Theory to Practice
Three Day National Seminar will be held on 2-4 April 2018 at AJC Bose Hall in collaboration with North East India Company (Silchar, Assam)
“The Epic of the Moment: Exploring the Narrative Cultures of the Mahābhārata”
Dr. Goutam Bhadra, Dr. Pradip Kumar Basu, Dr. Samim Ahmed, Dr. Anirban Bhattacharjee, Dr. Prabal Kumar Sen, Dr. Gangadhar Nayacharyay, Dr. Dhrubajyoti Sarkar, Dr. Arjun Choudhury, Dr. Sumit Chakraborti, Dr. satyabrata Pahari, Dr. Debaditya Mukhopadhyay, Dr. Pinak Sankar Bhattacharyay, Dr. Abhijit Roy, Dr. Pinaki Roy, Dr. Shankha Bandopadhyay, Dr. mafiz Uddin
02/04/2018 at 03:00 pm to 5 pm
03/04/2018 at 10:30 to 05:00 pm
04/04/2018 at 10:00 am to 11:00 am
AJC Bose Hall, Presidency University, Kolkata
Organized by
Department of Bengali, Presidency University
10:00 am to 11 :30 am on 03/04/2018
All are well come
DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE is organising a Seminar Talk by :
Theme of the Seminar Talk :
Date : April 9th, 2018
Time : 2.40PM -3.30PM
Venue : Seminar Lecture Theater of Department of Political Science
DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE is organising a seminar talk by :
Theme of the Seminar Talk :
DATE : April 10th, 2018
Time : 2.40 PM -3.30 PM
VENUE : Seminar Lecture Theater of Department of Political Science
Departmental Seminar will be held on 28 March 2018 at 2:30 pm
Gautam Bhadra
Date & Time
28 March 2018, 02:30 pm
Dr. P C Mahalanabis Hall
Organized By
Department of Bengali, Presidency University
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium
March 28th (Wednesday) at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Shanta Dutta (Presidency University)
Title: The Stellar Universe and the Mind of Man
Abstract: My talk will try to explore how the human mind has responded to the glorious spectacle of the heavenly bodies – going beyond the initial sense of awe and wonder in an attempt to fathom their deepest secrets. I will focus more specifically on English literature of the nineteenth century to show how the stars feature both as image and symbol, how they stand both for permanence and perishability, and how new discoveries about our stellar universe impact the creative imagination of writers and artists.
Dr. Zakir Husain of IIT Kharagpur will deliver deliver a series of lectures on Endogeneity: Some Practical Issues on 22nd (1.50 - 4 pm) and 23rd March (10.50 - 2.30 pm). Post graduate students with basic knowledge of econometrics and has interest in Instrumentation may join the lectures.
Departmental seminar will be held on occasion of World Poetry Day, 21 March 2018
Amar Rastra : Amar Kabita
Subodh Sarkar
Venue : AJC Bose Hall, PU
Date and Time : 21 March, 2018, 12.30 pm
Organized by : Department of Bengali, Presidency University
All are cordially invited
प्रेसिडेंसी विश्वविद्यालय,कोलकाता हिन्दी विभाग तथा विजया बैंक, क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय, कोलकाता के संयुक्त तत्वावधान में
अलका सरावगी के नए उपन्यास
“एक सच्ची-झूठी गाथा”
पर सच्ची चर्चा
20 मार्च 2018, 11 बजे से 5 बजे तक
आचार्य जगदीश चंद्र बोस सभागार प्रेसिडेंसी विश्वविद्यालय,कोलकाता
हिंदी विभाग आपका हार्दिक स्वागत करता है
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 21st March, Wednesday at 4-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Rupak Datta, Department of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research, Kolkata
Title: Pleiotropic Role of Carbonic Anhydrases in Intracellular Growth and Survival of Leishmania
Venue: PC Mahlanobis Auditorium
To know more about Dr. Datta's research please visit: http://bio.iiserkol.ac.in/?page_id=4474
Physics Weekly Colloquium on March 21st, 2018 ( a tribute to Stephen Hawking)
2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Parthasarathi Majumdar (Ramkrishna Mission Vivekananda University)
Title : Quantizing gravity : aesthetics or compulsion?
Abstract : Starting with Einstein's Light Quantum Hypothesis, followed by a very brief review of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), we present arguments to show that that classical Maxwell Electrodynamics is only an approximation to QED. Then we introduce the basic geometrical ideas of special and general relativity (without any mathematical details) and explain how spacetime in general relativity must be dynamical. In analogy with Einstein's critique of Maxwell equations in a world where electric charge is quantized, we focus on the lacunae of general relativity in a universe which began with the so-called Big Bang and which has black holes in it. We discuss one way of quantizing gravity (known as Loop Quantum Gravity) which addresses successfully the issue of black hole entropy and has the potential to resolve the Information Loss Paradox associated with Hawking radiation from black holes.
प्रेसीडेंसी विश्वविद्यालय हिन्दी विभाग
प्रो.जगदीश्वर चतुर्वेदी ने जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली से हिन्दी में एम.ए,एम.फिल्, पी.एच.डी. की। सन् 1984-85 में जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय छात्रसंघ के अध्यक्ष बने और सन् 1989 में हिन्दी विभाग,कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवक्ता पद पर नियुक्त हुए। बाद में प्रोफेसर पद पर रहते हुए यही से 2016 में अवकाश ग्रहण किया |
विशेष व्याख्यान
स्थान:डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसाद सभागार,
हिन्दी विभाग
दिनांक:14 मार्च 2018
समय: 1 बजे दिन
आप सभी आमंत्रित हैं|
Department of History, Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites you to a One Day National Conference
"Archaeology, Heritage and Religion in South Asia"
Date: Wednesday, 14th March 2018
Time: 10 am
Venue: AJC Bose Auditorium, Presidency Univeristy
प्रेसीडेंसी विश्वविद्यालय हिन्दी विभाग
प्रो.जगदीश्वर चतुर्वेदी ने जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय, नई दिल्ली से हिन्दी में एम.ए,एम.फिल्, पी.एच.डी. की। सन् 1984-85 में जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय छात्रसंघ के अध्यक्ष बने और सन् 1989 में हिन्दी विभाग,कलकत्ता विश्वविद्यालय में प्रवक्ता पद पर नियुक्त हुए। बाद में प्रोफेसर पद पर रहते हुए यही से 2016 में अवकाश ग्रहण किया |
विशेष व्याख्यान
स्थान:डॉ राजेंद्र प्रसाद सभागार,
हिन्दी विभाग
दिनांक:13 मार्च 2018
समय: 2 बजे दिन
आप सभी आमंत्रित हैं|
This is to cordially invite you all to a seminar to be held at the Department of Chemistry on 13th March 2018. Please check below for the details about time, location, speakers and topics.
1) Lecture by Professor Susan Richardson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of South Carolina
Date & Time: 13th March, 2 - 3 p.m.
Location: CLT-1, Derozio Building, Department of Chemistry, PU
Title: What’s in my drinking water? Revealing the chemicals we cannot see.
2) Lecture by Professor Nitin Chattopadhyay, Department of Chemistry, Jadavpur University.
Date & Time: 13th March, 3 - 4 p.m.
Location: CLT-1, Derozio Building, Department of Chemistry, PU
Title: Development of Potential Strategies from Simple Ideas
Abstract: New strategies with potential applications can be developed from our existing ideas and perceptions simply looking at the things from different angles with an open mind. In this talk, I will share some of such endeavors from our research group, without going into the details.
It is a common and accepted understanding that an ionic molecular probe is unable to sense ions of similar charge characteristics due to the electrostatic repulsion disallowing any hand-shaking between the two interacting partners. However, with the experience from the society and realizing the beneficial role of a “BROKER” in certain fields, we have been successful to overcome this limitation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first example of this sort. Simply through modifying the environment by introducing some selected surfactants as brokers we have been able to detect and estimate Cu2+ by the cationic fluorophore, phenosafranin.
Ratiometric absorbance of two bands of a pH sensitive probe has enabled us to detect and estimate the deadly toxic cyanide ion down to micromolar level of concentration by exploiting the school level basic chemistry knowledge of hydrolysis of cyanide salt that leads to an appreciable change in the solution pH.
In recent times, medicine has been an integral part of mankind for their healthy (!) survival. With intake of drugs, we are also inviting some ancillary effects and the situation becomes worse day by day due to the ever-increasing health hazards caused by pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and so forth. This problem may be tackled from two angles: (i) delivering the drug or pharmaceutics effectively to the site of interest through proper and efficient delivery systems (ii) excreting the excess drugs adsorbed on the cell membranes occasionally through some biocompatible methods, similar to the way we clean our dirty cloths. We have developed chemical systems composing of self-organized assemblies for the delivery of drugs to the target by means of both endogenous and exogenous activation. Excretion of probes from model membrane as well as from live cell membrane has also been demonstrated by our group exploiting the simple concept of competitive binding of probes between the two competing hosts.
An easy and useful strategy has been developed for the specific synthesis of gold nanoparticles of desired dimension, the instrument required for the size determination being a spectrophotometer only.
Thus, it is very much possible to engender imperative strategies simply from the logical extension of simple and familiar ideas.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
March 14th, 2018 (Wednesday) at 3 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Dr. Sumanta Chakraborty (IACS)
Title: A tale of two cities: Gravity and Thermodynamics
Abstract: The blackboard talk will be divided into two parts. In the first part of my talk I will discuss the action principle for classical mechanics as well as field theories and various complications thereof. Finally I will discuss how one may construct an well-posed variational principle in general relativity.
In the second part of my talk, I will discuss the thermodynamics of null surfaces. In particular I will demonstrate how various projections of Einstein's equations lead to thermodynamic identities. I will also try to point out some bizarre consequences that the above approach faces when quantum theory is brought into the picture.
Presidency University Cordially invites you to a lecture by Dr. Barbara Pauly, director of HFSP programs on Monday, March 12th.
Department of Political Science
Presidency University
cordially invites you to a talk by
Achyut Chetan
(Assistant Professor, Department of English,
Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka)
Feminist Visions for a Constitutional Democracy:
Women’s Contribution to the Framing of the Constitution of India
Date: Wednesday, 7th March 2018
Time: 2.40 p.m.
Venue: Political Science Seminar Room
Bio Note
Physics Weekly Colloquium at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
7th March, 2018 (Wednesday) at 2:00 PM
Speaker: Prof. Debnarayan Jana
Department of Physics
University of Calcutta
Title: Dimensional Analysis and Renormalization
In this pedagogical talk, we would like to discuss the connection of dimensional analysis with renormalization- a well known technique used in field theory and condensed matter system. Scaling arguments along with dimensional analysis form indeed a powerful tool in physics to solve several interesting problems. Introducing some uncommon application of dimensional analysis, method of renormalization will be demonstrated through two undergraduate (postgraduate) problems - one from electrostatics and another from quantum mechanics. In this connection, the simplicity and elegance of dimensional regularization will be highlighted. Finally, another two systems from condensed matter physics- relativistic charged scalar field in a magnetic field and Ising spin systems will be considered for the applications of renormalization methods. As a brief comment, we will point out the implications of anomalous dimension appearing in continuous phase transition. We hope these problems suitably chosen will indicate the connection between theories at different length scales.
The Entrepreneurship Development Workshop jointly organized by the Economics Department and Presidency University Young Entrepreneurs Society will be held on 8 & 9 March, 2018.
All are welcome to this event.
Department of Mathematics is organizing "An Outreach Programme in Mathematics for BSc students", aimed for advanced BSc students (second & third year) studying Mathematics on 5th March 2018. There will be lectures by some experts from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata and a quiz competition with cash prizes for the students. Further details and schedule of this programme can be found at:
For enrollment please contact the secretary at +91 8906130413 or fill in the online form in the above webpage. A registration fee of Rs. 50/- per participant will be collected at the event. Arrangements for lunch have been for the participants.
Department of Political Science
Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you to a talk by
Professor Jeta Sankrityayana (Sikkim Central University)
Development Failures and Origins of Sociopolitical Movements in the Darjeeling Hills
3.00pm, 26th February 2018 (Monday)
Departmental Seminar room, Political Science Department,
Presidency University.
Rhythm Workshop by Pandit Parimal Chakraborty on 26th & 27th February 2018 from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM at Black Box Theatre, Perforing Arts.
Presidency University and Indian Statistical Institute are jointly organizing a conference on the Frontiers of Statistical Physics during Feb 26-28 as a part of the 125th birth anniversary celebration of Prof. P. C. Mahalanobis.
The Venue of the Seminar has been shifted to Acharyya Jagadis Chandra Bose Auditorium, Ground Floor, Main Building on 09.03.2018 (Friday). The Registration will start at 10:00 a.m. on 09.03.2018 (Friday) in front of the Auditorium. One day seminar on some recent issues in survey sampling organized by department of statistics ,Presidency University, Kolkata in association with Indian Association for Productivity, Quality and Realibility on 9th march 2018 More
Department of Political Science, presidency university
invites all to a Talk
Prof. Takenori Horimoto
Kyoto University
Japan-India Relations in the age of the
Indo-Pacific: Beyond Complementarity.
Time: 3.30 pm
Venue: Departmental Seminar Room
Date: 21st February 2018, Wednesday
A departmental seminar will be held on 21/02/2018 at 03:00 pm to celebrate the 21 February 2018 (Matri Bhasa Dibas).
Rabindranath O Tar Chikitsa Bigyan Jagat
Dr. Sankar Nath
( Ex. Prof. Calcutta Medical College, Kolkata)
Jibanananda Sabha Kaksh
(Bengali Departmental Seminar Room)
Invitation Card
Life Science Colloquium
Date: 21st February, Wednesday at 4-00 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. Sandip Kar, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Title: Controlling Cellular Proliferation By Adjusting microRNA Dynamics
Venue: PC Mahlanobis Auditorium
To know more about Dr. Kar's research please visit: http://sandipkar8.wixsite.com/sandip-kar
Department of Hindi,Presidency University, kolkata cordially invites you to Panini lecture series on International Mother Tongue Day . Renowned Linguist Prof.Udaya Narayana Singh will deliver three Public lectures on “Dialects speak: Save me my mother!/ “बोलती बोलियाँ:माँ बचाओ ख़तरों से” on 21st February 2018.
Topics includes :
1. “Mother, why don't you teach me? "
2. "The curse of Dialects".
3. "The nature of danger".
Lectures ( one hour each) will begin from 11 am .
Venue: A K Basak Auditorium, Presidency University ,Kolkata
All are welcome.
SPECIAL LECTURE on A Monetary Business Cycle Model for India by Chetan Ghate, Professor, Economics and Planning Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi
Venue: Economics Seminar Room, Economics Department, Presidency University.
Date: 27th February 2018, 11 a.m.
Department of Mathematics is organizing a special series of lectures by three eminent mathematicians on 17th and 19th February 2018. The speakers of this event are Prof. Mahan Mj from TIFR Mumbai, Prof. Debashish Goswami from ISI Kolkata and Prof. Rana Barua from ISI Kolkata. Scheule
Special Lectures on Condensed Matter Physics
15th Feb. 2018 (Thursday) at 2:00 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker:Prof. Rajdeep Sensarma (TIFR)
Title: The Wonderful World of Ultracold Atoms
Ultracold Atoms have emerged in recent years as a novel platform to simulated quantum many body physics, both in thermal equilibrium and out of it. In this talk I will describe how these systems implement interesting many body Hamiltonians and how one can control the parameters of these Hamiltonians in these systems. I will then show a range of interesting physics that has been obtained using this novel platform.
The department of Economics, Presidency University, is organizing a two day workshop on Environment and Resource Economics on 26th and 27th February 2018. All interested students and researchers across different disciplines are requested to send their registration request to Mr. Pravesh Tamang at pravesh.econ@presiuniv.ac.in by 20th February 2018.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday 14th February 2018 at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Manjari Bagchi, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Title: Exotic pairs of stellar undeads: binary radio pulsars with compact companions.
Abstract: Binary radio pulsars with white-dwarf or other neutron stars or black holes as companions serve as excellent laboratories to test various aspects of basic physics.
In this talk, I will explain how orbital and stellar properties (classical and general relativistic) of pulsars, can be probed by timing stable pulsars for long enough time. I will emphasize the prospects of putting more stringent constraints on alternative theories of gravity with the help of pulsar - black hole binaries (to be discovered). I will also discuss the prospect of constraining dense matter equation of state by timing neutron star-neutron star binaries. Finally, I will give a brief update on Indian efforts to detect nano-Hz gravitational waves by timing an ensemble of stable pulsars.
National Conference on Archaeology, Heritage and Religion in South Asia
Wednesday, 14 March 2018
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata
Oikos - The Presidency University Economics Society along with the Economics Department is organising the second edition of Arthatantra on 16th and 17th February, 2018. The event comprises of Keynote Lectures by Arvind Subramanian (Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India) on 16th February, 2018 and Andreas Bauer (IMF Senior Resident Representative for India, Nepal, and Bhutan) on 17th February, 2018.
In addition to these two lectures there will be a panel discussion on "How the prospective progress on emerging technologies will affect out developing economy" with the eminent panellists including Dr. Avik Sarkar, Head, Data Analytics Cell at NITI Aayog, Govt. of India; Dr. Sougata Ray, Professor of Strategic Management, IIM Calcutta etc. The Event also comprises of 5 student competitions namely, Hypothesize (Paper Presentation), Neo-Quizzical (Quiz), Mr. Keynes and the Classics (Debate), The Good, The Bad and the Giffen (Strategy Game) and Beat the Market (Mock Stock).
Department of Hindi,Presidency University, kolkata cordially invites you to Panini lecture series . Renowned Grammarian Prof.V.D. Hegde will deliver three Public lectures on “ भारत में भाषा और व्याकरण चिंतन / Thoughts on language & Grammar in India “ on 6th February 2018.
Topics includes :
1- Language & Grammar: interrelation
2- Tradition of Grammar in India
3- Hindi Language & Grammar: Problems in study
Lectures ( one hour each) will begin from 11 am .
Venue: AJC Auditorium, Presidency University ,Kolkata
All are welcome.
Department of Political Science,Presidency University, Kolkata
Conference on
7th February 2018
Physics Weekly Colloquium
7th February 2018, Wednesday, at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Bikash Chakrabarti, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Title: Econophysics of Income & Wealth Inequalities
Inequalities in income and wealth distributions have been a permanent feature of the societies in any civilization, and are characterized by established and universal laws. The
century old kinetic theory for the gases had long been identified as a possible tool to explore the origin of such inequalities. Such kinetic exchange formulations for social
dynamics will be discussed and the recent developments will be indicated. Extensions of the kinetic theory to collective opinion formations in societies will also be discussed.
The Department of Political Science,Presidency University
Invites you to a lecture on
“Capitalist Melancholy: Loss of reality or the Real of a Loss"
Prof. Soumyabrata Choudhury, School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU
Time: 11AM
Date: 8the February, 2018
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
The Department of Political Science,Presidency University
Invites you to a lecture on the topic
“Idea of Pakistan and Road to Bangladesh”
Col(Dr.) Guru Saday Batabyal(Retd)
Centre for Himalayan Studies, North Bengal University
Time: 2.40 pm
Date: 31 January, 2018
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
Brief Bio of Speaker:
Col(Dr.) Guru Saday Batabyal(Retd) has almost four decades of cross functional experience in the Indian Army, United Nations, Ministry of Defence(MoD) & External Affairs, Industry and Academia. Presently, engaged into full time research/academic activities in the field of Defence and Security Studies ,UN Peace Keeping International Relations and Modern History of India and Bangladesh.
Department of Hindi,Presidency University, kolkata cordially invites you to
Panini lecture series.
Padma Shri Prof.Ganesh N. Devy will deliver inaugural three Public lectures
“ Metamorphosis of Language in our time “
on 1st February 2018.
Lectures ( one hour each) will begin from 11 am .
Venue: AJC ,Presidency University
All are welcome.
'Capital after 150 years': A Roundtable Discussion
Prof. Anjan Chakrabarti (University of Calcutta) 'Theories of Surplus-Value and the Structure of Capital: Three Volumes'
Prof. Samita Sen (Jadavpur University) 'The Future of Work'
Dr. Upal Chakrabarti (Presidency University) 'The commodity-form and difference'
The session will be introduced by Prof. Ranabir Samaddar (CRG) and chaired by Prof. Suhrita Saha (Presidency University)
Venue: A.J. C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Date: 29 January, Time: 4-6 p.m.
Organised by
Calcutta Research Group, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata, Jadavpur University, Department of Economics, Calcutta University and Presidency University
All are welcome
Department of Economics presents workshop on Financial Derivatives: Pricing , Hedging and Trading 3-6 February,2018.
Department of Economics presents workshop on Macroeconomic Theory and Policy 29th January -2nd February 2018.
The Department of Sociology invites you to a talk by
Dr. Henrike Donner
Department of Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London
"The girls are alright ? Neoliberal ideology, class and gender in urban India"
Date: 25th January 2018
Time: 11:40 am
Venue: Seminar room, Department of Sociology
All are welcome
Physics weekly colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Tanmoy Banerjee (University of Burdwan)
January 24th (Wednesday) at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Title: Collective phenomena in coupled oscillators
Abstract: Oscillators are omnipresent in nature. We have hundred billions neuronal oscillators in our brain that organize our cognitive system. In physics, Josephson junction and lasers are oscillators that are of quantum mechanical origin. Electronic communication systems make use of electronic oscillators. In ecology, population of species oscillates with time. All those oscillators have different time scales ranging from femto-second to few years. Although, the manifestation of oscillations are different in different fields they all are governed by a common dynamical rule. Interestingly, a bunch of coupled oscillators behave differently from their constituent elements. This is called emergent phenomenon. Synchronization, quenching of oscillation, phase-locking or entrainment are few examples of emergent phenomena. These have been the topics of extensive research in diverse fields such as physics, biology, and engineering. In this talk I will discuss several emergent behaviors shown by coupled oscillators. Special emphasis will be given to a newly discovered collective state, namely the chimera state, which is speculated to have connection with some biological phenomena, such as unihemispheric slow-wave sleep of dolphins and some migratory birds.
Department of Mathematics and Maths Club of Presidency University present "An Outreach Programme in Mathematics", aimed for 10+2 students which will take place during 26-27 January 2018. There will be motivational lectures, demonstration of mathematical models and a quiz competition. Further details of this programme can be found at:
For enrollment please contact the secretary / student representative or fill in the online form in the above webpage. A registration fee of Rs. 50/- per participant will be collected at the event. Arrangements for lunch have been made for both the days for the participants.
Department of Philosophy Presents National Seminar on Perspectives on Embodied consciousness at A.K.Basak Auditorium on 24th & 25th January 2018
Dr. Kamrul Hossain, Associate Professor, University of Lapland will deliver a talk on the theme: "Human Security and International Environmental Law in the Arctic" on 18 January 2018 at 4 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Department of Political Science. The Department of Political Science cordially invites all to this talk.
Department of political Science,Presidency University invites you to the Wednesday Lecture on
Power and the Ontology of the Subject
by Dr. Anirban Das, CSSS,Kolkata
on 17th January 2018, 3:00 PM at Poltical Science Seminar Room
Department of Economics, Presidency University organizing a three day workshop on
Financial Derivatives: Pricing, Hedging and Trading
on 3, 5 & 6 February, 2018.
Kindly see the attached programme for the details of the workshop.
Please write to Dr. Gagari Chakrabarti at gagari.econ@presiuniv.ac.in by 19th January 2018 for participation in the workshop.
Department of Economics, Presidency University organizing a five day workshop on
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
during 29 January to 2 February 2018.
Kindly see the attached programme for the details of the workshop.
Please register by 19th January 2018 for participation in the workshop.
Physics weekly colloquium on Jan 17th, 2018
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Aseem Paranjape (IUCAA)
Topic: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Cosmic Web
The Cosmic Web is an intricate network of galaxies, gas and dark matter spread throughout the Universe, showing a filamentary organisation at the largest scales imaginable. In the past two decades or so, large-volume observational surveys have provided unprecedented depth and detail into the properties of the Cosmic Web.
Remarkably, the existence and origin of this fascinating structure was already predicted by very simple models of cosmological structure formation nearly 50 years ago. However, the full multi-scale glory of the Cosmic Web, and its role in shaping the formation and evolution of the galaxies and inter-galactic medium that inhabit it, remain challenging to understand even today. In this talk, I will describe our current theoretical and observational understanding of the Cosmic Web and discuss some open questions.
A departmental seminar will be held on 17/01/2018 at 02:30 pm by the department of Bengali.
Debidas Acharya
(Journalist & Essayist)
Time & Date
17/01/2018 at 02: 30 PM
jibananda Savakaksha
(Departmental Seminar Hall)
Please, download the invitation card in the attachment file.
Kajal Lahiri, Distinguished Professor of Economics, and Health Policy, Management Behavior University at Albany, State University of New York will deliver a lecture on 'Forecast Combination for Binary Targets' at 3pm on 18th January 2018 at Seminar Room of Economics department.
Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Request the pleasure of your presence at the
National Seminar on “Life in Deep Time: Recent Researches” on January 16, 2018
Venue: Old Lecture Theatre, Department of Geology
Time: 10:00 A.M.
A departmental seminar will be held on 10/01/2018 at 02:00 pm by the department of Bengali.
Prasenjit Chattopadhyay
(Film Artist)
Atanu Ghosh
(Film Director)
Time & Date
10/01/2018 at 02: 30 PM
Derozio Hall
Please, find the invitation card in the attachment file.
Download Poster
Physics Weekly Colloquium on Jan 10th at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Naba Kumar Mondal
DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Title:Particle Hunter’s Guide
Abstract: From God particle (Higgs boson) to Ghost particle (neutrinos) physicists have discovered many elementary particles over the last 100 years. They are the building blocks of our universe. But unlike normal matter all around us, we cannot see these particles with our eyes. How do we know these particles exist? What are the tools needed to detect these elusive particles?.Whether you want to be a particle physicist or are just curious about the subatomic world - this session is a must for you!
Seminar -discussion to celebrate Swami Vivekananda's 156th Birth Day
Venue: AJC Bose auditorium
Time: 2 PM, 8th January 2018
Speakers: Mr. Tarun Goswami
Millenium Post
Prof. Somnath Bhattacharya
Jadavpur University
All are welcome
Due to an unavoidable circumstance, Panini lecture series by Padam Shri Prof Ganesh N Devy on 08/01/2018 is postponed.
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
Premchand Lecture Series 16
Speaker : Mr. Arnab Chakraborty, Research Scholar, York University, Canada
Topic : Pubic Health service in Colonial India
Date & Time : 5th January 2018, 3 PM
Venue: Hindi Lecture Theatre, Presidency University
All are welcome
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to a
Special Lecture on the inaugural occasion of
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar
Speaker : Prof. Anuradha Lohia, Vice Chancellor, Presidency University
Topic : साहित्य से मेरा नाता
Date & Time : 9th January 2018, 2 P. M.
Venue: Hindi Lecture Theatre, Presidency University, Kolkata
All are welcome
National workshop on Statistics and its applications
(Celebrating Bi-Centinary year of Presidency )
January 29 -31,2018
Organized by
Department of Statictics, Presidency University
Lecture Series
Out of Joint: Interventions in the Form of Inquiries
Sasheej Hegde
Professor of Sociology, University of Hyderabad
Organised by
Department of Sociology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Venue: Seminar Room, Department of Sociology, Presidency University
Time: February 5th, 6th and 8th 2018 (3.30 pm to 5.30 pm)
Bicentennial lecture series on
Quantum Phase Transitions
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
4th January, 2018 (Thursday) 1:50 to 3:30 pm
5th January, 2018 (Friday) 1:50 to 3:30 pm
Speaker: Prof. Bikas Chakrabarti
Sr. Professor, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Former Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday, 3rd January, 2018 at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theater
Speaker: Prof. Arundhati Dasgupta
University of Lethbridge
Title: Gender and Futuristic Physics
Abstract: Physics is the study of matter and its interactions, and by its formulation appears to be `gender neutral’. An objective study of `natural phenomena’ ; what might physics have to do with gender –a social construct? In this talk we will debate this question, and discuss how the practice, style and culture of physics is influenced by gender. Diversity and gender also affect the interpretations of natural laws and the theories which attempt to explain them. We will discuss how we need to reform physics so that a feminist physics consciousness `emerges’ in the future. This might be important for the new discoveries, but also for the security of the only space-ship we have for our maiden cosmic voyage, our earth.
Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Kolkata
Two Day Symposium – Seminars & Academic Outreach Programme
Poster Presentation and 22nd National Chemiquiz
On January 4-5,2018
Venue: Derozio Hall, Presidency University
Programme Schedule:
A departmental seminar will be held on 03/01/2018 at 02:30 pm by the department of Bengali.
Ranjan Bandopadhyay
(Writer & Essayist)
Rabindranather Mon
Time & Date
03/01/2018 at 02: 30 PM
Please, download the invitation card in the attachment file.
Invitation card
Physics Colloquium on December 20th, 2017 at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theater
Time: 11 AM
Speaker: Prof. Dhrubaditya Mitra (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Sweden)
Title: Surprises in Thermodynamics
Time: 2 PM
Speaker: Dr. Soham Biswas (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico)
Title: Studying complex systems : Formation of opinion in a Society : A physicist's approach
Abstract: Studying complex systems became a very rich field of research for last one decade and subjects like sociophysics and econophysics have emerged.
In this talk I shall mostly discuss different models for the opinion formation in a society. Some of this models also surprised people with proper predictions on socio-politocal events. At the end I shall present my own work in this field.
Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing the second conference on
“Issues in Economic Theory and Policy”
(funded by Nirmal Kanti Majumdar Endowment Fund)
14th December 2017
Special lectures
Network communication: How best to spread the message?
Professor Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Ford Foundation International Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Technology, Time and Trust: Incipient Economics?
Professor A. Damodaran, Professor and IPR Chair on IP Management (MHRD), IIM Bangalore
Thirty one selected papers will be presented by Faculty and Research Scholars from University of Melbourne, ISI Delhi, Delhi School of Economics, JNU, Shiv Nadar University, Jadavpur University, Calcutta University etc.
Download programme
Invitation card
Department of Physics, Presidency University is organizing an international conference, “Universe after the first 200 million years” sponsored by the SKA India Project (DAE) during 11th – 13th December, 2017 on the occasion of the bicentennial celebration of Presidency University. The goal is to bring together faculty members, research fellows and students working on the above topic at various academic and research institutions in India and abroad and to provide with a platform where the experts can share their knowledge and experience with younger members of this community. Details can be found in the link: https://presi21cm.wixsite.com/conference
Department of Sociology, Presidency University, Kolkata, in collaboration with Apne Aap cordially invites you to a Public lecture and conference
Child labour, Sex-trafficking and The Last Girl
Professor Catharine Mackinnon
University of Michigan and Harvard University
Date: November 24th and 25th, 2017
Time: 10 am - 5 pm
Other Speakers : Soni Sori, Shandra Woworuntu (USA) , Fatima Khatoon, Mumtaj Begum, John Dayal, Dr. Asha Hans, Kumar Rana, Miguel Das Queah, Dr. Samita Sen, Malini Bhattacharya, Dr. Maroona Murmu, Prof. Sakina Shahin, Manisha Banerjee, Dr. Asha Mukherjee, Dr. Nandini Ghosh, Shampa Sengupta, Dr. Satyajit Dasgupta, Rajib Halder, Adv. Salma Ali (Bangladesh), Maleka Begum (Bangladesh), Ruchira Gupta etc.
The Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata is organising a Three Weeks Workshop on Geographical Methods from 4th December, 2017 till 22nd December, 2017.
The Three Weeks Workshop on Geographical Methods is three-pronged in nature, with detailed focus on-
i) Geospatial Information Utilisation
ii) Statistical Data Analysis
iii) Field & Laboratory Methods
The tentative outline of the Workshop is as follows:
• First week – Geospatial Techniques
• Second Week – Geospatial Techniques (concluding part) and Statistical Data Analysis
• Third Week – Statistical Data Analysis (concluding part) and Field & Laboratory Methods
A total of thirty seats are on offer at the Workshop.
A number of reputed resource persons from institutions within Kolkata and across India shall be on hand to instruct on the tripartite themes.
The guidelines and dates for the application process are as follows -
• Period for submitting applications: 15th November to 25 November, 2017
• Notification of Final List of selected participants: 27th November, 2017
• Return mail from selected participants confirming participation: 30th November, 2017
• Workshop commencement date and submission of Demand Draft: 4th December, 2017
Only the selected Participants shall be required to submit a Demand Draft of amount Rs. 3,000/- drawn in favour of "Presidency University" and payable at Kolkata. on the day of commencement of the Workshop at the Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Brochure Course Content List of selected participants Schedule of Coursework
Scientific lecture organized by Department of Life Sciences
Date: 16th November, 2017, Thursday at 2-30 p.m.
Speaker: Prof. Anindya Dutta, University of Virginia, USA
Title: Noncoding RNAs in control of differentiation and cancer
Venue: Acharya J C Bose Auditorium
To know more about Prof. Dutta's research please visit: http://genome.bioch.virginia.edu/index.html
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Urbasi Sinha (Raman Research Institute)
Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall
Title: Fascinating world of photons, superposition and entanglement
Abstract: Quantum mechanics is a cornerstone of modern physics. Just as the 19th century was called the Machine Age and the 20th century the Information Age, the 21st century promises to go down in history as the Quantum Age. In this talk, I will discuss key properties of quantum systems called Quantum Superposition and Quantum Entanglement. I will discuss the world of single and entangled photons and also discuss ongoing work towards quantum technology in our Quantum Information and Computing lab at the Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Kandaswamy Subramanian (IUCAA)
Date: 1st November, 2017, Wednesday
Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall
Title: Magnetizing the Universe
Abstract: The universe is magnetized on all scales probed so far, from planets and stars to micro Gauss strength large scale fields in galaxies and galaxy clusters. Recent observational evidence suggests that even the intergalactic medium in voids could host a weak femto Gauss magnetic field, coherent on Mega parsec scales. How did the Universe get magnetized? We discuss how the first seed magnetic fields could arise in the early Universe or in astrophysical batteries. These need to be amplified and maintained by cosmic dynamos in collapsed objects, which convert the kinetic energy of motions to magnetic energy. The basic idea behind such dynamos and the
challenges they encounter are described. It is relatively easy for magnetic energy to grow, but explaining the spatio-temporal coherence of cosmic magnetic fields remains challenging.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Satyaki Bhattacharya, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
25th October, 2017 (Wednesday) at 2:00 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall
Title: How much can one "see" with a single quantum of light at the Large Hadron
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Particle Physics Laboratory, CERN, is a proton proton collider. At present it is colliding proton on proton at a center of mass energy of 13 TeV. Two experiments, the CMS and the ATLAS, looking at the collision data, are designed to search for new particles in the multi TeV energy range and new forces whose effects may be observed at a length scale of 10^-18 meters. With the discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is experimentally established and a new era of particle physics has started. The central question that the LHC is trying to address today, is - what is beyond Standard Model? In the hunt for new physics beyond standard model one of the most exciting possibility is - can LHC produce the particles of dark matter, if dark matter is indeed made up of some fundamental particle? In this talk I will give an overview of the ongoing search for new physics at the LHC. I will discuss in some detail how one looks for dark matter at the LHC, using as example one very clean final state in which there will be only one photon seen in the CMS
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday October 18th, 2017 @:00 PM. Venue: Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Theatre
Speaker: Prof. Nissim Kanekar
NCRA, Pune
Title: Do the Fundamental Constants change with time ?
Abstract: Temporal evolution in low-energy fundamental constants such as the fine structure constant and the proton-electron mass ratio is a generic prediction of field theories that attempt to unify the Standard Model of particle physics and general relativity. The exciting possibility of low-energy tests of such unification theories has inspired a number of methods to probe fundamental constant evolution on a range of timescales, from years to billions of years. Astrophysical studies of redshifted spectral lines provide a powerful probe of such putative changes in the low-energy fundamental constants across a large fraction of the age of the Universe. After reviewing the current state of the field, I will focus on two techniques, based on radio spectral lines from the hydroxyl and methanol molecules, and will describe new, high-sensitivity results from these methods. Finally, I will discuss present
limitations of such studies and the improvements that are likely to be possible with the advent of new experimental and observational facilities over the next decade.
Department of Economics, Presidency University
Invites all interested to a talk by
Professor Ranajoy Bhattacharyya
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
International Trade and Economic Growth
Date: 16th October, 2017 (11.30 AM onwards)
Venue: Economics Department
Physics Weekly Colloquium on 11th October, 2017, 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall
Title : Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Artificially Structured Ferromagnetic Thin Films for Applications in Spintronics and Magnonics
Speaker: Prof. Anjan Barman
Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Abstract: Spintronics and Magnonics are rapidly emerging fields with huge potential applications in magnetic storage, memory, logic, microwave source and data communication devices, and for them to become viable and sustainable technology it is imperative to study excitation, manipulation and detection of spin dynamics in artificially structured materials. Here, we present three different methods of excitation and detection of spin dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films, multilayers, heterostructures and two-dimensional arrays of nanostructures. Optical, thermal and electrical excitation and detection of spin waves in artificial two-dimensional, pseudo-one-dimensional and quasi-periodic ferromagnetic nanodot, nanostripe and nanoantidot lattices will be presented by time-resolved MOKE microscope1, Brillouin light scattering and ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Investigation and control of collective spin-wave spectrum and Gilbert damping behaviour by varying the physical and material parameters of the magnonic crystals and bias magnetic field will be discussed.2-7 New observations such as magnonic-mode splitting2, bandgap formation5,6, tunability of bandgap5, dynamic dephasing2, tunability of inter-element interaction3,4,7 and transition from collective to non-collective dynamics2 will be discussed based upon experimental data and numerical simulations. Further, spin-Hall effect generated spin torque and Rashba spin-orbit torque induced excitation of ferromagnetic resonance, modulation of damping and its optical detection has been employed for the first time in ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic bilayer thin films and spin-Hall angle of heavy metal layers have been estimated8,9. Finally, detection of pure interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction by Brillouin light scattering measurement of thermal spin waves will be presented10.
Acknowledgement: The author gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from Department of Science and Technology, Department of Information Technology and S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences.
Economics Department is organizing a three-day workshop on ‘Big data and Nonparametric Econometrics’ during 13, 14 & 16 October 2017. Kindly see the attached programme of the Workshop. More..
Colloquium on Wednesday 20th September at 2 PM at Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri Lecture Hall, Department of Physics
Speaker: Prof. Suratna Das (IIT Kanpur)
Title : Cosmology as a testing ground of Quantum Mechanics
Abstract : At present modern cosmology is soundly based on precision data obtained by several state-of-the-art observations, like WMAP and PLANCK. Physics spanning over a length scale of almost 61 orders of magnitude, starting from the Planck length to cosmological scales of thousand of mega parsecs, can be probed via cosmological observations. On the other hand, Quantum Mechanics is one of the most successful theory we have today and our modern world carries the signature of its success. Even though the elusive dynamics of quantum mechanics often evokes question about its fundamental nature. In laboratory systems, such problems are known as the Measurement problem of Quantum Mechanics. We will argue in this talk that such fundamental problems of quantum mechanics, seen in a cosmological background, become more serious as the Copenhagen Interpretation breaks down in a cosmological setup. We will then try to see whether any modification to standard quantum dynamics, in order to take into account the measurement problem, can play any significant role in Cosmology and whether we can put such theories to test by looking at cosmological observations like Cosmic Microwave Background.
Seminar at the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University.
Speaker: Prof. M.S. Raghunathan,
Chairman of the National Centre for Mathematics, IIT Mumbai
Formerly Professor of eminence at TIFR in Homi Bhabha Chair.
Title: Fermat's Last Theorem - a mathematical treasure hunt!
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre 1
Date: Thursday 14th September, 2017
Time: 4 PM
Abstract: The historical development in modern Mathematics with this celebrated result will be discussed in this lecture, which took more than 350 years for finding a proof.
All students are informed that an Academic Writing Workshop, focusing on Term Paper writing will be organized at 3.30 pm on Wednesday, 13th September 2017.
Venue: Seminar Room (Political Science Department)
Physics Colloquium on 13th September at 2:00 PM
Venue: PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Jayanta Bhattacharjee, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
A high speed jet of water impinging on a flat surface flows out radially (as happens in a kitchen sink although boundaries do interfere) and in some cases show a virtually discontinuous jump at some radius. The jump occurs at the radius at which the incoming disturbances (ripples) are blocked by the high speed flow and creates an analogy with astrophysical objects. we will discuss different aspects of this jump and the analogy.
A departmental seminar will be held on 13/09/2017 at 02:30 pm in the department of Bengali.
Manoj Mitra
(Retd. Professor (Renowned Dramatist & Actor), Department of Drama, Rabinra Bharati University)
Natake Ramayan-Mahabharater Punarnirman
Time & Date
13/09/2017 at 02: 30 PM
Departmental Seminar Room
Invitation Card
Department of Geology cordially invites you to a Special Lecture
“Stable Isotope Geochemistry and its application in natural sciences”
Speaker: Prof. S.K Bhattacharya
(Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, Taiwan)
Date and Time: 16th Sept 2017 (Saturday) at 11.00 AM
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Department of Geology is going to organize a Student Workshop
“Ductile Shear Zone Kinematics”
Speaker: Dr. Soumyajit Mukherjee (Associate Professor)
(Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)
Date and Time: 15th Sept 2017 (Friday) at 02:00 PM
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
All interested students are cordially invited
Department of Geology cordially invites you to a Special Lecture
“Geologic carbon storage: Opportunities and challenges in implementation in India”
Speaker: Dr. Vikram Vishal (Assistant Professor)
(Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)
Date and Time: 15th Sept 2017 (Friday) at 11:00 AM
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
A departmental seminar will be held on 06/09/2017 at 02:30 pm in the department of Bengali.
Dr. Sanjay Mukhopadhyay
(Professor, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University)
Chaloman Chitramalay Sahityadharma
Time & Date
06/09/2017 at 02: 30 PM
Departmental Seminar Room
Invitation Card
Department of Geology cordially invites you to 42nd Professor S. Ray Memorial Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Abdul Matin, Retd. Professor, Department of Geology, Calcutta University
Date and Time: Thursday, 7th September, 2017 at 3:00 pm
Venue: NLT, Department Of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Physics Colloquium on 6th September, Wednesday at 2 PM. Venue PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Subhrangshu Sekhar Manna (SNBNCBS)
Title: Models of Self-organized Criticality
Abstract: The concept of Self-organized criticality (SOC) will be discussed after mentioning two models exhibiting continuous phase transitions. The idea of Bak et al for introducting SOC will be explained. The sandpile model will be defined, explained and difficulties with this model will be discussed. Few experimental set up and results will be discussed. Finally if time permits recent works in the field of SOC will be included.
A departmental seminar will be held on 30/08/2017 at 03:00 pm in the department of Bengali.
Dr. Shamim Ahamed
(Prof. & HOD, Department of Philosophy, Belur Bidyamandir)
Mahabharater Rajniti O Naitikata
Invitation Card
Speaker: Dr. Indrani Banerjee (IACS)
Wednesday 30th August at 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: The Clandestine Universe: A journey to the enigmatic world of hidden dimensions
Abstract: Why do we live in four dimensions? Why is gravity weaker than the other forces observed in nature? What drives the expansion of the universe? What is darkmatter? Why are the masses of neutrinos so small? Why is the mass of Higgs boson so much small compared to the Planck mass? Is there a connection between these apparently uncorrelated physics at completely different length scales?
This talk will survey these mysteries of the universe in the backdrop of extradimensional models and braneworlds. The stability of the braneworld model thus becomes a crucial issue to be addressed. After reviewing some of the popular extradimensional models, I will focus on the widely popular warped braneworld model with nonflat branes and discuss how it can be naturally stabilized by the brane vacuum energy. Our proposal brings out the remarkable feature that the braneworld modulus can be stabilized without introducing any adhoc external stabilizing field.
Professor Ashok Banerjee, Professor of Finance, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, will deliver a special lecture on GST: Is it so Good and Simple? on 28 August 2017 in Economics Seminar Room from 3.30 to 5 pm.
About the talk:
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) replaces a plethora of indirect taxes. Will GST, thus, reduce the burden on ultimate consumers? GST is a destination based tax. Thus, if a company in Kolkata sells products or renders services to a firm in Gurgaon, the state GST would accrue to Haryana and not to West Bengal. Will producer states lose revenue? The notion of one nation one tax sounds good- but is it simple? These questions will be discussed in the talk.
All are welcome.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday 23rd August 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Barun Raychaudhuri (Presidency University)
Title: The Science, Technology and Applications of Remote Sensing
Abstract: Remote Sensing is a wide interdisciplinary field comprising various disciplines of physical science, earth science and engineering. The physical principle of remote sensing is to detect the interaction of electromagnetic radiation, mainly solar radiation with terrestrial objects and atmospheric constituents from far distance, such as airborne or satellite-based detectors. The procured data are often recorded in the form of images and analyzing the images, various information can be obtained on natural resources, environment and human activity.
This presentation explains the imaging techniques, related physical laws and instrumentation. The principal techniques of image processing are introduced. Several recent trends in modern remote sensing and the scopes for a student of physics are highlighted. Some personal research experiences are shared.
Dr Nayanika Mookherjee, Associate Professor (Reader) in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Durham University, UK, Author of The Spectral Wound. Sexual Violence, Public Memories and the Bangladesh War of 1971, will deliver a lecture on 9th August, Wednesday,2017 at 2.00 pm in the department of Sociology, Seminar room.
Download Detials
In memoriam: Kenneth J. Arrow, 1921-2017
August 24, 2017
Department of Economics
Presidency University, Kolkata
Venue: Economics Seminar Room, Economics Department, Presidency University
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Debopam Bhattacharya
of Cambridge University will give a talk on
Endogeneity in linear and limited dependent variable models
on 11th August 2017 from 3 to 5 pm in Economics Seminar Room
located at Economics Department, Presidency University.
All interested faculty and students are welcome.
Download Detials
Physics Colloquium on August 9th at 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Anirban Kundu (University of Calcutta)
Title: "Where Particle Physics meets Cosmology: The case of the missing antimatter"
The universe very definitely shows an excess of matter over antimatter, which has been confirmed by several independent experiments. The universe started in a symmetric phase, with only photons in it. What caused the asymmetry between matter and antimatter? The talk will try to tell you the story of this quest, and will be at a pedagogic level, shunning any detailed mathematics. The story, however, is open-ended.
Physics Colloquium: Emergence of 2D materials and devices
Speaker: Prof. G. P. Das, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032
Date & Time: 2nd August 2017 (Wednesday) 2:00 PM
Venue: PLT-2
Abstract: Our conventional wisdom that the objects and structures all around us are 3-dimensional was in for a pleasant surprise with the discovery of single (or few) atomic layer thin graphene, realized by simple exfoliation (mechanical or chemical) technique. This ultrathin wonder material of 21st Century boasts of several superlative physical and chemical properties that are now well established in the scientific world. This inspired an avalanche of research in the post-graphene ear, giving rise to a whole new world of 2D materials involving assortment of elements all across the periodic table, as well as their heterojunctions. In this talk I shall give a glimpse of this emerging field and the advent of a new platform to realize quantum engineered materials for innovative devices and novel applications.
Professor Anjan Mukherji, Professor Emeritus, Centre for Economic Studies
and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University will deliver a series of lectures
"Fundamental Theorems of Positive and Normative Economics"
during 21st to 25th August 2017.
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Thinking of domestic servants requires us to ask two fundamental questions: who were they and what did domestic service mean? The identity of a servant as a contract wage earner as well as one of either a family member, or tied in some fictive/constructed claims of kinship was not exclusive to each other. The paper will address the question of servant relationship along two axes: one, that existed within the households along the continuum of slave-servant, and the other that was part of the eighteenth century colonial Calcutta labouring pool, coolie-servant. The invisibility and ubiquity of domestic servants stretching from households to public places require mapping the relationship at different social and spatial registers. The paper will discuss legal regulations related to work and wage to suggest that the specificity of ‘domestic servant’ was getting constituted through these regulations.
Nitin Sinha is a Senior Research Fellow at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (Centre for Modern Oriental Studies), Berlin. He has worked and written on themes of transport and communication, industrial labour, and agro‐ecology. He is the author of the book Communication and Colonialism in Eastern India, Bihar: 1760s–1880s, which was published in 2012. Subsequently, he has worked and published on the history of fluvial landscape, boatmen and the railway town of Jamalpur in different peer reviewed journals. Since October 2015, Sinha has been the principal investigator of the European Research Council funded 3‐year project on domestic servants in colonial South Asia (https://servantspasts.wordpress.com/) He is also a series editor of the prestigious New Perspectives in South Asian History published by Orient Blackswan. In his attempt to reach out to wider public, Sinha has been regularly contributing opinion pieces on www.thewire.in
DATE: 26/07/2017 (WEDNESDAY)
TIME: 12:30 PM-1.50 PM
Physics Colloquium
July 26th 2:00 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Amitava Raychaudhuri (Calcutta University)
Title: The Enigma of Mass
Abstract: Mass is one of the basic properties of an object which we learn about early. Do we know what is the origin of mass? Obviously the mass of any object is determined by the masses of its constituents. But what of the masses of the most basic entities which are structureless? The accepted answer to this question has been experimentally verified only in this decade. And still there remain several open frontiers. In this talk, aimed at non-experts, we consider several of these issues, bringing to the fore the pivotal role played by symmetries.
Dr. Sourav Bhattacharya, Reader, Royal Holloway University, London, will deliver a series of special lectures during July - September 2017 in Economics Department of Presidency University. The schedule is attached. All interested faculty and students are welcome.
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Physics Colloquium
Title: Turbulent Times
Speaker: Prof. Dhrubaditya Mitra (Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden)
Date & Time 15th June, 2017 (Thursday) 2:00 PM
Venue: PLT 2
Abstract: Turbulence is often called the last unsolved problem of classical physics. But engineers, physicists, and mathematicians differ about that they would describe as the "problem" of turbulence let alone what its solution could be. I shall describe, in brief, the classical results of the theory of turbulence, its limitations and also the modern perspective.
Presidency University invites applications for its first DANCE LAB to be held between 31st July to 5th September 2017.
Guru Imocha Singh will teach the basics of Thang ta and Guru Navtej Johar will explore how the dancer’s body evolves as a result of practicing the classical and contemporary styles of dance.
This program is open to all dancers.
Those interested in participating may send a one-page write-up stating their background/ proficiency in dance and reasons for wishing to attend the workshop. Kindly send your write-up by email to A.P Rajaram (rajaram.dpa@presiuniv.ac.in), Assistant Professor, Department of Performing Arts, Presidency University by 20th July, 2017
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you to
Two days workshop
Date : 3rd & 4th May 2017, Wednesday & Thursday
Time: 11.30 am to 4.30 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Department of Hindi, N.S. Building
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Goutam Sheet, IISER, Mohali
26th April (Wednesday) 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Tip-induced Superconductivity
Abstract: It has been recently observed that certain novel phases of matter, like superconductivity, emerge at mesoscopic interfaces between elemental metals and topologically nontrivial systems like topological insulators and topological Dirac and Weyl semimetals. In this talk, I will review some of the published results on such mesoscopic superconducting phases with special emphasis on tip-induced superconductivity (TISC). A TISC phase is known to emerge under the point of contact between a sharp tip of a (non-superconducting) normal metal and a material with topologically non-trivial band structures. Since the superconducting volume fraction in a TISC is extremely small, traditional bulk characterization tools like regular transport and magnetization measurements fail to detect such a phase. I will highlight how probing Andreev reflection, a quantum process through which a normal current is converted into a supercurrent at such mesoscopic point contacts, can be useful in detecting TISC and understanding the nature of TISC.
Department of Philosophy Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you to attend National Seminar on 24th - 25th April 2017
Venue: A.K. Basak Auditorium, Ground Floor, Main Building, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700073
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Pushan Majumdar (IACS)
Date: 19th April 2017 (Wednesday) 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Introduction to strong interactions.
Abstract : In this talk we will take a preliminary look at Quantum
Chromodynamics, the candidate theory for strong interactions and
discuss its formulation, successes and what
remains to be done for it to be recognized as the theory of strong
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi & History, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
‘Hindi Language & Literature : Between domestic tongue & global language’
Speaker : Prof. Heinz Werner Wessler
Department of Linguistics & Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden
Interest/Specialization : Indology, Linguistics
Date : 10th April 2017, Monday
Time: 3.15 pm
Venue: A.K. BASAK Memorial Lecture Theater, Main Building
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday 12th April, 2 PM. Venue PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Subhasis Sinha (IISER-Kolkata)
Title: Ultracold atoms in an optical lattice: A new quantum matter with exotic phases
Abstract: I briefly discuss recent developments in the physics of ultracold quantum gases. By loading the ultracold atoms into an optical lattice have opened up new possibilities to study strongly correlated many-body physics and non-equilibrium phenomena. Finally I discuss Superfluid to Mott insulator transition and non-equilibrium dynamics of dissipative Rydberg atoms in an optical lattice.
Dr. Rajarshi Chakrabarti of the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
will deliver a talk entitled
“Tracer diffusion in a sea of polymers with binding zones and a single polymer chain in active bath”
on 06.04.2017 (Thursday) at 2:00 PM at the Chemistry Lecture Theatre (CLT) – 1
as part of the Bicentenary celebration of Presidency.
All are cordially welcome.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
‘Who is the child on stage? : Understanding childhood through theatrical productions’
Speaker : Dr Hia Sen, PhD (Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany)
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Presidency University
Interest/Specialization : Sociology of Childhood, Globalization & Indian Society
Date : 5th April 2017, Wednesday
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium
5th April, 2017, 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Dr. Rabindranath Gayen, Department of Physics, Presidency University
Title: How to trap solar energy ?
Abstract: One of the major challenges in the 21st century is to meet the ever-growing energy demands of the world in a sustainable and environment friendly manner. Solar energy is the most reliable renewable resource on the planet that can be the ideal alternative to the conventional energy sources. In fact, a very small fraction of the energy that reaches the earth's surface is sufficient to meet the global energy needs. How to capture, convert and store this tremendous natural resource?
Solar cells or photovoltaic cells are the devices that convert the sunlight into electricity. Several disadvantages of crystalline Si wafer based devices that rule the present solar cell market, has led a tremendous research efforts in the last few decades to fabricate highly efficient solar cells with a modest cost. Thin film solar cells have been most promising till date in terms of efficiency. In this talk we are going to discuss the working principle of thin film solar cells, the problems with the thin film solar cells and the idea of using nanomaterials to increase the power conversion efficiency. Also there will be a brief overview on the present status of other ideas of trapping solar light like excitonic solar cells, plasmonic solar cells, quantum dot solar cells etc.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
Hijab, the Search for Freedom, and the Meaning of Rebellion: The Case of Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis '
Speaker : Dr Shuhita Bhattacharjee, PhD (University of Iowa)
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Presidency University
Interest : - Victorian literature , postcolonial studies, gender studies,
Date : 29th March 2017, Wednesday
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium 29th March, 2017, Wednesday
Speaker: Prof. Arti Garg (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Time: 2 PM @ PLT-2
Title: What is many body localization ?
Abstract: It is well known that in a non-interacting disordered system,
any small amount of disorder is sufficient to localize all the single
particle states in one and two dimensions, while in three dimensions there
occurs a single particle mobility edge leading to a metal-Anderson
Insulator transition as a function of the disorder strength. The question
of immense interest, that has remained unanswered for decades, is what
happens to Anderson localization when both disorder and interactions are
present in a system. Recently Basko e. al. based on perturbative treatment
of interactions have established that Anderson localization can survive
interactions and disordered many body eigenstates can be localized
resulting in a many body localized (MBL) phase, provided that interactions
are sufficiently weak. The MBL phase and the MBL transition are unique
for several reasons and challenge the basic foundations of quantum
statistical physics. In the MBL phase the system explores only an
exponentially small fraction of the configuration space and local
observables do not thermalize leading to violation of eigenstate
thermalisation hypothesis (ETH).
In this talk I will describe unique properties of MBL phase, recent
development in the field and in the end I will touch upon our recent work
which demonstrates MBL to delocalisation transition in a quasi-periodic
References: 1) P. W. Anderson, Phys. Rev. {\bf 109}, 1492 (1958).
2) D. M. Basko, I. L. Aleiner, and B. L. Altshuler, Ann. Phys.
(Amsterdam), {\bf 321}, 1126 (2006).
3) R. Nandkishore and D. A. Huse, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. {\bf 6}, 15
4) S. Nag and A. Garg, arXiv:1701.00236
Presidency University, Department of Statistics presents
Alzheimer’s Disease : An Overview of the Disease and Its Treatment
by Dr Sourish Saha
BS, Presidency University, MS, IIT Kanpur, PhD, University of Florida
Date : 23.03.2017 (Thursday) Time : 3:30 p.m.
All interested persons are cordially invited to attend the lecture.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
March 22nd at PLT-2 at 2.30 PM
Speaker: Prof. Amitabha Lahiri
Title: Quark confinement and magnetic monopoles
Abstract: Quarks, the constituents of nucleons and many other particles,
and gluons, the particles which mediate strong interactions, all carry a
quantum number called color charge. However, the color charge has never
been observed in isolation, and is always found `confined' into colorless
states. No analytic description of color confinement exists, and finding
one remains an unsolved problem. A model of quark confinement, suggested
by Nambu, treats quarks as magnetic monopoles, which are the endpoints of
Dirac strings. After an overview of all this, I will discuss a more
physical version of Nambu's model, in which the strings are physical
objects, and the magnetic charge is fully confined.
The Department of Geography, Presidency University, cordially and warmly invites you to a series of lectures to be held from 5th - 7th April, 2017 at the A.J.C. Bose Auditorium.
The topics are related to but not limited within Geography, and speakers from IIT Kharagpur, IIM Calcutta, IDS Kolkata, IIEST Shibpur, CSRD JNU, IISER Kolkata and IIT&TM, Panaji and other such multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary institutes across India shall deliver their talks on a diverse themes.
Click here for details
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Dr Barnali Chakrabarti
Presidency University
Wednesday 15th March 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Fundamental aspects of Bose Einstein Condensates
Abstract: In this presentation, She will start from text-book BEC and discuss how the experimental BEC differs from text-book problem from the angle of many-body physics. She will present qualitative pictures and essential features of the quantum many-body calculation developed by our group. From various application of this method in experimental BEC, She will demonstrate the efficacy of our technique. The importance of BEC in the present day research and its future in connection with quantum information will be presented.
Dr. Pratik Sen, Department of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur will deliver a talk entitled
“Microsecond Protein Dynamics Probed at the Single Molecular Level”
March 14, 2017 (Tuesday) at 2 PM at Chemistry Lecture Theatre (CLT) -1 of the Department of Chemistry
as a part of the celebration of the Bicentenary celebration of Presidency.
All are requested to attend the seminar.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
New Poetry and ' Manjhi ka pul' : Via Jnanpith Awarded Poet Kedarnath Singh
Speaker : Dr. Ved Raman Pandey, ( Phd - Calcutta University)
Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, Presidency University
Interest : - Hindi Criticism,Poetry and fiction
Date : 8th March 2017, Wednesday
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Two talks for the Physics Weekly Colloquium.
Speaker: Dr. Ranjan Laha (Stanford University)
Title: Status of dark matter indirect detection
Date and Time: Wednesday 8th March , 2 PM at PLT-2
Abstract: Indirect detection is one of the most promising ways to search for dark matter in astrophysics. It involves searching for an excess of Standard Model particles on top of standard astrophysical backgrounds. Gamma-rays, X-rays, neutrinos, anti-protons, and positrons are typically used in indirect detection. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the various techniques used in indirect detection of dark matter. I will discuss the latest status on various astrophysical anomalies and their interpretation in terms of a dark matter signal.
Speaker: Dr. Debanjan Bose (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul)
Title: Highlights from IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Date and Time: Wednesday 8th March , 3.30 PM at PLT-2
Abstract: IceCube is a cubic-kilometer neutrino observatory buried deep in the ice sheet at the geographic South Pole. A total of 5160 Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) are deployed on 86 strings forming a three dimensional detector array. Over the past decade, South Pole has emerged as a leading site for neutrino astronomy, particle astrophysics and neutrino physics. IceCube's discovery of a diffuse flux of astrophysical neutrinos started a new era of neutrino astronomy. In this talk I will describe IceCube neutrino detector and will discuss some of IceCube’s results. Also, I will give an overview of plans to upgrade IceCube in the future.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
India and Pakistan: State - Society relations
Speaker : Dr. Satyabrat Sinha , ( Phd - SIS,JNU, Delhi)
Assistant Professor, , Department of of Political Sciences, Presidency University
Specialization : - Strategic concerns of the South Asian Region
Date : 2nd March 2017, Thursday
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Department of Political Science Presidency University
cordially invites you to a lecture on
Lessons of Fukushima
Professor Masaaki Ohashi
Chair, Japan CSO Coalition for Disaster Risk Reduction and
Professor, University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo
Wednesday 1 March, 2017
3:30 -5.00 pm
Political Science Lecture Theatre
Professor Ohashi has been Professor of Social Development since 1993 and describs himself as an activist. He has been a regular visitor to South Asia since 1974 and implements the work of Shapla Neer (a Japanese NGO) in Bangladesh and Nepal. Prof. Ohashi also serves JANIC, the largest NGO network in Japan focusing ODA advocacy and the Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
March 1st, 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Sakuntala Chatterjee (SNBNCBS)
Title: Coupled nonequilibrium systems: ordering and dynamics
Abstract: Particle clustering is important in many natural physical and biological phenomena. it is important to understand processes that cause clustering in different physical contexts. Often, large-scale clustering is driven by interactions with an external medium which itself has correlations in space and time. An important physical effect in such systems is the back influence of the particles on the medium. This interaction can aid clustering, or destroy it. If a cluster does form, it may be compact and robust, or a dynamic object that undergoes constant reorganization. In this talk I will discuss how different types of ordered phases can be obtained as the interaction between the particles and environment is varied. Within a simple lattice gas model we derive an interesting phase diagram and unmask novel nonequilibrium phases.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
Mahabharata: History or Fiction?
Speaker : Dr. Somshankar (Ph.D-Calcutta University)
Assistant Professor, , Department of History, Presidency University
Specialization : History of Bengal & historical literature
Date : 22nd February 2017
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Dr. Anindya Sundar Chakrabarti, Assistant Professor, Economics Area, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, will deliver a Series of five lectures on
“Dynamic Models of Macroeconomics” from 27-31 March 2017. The schedule is as follows:
Monday: 3.30 to 5 pm
Tuesday: 3.30 to 5 pm
Wednesday: 3.30 to 5 pm
Thursday: 2 to 5 pm
Friday: 10 am to 12.30 pm
Dr. Chakrabarti is a graduate of 2007 from Presidency College, proceeding to post-graduate in the MSQE programme from ISI Kolkata and PhD from Boston University.
The venue of this lecture series is Economics Seminar Hall.
Sarmila Banerjee, Professor of Economics (retd.), University of Calcutta, will deliver a Series of eight lectures on
Environmental Regulation Policies and Environmental Valuation Techniques
during March 2017. The tentative schedule is as follows:
8th March (Wednesday): 11 am to 1pm
15th March (Wednesday): 11 am to 1 pm
17 th March (Friday): 3 pm to 5 pm
24th March (Friday): 3 pm to 5 pm
Prof. Banerjee specializes in Environmental Economics, Quantitative Development Economics, and Econometrics. She did her Ph.D. from University of Florida, Gainesville, USA in 1989, and Post-Doc from University of California, Santa Barbara, USA in 2001-02.
Lectures will be held in Economics Seminar Room.
All are welcome.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Ratna Koley (Presidency University)
Date and Time: 22nd February, 2017, 2 PM at PLT-2
Title : Are the intergalactic magnetic fields (IGMF) primordial?
Abstract: Magnetic fields have been widely observed in the universe. From planets and stars, all the way to galaxy clusters magnetic fields of considerable strength and size have been repeatedly observed. Recent observational evidence also suggests that even the intergalactic medium in voids could host a weak magnetic field. Despite of their widespread presence, however, the origin of cosmic magnetic fields is still a mystery. In this talk we would like to address the question whether such fields are of cosmological origin? The idea of primordial magnetogenesis is attractive because it makes the large scale magnetic fields easier to explain. Nevertheless, this idea is not problem free, with a number of issues remaining open and matter of debate. We will elaborate on the aspects of primordial magnetogenesis and discuss the advantages and shortcomings of this proposal.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Moitri Maiti (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia)
Wednesday Feb 15th, 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Detection of Majorana modes in superconductors
Majorana fermions have been the subject of active interests in the recent
years. Various theoretical measures have been proposed to probe the
Majorana bound state in condensed matter systems particularly using
superconducting platforms. The use of Josephson junctions as probes to
detect these modes are considered to be fairly robust. In this talk, I
will discuss dynamics in a resitively and capactively shunted Josephson
junctions (RCSJs) hosting sub-gap Majorana bound state and show that
analysis of the current-voltage characteristics reveals robust
phase-sensitive signatures for existence of Majorana modes in such
Dr. Susmita Dasgupta, Lead Environmental Economist in Development and Research Group in the World Bank will deliver two lectures on 14th February 2017 from 2 to 5 pm, with a short break, in Economics Lecture Theatre, Presidency University. The topics she will address are as follows:
1. Urban Flooding of Greater Dhaka in a Changing Climate: Building local Resilience to Disaster Risk and
2. Minimizing Ecological Damage from Road Improvement in Tropical Forests
Dr. Dasgupta’s research focus is on environmental management in developing countries. She has done extensive analysis on health hazards of pollution, poverty/environment nexus, setting priorities in pollution control, deforestation, biodiversity loss, impacts of climate change on coastal zones and climate extremes, adaptation to climate change, cost effective regulations, monitoring and enforcement of regulations. She has conducted research activities in Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Cuba, India, Iran, Lao PDR, Madagascar, Mexico, Tunisia, Vietnam and Yemen, and has published numerous articles on issues related to development and environment.
Before joining the Bank in 1992, she taught at the American University and the State University of New York at Albany. She is a graduate at Presidency College and did her Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Albany.
Please see the attached documents for further details and join us in the lecture.
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Parthasarathi Majumdar (RKMVU)
Wednesday Feb 8th, 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Black Holes in the lab : Hawking radiation, superradiance and inertial frame dragging'.
Abstract : I shall begin with a quick survey of special and general relativity, and then start with black holes. I shall focus on three interesting physical processes involving matter fields and particles in such spacetimes, namely, Hawking radiation, energy extraction from a rotating black hole (superradiance), and the dragging of inertial frames in rotating black holes. These phenomena are all well predicted from general relativity, but are difficult to observe in practice for physical black hole spacetimes. Next I switch to certain properties of acoustic perturbations in fluid dynamics, whereby, one may have `laboratory' analogues of black holes using certain specific kinds of quantum fluids. This amazing appearance of an `acoustic' curved spacetime within perfectly non-relativistic standard fluid dynamics leads to prospects of controlled experiments involving such analogue black holes whereby the three phenomena mentioned above may actually be observed. This is intradisciplinary physics bringing together ideas from fluid mechanics, general relativity, superfluidity and the physics of cold atoms.
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
"Forgetting" Grandma: A tale of fading memories
Speaker : Dr. Piyali Mukherjee ( Post Doctorate Moffit Cancer Centre & R M L,NIH, USA)
Assistant Professor, , Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University
Specialization : Age-related Neurodegeneration and Mitochondrial Bioenergetics
Date : 8th February 2017
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invite you to
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture
" Games with Karma: Indian Board Games as a Commentary on Life "
Speaker : Dr. Souvik Mukherjee (PhD, Nottingham Trent University, UK)
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Presidency University
Specialization : Digital Humanities, Game studies, video game and storytelling.
Date : 2nd February 2017
Time: 3.00 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are Welcome
Department of Political Science, Presidency University
Cordially invites you to the Nirmal Kanti Majumdar Endowment Lecture Programme.
Distinguished Speaker, Prof. Neera Chandhoke, Department of Political Science, Delhi University will deliver the lecture on:
Rethinking Secularism
Date : February 2nd, 2017
Venue : AJC Bose Auditorium, Presidency University ,
Time : 11:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
The NKM Endowment Lecture will be held as per the programme given overleaf.
Looking forward to your presence.
Programme Schedule:
11:00 a.m. Inauguration by Prof. Swapan K. Chakravorty
Chair : Prof. Sobhanlal Dattagupta
11.30 a.m. Lecture by Prof. Neera Chandhoke on Rethinking Secularism Questions and Answers
1.00 p.m. Lunch
2:00 p.m. Panel Discussion on Religion in Indian Life
Coordinator: Prof. Sanjukta Bhattacharya, Discussants : Prof. Neera Chandhoke, Prof. Manabi Majumdar, Prof. Sanjeeb Mukherjee
3:30 p.m. Vote of Thanks
A talk will be delivered by Dr. Joe Devine, Head, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath, UK.
Date: 20th January 2017.
Time: 1:45 pm.
Venue: Seminar Room, Sociology Department.
Topic: “Social, Political and Anthropological aspects of development”.
All are invited.
Speaker: Professor M S Raghunathan, Head of the National Centre for
Distinguished Visiting Professor and NASI Platinum Jubilee Chair,
Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay
Title: A Short Course on Arithmetic Groups
Mathematics Lecture Theatre, Main building 1st floor, Presidency
16 -19 January, 2017, Time 2.30 pm -4.00 pm &
20th January, 2017, Time 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
1. Basic definitions of algebraic groups and arithmetic groups, Minkowski
reduction and Mahler criterion.
2. The Godement criterion and consequences:the Diriclet unit theorem and
existence of compact manifolds of constant curvature;the
Borel-Harish-Chandra theorem
3. Some structural properties of linear groups. Rigidity and arithmeticity.
4. Locally symmetric spaces and their topology
5. The congruence subgroup problem
Each of these will be the subject matter of one lecture. Some familiarity
with basic algebraic number theory will be helpful. However basic facts
from algebraic number theory will be recalled whenever needed. Some
theorems will be proved but for most others only statements will be given
along with say some comments. The aim is to give a flavour of the subject
by highlighting some striking results.
A lecture at physics department
Speaker: Dr. Sujit Bandyopadhyay (KLA Tencor, Singapore)
December 29th, 2 PM at PLT-2
Title : Interferometers: meeting challenges in diverse areas
Abstract: interferometers are non-invasive optical devices used extensively both in research and industry. Both broadband (White light) and narrowband (laser) sources are used depending on the applications. A snapshot of important aspects of some applications will be presented.
Scanning White Light Interferometer (SWLI) imager are ideal or microscopic imaging and surface topography applications such as surface profiling, Thin Film characterisation, 3D topography (Optical Coherence Topography). Common Path Interferometers (Sagnac) using imaging mirrors provide vibration free compact spectrometers for space applications. SWLI can easily be modified into PUPS (Pupil Plane SWLI) for multi-angle-multi-wavelength Ellipsometry. VISAR (Velocity Interferometer System for Any reflector) is an important plasma diagnostics for recording interference fringes from a moving illuminated object under wide angle light scattering.
LIGO (laser Interferometer for Gravitational Observatory), a combination of Michelson interferometer and Fabry-Perot Interferometer for detection of gravitational wave, requires minimisation of noises such as shot noise, which is controlled (reduced) by injecting ‘squeezed’ (in phase uncertainty) light using non-linear optics (second harmonic generation followed by frequency down conversion in optical parametric generation) in the passive port (detection port) of the Michelson Interferometer. Another interesting feature is the generation of ‘squeezed’ state by radiation pressure back action. This can be a very useful study at University level with a lot of scope for learning.,
Sincere thanks. Here is another lecture program at Physics Department to be held on the 29th December, 2016.
The abstract is given below. Kindly upload this to the departmental events.
Physics weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Atri Bhattacharya, Space sciences, Technologies and Astrophysics Research (STAR) Institute, Université de Liège
PLT-2 28th December 2 PM
Title: Exploring boosted dark matter scenarios using IceCube
IceCube is the largest present neutrino detector at about 1 km^3 in instrumented volume. Built at the south pole, and deep into the Antarctic ice-bed, it is designed to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos incident at the earth with energies of 1 TeV and above. Since being built in 2010, IC has had remarkable success, detecting more than a 5 sigma evidence of a neutrino flux over and above known sources of neutrinos, such as those from cosmic ray interactions with atmospheric nuclei. In this talk, I will briefly describe the IceCube detector, its goals and results, and the standard interpretations of said results. I will then discuss how this neutrino detector can be used to detect an altogether different kind of particle, namely fast moving or "boosted" dark matter, showing in the process, that present observations at IC are really also compatible with this alternative scenario, for reasonable values of parameters in the theory.
Prevention of Mass Violence and Promotion of Tolerance: Lessons from History
International Multidisciplinary Conference
Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata, India
27-28 February 2017
Advanced School on Gravitational Waves
Lectures on
Binary Black Hole Physics
Gravitational Wave Data Analysis
Gravitational Wave Instrumentation
On December 12-16th , 2016
Religiosity/Secularity in the Fiction of Bangladesh War of Independence (1971): Lecture by M H Khan, NY Univ, Fri 9 Dec, 12:30 pm, HLT (2)
Presidency University, Kolkata
Celebration of Constitution Day
Time: 1:20 PM
Lecture Theatre, Department of Political Science
Presidency University
Introductory Address: Prof.Pradip Basu, Head, Department of Political Science
Arun Kumar Maiti, Dean of Students
Prof.Abdus Samad Gayen
Prof. Yarraguntla Suresh Babu
All are invited
Three day workshop on
Big Data Analytics
will be held at
Cochrane Place, Kurseong on 12-14th December 2016
instructed by Prof. Pulak Ghosh and Prof. Bhuvanesh Pareek. Download Brochure
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Nov 16th, 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Dr. Ujjaini Alam (ISI)
Title: Cosmic Acceleration and Dark Energy
Abstract: Dark energy is one of the most tantalizing mysteries in current cosmological research. A host of observations confirm that about two-thirds of the energy content of the universe comprises of this negative-pressure ``dark energy'' component that causes the expansion of the universe to accelerate. In this talk, we will explore two distinct facets of dark energy research-- the theoretical and the observational. Many different theoretical models have been suggested for dark energy. We shall examine these theoretical models, and the constraints on them in light of current observations. A second approach to the dark energy problem is to study the various observations available to us with different statistical tools, and optimize these methods for obtaining maximum information on the dark energy parameters. Using these two complementary approaches in conjunction, we expect to shed light on the nature of dark energy.
Lecture Schedule for Georgia State University delegation
organized by Department of Political Science Presidency University
on November 11-22, 2016
Dr. Sumit Agarwal
Professor of Finance, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
will deliver a talk on
“Thy Neighbor’s Misfortune: Peer Effect on Consumption”
4th November 2016 from 4 pm
Department of Economics, Presidency University
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Punyabrata Pradhan
SNBose National Centre for Basic Sciences
26th Oct 2016 at 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: Additivity and Fluctuations in Mass Transport Processes
Abstract: Understanding fluctuations is fundamental to the formulation of
statistical mechanics, where additivity plays a crucial role. For example,
consider equilibrium thermodynamics which is based on the principle of
additivity: Macroscopic state of a system can be determined by extremizing
a thermodynamic potential (such as entropy or free energy). In
equilibrium, additivity leads to the concept of intensive thermodynamic
variable (temperature, pressure or chemical potential), which helps in
understanding fluctuations in the system. However, in nonequilibrium,
there is no unified principle to characterize fluctuations. In this talk,
I aim to provide a statistical mechanics framework to characterize
steady-state mass fluctuations in a broad class of nonequilibrium mass
transport processes.
The Department of Economics Presidency University is pleased to announce a Capacity Building Workshop on
from 20 to 26 October 2016.
Registration is open till 5th October 2016.
Download Brochure Guest House Accommodation Detail
The Department of Bengali, Presidency University is going to organize
a three-day workshop on ‘Manuscriptology’
on and from 20th to 22nd October, 2016 at 01:00 pm.
with the collaboration Bangiya Sahitya Parisad, Kolkata.
Venue: Seminar-room, the department of Philosophy, (N S Building, Ground Floor) PU
& Seminar Hall, Bangiya Sahitya Parisad, Kolkata (22/10/2016).
Registration is open till 20th October 2016
Download Details
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invite you to
Premchand Weekly Lecture
" Jewish Contributions to Hindi Literature and their Portrayal in it "
Speaker : Navras Jaat Aafreedi
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Presidency University
Date : 21st October,2016
Time:, 3.15 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Department of Economics, Presidency University presents a special lecture on
Policy, Politics and Credit Supply
Nagpurnanand R. Prabhala
Professor of Finance at University of Maryland
Chief Mentor and Head of Research, CAFRAL, Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai
Venue: Economics Lecture Theatre, Economics Department
17th October 2016 from 11 am - 12.30 pm
All are welcome
In emerging markets, policy and politics are central in shaping credit supply and its effect on firm growth. We show how using evidence from India. Reforms in creditor rights shape the type of credit in an economy and in particular, enhance the supply of arm’s length credit relative to relationship banking. Policies attempting to direct credit towards small firms can have the counterintuitive effect of inhibiting small firm growth. Directed lending policies can shape the flow of credit in directions sought by the state but state ownership of lenders introduces a political channel that can additionally modulate these flows with unclear effects on output.
Department of Political Science cordially invites you to a seminar lecture to be delivered by :
Prof. Biju Paul Abraham, Dean of Indian Institute of Management, (IIM) Calcutta
Theme of the Lecture : 'Political Economy of Trade Liberalisation: India and the Doha Round of the WTO'
Venue : Seminar Lecture Theatre, Department of Political Science
Date : October 5th , 2016 . Time : 3.30 pm
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Speaker: Dr. Ayan Mukhopadhyay
Vienna Institute of Technology
Time: September 21st, 2 PM at PLT-2
Title: A new nonperturbative framework and QCD
Abstract: An outstanding challenge for theoretical physics today is to construct an effective framework for quantum systems including nonperturbative effects. We need to understand how to include both weakly coupled partons and strongly coupled IR degrees of freedom together into a complete and consistent framework. This is relevant for QCD as lack of suitable factorization of hadronic amplitudes when momentum transfer is above the saturation scale, formation of QGP in heavy-ion collisions, collective flow in collisions of small systems and many other such experimentally accessible phenomena require us to construct such a framework for understanding them. We will propose a new framework for QCD in this direction and discuss concrete progress made towards its construction. We will argue that the best context to first employ this framework will be to heavy-ion collision experiments. Finally, we will discuss a toy model where the full proposed framework can be explicitly constructed.
Speaker: Prof. Anuradha Lohia
Presidency University
Time: September 21st, 4 PM at PLT-2
Title: What do you do with your Science Degree?
The Department of History cordially invites you to:
Notes on a Poetic History of South Asia
Dr Nosheen Ali
Wednesday, 21 September, 2016,12:30 pm
History Lecture Theatre (Room 2), Main Building, Presidency University, Kolkata
Click Here for details
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invite you to
Premchand Weekly Lecture
" Criticism in the New Century: Ismat Chughtai's "Lihaaf" and its Discontents"
Speaker : Dr. Anupma Mohan
Asst.Professor, Department of English, Presidency University
Date : 16th September,2016
Time:, 3.15 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday 14th September, 2016
2PM at PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Arnab Das
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Title: Periodically Driven Closed Quantum Systems: Some Recent Elementary Development
Abstract: When a quantum system is driven periodically in time by varying a parameter (interaction/externally applied field) in time, quantum interference can result in surprising counterintuitive phenomena even in very simple systems. In many-body context, periodic drive can give rise to non-trivial periodic states which can be understood by extending the fundamental framework of equilibrium statistical mechanics. In this talk we will give an introduction to some of these
interesting recent developments.
Outreach Programme in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Presidency University is organising an outreach programme for 10+2 students on 12th September, 2016. The interested students are requested to send an email to < math.presidency@gmail.com > for registration with their name, class and the name of their school. There are limited seats, so early registration is encouraged. The email registration will be closed on 9th September, 2016 and the selected candidates will be intimated by an email on 10th September, 2016. There will be a registration fee of Rs. 50/- (rupees fifty only) payable at the event.
The details of the programme are as follows:
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre, Main building (1st floor)
Registration: 10:00 am -- 10:30 am
Lecture 1: 10:30 am -- 11:45 am
Lecture 2: 11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Lunch: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Lecture 3: 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Lecture 4: 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm
Tea Break: 4:30 pm -- 4:45 pm
Discussion : 4:45 pm – 5:30 pm
The names of the speakers with the names of the topics are as follows:
Real valued functions: Kuntal Banerjee & Tapan Saha
Geometry and Structures: Shubhabrata Das
Elementary Number theory: Sabyasachi Dutta
(A platform to share knowledge without boundaries)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invite you to
Premchand Weekly Lecture
Cartoon in the Hindi Literary Sphere, 1900-1940
Speaker : Dr.Prabhat Kumar
Asst.Professor, Department of History, Presidency University
Date : 9th September,2016
Time:, 3.15 pm
Venue: Lecture Theater, Hindi Department
All are welcome
Download Detail
प्रेसिडेंसी विश्वविद्यालय, हिंदी विभाग द्वारा आयोजित
प्रथम द्विशतवार्षिकी व्याख्यान माला
वक्ता : अलका सरावगी
व्याख्यान -1
झुके मकानों का शहर : कलकत्ता और कथा का भूगोल
तारीख और समय 21 सितंबर 2016, तीन बजे
स्थान : लेक्चर थियेटर, हिंदी विभाग, पी.यू
कथा और हूतूतू
तारीख और समय : 2 नवंबर 2016, तीन बजे
स्थान : लेक्चर थियेटर, हिंदी विभाग, पी.यू
व्याख्यान -3
प्रवासी मन और कथा का डायसपोरा
तारीख और समय : 16 नवंबर 2016, तीन बजे
स्थान : लेक्चर थियेटर, हिंदी विभाग, पी.यू
सादर आमंत्रण
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Present its first Bicentennial Lecture Series
Speaker : Alka Saraogi
Sahitya Academy Winner Eminent Hindi Writer
Department of Mathematics, Presidency University invites you all to a series of lectures on
Weierstrass approximation through Bernstein polynomials: When Probability dates Analysis
Dr. Parthanil Roy, Indian Statistical Institute
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre.
Date & Time
Friday 9th September, 2016 4 PM
Friday 16th September, 2016 4:30 PM
Abstract: In this series of lectures, a purely probabilistic proof of Weierstrass approximation theorem will be presented. Basic probability theory needed for the proof will be developed in a self-contained manner. The statement and motivation of the approximation theorem will also be discussed from the viewpoint of real analysis. These lectures will explain, among other things, how inter-dependent the two subjects (probability theory and real analysis) are. Special care will be taken so that this series is accessible to the students.
Chemistry Lecture on September 6, 2016 at 2:30 PM at Chemistry Lecture Theatre 1 on
Fabrication of SERS-Based Sensor and and Single-Molecule Level Interaction between Polyelectrolyte and Protein
Dr. Ranjit De, Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI) and Department of Chemistry, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju 500-712, Republic of Korea.
Department of Political Science , Presidency University cordially invites you to
Public lecture on
The Distingushed Speakers :
Hon'ble Senator Utah-State Senate (Republican Party)
Hon'ble Maryland State Legislature Delegate (Democratic Party)
Date : September 6th 2016, Tuesday, Time : 10.30AM
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture in Mathematics
Fields Medalist Professor Cédric Villani
Director, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
Venue: Physics Lecture Theatre 02
Date: 31st August, 2016, 10: 30 am
Physics Weekly Colloquium
Wednesday August 31st 2016
2PM at PLT-2
Title: Gravitational-Wave Detectors in India
Speaker Dr. Fred Raab, Head, LIGO Hanford Observatory
Abstract: The first observing run of LIGO’s second-generation detectors gave birth to the new field of gravitational wave astronomy. This run achieved the first direct detection of gravitational waves, the first observation of black hole binaries, the first look at black-hole dynamics and tests of General Relativity in extreme spacetime conditions. Achieving these discoveries required detectors at the frontier of measurement science. Fully exploiting the promise of this new field will require building out the international network of terrestrial gravitational-wave detectors, continually upgrading the detectors in the network’s existing facilities and developing new facilities to expand further the reach of these detectors. This represents significant opportunities for detector development in India.
All are welcome.
Physics weekly colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Arnab Sen (IACS)
Date: August 24th, 2 PM, PLT2/PLT1
Title: Understanding the "simplest" spin liquids
Abstract: Spin liquids are intriguing magnetic states of matter that are
neither ordered (like ferromagnets or antiferromagnets) nor
disordered (like paramagnets), and require new concepts for their
description. A complete understanding of such states is still lacking
and many fundamental questions remain.
In this talk, I will describe a simple class of spin liquids and show
why such states are non-trivial and how their properties can be
understood most simply in terms of emergent gauge fields that
are not present at the microscopic level.
Physics weekly colloquium
Speaker: Prof. Soumen Roy (Bose Institute)
Date: August 17th,2016
Time: 2 PM at PLT2
Title - Complex systems: From image processing to phage-bacteria interactions
Abstract - There are many systems and phenomena in nature and everyday life, which we encounter frequently and yet understand poorly. In this talk, I will present a tiny subset of such phenomena and explore whether an interdisciplinary set of techniques from mathematics, statistics, computation and statistical physics of networks can shed fresh insight. Diverse examples such as detecting vulnerabilities in infrastructure networks, the design of image processing devices, non-invasive diagnostics, synthetic biology inspired protein design etc. would be furnished. All of these would be firmly grounded upon experimental data. Finally, I would demonstrate how an iterative cycle of experiment-driven modeling and model-driven experimentation can uncover new and exciting findings in biology.
The Department of History takes pleasure in inviting you to Roy Bar Sadeh's lecture titled "Producing a New Network of Belonging in the Indian Subcontinent: al-Manar's Milieu and Bombay's Arab Mercantile Community (1898-1935)."
The talk will take place on Wednesday, 17th August, beginning at 12:30 pm, at the History Lecture Theatre (Room 2).
Mr. Roy Bar Sadeh is a PhD candidate in History at Columbia University, New York. He works on transnational intellectual interactions between Muslim scholars in the Mashriq, South Asia and Central Asia from the mid-19 century to the 1940s.
Department of Economics, Presidency University,
presents a special lecture series on
Persistence of Poverty and Anti-Poverty Policies
Maitreesh Ghatak
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, London School of Economics
Date | Time |
16 August 2016 | 3 pm to 5.30 pm |
17 August 2016 | 3 pm to 5.30 pm |
18 August 2016 | 11 am to 1 pm |
Venue: Economics Lecture Theatre
All are welcome.
Department of Economics, Presidency University, is happy to announce two special interactive lectures on
The Curriculum in Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE)
project and teaching economics in an active way
Inequality with CORE Project
by Dr. Parama Chaudhury of University College of London
on 10 and 11 August 2016 at Economics Computer Laboratory, Presidency University. Timing is as
Date | Title of the lecture | Time |
10 August 2016 | The Curriculum in Open-access Resources in Economics (CORE) project and teaching economics in an active way | 2 pm to 4 pm |
11 August 2016 | Inequality with CORE Project | 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm |
All interested people are welcome.
Special Lectures on Topics in Condensed Matter Physics
by Prof. Krishnendu Sengupta,
Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics
Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
August 3rd : 3.30 PM- 5.30 PM
August 10th: 3.30 PM-5.30 PM
August 17th: 3.30 PM-5.30 PM
August 24th: 3.30 PM-5.30 PM
August 31st: 3.30 PM-5.30 PM
Room: Physics Seminar Room
The Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad and the Department of History,
Presidency University, take great pleasure in inviting you to the
XXIII Professor Susovan Chandra Sarkar Memorial Lecture.
This year, Professor Sugata Bose, Gardiner Professor of Oceanic
History and Affairs at Harvard University, will be speaking on the
subject of 'Sahitye Itihas, Itihase Raj-niti: Nawabi Theke Swadeshi
Bangla (History in Literature, Politics in History: From Nawabi to
Swadeshi Bengal)'.
The lecture will begin at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, 16 August 2016, at the
Political Science Lecture Theatre, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Benjamin Lacam’s New Harbor: Geography, Law and Empire
Speaker: Dr. Debjani Bhattacharyya
Dr. Debjani Bhattacharyya, is Assistant Professor in Department of History, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA. She has done her Masters from Jadavpur University, Kolkata and PhD from Emory University, USA. Her research interests and publications are in the field of urban environmental history, legal history, history of economic thought and postcolonial studies.
After a series of requests in 1770, Benjamin Lacam received a land grant to build his New Harbor close to Channel Creek east of Sagar Islands in the Bay of Bengal. Lacam claimed that he had discovered a "natural harbour" in this tidal delta, where the depth of water and the landmass remained constant affording a safe passage from the Bay to the docks of Calcutta. Yet, two months before his Harbor was to begin functioning in 1776 the Calcutta Revenue Committee withdrew the grant from Lacam halting construction. The reasons for canceling the grant were twofold: The first stemmed out of the presence of water in the land that was granted to him, as water within a land grant “went beyond the spirit of the document,” as one Company official claimed. Second, the depth of the Harbor failed to yield a constant measurement as Lacam initially claimed, posing a problem of geographical evidence within dispute arbitration. What followed was a legal case lasting a quarter century that begun in the Mayor’s Court in Calcutta in 1776 and ended in London 1803. The legal debate that ensued proceeded primarily along three lines, a: distinguishing land and water as separate jurisdictional entities within law, b: the accuracy of instruments to measure depth of water and finally c: human integrity in the person of Lacam. Some of the members of the jury and surveyors who were called upon to judge and testify understood the seasonal variability and variety of land-water admixture that made up the tidal landscape. However, they all agreed that this mobility was a "problem" that needed to be fixed through accurate instruments of measure and new legal imaginaries in the name of safeguarding company’s interests in the emerging property and land market. This failed infrastructural venture brings to light the imbrications of property, environment and law for Lacam speculated not just financially, but also with geography and law.
DATE: 12/08/2016 (FRIDAY)
TIME: 1:00 PM
Physics weekly colloquium
Hunting for Survival: Chemotaxis, Search and Statistical Mechanics
August 10th 2 PM at PLT-1
Speaker: Dr. Ankush Sengupta
Download Abstract
Physics Department Wednesday Colloquium
Date: July 27th, 2016, 2 PM
Prof. Surajit Sen
Department of Physics, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-1500
Email: sen@buffalo.edu
Title: Mechanical energy transport through granular systems
The talk shall focus on the rich physics associated with mechanical energy transport through artificially constructed granular systems such as the Newton’s cradle, and decorated 2D and 3D granular structures with closed or random packing. Mechanical energy travels as a solitary wave in 1D granular systems. Such a system turns out to be non-integrable, thereby leading the solitary waves to break down and form again during collisions, thus giving rise to large energy fluctuations (rogue fluctuations as in rogue waves) and very slow relaxation in the non-dissipative limit, a topic of interest in non-equilibrium statistical physics. We will touch upon impact decimation in decorated 1D, 2D and 3D granular systems, which is becoming a mature topic now and turns out to be of interest to the blast mitigation community. We will close with some comments on crater formation during impact onto a 3D bed.
This research has been partially supported by the US Army Research Office
Department of Economics, Presidency University, cordially invites you to a special lecture on
A study of the negotiated-settlement practice in regulation: Some evidence from Florida
Dr. Shourjo Chakravorty,
Istanbul Technical University,
20 July 2016 at Economics Lecture Theatre, Presidency University.
A public lecture By
Professor Tapodhir Bhattachayay, Assam University, Silchar
‘ Language Hegemony & Bengali Language’
Organized by Department of Bengali, Presidency University
Venue : N S Building (Seminar Room, Ground Floor)
Date & Time: 18 July, 2016 at 03:00 pm
Invitation Card
Department of Economics, Presidency University cordially invites you to a special lecture on
Ethnic Conflict and Civic Engagement
Souvik Dutta
Assistant Professor in Economics, Economics and Social Sciences Area
Young Faculty Research Chair
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Date: 2 June 2016 at 12 noon Venue: Economics Lecture Theatre
Despite similar levels of ethnic diversity, some places manage to remain peaceful while others experience ethnic conflict. Using a game theoretic framework, I argue that this variation is related to the structure of ethnic engagement in the society. Ethnic engagement refers to a business relationship between two individuals which can be inter (with an individual of opposite ethnicity) or intra (with an individual of same ethnicity). I show, the more segregated an economy is i.e., the higher is the degree of intra-relative to inter-ethnic engagements, the more conflict prone the economy is. The chances of conflict are lowered if there are “inter” ethnic ties in form of social engagement, i.e. if individuals derive utility from social interactions. Absolute poverty can also play a role in precipitating conflict. I also provide an empirical analysis in the context of Hindu-Muslim violence in India. The analysis shows that higher is the inbreeding homophily at a place the greater is the probability of occurrence of a conflict there, which validates the main result of the paper.
Department of Bengali Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Talk
(Renowned Critic in Literature & Drama)
Date : Wednesday, 4May, 2016
Time : 1:30pm
Venue: Departmental Lecture Theatre
The Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata:
Annual Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture
The Department of History takes great pleasure in inviting you to its
Annual Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture.
Date and Time
Wednesday, 27 April 2016, from 11:50 am to 1:50 pm
The Department's Lecture Theatre no. 2.
This year's speaker is Professor Janaki Nair
Topic / Title of the Lecture
"Your History, My Pasts": The Possibility of a "Historical Temper" in Contemporary India
Abstract: This paper will begin with the dilemma of the professional historian in contemporary India. It has on the one hand led to a new kind of accountability of the professional historian to a very sceptical public, well beyond the confines of colleges and departments and journals. It has also led to a relative "irrelevance" of professional history at a time of burgeoning of popular and public histories which show no particular commitment to positivist evidentiary protocols. Can we think of a historical method appropriate to our times? To what extent should such a method be attentive to the sense of the past rather than the meanings of the past which appear to set academic histories apart from the copious productions of the popular/sectarian/interested historians? Finally, what are the possible ways in which the professional historian's recast methods recover their claims to a credible account of the past? The paper will attempt to answer some of these questions through reference to the afterlives of Tipu Sultan in Kannada lavanies.
The Speaker
Professor Janaki Nair teaches History at the Centre for Historical Studies, JNU. Her research interests, which have largely focussed on the region of Mysore/Karnataka, range from labour and working class history to legal history, and from histories of the city to histories and theories of feminism in India. Her published works include Mysore Modern: Rethinking the Region under Princely Rule (Orient Blackswan, 2012) and The Promise of the Metropolis: Bangalore's Twentieth Cenutry (OUP, 2005, 2006).
All are welcome
Prof. Rana Adhikari from California Institute of Technology (LIGO Team) will be giving the colloquium on Wednesday 20th April at 3.30 PM at AJC Bose Auditorium.
Speaker: Prof. Rana Adhikari (California Institute of Technology)
Time: 3.30 PM @ AJC Bose Auditorium.
Date: April 20th, Wednesday
Title: The Quiet Thunder of Gravity in the Cosmos
In 1916, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves—vibrations of spacetime produced by the most cataclysmic events in the universe that travel at the speed of light. Yet for several decades, it was believed that these waves either did not exist or were too weak to detect. Over the past 45 years, scientists have been developing ever-more-sensitive detectors capable of measuring these spacetime distortions from as far away as hundreds of millions of light years. On September 14th, the universe spoke to us for the first time through the spacetime vibrations of a pair of massive black holes from a billion years ago.
In this talk, Adhikari will describe how our understanding of the quantum physics of the very, very small has allowed us to explore gravitational physics of the very, very large. The window onto the dark side of the universe is now open.
In Physics Tea we will have a discussion session with the speaker.
Department of Bengali Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Talk
Renowned Poet & Critic
Date : Monday, 18th April, 2016
Time : 1:30pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Bengali Department, Presidency University
Physics Tea
Date: 13.4.2016
Time: 2 PM @ PLT-2
Speakers: Ms. Sukanya Mallik and Mr. Unmesh Ghorai
Title: Let's get molded into plasma
Abstract: Starting from the distant nebula to our very close candle flame, Plasma is all around us. Plasma Physics is a very old division and it has a wide range of application in space and astrophysics, controlled Fusion Reaction (Tokamak), accelerator physics etc. It also has a variety of commercial and industrial applications. So, it's very important to understand some basic plasma
phenomena and its physical mechanism to understand those applications and explore new areas of applications. But, because of the presence of a large number of charged particles and non-linear interactions between them, Plasma is indeed a very complex system to deal with. The properties of plasma are diagonised by using a probe, e.g Langmuir probe. We have studied some interesting properties of plasma by analysing the plasma parameters under the influence of applied electric and magnetic field. The talk will cover these and finally we will discuss briefly on plasma confinement using magnetic field and its use in Tokamak. It will be a short journey to the Fourth State of Matter,
the Plasma world.
Date: 13.4.2016
Time: 3.30 PM @ AJC Bose Auditorium
Speaker: Arghya Taraphder
Affiliation: Dept. of Physics and Centre for Theoretical Studies, IIT Kharagpur
Title: Physical science at the table top: mysteries of the collective response
The popular notion of 'esoteric', extant in only the cosmic or subatomic scale, is debunked with examples of everyday phenomena that are as mysterious. Some of these can be observed in table-top experiments and back-of-the-envelop calculations. In almost all these cases, the mystery is in the fact that the individual particles or atoms do not respond to a probe, a collective organization of the system 'sees' and 'responds' where there should seemingly be no response at all. These are 'emergent' properties of the 'many', not amenable to the reductionist approach prevalent in the last century. In much of these, quantum organization plays a central role.
All are welcome.
Event: Students' Seminar at the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University
Speaker: Ajay Saha (PG 2)
Date & Time: 7th April 2016, Thursday at 3.30 pm
Venue: Room # 8, Main building, Presidency University
Title: Variational Principle in Classical Mechanics
Abstract: We will start with the deduction of Euler-Lagrange equation from Hamilton's principle of least action and we will show the equivalence of Lagrange's equation and Hamilton's equation. Then we will discuss Liouville's theorem, Poincare's Recurrence theorem and it's applications.
Physics Tea @ 2 PM at PLT-2
Speaker Mr. Shibsankar Dutta
Title: α- Vanadyl Phosphate Based Hybrid Supercapacitor: A new candidate for the Energy Storage
Abstract: Two dimensional nano materials are the promising choose as a electrode material for supercapacitor application due to their large specific surface area, extra electrochemical active sites, high mechanical flexibility. Free standing hybrid films of functionalized MWCNT (–COOH group) and α-Vanadyl phosphates (VOPO4.2H2O) are prepared by vacuum filtering. The surface morphology and microstructure of the samples are studied by transmission electron microscope, field emission scanning electron microscope, Raman spectroscopy and XRD. Electrochemical properties of hybrid films have been investigated systematically in 1M Na2SO4 aqueous electrolyte. The hybrid material exhibits a high specific capacitance 236 F/g with high energy density of 65.6 Wh/Kg and a power density of 1476 W/Kg.
Speaker: Ms. Suchanda Mondal
Title: Highly efficient photocatalytic activity of CuO quantum dot decorated rGO Nanocomposites
Abstract: CuO Quantum dots (QDs) of size 4.5 nm decorated on rGO sheet to form nanocomposites with different weight percentages synthesized via simple soft chemical route. Tuning of CuO QDs absorption towards visible region from UV region in presence of rGO was also observed. The luminescence of rGO was found to be quenched in rGO-CuO nanocomposites owing to charge transfer from LUMO of rGO layer to the conduction band of CuO. Systematic and concise studies of photocatalytic performance towards degradation of methylene blue dye by CuO QDs along with rGO-CuO nanocomposites were presented in this work. Nanocomposite with equal weight percentage of rGO and CuO degrades almost 99 % of methylene blue under irradiation of visible light for 50 minutes shows maximum degradation efficiency.
Colloquium at 3.30 PM at AJC Bose auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Guruprasad Kar
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Title: Entanglement as resource in quantum information processing
In the earlier part of the development of quantum mechanics, entanglement in QM was used to show some apparently unacceptable counterintuitive features of the interpretation of QM. But starting from the last part of 20th Century, physicists started showing some nice applications of entangled state in some information processing phenomena like super dense coding, secret key generation, quantum computation and quantum communication. We shall discuss some of the basics of quantum information to understand how entanglement is indeed a resource for information processing.
All are invited.
Physics Tea
Date: 30th March 2016
Time: 2 PM @ PLT-2
Speaker: Prof. Dipanjan Chakrabarty (IISER-Mohali)
Date: 30th March 2016
Time: 3.30 PM at AJC Bose Auditorium
Speaker: Prof. Biswarup Mukhopadhyay (HRI)
Title: Particles, Accelerators and Symmetries
Abstract: Unveiling the fundamental laws of physics at the smallest
attainable distance scales requires a herculean effort
on both the experimental and theoretical fronts. An outline
of such efforts will be given in this colloquium. After a review
of the circumstances leading to the discovery of the Higgs
boson, a glimpse of some yet unanswered questions
will be given.
All are welcome
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Talk
Italian Renaissance and Painting
Speaker : Prof. Indrani Das
Professor, Department of English & other European Languages
Visva Bharati
Date : Tuesday, 29 March, 2016
Time : 11 am
Venue : Lecture Theatre, Hindi Department, Presidency University
Celebrating 200 Years of Presidency
Department of Sociology organises a 2-day conference on
"Transgender Embodiments and Experiences: Problems and Possibilities"
Date:28-29 March , 2016 from 11:00 am onwards at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium
Popular Mathematics Lecture organized by the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University.
Speaker: Professor Arnaud Chéritat, CNRS, FRANCE.
Date & Time: 22nd March 2016, Tuesday at 4 pm.
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre, Presidency University.
Title of the Lecture: Sphere Eversion
Abstract: Smale proved in 1959 that one can turn the sphere inside out in the Euclidean 3-space, by going through immersions. However, he did not give an explicit description of how to realize it. Since then, many people gave different ways to do it. I will briefly present the history of explicit sphere eversions, then describe a new way to do it.
An international seminar series organized by the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University.
Speaker: Professor Arnaud Chéritat, CNRS, FRANCE.
Dates & Time: 21-22 March 2016 & 24-25 March 2016 at 11.30 am.
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre, Presidency University.
Title of the seminar series: Parabolic Implosions in Complex Dynamics.
Abstract: I will explain the local dynamics of parabolic fixed points and their perturbation in one dimensional complex dynamics. The first part of this series will include the Leau flower theorem, the Fatou coordinates, horn maps (conjugacy invariants) and their covering properties. The second part will deal with vector field comparison, implosion, geometric limits, renormalization, near-parabolic renormalization.
Bicentennial celebration
Department of Hindi, Presidency University
UGS Sponsored National Seminar
Modern Indian Women Writings
Venue: A.J.C Bose Auditorium
Date & Time: 21st March 2016, 10:30 am and onwards
Students' Seminar in the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University
Speaker: Arijit Ganguly, TIFR Mumbai
Date & Time: 17th March 2016, Thursday at 3.30 pm
Venue: Room # 8, Main building, Presidency University
Title: A Survey of Diophantine Approximation
Abstract: Diophantine Approximation is regarded as the analysis of 'how the set of rational numbers is included inside the set of real numbers'. That is, we try to understand how "well" a generic real number can be approximated by rational numbers. The starting point of this discussion will be a classical result, namely the "Dirichlet's Theorem". We will then talk about the "Very Well Approximable Numbers" and "Badly Approximable Numbers" followed by the celebrated result of K. F. Roth on the strength of which he was awarded the Fields medal. We shall also see the higher dimensional natural analogs.
We also review these classical results from the point of view of homogeneous dynamics. We shall see how the diophantine properties of a number or vector corresponds to the properties of certain orbits in some homogeneous dynamical systems. Finally, if time permits, we shall discuss a landmark work by Kleinbock D. Y and Margulis G. A on "Metric Diophantine Approximation on Manifolds".
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Talk
Bharatmuni’s Natyashastra : Classical Concept & Relevance
Speaker : Prof. Mau Dasgupta
Head, Sanskrit Department, Calcutta University
Date : Monday, 14 March, 2016
Time : 12 pm
Venue : Lecture Theatre, Hindi Department, Presidency University
Department of Political Science, Presidency University and Council for Political Studies, Kolkata
Call for papers
For One day Annual Conference on 18 March, 2016
Democracy and Tolerance
Click here for details
Presidency University cordially invites its students to an informal meeting
Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty,
Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor of History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago,
on Monday, 14 March 2016, beginning at 4:00 pm
in the canteen (Nine to Nine).
This event is part of a series of conversations--Café Presidencian--with eminent scholars the Honourable Vice Chancellor has inaugurated as part of the university's lead up to its bicentennial commemoration.
One day workshop on "Philosophy of Mind"
Prof. Manidipa Sen
Venue: A.J.C Bose Auditorium
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Department of History has the pleasure of inviting you to
a talk by
Mou Banerjee of Harvard University
'The World and Words of Munshi Meherullah, and Muslim-Christian Polemics in Bengal, 1885-1907'.
Date and Time: 11 March 2016 (Friday), 11.40 am
Venue: History Department, Main Building, 2nd Floor, Room No. 2
Muslim atrap communities in the eastern part of the Bengal Presidency (present day Bangladesh), were the target demographic of Christian conversion efforts in the last decades of the nineteenth century. This gave rise to Bengali Muslim apologetic movements, whose main actors and their audiences were representative of networks of medium and low thought. Debates (bahas) between Muslim preachers and Christian missionaries, as well as religious meetings (waz mahfils), characterized these apologetics. Disseminated through street-market chapbooks in Musalmani-Bengali or dobashi Bengali, such polemics translated the cultural valences of Christianity and Islam both as personal faith and as communitarian identifying markers. In this paper, I analyze a selection of such pamphlets authored by an itinerant tailor called Munshi Meherullah, who spearheaded the atrap Bengali reaction against missionary efforts.
Presidency University cordially invites you to a lecture by
Professor Dipesh Chakrabarty, Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service
Professor of History, South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the
University of Chicago,
on the subject of "Climate Change and the
The talk will be held on 10 March 2016, starting at 4:00 pm, in the
AJC Bose Auditorium.
Presidency University Department of English
Invites academic papers for
Young Researchers’ Conference
Critiquing caste in /as Dalit Literature
Date: 8th & 9th March, 2016
The Library is going to organize a program on
"e-Resources@Presidency: Developing better research environment"
on 8th March, 2016 at AJC Bose Auditorium from 1.30 PM -5.30PM.
All are cordially requested to remain present on the program
Event: Students' Seminar in the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University
Speaker: Sayan Gupta (UG second year, Math Major)
Date: Thursday 3rd March, 2016
Time: 3.30 pm - 5 pm
Venue: Room number 8, main building
Title: Regular Polyhedra and the Groups of symmetries
Abstract: The aim of this talk is to prove Euler's formula and classify all regular polyhedrons. Moreover the Groups of symmetries of a regular polyhedron and its dual are discussed.
Brain Awareness Programme 2016
Click here for details
Speaker: Prof Paul Spence, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities, Faculty of Life Arts & Humanities at Kings College, London
Day and Date: Thursday, 25 February 2016
Time & Venue: 11 a.m. - 12 noon at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium
Lecture Topic: The Digital Humanities and new architectures of participation in humanities scholarship
Lecture Abstract: The manner in which we create and disseminate knowledge is being fundamentally transformed by mobile, networked, digital culture and technology. The scope of the humanities, as crucial as ever in providing critical perspectives on human culture in its many forms, is expanding to accommodate new tools and methods, and the 'digital humanities' have emerged as a space to code, disseminate and theorise about new forms of humanities scholarship. Whether applied to music, film, drama, history, literature or language, the digital humanities have forged new architectures of participation which have frequently assumed an ethos of open collaboration, challenging traditional concepts of authorship and publication, and enabling new skills and roles. My presentation will explore the new questions and opportunities which digitally mediated knowledge production provokes, while addressing the cultural and linguistic deficiencies contained in narrowly defined discourses of disruption
The Department of History, Presidency University, has the pleasure of inviting you to a
talk by
Dr Julian Strube of Heidelberg University
'Socialism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century France'.
Date and Time: 24.2.2016 (Wednesday), 1 pm
Venue: History Department, Main Building, 2nd Floor, Room No. 3
Socialism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century France
From a Marxist perspective, the history of socialism is marked by a materialist, secular struggle against religious superstition. Due to the dominance of Marxist narratives in the historiography of socialism, it is often overlooked that the early socialist currents in France articulated decidedly religious identities and fundamentally based their social theories on new concepts of “religion.” These socialist schools, especially the Saint-Simonians, Fourierists and Icarian Communists emerged since the 1820s and were active under the July Monarchy between 1830 and 1848. Due to the failure of the Second Republic and the succeeding rise of Proudhonism and Blanquism, their religious doctrines were largely eclipsed. Consequently, scholarship has barely payed any attention to the continuing role of early socialist ideas for the formation of new religious movements since the 1850s, especially Spiritualism and Occultism. The paper will firstly discuss the role of “religion” in early French socialism and then argue for the lasting influence that socialist concepts exerted on the European history of religions.
Students' Seminar in the Department of Mathematics, Presidency University
Speaker: Anubrato Bhattacharyya (UG second year, Math Major)
Date: Thursday 18th February, 2016
Time: 3.30 pm - 5 pm
Venue: Room number 8, main building
Title: Some classical inequalities
Abstract: The aim of this talk is to present proofs of four classical inequalities [AM-GM, Cauchy-Schwarz, Holder and Minkowski] using the theory of convex functions.
Welcome Tust/DBT India Alliance and Presidency University (PU), Kolkata
are jointly organising
a one day symposium at PU (AJC Bose Auditorium) on 23rd February, 2016.
Click here for details
The students and faculty of the Department of History cordially invite you to two lectures and a discussion, to follow, with
Professor Ishita Banerjee-Dube and Professor Saurabh Dube
on the subject of
"Questions of Caste and Identity: Religion, Gender, Power".
The event will be held in the Bankim Sabhagriha on Wednesday, 10 February 2016, beginning at 1 pm.
Students Seminar in the Mathematics Department, Presidency University
Speaker: Aayushmaan Chakrabarti (UG second year, Math Major)
Date: Thursday 4th February, 2016
Time: 3.30 pm - 5 pm
Venue: Room number 8, main building
Title: Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem
Abstract: This theorem states that if there are injective maps f: A -> B and g: B -> A between two given sets A and B then there exists a bijection h: A -> B, between these two sets A & B. Various proofs of this theorem will be discussed in this talk.
Economics Department is going to organize
a Two Day Capacity Building Workshop
on 1st and 2nd February 2016.
Registration for the workshop will be closed by 27th January 2016.
Please see the attachment, for details about the topics to be covered.
Download attachment
Functional Materials:Recent Trends
One-day symposium organized by
Department of Physics, Presidency University.
Date: 29th January, 2016 (Friday).
Venue: A.J.C. Bose Auditorium
Presidency University The 199th Founders' Day
Venue : Derozio Hall, Presidency University
20th January 2016, 1:00 P.M.
Presidency University Special Convocation 2016
Venue : Derozio Hall, Presidency University
20th January 2016, 10:30 A.M.
Department of Economics organized a Capacity Building Workshop
Econometrics and Finance
Date : 14-19 January, 2016
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium and Economics Department, Presidency University
Front Page of Poster Inner Page of Poster
Department of Economics organized a two day workshop
Learning SPSS
Date : 11 & 13 January, 2016
Venue : Economics Department,Baker Building, Presidency University
Banner Program
Department of Mathematics, Presidency University is organising
an event titled Teachers' Enrichment Workshop
during 4th January - 9th January, 2016.
This programme is funded by the National Centre for Mathematics and aimed mainly at college teachers.
We do have a list of registered participants, however interested people are also welcome to attend the lectures. The names of the speakers with the names of the topics are as follows:
Rings & Fields: Dr. Mrinal Kanti Das (ISI, Kolkata)
Complex Analysis: Dr. Subrata Shyam Roy (IISER, Kalyani)
Geometry of Curves: Dr. Samik Basu (RKMVU, Belur) & Dr. Somnath Basu (RKMVU, Belur)
The venue of this programme has been shifted from AJC Bose Auditorium/MLT to room number 8 in the main building.
For further details please visit: here
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata & Sahitya Academy, New Delhi
Cordially invites you all to a seminar
Sino-Indian Cultural Relation through Translation
Speaker : Prof. Jiang Jingkui
Professor & Head, Hindi Department, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University & Director, Centre for South Asian Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China
Date : Monday, 4th January, 2016
Time : 4.30 pm
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University
Presidency University presents a three day Workshop on Entrepreneurship Development organized by Department of Economics and Presidency
University Young Entrepreneur Society (PUYES). The workshop will start with an orientation programme Being – becoming: 10 Steps to Entrepreneurship on 6th January 2016. On 7th the Keynote Address will be given by Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, CEO, Bandhan Bank. That will be followed by Technical Sessions and a round
table, Meet the Entrepreneurs. Director, KPMG, will launch an e-market site for the students of Presidency University. As an extension of this programme a Panel Discussion on Entrepreneurship - the preferred professional choice will take place in Bengal Global Business Summit 2016 on 9th January 2016.
The Department of Philosophy is organising A one-day State Level Seminar
“Epistemology: Kantian and Nyāya Perspectives”, Commemorating World Philosophy Day,
Date & Time: Friday the 20th November, 2015
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Download Poster
Department of Physics Presidency University, Kolkata cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Koushik Dutta
(Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal)
'Solving' A Few Problems of Big Bang Cosmology
Date: Wednesday, 18th November 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of History cordially invites you to a talk
Department of History, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
As Eric Hobsbawm once wrote, before 1848 or when he suggests the “Age of Capital” begins, parts of the world had either marginal or superficial contacts. Hobsbawm had argued that the tightening net of the international economy drew even the very remote geographical areas into direct contact with the rest of the world. Among other things this paper addresses the shifts in the political economy of capitalism since the 1870s to the present and related transformations, if any, in the world of culture, and the relationship of the global and the local in the making of the different cultural forms and artifacts. Although this paper is about post 1870 development of capitalism, I will also delve into the history of the new world, rather on the cultural exchanges between the old world and the new world, meaning between the Americas and the rest of the world. This is because colonial as well as global capital needs to be analysed through the lens of cultural consumption. I will specifically address consumption as it relates to food. Food as a commodity is crucial in understanding the development of capitalist modernity. How capitalism shapes and defines the contours of a commodity can be understood in concrete terms through food.
TIME: 1.45PM
DATE: 16 NOVEMBER, 2015 (Monday)
Department of Economics, Presidency University is organizing a one-day conference on
"Issues in Economic Theory and Policy"
on 2 November 2015.
The objective is to encourage young researchers, who are undertaking M. Phil / Doctoral research or have completed such research, to present their output before a broader audience and receive a critical feedback on their work by renowned economists.
Invitation Card Front page
Invitation Card Back page
Programme chart
Click here for details
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Soumen Basak
(Chemical Sciences Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Physics in Biology
Date: Wednesday, 7th October 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
The students and faculty of the History Department, Presidency University, take great pleasure in inviting you to a lecture by
Professor Kapil Raj
"Managing Intercultural Encounter in the Early Decades of Calcutta's History, 1690-1750".
The lecture will take place in theBankim Sabhagriha on Wed, 7 October 2015, from 4:30 pm.
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Gautam Basu
(Biological Physics Division, Bose Institute)
Art in Science
Date: Wednesday, 30th September 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: Physics Lecture Theatre I
The History Department in collaboration with Kashish Forward and Gaylaxy Magazine would like to invite you to a screening of LGBTQ films, followed by a discussion on 29 Sept 2015, 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm, in the AJC Bose auditorium.
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Soumen Basak
(Chemical Sciences Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Physics in Biology
Date: Wednesday, 23rd September 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
The Department of Mathematics invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Sourav Ghosh, Universite Paris-Sud
Classification of Surfaces
Venue: Mathematics Lecture Theatre (Main Building)
Department of Mathematics
Date and Time: 4 PM, 22/09/2015 (Tuesday)
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Manasvita Joshi
(Department of Astronomy, Boston University)
Multi-Wavelength Spectral Studies Of Blazars With MUZORF
Date: Wednesday, 16th September 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Economics, Presidency University, Kolkata is organizing a Capacity Building Workshop on Econometrics and Finance from 8th to 14th of October, 2015.
The purpose of the Workshop is to promote the level of understanding of applications of econometric theory and techniques on financial data analysis, as well as enhancing the research capability of participants. The concept note along with tentative Programme is attached.
Due to limited facility in the department, only fifteen Faculty Members and/or Researchers will be able accommodated . Participants are requested to bring their own laptops. Interested persons are requested to kindly email their intention to participate to the undersigned in the mail id mousumi.econ@presiuniv.ac.in They should also intimate whether they are currently using any of these methods, or propose to do so in the future.
A registration fee of Rs. 2000 will be charged from the applicant.
Please note the following dates:
Last date of sending request: 15th September, 2015
Last date of registration: 24th September, 2015
Download Concept note along with tentative Programme
All are welcome
Eminent mathematician John F. Nash passed away recently. He had received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994 for his seminal contribution to the economic application of game theory.
The Economics Department, Presidency University, is organising a seminar on
"The Legacy of Nash"
on 14th August, 2015.
Prof Abhirup Sarkar
of Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Dr. Parikshit Ghosh
of Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi
will be speaking on the works of Nash and its applications in economics.
Download Schedule
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Debraj Chakrabarti
(Department of Mathematics, Central Michigan University, USA)
Generalized Functions
Date: Wednesday, 12th August 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a talk
Three Traditions of Apabhramsha Literature
Andrew Ollett
Post-doctorate Fellow, Society of Fellows, Harvard University, USA
Date : Wednesday, 29th July 2015
Time : 2 pm
Venue : AJC Bose Auditorium, Presidency University
Why Study History (of Science)?
by Dr. Projit Bihari Mukharji
SPEAKER: Dr. Projit Bihari Mukharji is Martin Meyerson Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies, History & Sociology of Science/ South Asia Centre, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He has studied at Presidency College, Kolkata, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and School of Oriental and African Studies, London. He is a writer of Nationalizing the Body: The Market, Print and Daktari Medicine (London: Anthem Press, 2009) and has written extensively on a variety of fields such as history of medicine, science, sports and the revolt of 1857.
ABSTRACT: Why study History or, History of Science for that matter? Is it not time we left the past and looked ahead to the future? In an age where we are possibly less than a generation away from actually setting up colonies on Mars what can History teach us and why should we care? Using examples from the latest research in genomics, I will argue that History in general and History of Science in particular is in fact more relevant now than ever before. Simultaneously, I will also make a second, but related, argument in favour of blurring the lines between History and History of Science by drawing upon the examples of gender and caste. .
DATE: 29/06/2015 (MONDAY)
TIME: 3:00 PM
The Department of History, Presidency University, cordially invites you to a Lecture organized by the Institut de Chandernagore
Associate Professor in the Department of History and Associate Director of the World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh, USA
Date: 26 May 2015
Time: 2.00 p.m.
Venue: BankimSabhagriha, Presidency University
The Department of Bengali cordially invites you to a Seminar
The Political Theatre in Bengal : After Independence
A Documentary Film
Behind The Curtain : A Journey with Bibhas Chakraborty
Directed by
Shantanu Saha
Will be shown
Date: 7th April 2015, Monday
Time: 1.00 p.m.
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Tapas Kumar Das
(The Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad)
Black Hole Shadow Imaging
Date: Wednesday, 1st April 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to UGC Sponsored National seminar
Contemporary Tribal Literature
Date : Monday, 30 March, 2015
Time : 10 am - 5 pm
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University
The Department of Political Science , Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to
A Tri-University Seminar organized by
The Department of Political Science, Calcutta University
The Department of Political Science, Presidency University and
The Department of International Relations, Jadavpur University
Democracy and Federalism in India: Some Latest Trends
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Sumantra Bose (LSE)
Date: 27th March, 2015
Time: 10.30 am onwards
Venue: A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata (Ground Floor, Main Building).
Department of Economics Presidency University is organizing a 3-day Workshop on
'Discrete choice models and ARCH/GARCH models in Risk Modelling'
from 19th to 21st March 2015 for PG first year and second year students with basic knowledge of Time Series Econometrics.
Everyday workshop will be from 10 am to 5 pm with one and half hour lunch break.
Professor Subrata Sarkar of Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai will be the resource person.
Prof. Sarkar is a Graduate of Presidency College (1980 batch). He was awarded his PhD by University of South California. Prof. Sarkar has been Visiting Faculty in South California and Sydney Universities, and a consultant of RAND Corporation. His specializes in Corporate Governance, Applied Corporate Finance Productivity and efficiency studies, and Risk Modelling.
Department of History, Presidency University invites you to a seminar on
Ancient Monuments, Modern Perspectives
Speakers: Tapati Guha-Thakurta
Sraman Mukherjee
Followed by the launch of the 1st issue of
Presidency Historical Review,
Time:2:00 pm
Venue: AJC Bose Auditorium
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Arnab Kundu
(Theory Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata)
Gauge-String Duality and Strongly Coupled Systems
Date: Wednesday, 18th March 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
On the occasion of Centenary of Mahatma Gandhi’s Return to India
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Workshop
Understanding Mahatma Gandhi
Speaker : Dr. Savita Singh
Former Director, Gandhi Smriti Evam Darshan Samiti, New Delhi
Date : Thuesday, 17th
March, 2015
Venue : Gandhi Center for North-Eastern Languages, Presidency University
Time : 3.30 pm
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Parthasarathi Majumdar
(Department of Physics,Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Belur)
The Quantum and the Continuum : Einstein’s Dichotomous Legacies
Date: Wednesday, 4th March 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Civility and its Translations in Hindi Advice Manuals
Ms. Monika Freier.
DATE: 03/03/2015 (TUESDAY)
TIME: 12:00 to 02:00 PM
Click for details
The Department of Political Science , Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you all for a talk by
( Postdoctoral Fellow, Free University, Berlin)
What is Theatre? Political Journey of thiyetar(?) in Colonial India
Date: 2nd March2015, Monday
Time: 3.30 p.m.
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
Department of Physics, Presidency University , Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Supriya Chakrabarti
(Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology (LoCSST),University of Massachusetts, Lowell)
An experimental research program to directly image exoplanet environment
Date: Wednesday, 25th February 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
On the eve of 125th birth anniversary of the Great Indian Linguist Prof. Suniti Kumar Chatterjee the Department of
Hindi, Presidency University cordially invites you to the
National seminar on ‘Dialect and identity crisis’.
Seminar’s theme- ‘India through Dialects’
Collaboration with
: Central Institute of Indian Languages, MHRD,(GOI) Mysore, India
Date : 23/02/2015 (Monday) – 24/02/2015 (Tuesday)
Venue : AJC Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Click here for details
The Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University cordially invites all to the National symposium on "Environmental Impact on Biodiversity and Plant Development"
Date: 19/02/2015 (Thursday) – 20/02/2015 (Friday)
Venue: AJC Bose Auditorium
For more details click here:http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/sympPE.php
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
(A. J. C. Bose Distinguished Professor in Natural Sciences,Presidency University)
Persistence of useful memory:what do you see and what can you remember?(Part - II)
Date: Wednesday, 18th February 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
The Department of Political Science,Presidency University, Kolkata
invites you all for a talk by
(Research Scholar, Centre for Historical Studies, JNU)
Title:'Apparently These Delicate Men of Hot Countries Were Averse to Campaigning in a Cold Country': How Climate Shaped Mughal Warfare & Empire Building
Date: 16th February 2015
Time: 3.30 p.m.
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
Department of Bengali,Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites you all on
Speaker: Shri Pinaki Thakur & Shri Binayak Bandopadhyay
Chairperson: Dr Himabanta Bandopadhyay
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Date: 13th February 2015
Time: 12:00 Hrs.
Department of Physics,Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Indranil Chattopadhyay
(Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES),Manora Peak, Nainital, Uttarakhand)
Numerical Simulation of astrophysical plasma with relativistic equation of state
Date: Wednesday, 11th February 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Railway Imperialism: A 'Global' History of Jamalpur,
Dr. Nitin Sinha(University of York, United Kingdom)
Date: 11/02/2015 (WEDNESDAY)
Time: 11:00 AM
Venue: A.J.C Bose Auditorium
Click here for details
National Seminar
Probability and Statistics: Theory & Applications
February 06-07,2015
Department of Statistics
Presidency University,Kolkata
Department of Sociology, Presidency University
Kolkata cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Betsy Hartmann(Professor, Development Studies, Hampshire College, Arnherst)
The Current Landscape of International Population Politics
Date: 2nd February' 2015
Time: 12 to 2pm
Venue: A.J.C Bose Auditorium
Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University
Cordially invites you to a National Symposium on:
“Molecules to Systems”
Date: 29th -31st January, 2015
Venue: Derozio Hall, Presidency University
For more details click here:http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/molecules2systems2015
The Economics Department, Presidency University is organizing a lecture by
Prof. Esther Duflo, Co-founder & Director, J-PAL and Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics, MIT on
The role of women in the Panchayati Raj.
The lecture will be held on 22 January 2015 at 1:00 PM at the AJC Bose Auditorium, Main Building, Presidency University.
You are invited to attend the lecture.
The History Department, Presidency University, would like to invite you to the
Kuruvila Zachariah Memorial Lecture,
which is to be delivered this year by
Professor Ayesha Jalal, Mary Richardson Professor of History, Tufts University, USA.
The lecture will be held on 22 January 2015 from 4 pm in the AJC Bose Auditorium.
We would be grateful if you would also bring this lecture to the attention of your students.
Department of Physics, Presidency University
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Matt Hilton(Astrophysics & Cosmology Research Unit,University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)
Searching for galaxy clusters with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
Date: Wednesday, 21st January 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: PLT -1.
(please note the change in venue)
Presidency University
Welcomes all past and present students to the
198th Founders' Day Meeting & Prize Distribution Ceremony
on Tuesday 20th January 2015 from 11:30 a.m. at the Derozio Hall,Presidency University
Please click here for details
As part of the UK-India Research Initiative (a grant which Presidency was awarded in 2013-14 for collaborative research with the University of St. Andrews, Scotland), we are organising a conference to showcase our various projects under the theme 'Narratives of Migration'. The departments of History and English from the both the universities are involved in this inter-disciplinary venture.
The workshop will be held in the A.J.C Bose auditorium from 10:30 a.m on 19th January and will feature the following talks by speakers from the University of St.Andrews and Presidency University:
"Moving People, Moving Pictures: Cinematic Migrations in India.”
Dr Dennis Hanlon (Film Studies, University of St. Andrews)
“‘All trains stop there’: Moving and Not Moving on Trains During the 1947 India/Pakistan Partition”
Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri (School of English, University of St. Andrews)
"Exchange Stories: A Creative Response"
Professor Susan Sellers (School of English, University of St. Andrews)
"Of memories and belonging: revisiting Chandernagore, c. 1948”
Dr Akhila Yechury (School of History, University of St. Andrews)
'The Scottish Cemetery in Calcutta: Digitising Memories, Exploring Connections'
Dr Souvik Mukherjee (Dept. of English, Presidency University)
Topic: Francophone Exchanges in India and Scotland, Title tba
Milinda Banerjee (Dept. of History, Presidency University)
All are welcome so please feel free to bring anyone who might be interested.
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to A Seminar
Translation of 'Geetanjali' in Tribal Language Kokborak
Speaker : Chandrakant Murasingh
Eminent Kokborak Poet
Special Event : Presentation of Rabindra Sangeet in Kokborak Language
Date: Wednesday, 14th January 2015
Time: 3 pm
Venue: A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Department of Physics,Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Pratik Majumdar
(Centre for Astroparticle Physics,
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata)
Exploring the Universe with High Energy Particles and Photons
Date: Wednesday, 14th January 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
A Human Approach To World Peace
His Holiness, The Dalai Lama
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 13th January ,2015,9:30 A.M.
Please click here for details
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
Recasting Science
Prof. Abha Sur,MIT , Boston
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 13th January ,2015,3:30 P.M.
Please click here for details
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
Brain wiring and brain disorders
Prof. Mriganka Sur,MIT , Boston
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 13th January ,2015,2:30 P.M.
Please click here for details
We welcome all to a talk by Lord Charles Bruce, titled:
'A Scottish Sojourn in India'
on Friday, 9th January, 2015, 2 p.m, at Bankim Sabhagriha
This talk is being hosted by the Department of History and the UKIERI project team at Presidency (who are working on creating a digital database of the Scottish cemetery in Calcutta). Lord Charles Bruce is the Chairman of the Kolkata Scottish Heritage Trust and also the patron of the Scottish Centre for Tagore Studies in Napier University, Edinburgh
Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Dipankar Maitra
(Department of Physics/Astronomy,Wheaton College, Massachusetts, USA)
Escaping the fatal attraction of black holes: Recent advances toward understanding relativistic jets
Date: Wednesday, 7th January 2015
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Professor Ishita Banerjee Dube, Professor of History at the Centre for Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de Mexico, will engage in an inter-active session with students and faculty on her book
A History of Modern India
on 7 January 2015.
Professor Gautam Bhadra will preside over the session.
Venue: Bankim Sabhagriha
Time: 3.30 pm.
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
Cancer Stem Cells: Hierarchy Vs. Plasticity
Prof. Inder Verma, Salk Institute Of Biological Sciences, California
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 5th January ,2015
Please click here for details
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
Astronomy on the Cusp: A Subject Driven by Progress in Technology
Prof. S. R. Kulkarni,, California Institute of Technology
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 5th January ,2015,11:30 A.M.
Please click here for details
Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you to
National Seminar
Contemporary Indian Poetry
Organized by
Hindi Department, Presidency University
on 24th December 2014
Please click here for detail programme.
All are welcome.
Celebrating 25 years of its foundation
Department of Sociology
organises a seminar on
Sociological Perspectives: Old and New
22-23rd December 2014 (10:30 am – 05:30 pm)
AJC Bose Auditorium
Presidency University Kolkata
Please click here for more details
Presidency Physics Reunion 2014
On the 22nd and the 23rd of December, 2014, the Department of Physics, Presidency University, is organizing a reunion in which all former students from way back 1960s to yesteryear’s fresh graduates are cordially invited.
Please click ere for more...
The Department of Political Science
cordially invites all to a seminar on
"China’s Indian Ocean Strategy and India’s Response"
by Dr. Rajat Ganguly
Associate Professor of Security Studies & International Relations
Murdoch University (Australia)
Date: 19th December, 2014 (Friday)
Time: 12pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Department of Political Science
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a seminar
Problems of Social Media
Speaker : Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi
Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University
Date : Thursday, 22nd December 2014
Time : 2 pm
Venue : Seminar Hall, Hindi Department, Presidency University
Presidency University welcomes you to a public lecture on
Teaching the Humanities
Prof. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Columbia University
Venue: Derozio Hall
Date: 19th December ,2014, 3:00 P.M.
Please click here for details
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a seminar
Challenges of Electronic Media
Speaker : Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi
Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University
Date : Thursday, 19th December 2014
Time : 1 pm
Venue : Seminar Hall, Hindi Department, Presidency University
Celebrating 25 years of its foundation
Department of Sociology
Presidency University
organises a talk on
Approaches to the study of the sciences' past
Prof. Simon Schaffer
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Cambridge
December 19, 2014, 05:00 pm
A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Presidency University (Main Building, Ground Floor)
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a seminar
Modern Sanskrit Literature : Tradition & Innovation
Speaker : Prof. Rita Chatterjee
Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University
Date : Thursday, 18th December 2014
Time : 1 pm
Venue : Bankim Sabhagriha, Presidency University
Department of Political Science, Presidency University
Seminar Workshop by SCIENCE PO.Paris
Venue: Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture Room
Economics Department
Date: 17th December 2014
Time: 3 P.M. to 4 P.M.
Presidency University Literary Society presents 'Incarnadine', an inter-university literary fest
Dates: 16th to 18th December
Sumit Sarkar, Tanika Sarkar and DipeshChakrabarty
in conversation with
Prof.Mridu Rai
(an initiative by the Department of History, Presidency University.)
Sumit Sarkar, Tanika Sarkar and DipeshChakrabarty will be in conversation with Prof.Mridu Rai from 1:30 pm on the 15th of December, 2014, at the AJC Bose auditorium, Presidency University. The conversation will also be followed by a short introduction of his recent work "Modern Times: India," by Sumit Sarkar himself. Thereafter, the floor shall be open for an interactive session.
All those who wish to attend the event must register themselves online as the entry would be limited. If one finds the registration procedure closed, online, he/she must come down early on the day. In case we have unoccupied seats unregistered attendants would be slotted in on a first come first serve basis.
For those who miss out, we will try and come up with a video of the entire conversation at a later date.
Registration link : http://goo.gl/forms/TSjVHkWyZl
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Seminar
Journalism : Linguistic Challenges
Speakers :
Samir Goswami, Principal, Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan of Journalism
Ashoke Sengupta, Special Correspondent, Anandabazar Patrika
Dr. Abhigyat, News Editor, Sanmarg
Date : Tuesday, 9th December 2014
Time : 2 p.m.
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University
Department of Geography, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to attend a Seminar Series
11th & 12th December 2014
and 22nd & 23rd December 2014
Venues: A.J.C Bose Auditorium and Bankim Sabhagriha.
Please click for more details
Presidency University welcomes you to
'Literary Activism'
a symposium organised by the University of East Anglia in India
on 4th December 2014
Venue and Time: Presidency University, A.J.C Bose Auditorium Time: 11 am - 5 p.m. and Presidency Cafe 86 - 6:30 to 8 pm
Please click here for poster
Please click here for more information
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Lecture by
Mohan Naimishray
Associate Professor, Indira Gandhi Open University & Eminent Hindi Writer
Dalit Vimarsh : Dalit Sahitya : Dalit Andolan
Date : Friday, 21st November 2014
Time : 1 p.m.
Venue : Seminar Room, Hindi Department
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Deepak Kar
(ATLAS Research Associate, University of Glasgow, UK)
LHC: the ingredients of a discovery
Date: Friday, 21st November 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Arnab Rai Choudhuri
(Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
The Mysterious Magnetic Personality of Our Sun
Date: Wednesday, 19th November 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Lecture by
Dr. Mou Das Gupta
Associate Professor & Head of the Department ,Department of Sanskrit , Calcutta University
Translation & Tran creation : Hazari Prasad Dwivedi’s novel‘Anam Das Ka Potha’
Date : Wednesday, 14th November 2014
Time : 12 p.m.
Venue : A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University
The Department of Political Science, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites ALL to the
First Nirmal Kanti Majumdar Lecture Series on 17 November, 2014 at 1.30 p.m.
at the AJC Bose Auditorium of the University.
Prof. Rajeev Bhargava (Professor, CSDS)
Prof. Shubhashis Gangopadhyay (Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar University)
Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a talk by
Dr. Elizabeth Weatherhead, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
on multidisciplinary areas of environmental science and technology :
Ozone Depletion: a success story
Venue : AJC Bose Auditorium
Date & Time : 20th November 2014, 11:15am
‘Global Shakespeares’ Conference
The ‘Global Shakespeares’ conference at Presidency University, marking the
Bard's 450th year of birth, invites papers and panels that examine any
aspect of Shakespeare's plays and poems within this larger context of the
global. Papers and panels might look at sixteenth-and-seventeenth century
contexts, as well as any subsequent adaptations, appropriations, or
Professor Jyotsna Singh, Michigan State University, will deliver the keynote address. Professor Shormistha Panja, Delhi University, Professor Sukanta Chaudhuri, Professor Emeritus Jadavpur University and Professor Swapan Chakravorty, Jadavpur University, will be plenary speakers.
Conference Dates: December 16-17, 2014
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
Cordially invites you all to a Lecture by
Prof. Ipshita Chand
Professor, Department of Comparative Literature
Jadavpur University
Rabindranath and Nirala : A Comparative Study
Date : Wednesday, 12th November 2014
Time : 3-4 p.m.
Venue : Seminar Room, Hindi Department
Department of Physics , Presidency University ,Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Palash B. Pal
(Theory Division, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata)
Discovering particles
Date: Wednesday, 5th November 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Monday, 3rd November 2014, at 12.00 p.m.
H.E. Mr. Miloslav Stasek, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to India and delegates from Czech Universities will visit Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Anuradha Lohia.
Friday, 7 November 2014,
Time: 4-6 pm
A roundtable conference on Experiences of Conflict, Gender and Transnational Justice: South Asia and Beyond, is to be held at the AJC Bose Auditorium.
Please click here for more details
The Digital Humanities research initiative at Presidency University is happy to present the launch of
the 'Dutch in Chinsurah' website
a digital database of the Dutch cemetery in Chinsurah
The Dutch East India Company in India by Bauke van der Pol
Friday, November 7, 2014
Bankim Sabhagriha
11:30 a.m - 1:30 p.m
The website will be launched formally by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor of Presidency University, Prof Anuradha Lohia.
The Honorary Consul of the Netherlands, Mr Namit Shah will also be present.
Please click here for more details
Facebook page: http://tinyurl.com/dutchcemeterychinsurah
Department of Physics,Presidency University, Kolkata,
cordially invites you to a lecture by
Prof. Anuradha Lohia
Vice Chancellor,Presidency University, Kolkata 700 073
on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at A. J. C. Bose Auditorium,Time: 3.30-4.30 pm
Title: "The Uncertainty of Survival"
The Department of History, Presidency University launches the Presidency Historical Review, a students’ peer-reviewed academic journal. It addresses research interests in historical studies with an inter-disciplinary and inter-regional approach, while catering especially to the research interests of undergraduate, graduate and research scholars. Although the journal primarily focuses on South Asian studies, it also welcomes academic writings from other areas of research. It aims to be a forum of scholarly discussion, and encourages the work of new scholars. All abstracts and articles are independently and confidentially refereed by a students’ board, and a distinguished, multi-disciplinary Board of Editors.
Call for Papers
In publishing its first issue, the Presidency Historical Review is sending out a call for papers for the journal.
All interested should send an abstract to presidencyhistoricalreview@gmail.com by 30th November, which should include the title, the theme, and original arguments, if any. The article should be in English, and must not exceed 3000 words (which is the maximum word limit). The journal shall also include a section on book reviews (for which the maximum word limit is 1000). Contributions to both are welcome. In terms of originality, the articles might be based either on fresh primary research, or new perspectives on work already done.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in MS Word format and should conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (16thEdition). All copies, including captions, tables and references, must be typed double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, while footnotes should be in 10-point. All visuals (with captions) must appear at the end of the article. Manuscripts will be sent out anonymously for editorial evaluation. Obtaining permission for any quoted or reprinted material is the responsibility of the author. Submission of an article implies commitment to publish in the journal. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.
Undergraduate and post-graduate students are especially encouraged to contribute. For further queries please write to us at the aforementioned email address.
Department of History
The Jewish Community in Kolkata
Speaker 1: Miss J. Silliman
(A Fullbright Scholar, a historian of Jewish Community in Kolkata, presently the Curator of Archives Cataloguing Jewish History)
Speaker 2: Mrs. A. M. Cohen
(Head of the Jewish Community Affairs and the Secretary of Jewish Girls’ School)
DATE: 03/11/2014 (MONDAY)
TIME: 2:30 PM
Department of Physics Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Krishnendu Sengupta
(Theoretical Physics Department,Indian Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, Kolkata)
Introduction to basic Graphene physics
Date: Wednesday, 22nd October 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium.
(For more: https://sites.google.com/site/physpu/)
A public lecture by
Julie Mehta
(on Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 3:00pm in the AJC Bose auditorium).
Title of talk: Citizenship, Belonging, and Subversion: The Invention of Tradition in Culinary Fictions of Asian-North America.
Please click for poster
Health Awareness Talk and Free Check-up (on Thursday, October 16th 2014 at the AJC Bose auditorium)
Speaker: Dr. Gautam Mukhopadhyay (Consultant Onco-Surgeon, Ruby General Hospital)
Theme of his talk: Life Style Related Cancer Diseases & their Prevention.
TIME: 2:45-3:30pm
Free Health Check-up
TIME: 3:30-5:30pm
Please click for poster Please click for notice
VENUE: Presidency university, AJC Bose Hall
DATE: 15th oct 2014
TIME: 1.00 to 2.00 PM
We invite you to an interactive introductory seminar on the YES!+ workshop, designed for students and young professionals. It unlocks the secret to increased energy levels, stress management, a balance between focus and relaxed States of mind, enthusiasm, a positive outlook, relationships,... And lots more !
Please click for more details
Department of Physics Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you to a lecture by
Prof. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
A. J. C. Bose Distinguished Professor in Natural Sciences , Presidency University
Persistence of useful memory: what do you see and what can you remember?
(Part - I)
Wednesday October 15, 2014
AJC Bose Auditorium, 2-3 pm
(For abstract of talk: see https://sites.google.com/site/physpu/)
Writing About Caste in Bengal: Some Possibilities and Perspectives
Speaker: Anirban Bandyopadhyay
ABSTRACT: The paper explores the myth of ‘Bengali exceptionalism’ that caste discrimination does, or did, not characterize Bengal unlike the rest of the Indian subcontinent. Born in a crucial historical moment, this myth has had varying degrees of empirically verifiable factual truth behind it. Its significance lay in the politics of its truth claims, not in its empirical sustainability. The paper begins with a few instances of blatant caste discrimination among all sections of the Bengali society. Examples are followed by an overview of the historiography of caste in Bengal since the nineteen forties. The meatier section of the presentation revisits a recent debate between a philosopher and a social scientist on the extent to which ‘subjective’ experience and ‘objective’ social science methods respectively could be engaged in successfully capturing the phenomenon of discrimination by caste. Finally, it considers how and to what extent such conversations have been and will be helpful in meeting the challenge of writing about caste in Bengal.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Anirban Bandyopadhyay is a Junior Research Officer at the Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Kolkata. His doctoral research at Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, focused on the self-fashioning of Mahisya caste in Bengal in the late 19th and early 20th century. He has published in EPW and South Asian History and Culture and in an edited Volume on Ambedkar’s politics and ideas published in 2014. His interest in the cultures of making and consuming ‘history’ as an idea in the public sphere, and in the practices of identity formation and affirmation in public spaces leads him to publish in newspapers, magazines and the social media.
DATE: 21/10/2014 (TUESDAY)
TIME: 2:30 PM
The Department of Political Science , Presidency University, Kolkata
Invites you all for a talk by
DR. SUDESHNA PURKAYASTH (Reader, Department of History, Assam University)
" A Peasant Uprising in 19th Century Assam: Patharughat Movement and Its Consequences"
Date : Wednesday, 20th October 2014
Time: 3.30 p.m
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
Department of Hindi,Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites all to a lecture by
Arun Kamal , Eminent Hindi Poet and Professor, English Department, Patna University
"The Relevance of Literature in 21st Century"
Date : Wednesday, 24th September 2014
Time: 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Department of Physics ,Presidency University,Kolkata cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Kuntal Ghosh, (Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
"The Psychophysics of Vision"
Date : Wednesday, 24th September 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
The Department of Biological Sciences invites you to a talk
Speaker: Prof Shobhona Sharma, Chairperson ,Department of Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Topic: “Targeting ribosomal protein to impair cell division and mitochondria for the growth of Plasmodium."
Venue: A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
Date and Time: 19th September 2014 at 11.30 am,
The Department of Geology invites you to 38th Prof. S. Ray Memorial Lecture
Venue: OLT, Geology Department.
Date and Time: 19th September 2014 at 3-30 pm,
Speaker: Dr. Basab Chattopadhyay, Director, Central Petrological Laboratories, Geological Survey of India, Kolkata,
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to
A Seminar on
"The Problems of Translation of Classical Poetry : Kalidas’s Meghdoot"
Speaker : Shri Mrintyunjay Kumar Singh, IPS
Eminent Writer & Additional Director General (Railway)
Special Event : Dance Performance Based on Kalidas’s Meghdoot
Debamitra Sengupta
Mayur Lalitkala Academy, Kolkata
Date: Wednesday, 17th September 2014
Time: 11 am
Venue: A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata
The Department of Statistics invites you to a seminar on
"Big Data & Analytics – Scope & Impact"
Venue: A.J.C. Bose Auditorium,Main Building, Presidency University.
Date and Time: TUESDAY, 16TH SEPTEMBER, 2014 , 3 P.M. TO 5 P.M.
The speakers are Ms. Soma Banerjee and Mr. Mainak Sen, both directors of Data Brio Academy, collaborated with Wiley.
Please click for more
The Department of Political Science,Presidency University,Kolkata
cordially invites you all for a talk by
Dr. Anupama Mohan
Department of English, Presidency University
Anger, Civility and Ethical Self-Fashioning in Modern India
Date: Monday, 15th September 2014
Time: 3. 30 p.m.
Venue: Political Science Lecture Theatre
Department of Physics Presidency University Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Sudhansu Sekhar Mandal (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata)
Nano-Scale Physics in Strongly Disordered Macroscopic Superconductors
Date: Wednesday, 10th September 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium
Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to
The First Lecture of 'Premchand Vyakhanmala'
Dr. Moloy Rakshit (Bengali Department, Presidency University)
"The Modern Bengali Theatre Movement and Sambhu Mitra"
Date: Wednesday, 3rd September 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: Bankim Sabhagriha, Presidency University
Department of Physics , Presidency University, Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Dr. Shradha Mishra (S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata)
Role of density field in an active nematic
Date: Wednesday, 3rd September 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: PLT - 1, Baker Laboratory Building
On 29 August 2014 (Friday) Professor Henry Schwarz of Georgetown University (Washington, DC) will deliver a lecture on Postcolonialism at the e-classroom in the Science Library building at 3 p.m.
The Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University is going to organize a programme
to felicitate noted Hindi Poet and Jyanpith Award Winner (2013) Kedarnath Singh
on 28th August 2014 at 3pm at A.J.C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University.
He is also an Emeritus Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Abhi Bilkul Abhi, Zameen Pak Rahi Hai, Yahan Se Dekho, Akaal Mein Saaras, Baagh, Tolstoy aur Cycle are among his prominent works. He has also been awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award, the Kumaran Aashan and the Vyas Samman.
Shri Kedarnath Singh will deliver a lecture on ‘Kavita Se Sarokar’ on this occasion.
Honourable Vice-Chancellor will chair the programme.
All are cordially welcome.
Department of Geography
cordially invites you to attend the online special lecture
Scope and dimensions of tourism researches in developing countries like India: A geographer's perspective
Professor Colin Michael Hall
Caneterbury University, Newzeland
at Department of Geography (Room No 5),Presidency University
26 August(Tuesday) 2014, 10:30 a.m.
The Hindi Department, Presidency University is going to organize a seminar
‘The Nath Sampraday & Hindi Literature’
on 25th August, 2014 at 3 pm at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium.
Ms. Christine Marrewa Karwoski , Fulbright Hays scholarship fellow in India is invited as Speaker.
She is doing research on Nath Sampraday in the department of Middle East South Asian and African Studies at Columbia University, New York, USA.
All are cordially invited.
The Hindi Department, Presidency University is going to organise a seminar on 22nd August, 2014 on ‘The Bazaar and the Bari: Calcutta, Marwaris and the world of Hindi letters’ at 3pm at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium.
Dr. Rahul Parson the Resident Director of the Hindi Program of American institute of Indian studies (AIIS) Jaipur is invited as Speaker. Dr. Rahul Parson has done his Ph.D on Hindi novels written by Kolkata based Marwari on Kolkata from University of California , Berkeley (USA) under Prof. Vasudha Dalmia.
The eminent Hindi novelist and Sahitya Academy Winner Alka Sarawagi is also invited as special guest on this ocassion. Her famous novels are Kalikatha Via Bypass, Shesh Kadambri, Koi Bat Nahi and EK Break Ke Bad.
All are cordially invited.
The Susobhanchandra Sarkar Memorial Lecture, jointly organized by Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad and the History Department of Presidency University will be delivered
by Prof. Ramakrishna Bhattacharya in the AJC Bose Auditorium at 3 pm, today, 19 August 2014.
The title of the talk is
Department of Physics , Presidency University , Kolkata
cordially invites you all to a lecture by
Prof. Satyaban Bhunia
(Surface Physics & Material Science Division,Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata)
Physics and realization of low dimensional semiconductors for device applications
Date: Wednesday, 20th August 2014
Time: 2 - 3 p.m.
Venue: A. J. C. Bose Auditorium, PU
The Department of English invites you to a talk by
Dr. Saikat Majumdar of Stanford University
"Modernism and the Banality of Narrative"
Venue: A.J.C. Bose Auditorium,Main Building, Presidency University.
Date and Time: Thursday , 21 August 2014 , 3:30 p.m.
Please click for more
National Seminar On
Making of the Indian Continent
Organised by
Department of Geology
(UGC - Centre for Advanced Studies in Precambrian Crustal Evolution and Metallogeny)
Please click here for brochure
Presidency University
7th and 8th November,2014
Online Registration
Title: Topical Conference on Gravity and Cosmology - Eastern Region (TCGC-ER)
Venue: TCGC-ER will be held on Saturday, August 9th, 2014 at the A. J. C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University.
Registration: We may have a registration fee of Rs. 200 for faculty members and Rs. 100 for students, post-docs, and project scientists. In order for us to have an estimate of the number of attendees, please let us know if you plan to come, even if you won't be presenting.
Abstract submission deadline Wednesday, July 30, 2014.
Please submit your title and abstract to tcgc.er[AT]gmail.com
Exact address and map can be found here.
The AJC Bose auditorium is on the ground floor of the main building.
The Topical Conference on Gravity and Cosmology - Eastern Region (TCGC-ER) is planned to be a biannual meeting in universities and institutes in and around Kolkata. The purpose of this conference series is to have regular scientific discussions on different aspects of Gravity and Cosmology with minimal administrative hassles. We plan to bring together experienced as well as young scientists of the Eastern Region of India who are interested in working actively on cosmology and gravitation.
Please click for more
One Day Seminar on
"Trends in Surface Science and Related Areas" on 24th July
Organized by Department of Chemistry
Please click here for poster
Please click here for registration form
Department of Economics, Presidency University
cordially invites you to attend the
Seventh Dipak Banerjee Memorial Lecture
'Economic Empowerment of Poor Farmers in West Bengal:
Challenges and Policy Options '
Professor Dilip Mookherjee.
Boston University
Derozio Hall, Presidency University
Tuesday 22nd July 2014 ,3:30 p.m.
Department of Sociology, Presidency University
A lecture series by
Prof. Sudipta Kaviraj
Professor, Indian Politics and Intellectual History, Columbia University
'Postcolonial thinking and critique of modern social science'
July 18, Lecture 1: What is wrong with modern social science? A critical reading of Said's Orientalism
July 21: Lecture 2: What can modern social science give us? A critical reading of Hegel and Marx
July 22: Lecture 3: What are the tasks of modern social science? Critical reflections on postcolonial theory
July 23: Lecture 4: Do we have a critical tradition? Observations on the Bengali intellectual tradition
The concept note of the lectures, and readings will be available on the webpage of the department of Sociology, Presidency University shortly. The time and venue of the lectures will also be confirmed on the same page.
All are welcome.
The Department of Political Science will organize an International Seminar on "Peace Science, Conflict Management and Peace Economics: theme South Asia" on July 04, 2014 from 1 p.m. at the AJC Bose Auditorium of the University. Speakers from Binghamton University New York, University of Western Sydney, Asian Development Bank, ORF, CU and JU will address the seminar.
Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism, Mach's Principle and Cosmology,
Prof Partha Ghosh, National Academy of Sciences, India
Dept. of Physics,
30th April 2014, A.J.C Bose Auditorium
Harendralal Basak Memorial Lectures, 2014: 'Saving Women's Honour: the death of a young wife in colonial India'
Professor Geraldine Forbes, University of Oswego, U.S.A
Dept. of English,
10th and 18th March 2014, A.J.C Bose Auditorium
The Dutch in Bengal' workshop, 2014,
Depts. of English, History and Bengali in collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands and the Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of West Bengal
25th February, 2014 A.J.C Bose Auditorium
'How far can we believe in our world of everyday experience',
Dept. of Philosophy,
18th February, 2014, Bankim Sabhagriha,
University Sports
9th & 10th December 2013
Professor A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Visits Presidency
The former President of India and eminent scientist, Professor A.P.J Abdul Kalam, will be visiting Presidency University on 18th March, 2013. Professor Kalam will be at Presidency to interact with our students and also to inaugurate the renovation of the historic Baker Laboratories building, which is celebrating its centenary this year.
195th Founders’ Day Celebration:
The University celebrated its 195th Founders’ Day on 20th January 2012 with customary enthusiasm. Poet Sankha Ghosh, an alumnus of Presidency College presided over the function and former Principal of Presidency College, Professor Amal Mukhopadhyay was the Chief Guest. Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Professor Malabika Sarkar addressed a warm welcome to the guests in the Derozio Hall. The University Choir put up songs in keeping with the occasion. Professor Manu Auddy and Professor Nandalal Chakrabarti read out sections of Prasangiki followed by the Annual Prize Distribution ceremony where students were awarded certificates, medals and prizes for academic excellence and for co-curricular activities. The programme was conducted by Dr. Debashish Sen and Dr. Anik Chatterjee. The cultural programme organized by the University Choir was followed by the reunion organized by the Alumni association on the University lawns. On the 19th of January 2012, as a part of the Founders’ Day Celebration, a Past versus Present cricket match was played.
Republic Day Celebration:
On the 26th of January, 2012 the University observed Republic Day. The National flag was hoisted by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor and a programme was presented by the University Choir.
Awarding of the Prafulla Chandra Ray Plaque:
A plaque in honour of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray was awarded to the University by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), United Kingdom on the 31st of January, 2012.
The Chief Executive of the RSC, Robert Parker unveiled the plaque.
FAEA Workshop :
A national workshop under the aegis of Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access (FAEA) was organized from 6 to 15th October 2012 at AJC Bose Auditorium of the University. 34 FAEA Scholars from different parts of the country participated in this workshop.
‘Digital Humanities in India’ Conference:
International conference on Digital Humanities in India held on 24 and 25 September, 2012. The speakers included Dr Mark Bernstein, Director,
Eastgate Systems and Professor Barry Atkins, University of Wales, Newport.
Orientation of the 1st Semester of Post Graduate Courses:
In September 2012 the first semester Postgraduate students of the University were welcomed by the Vice-Chancellor. The Dean of Students, Deboshruti Roychowdhury,
the Heads of the Departments and other faculty members were present at the orientation.
Dedication of IEEE Milestone Plaque for J.C. Bose:
On 15th September, 2012 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) awarded the Milestones Plaque in the memory of Sir J.C. Bose. This award was given to the University, by the President Elect of the IEEE, Prof. Peter Staecker, at an event in September 2012, where the contribution and current relevance of Professor Bose’s work was discussed in a series of talks.
Independence Day Celebration:
On the 15th of August, 2012 the University celebrated the 65th year of the nation’s Independence. The Vice Chancellor hoisted the national flag and teachers, students and members of the nonteaching staff were present on the occasion. The University Choir put up a performance in keeping with the spirit of the occasion.
Orientation of the first semester of Undergraduate Courses:
On 9th July 2012 the First Semester of undergraduate classes of Presidency University for the academic session of 2012-2013 was formally inaugurated in the Derozio Hall. The Hon'ble Vice Chancellor; Professor Malabika Sarkar addressed the students Heads of all the Departments were present at the inauguration. The University Choir sang on this occasion. The Dean of Students, Deboshruti Roychowdhury coordinated the event and was present at the orientation. Students were taken to their departments by the respective Heads and introduced to the rest of the faculty.
Meeting with the V.C. of Oxford University:
On March 24th, 2012, the Vice Chancellor of Oxford University, Professor Andrew Hamilton met Vice Chancellor Professor Malabika Sarkar and talked to students of Presidency University about studying in Oxford.
About Presidency
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(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner