Thrust Areas of Research and Training
Romantic Literature, Victorian Literature, Postcolonial Literatures, Popular Literature and Culture, Graphic Novels and Comics Studies, Science Fiction Studies, Indian Writing in English, Indian Ocean Literatures, Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, Colonial Bengal, Dalit Studies, Gender Studies, Psychoanalysis, Egyptology, Holocaust Studies, Partition Studies, Visual and Performance Studies
Research Output of the Faculty Members
1. Dutta, S. (2000). Ambivalence in Hardy: A Study of His Attitude to Women. UK: Macmillan & USA: St Martin's Press/ Palgrave.
2. Dutta, S. (2004). A Critical Edition of Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native. New Delhi: Worldview Publications.
3. Dutta, S. (2007). Paperback edition of Ambivalence in Hardy: A Study of his Attitude to Women. London, New York and New Delhi: Anthem Press.
Papers in Journals
1. Dutta, S. (1995). 'Thomas Hardy and the Deceased Wife's Sister Marriage Bill'. The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XI no. 2, pp. 61-64.
2. Dutta, S. (1996). 'Sue's Obscure Sisters'. The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XII no. 2, pp. 60-71.
3. Dutta, S. (1996). 'The "Lovingkindness" of Hardy's Revising Hand'. The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XII no. 3, pp. 79-80.
4. Dutta, S. (2000). Entries on ‘George Egerton’ (p. 114) and ‘Eliza Lynn Linton’ (pp. 242-43). Oxford Reader's Companion to Hardy ed. Norman Page (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
5. Dutta, S. (2000). 'Tree Obsession in Hardy and O. Henry'. Days to Recollect: Essays in Honour of Robert Schweik ed. Rosemarie Morgan (New Haven, U.S.A.: The Hardy Association Press), pp. 73-80.
6. Dutta, S. (2001). ‘Hardy’s use of Animals in his “Novels of Character and Environment”’. Essays and Studies, Journal of the Dept of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Vol. XV, pp. 54-63.
7. Dutta, S. (2003). ‘Hardy and his Mayor: A Gendering of Critical Response’. The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XIX no. 2, pp. 33-40.
8. Dutta, S. (2005-6). ‘Darwinism and Dystopia in H. G. Wells’. Essays and Studies, Journal of the Dept of English, Jadavpur University, Vol. XIX-XX, pp. 61-70.
9. Dutta, S. (2010). ‘George Egerton: Redefining “Woman” in Victorian Patriarchy’. Moneta’s Veil: Essays on Nineteenth Century Literature ed. Malabika Sarkar (Delhi, Chennai and Chandigarh: Longman, an imprint of Pearson), pp. 23-33.
10. Dutta, S. (2010). ‘“Murther, and Treason”: The Possible Influence ofMacbeth on Jude the Obscure’. The Hardy Society Journal (UK), Vol. 6 no.1, pp. 65-74.
11. Dutta, S. (2012). ‘Teaching Tess of the d’Urbervilles in Kolkata’, Victorian Review, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 29-33.
12. Dutta, S. (2013). ‘A Long Neglected Hardy Poem “Raked Up” ’, The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XXIX, pp. 114-120.
13. Dutta, S. (2016). ‘Bollywood Adaptations of Tess of the d’Urbervilles’, Literature Compass, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp.196-202; Special Issue on ‘Hardy: Diverse Audiences’.
14. Dutta, S. (2018). '"I am one of a long row only" : Contemporary retellings of Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles', The Thomas Hardy Journal, U.K., Vol. XXXIV, pp. 67-76.
15. Dutta, S. (2019). '"Soldiers in Petticoats": The Fight for Gender Equality in Britain', The Confidential Clerk, Vol. 5, Sept 2019, e-journal of 'Centre for Victorian Studies', Jadavpur University.
16. Dutta, S. (2021). 'The "measureless layers of history": Hardy and Archaeology', Presidency Alumni Association, Autumn Annual, Vol. XLIX 2020-2021, pp. 127-131.
1. Akshay Kumar Datta and Public Culture in Nineteenth-Century Bengal [working title]. (Under contract with Cambridge University Press. Forthcoming 2023.)
2. The Calcutta Kerani and the London Clerk in the Nineteenth Century: Life, Labour, Latitude (London and New York: Routledge, 2020).
3. The Impact of the Postcolonial Theories of Edward Said, Gayatri Spivak, and Homi Bhabha on Western Thought: The Third-world Intellectual in the First-world Academy (New York: Edwin Mellen, 2011).
Critical Editions
1. Rabindranath Tagore: Selected Short Stories [Oxford World's Classics] (Under contract with Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2024).
2. Unish Sataker Kerani Katha: Soteek Kerani Darpan o Kerani Puran (Kolkata: Ananda Publishers, 2022)
Edited Volumes
1. Postsecularism by Shuhita Bhattacharjee (Orient Blackswan, Forthcoming 2021) [Series Editor]
2. Jacques Lacan: From Clinic to Culture by Mahitosh Mandal (Orient Blackswan, 2017) [Series Editor]
3. Feminisms by Arpita Mukhopadhyay (Orient Blackswan, 2015) [Series Editor]
4. The Post-Marked World: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century. Eds. Krystyna Kujawinska-Courtney, Sumit Chakrabarti and Izabella Penier (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars’ Publishing, 2013).
Book Chapters
1. ‘White But Not Quite: Mimicry as Strategy in Doris Pilkington’s Under the Wintamarra Tree’ in David Dunstan, D.N. Bandopadhyay, Shibnath Bannerjee (eds.) Australian Studies: Reading History, Culture and Identity, (New Delhi: Worldview, 2010), pp 202-210.
2. ‘Reclaiming Postcolonial Identity: Cultural History as Enunciation in the Writings of Homi Bhabha’ in Kacper Bartczak and Malgorzata Myk (eds.), Theory That Matters: What Practice After Theory (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars’ Publishing, 2013), pp 69-78.
3. ‘Towards a Critique of Foundational Historiography: A Brief Look at Gerald Vizenor’s Hiroshima Bugi’ in In Other Words: Dialogizing Postcoloniality, Race and Ethnicity, (eds.), Ewa Luczak, Justyna Wierzchowska, Joanna Ziarkowska, (Franfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2013), pp.125-36.
Papers in Journals
1. 'Space of Deprivation: The Nineteenth Century Bengali Kerani in the Bhadrolok Milieu of Calcutta' in The Asian Journal of Social Science 45 (2017), pp.55-72.
2. ‘Scattered Reflections on Exile: A Critique of Nussbaum’s Cosmopolitanism and Derrida’s “City of Refuge”’ in The Visva-Bharati Quarterly, Vol.22, Nos. 3&4, Oct.2013-March2014, eds. Tapati Mukhopadhyay and Amrit Sen, (Shantiniketan: May 2014), pp.32-41.
3. ‘Moving Beyond Edward Said: Homi Bhabha and the Problem of Postcolonial Representation’ in International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal (Lodz: University of Lodz Press, 2012), pp 5-21.
4. ‘The Public Intellectual as Exile: Representing the Self in Mourid Barghouti’s I Saw Ramallah’ in the Journal of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen (Vol.V, Issue 1, Autumn, 2011), pp.119-32.
5. ‘A Postmodern Subalternity: Towards a Critique of Foundational Historiography’ in the Journal of the Department of English, University of Calcutta (Vol. XXXIV, Nos. 1&2, 2007-2008), pp 16-25.
6. ‘Re-Locating the Woman: Gayatri Spivak and the Politics of First World Feminism’ in the Journal of the Department of English, Rabindra Bharati University , (Vol. IX, 2005-06), pp12-19.
1. Review of Labyrinths of Language: Philosophical and Cultural Investigations by Franson Manjali in Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp. 279-282 (Springer: 2015).
Translated and Edited Volume
1. Labour Train by Manjira Saha, (Under contract with Calcutta Research Group, Forthcoming 2022) [Translator and Editor]
Book Chapters
1. “Not So Domestic Desires: Victoria Cross and the Politics of Inter-ethnic Relationships and Miscegenation” Editors Brenda Ayres and Sarah E. Maier The Victorian Handbook of Victorian Scandals in Literature and Culture . (Under contract with Routledge: Forthcoming 2022)
2. “The New Woman and Women’s Emancipation Movement during the British Raj: Locating Rokeya Hossain as a New Woman Activist in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India” in 19th Century Women in Power ed. Emma Butcher (Under contract with Bloomsbury: 2023)
3. “Virtual Reality: Social Media and/as the Public Sphere” in Situating Social Media: Gender, Caste, Solidarity, Protest. Eds. Samata Biswas and Atig Ghosh (Women Unlimited: 1 January 2020) pp. 63-101
4. “The Artisans of Revolt: Peasant Activities of Naxalbari” in From Popular Movements to Rebellion: The Naxalite Decade ed. Ranabir Samaddar ( Routledge: 26 November 2018), pp. 121-151
5. “Mobile Women and inter/National Narratives: The Cases of Getrude Hudson and Krishnabhabhini Das,” in The ‘Other’ Universe: An Anthology of Women’s Studies. Eds. Aparna Bandyopadhya and Krishna Dasgupta (Setu Prakashani: February, 2015)
Papers in Journals
1. “ ‘Just Designs’: Teaching the Literatures of Migration” [working title] Refugee Watch (Forthcoming 2023)
2. “‘Why so much blood?’ Narratives of Violence Against Women in Tripura” Economic and Political Weekly: Special Issues on Gender, Vol 49, Issue 43-44, November 1, 2014.
3. “Lives Delimited by Barbed Wires,” Refugee Watch 18 (April 2003): 6-8. South Asia Forum for Human Rights and Calcutta Research Group, Calcutta, India.
Online Publication
Rokeya S. Hossain https:www.trags.org/indian-feminisms
1. 2018: Jacques Lacan: from Clinic to Culture . Literary/Cultural Theory Series, edited by Sumit Chakrabarti, Orient BlackSwan.
2. In Press. Holocaust and Popular Culture. Co-edited volume, Routledge.
3. Under Contract. An Autoethnographic Study of the Poundras. Research monograph, Navayana.
4. Under Contract. John Fowles and Psychoanalysis. Research monograph, Routledge.
Papers in Journals
1. 2022 (forthcoming in June): "Lacan and the Limits of Understanding." Lacunae: International Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
2. 2022 (forthcoming in April): "Dalit Resistance in Colonial Bengal." Caste: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion.
3. 2021: “'Someone like Ashoka the Great will be born again to set up a casteless society': An Interview with Manohar Mouli Biswas." All About Ambedkar: A Journal on Theory and Praxis 2 (2): 183-195.
4. 2019: (with Priyanka Das). "Rethinking Communism in the Age of Trump and Modi: The Bengali Film Ghya Chang Fou Sets Milestone in Cinematic History." Mise-en-scène: The Journal of Film & Visual Narration 4 (2): 78-81.
5. 2017: "'Eyes a man could drown in': Phallic Myth and Femininity in John Fowles's The French Lieutenant’s Woman." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 19 (3): 274-298.
Select Book Chapter
1. 2014: "A House for Taslima: Reflections on an 'Exilic' Intellectual." In The Diasporic Dilemma: Exile, Alienation And Belonging , eds. Pradipta Mukherjee and Sajal K. Bhattacharya, 118-133. New Delhi: Creative Books.
Select non-peer reviewed publications
1. Mandal, M. 2020. “Liars Masquerading as Communists: The Curious Case of CPIM in Bengal.” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 17 May.
2. Mandal, M. 2020. "Why Vivekananda would have Opposed any Ramakrishna Mission Collaboration with the BJP." Scroll.in, 21 September.
3. Mandal, M. 2016. “Return to Ambedkar” (in Bengali). Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 19 April.
4. Mandal, M. 2016. “Aami Dalit.” Anandabazar Patrika, 24 January.
5. Mandal, M. 2016. “Casteism and Ways of Removing Casteism.” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 13 January.
6. Mandal, M. “Dalits and the Dogs: An Autobiographical Note.” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 14 December.
7. Mandal, M. 2015. “The Question of Reservation and the Future of the Dalit-Bahujanas in India.” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 24 November.
8. Mandal, M. 2015. “How should a Brahmin-Savarna Respond to a Dalit Voice?” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 3 October.
9. Mandal, M. 2015. “Are SCs, STs, and OBCs Less Talented?” Round Table India: For an Informed Ambedkar Age, 22 September.
10. Mandal, M. 2015. “Bhebechinte Porte Eso” ‘Prastuti’, Anandabazar Patrika, 14 April. (An interview in Bengali on English studies.)
Papers in Journals
1. Ray, A. (2011), “A Pictorial Tribute to Rabindranath Tagore, Inspired by His Nature Songs”, Chitrolekha International Magazine on Art and Design 1 (3), 41–47, http://www.chitrolekha.com/V1/n3/09_Tibute_to_Tagore.pdf (It was then a magazine, during the publication of this "portfolio" of five paintings)
2. Ray, A., & Talukder, S. (Jan-Feb 2015). "New Trends in Puja Mandaps," Muse India 59, http://www.museindia.com/Home/AuthorContentDataView (S. Talukder is credited as the photographer of the images)
3. Ray, A. (2016). "Teaching English Literary Texts with Approaches to Visual Arts: Three Case Studies", Literaria Linguistica: A Journal of Research in Literature, Linguistics and Language Teaching 2, 20-33.
4. Ray, A. (2018). “Japan-India Bonding in the Bengali Short Science Fiction/FantasyStories by Satyajit Ray”, Bangabidya: International Journal of Bengal Studies 10, 223-242, Special Issue of Papers Presented in the 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan , edited by Pabitra Sarkar and Shinkichi Taniguchi.
5. Ray, A. (2018). "Gendered Bengali: Expectations and Challenges, in Ashapurna Devi’s ‘Chhayasurya’ and Partha Pratim Chowdhury’s Chhaya Surya [Chhayasurya], and Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay’s Dadar Kirti and Tarun Majumdar’s Dadar Kirti", SOCIAL TRENDS: Journal of the Department of Sociology of North Bengal University 5 (31), 91–113
6. Ray, A. (2018). "Satyajit Ray’s 'The Sahara Mystery': a Case Study of Human-Monster-God Transition", Spring Magazine on English Literature 4 (1), http://www.springmagazine.net/v4n105/
7. Ray, A. (2018–2019). "Visuals and Narration inThe Prince of Egypt (1998)", Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature 55, 115–140
8. Ray, A. (2019). “Cleopatra VII Philopator’s Final Moments: Depictions in Five Paintings”, Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics, 42 (2), 126–137.
9. Ray, A. (2021). “'Kubla Khan: or, A Vision in a Dream. A Fragment': An Egyptological Study”, Teresian Journal of English Studies, 13 (3), 22–38.
Book Chapters
1. Ray, A. (2020). "Between 'Transhumanism' and 'Posthumanism': The Mummy-'Transformers' of Seth Kearsley's Mummies Alive! (1997)" in Mishra, Parul, Rajarshi Mukherjee, and Shreya Chakrabarty (eds.), Diasater, Holocaust and Dystopian Literature: Concepts and Perspectives , Delhi: Upanayan Publications, pp. 224–233.
2. Ray, A. (2020). "Bram Stoker's The Jewel of Seven Stars: Sexual, Creative and Aesthetic Aspects from Ancient Egyptian Mythology" in Mishra, Sunil K., and Rituparna Mukherjee (eds.), Theorizing Sexuality in English Literature, Delhi: Upanayan Publications, pp. 51–61.
3. Ray, A. (2021). "COVID-19, Depression, and Indian Painters: Some Thoughts" in Chakrabarty, Shreya, T. Sathyakala, and Sunil K. Mishra (eds.), Reviving Humanity During Pandemic in India, Delhi: Upanayan Publications, pp. 196–203.
4. Ray, A. (2021). "Ancient Egyptian 'Ished' Tree and Satyajit Ray's 'Swarnaparni' Plant: Assessments" in V. S., Chitra, and Balamurali R. S. (eds.), Rejuvenating Environmental Studies: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Delhi: Upanayan Publications, pp. 157–168.
5. Ray, A. (2021). "Girish Karnad's Devadatta and Kapila: Men and Male Beauty" in Mishra, Parul (ed.), Gender Fluidity in Indian Writings in English, Delhi: Sentics Publications, pp. 54–67.
Conference Proceedings
1. Ray, A. (2013), “Sri Ramakrishna’s Love for Visual Devotional Art”, in Roy, S. et al (eds), Sri Ramakrishna’s Ideas and Our Times, Belur Math, Howrah, pp. 361–368.
2. Ray, A., & Patnaik, P. (2014), “Myths and Icons in Satyajit Ray’s Science Fantasy Stories ‘Professor Shonku and U. F. O.’ and ‘The Unicorn Expedition’”, in Supasetsiri, P. et al (eds), Proceedings: The Asian Conference on Arts and Cultures 2014, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand, June 12–13, 2014, Bangkok , pp. 149-156.
3. Ray, A. (2016). "The ‘Identities’ of ‘Egyptologist-Archaeologists’ in Fictional Imagination: Three Case Studies” published in Redefining Identities, Cultures and Literatures, Vol. 1 (Proceedings of “Redefining Identities, Cultures and Literatures” organized by English Literator Society at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Research Centre, Aurangabad, Maharashtra on 9th and 10th December 2016). This Proceeding is published as an edited volume.
4. Ray, A. (2017). “Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture inAsterix and Cleopatra and Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra” in Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Joshi. et al (eds.) Proceedings of National Conference on "Innovation in Visual Arts" (NCIVA '17) , organized by Amity School of Fine Arts, Amity University, Noida on 23rd March 2017, pp. 3-11.
5. Ray, A. (2019). “X-Men: Apocalypse (2016): Youth-centric Theoretical Discussions" in Safwat, Soheir, Dr. (ed.), International Conference on Youth in Changeable World. Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives: Ain Shams University, Cairo-Egypt: 1st - 3rd April 2019 , Cairo: Ain Shams University (?), pp. 439–453.
6. Ray, A. (2020). "Persian Influence and Indo-Persian Assimilation and Adaptation: Case Studies of Selected Mughal Miniatures" in Billah, Abu Musa Mohammad Arif, (ed.), Al-Biruni Millennium Demise Anniversary Commemoration Volume-1 (Volume One: Papers in English): Dhaka University, 20–21 January 2020: A Collection of Papers of the 5th Al-Biruni Interdisciplinary World Congress - A Millennium Demise Anniversary Commemoration by Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation (ARBF), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh , Dhaka: Abu Rayhan Biruni Foundation (ARBF), pp. 315–330.
1. Utopia and the Village in South Asian Literatures (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
2. Utopia and the Village in South Asian Literatures. 2012. Reprinted as paperback. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
Edited Collection
1. “ Maritime Transmodernities : Literary and Cultural Representations of the Indian Ocean World,” Special Double Issue, Postcolonial Text. Vol. 14. Iss. 3 and 4., 2019.
Book Chapters
1. “‘Of women like us:’ Sappho’s Voice: Reading the Sapphic Palimpsest.” Lesbian Voices: Canada and the World. Ed. Subhash Chandra. New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 2006. 73-88.
2. “Introduction to Queer Theory.” Literary Theory: Textual Applications. Ed. Shormishtha Panja. New Delhi: Worldview, 2002. 119-27.
Papers in Journals
1. “ Transculturated Shakespeare: Malayalam Cinema and New Adaptive Modes ,” Special Issue: “Indian Othellos: Shakespeare Adaptations in India” Ed. Sreedevi K. Nair. Indian Theatre Journal. Vol. 5. Iss. 1 2021, pp. 73-85.
2. “ The Lumpenproletariat and the Itinerary of a Concept: Some Literary Reflections .” Asian Review of World Histories. Vol. 9. Iss. 2. (2021). pp. 225-258.
3. “ Geoffrey Bawa and Ludic Modernism .” Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 55. Iss. No. 46; 21 (November 2020). pp. 56-62.
4. “ Maritime Transmodernities and the Ibis Trilogy .” Postcolonial Text. Special Double Issue: Maritime Transmodernities: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Indian Ocean World. Vol. 14.3. 2019.
5. “ The Contours of a Field : Literatures of the Indian Ocean.” Postcolonial Text. 14.3 Special Double Issue. Maritime Transmodernities: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Indian Ocean World. Vols. 14.3 and 4. 2019.
6. “The Paradoxes of Realism: Martin Wickramasinghe and The Jatakas in Sinhala Literature,” Université Paris and University of Rouen-Le Havre Press. 2017. [URL: http://publis-shs.univ-rouen.fr/eriac/index.php?id=211#texte ]
7. “ Translated Worlds: Passages, Journeys, Returns .” With Chandrima Chakraborty. Postcolonial Text. Special Double Issue, Translated Worlds: History, Diaspora, South Asia. Postcolonial Text, Vol. 10, No 3 & 4, 2015.
8. “ Giraya and the Gothic Space : Nationalism and the Novel in Sri Lanka.” University of Toronto Quarterly. 84.4. (Nov. 2015). 29-53
9. “Imagining Ceylon: The Special Cases of Leonard Woolf and Martin Wickramasinghe.” Phoenix: Sri Lanka Journal of English in the Commonwealth. Ed. Walter Perera. (2015). Vol. XII. 59-75.
10. “Sri Lanka” World Literature Today . Ed. Scott Slovic. Norman: U of Oklahoma P. Vol. 88 Number 3, May 2014.
11. ““Colonial Cousins: Mohandas Gandhi, Leonard Woolf, and the Place of the Rural” Nethra Review . 11.2. (December 2010).
12. “Girish Karnad and Feminist Possibilities: Reading Naga-mandala.” Intersections . 22. (October 2009).
1. “ Mixing Memoir and Desire .” Rev. of Kaghazi hai Pairahan: The Paper Attire by Ismat Chughtai. Trans. By Noor Zaheer. OUP: 2016. The Book Review. Vol. 41. No. 19. October 2017.
2. Rev. of Juki Girls, Good Girls: Gender and Cultural Politics in Sri Lanka’s Global Garment Industry by Caitryn Lynch. SAWNET: South Asian Women’s Network. (2009)
3. Rev. of A House by the Sea by Sikeena Karmali. Canadian Literature 192 (Spring 2007): 112-13.
4. Rev. of City of Rains by Nirmal Dass. Canadian Literature 185 (Summer 2005): 144-45.
Online Articles
1. “ Class, Subalternity, and Ethical Choice in Modern India ,” Café Dissensus, Issue 9 – Inland Labour Migration in India. August 2014.
2. “ The Languages of Sexual Violence ” Kafila. February 2013.
1. “‘ Amphibious Histories ’: An Interview with Isabel Hofmeyr.” Postcolonial Text. Special Double Issue. Maritime Transmodernities: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Indian Ocean World. Vol. 14.3 and 4. 2019.
2. “‘ Arriving at writing’ : A Conversation with Abdulrazak Gurnah.” With Sreya M. Datta. Postcolonial Text. Special Double Issue. Maritime Transmodernities: Literary and Cultural Representations of the Indian Ocean World. Vol. 14.3 and 4. 2019.
Creative Writing
1. "The Meeting" Himal Southasian. August 2021
2. "Sestina" and "Ithaca Blues: Rondeau Triptych," Chapbook for Corrine. Paris, 2017
3. “ Murgh-e-qibla-numa .” Postcolonial Text. Vol. 10, No. 4, 2015
4. “ The Interloper .” Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation. January 2015
5. “The Gift.” Café Dissensus, 2014.
6. Twenty Odd Love Poems . Kolkata: Writer’s Workshop, 2008.
Papers in Journals
1. “ Shakuntala to Sanitary Panels: Women in Indian Graphic Narratives ”, Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics , Issue 6, April 2020.
2. " (Mis) Representations of The Transgender Identity: The Dominant Popular Narrative Culture Versus The Webcomics" in "Politics of Representation ", Colloquium, Vol. 3 pp. 26-35.
3. “ Subverting the Dominant Structure Through Graphic Narratives: From The Dissenting Printed Comics To The Subcultural Noise of Webcomics ,”, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Taylor and Francis, 2021.
Book Chapters
1. " Poiliticising The Body of The ‘Other’: India’s Gaze at Pakistan " in Beyond Partition: Film, Media and Representation in Post-Colonial South Asia (London: Routledge, 2021).
2. “Indian CyberFeminism: Digital Liberation or Selective Outrage?” in New Gendered Radicalisms at the Margins of the State and Empire (under contract with Routledge: Forthcoming in April 2022).
1. Das, Kalyan Kumar (ed.). Bengali Dalit Literature: Reflections on Caste, Culture and Representation (Under contract with Routledge)
2. Das, Kalyan Kumar (ed.). Translating Identity: Essays from Bengali Dalit Writings (1990s-2010s) (under contract with Orient Blackswan)
Papers in Journals
1. Das, Kalyan Kumar. "Nietzsche contra Manu: Ambedkar's Nietzsche Moment and an Aesthetics of Dalit Anger". Critical Philosophy of Race (Pennsylvania State University Press). (forthcoming)
2. Das, Kalyan. " Subaltern Historiography to Dalit Historiography- Tracing Heterogeity in Dalit Subalternity". 'Special Article' in Economic & Political Weekly. Vol.- L- 7, 14th February, 2015.,pp-60-65.
3. Das, Kalyan. " To Eat or not to Eat Beef: Spectres of Food on Bengal's Politics of Identity". 'Special Article' in Economic & Political Weekly. Vol. L- 44 , 31st October, 2015,pp-105-114.
4. Das, Kalyan Kumar. "Encountering John Dewey's Pragmatism in the Indian Context: Ambedkar's Critique of War, Violence and Nationalism". Dewey Studies:Journal of the John Dewey Society (2:3), 2018.
5. Das, Kalyan Kumar (co-author). "Caste in/as Humanities: Unsettling the Politics of Suffering". Sanglap: Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry (Special Issue on Caste). Vol. 6 No. 1(2019).
6. Das, Kalyan Kumar. "Caste as Hindutva's Limit: Reading a Dalit
Autobiography amidst Hindutva's Majoritarian Claims". In Majoritarian Reasoning: Hindutva Nationalism and Modern India,
edited by Anindya Sekhar Purkayastha. New Delhi: Sage, forthcoming.
Non-Peer Reviewed Articles/ Book Chapters/Review Articles:
1. Das , Kalyan Kumar. "Caste and Politics of Culture in Contemporary Bengal: Bhadralok's Celebration of Chotolok's 'Story' and the Curious Case of Monoranjan Byapari." Bangla Journal: A Journal of Bangla and Bangali, (Canada).Vol.- 13-21, December, 2015.
2. Das, Kalyan Kumar. "What does it mean to be an Ambedkarite?". Scroll.in, 2019.
3. Das, Kalyan Kumar. Review of Sharan Kumar Limbale's The Dalit Brahmin in Contemporary Voice of Dalit (Sage Journal), forthcoming.
4. Das, Kalyan Kumar. "Amader Dalit Sahitya Charcha: Katogulo Elomelo Alochona". In Dalit Sahitya Charcha, edited by Mrinmoy Pramanick. Kolkata: Gangchil, forthcoming in 2022.
1. 'Oriental Wells': The Early Romantic Poets and Their Eastern Muse. Bloomsbury: 2020.
Book Chapters
1. “Robert Southey’s ‘Orientaliana’ in Thalaba the Destroyer.” Romantic Weltliteratur of the Western Hemisphere. Ed. Dr. Agnieszka Gutthy. New York: Peter Lang, 2019.
2. “‘European Mind’ in ‘African Constitution’: Robert Southey’s Thoughts on Miscegenation.”Fearfully and Wonderfully Made; Modifying the Black (Self) Body t hrough Science and Technology: A Posthuman Context. Ed. G. Melvin Hill. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019.
3. Das, Subhajit and Md. Monirul Islam. “Hindu Pilgrimage in India and Walkability: Theory and Praxis” Routledge International Handbook of Walking. Eds. C. Michael Hall, Yael Ram, and Noam Shoval. London and New York: Rautledge, 2018.
4. “Posthumanism: Through the Postcolonial Lens.” Critical Posthumanism and Planetary Futures. Eds. Debashis Banerji and Makarand Paranjape. Springer: New Delhi, 2016.
5. “Patriarchy in A Midsummer Nights’ Dream.” Representing Shakespeare: Interpretations and Translations. Ed. Sharbani Chaudhury. New Delhi: Macmillan/Department of English University of Kalyani, 2002.
6. “Swami Vivekanada: Prosongo Prachya o Paschyataya.” Bahu Rupey Swamiji. Ed. Subrata Roy and Ashok Kumar Roy. . Kolkata: Mitram 2013.
Papers in Journals
1. “Dog Talks in ‘The Flood’.” Asian Quarterly: An International Journal of Contemporary Issues. 15 .3(2017): 183–92
2. “The ‘Atravesado’ in the Borderland: Agha Shahid Ali’s Poetics of the Margin.” The Challenge 25.2(2017): 8–15.
3. “A Tale of Three Journeys: Orientalist Poetics/Politics of Landor’s Gebir.” Impressions: A Bi-Annual Refereed e-Journal of English Studies. 11.2 (2017). http://impressions.org.in/jul17/ar_mislam.html.
4. “The Hungry Tide: Displacement, Survival and Revolution” International Journal of Bengal Studies.4-5 (2014): 414-24
5. “Wounds Sustained, Wounds Nurtured: Rituals of Violence at Wagah.” Cultural Intertexts. 3.6. (2016): 79-88.
6. Islam, Md. Monirul, and Subhajit Das. “Travel Writing and Empire: A Reading of William Hodges’s Travels in India.” postScriptum: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literary Studies. 2.2( 2017): 1–15.
7. “Teaching Romanticism in the Indian Classroom: Culture of Conformity and Pedagogies of Dissent.” Anglistik & Englischunterricht ( A&E) (forthcoming 2022)
8. “Poetry, History, and Empire: A Reading of John Scott’s ‘Serim; or, the Artificial Famine: An East- Indian Eclogue’” Romanticism on the Net (RoN) (forthcoming 2022)
9. "Victims of the Anthropocene: The Jarawas and the Question of Human Rights in Pakaj Sekhsaria’sThe Last Wave". Critical and Creative Wings, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2019 , pp. 27-46.
Conference Proceedings
1. "Modern Short Story and the Oriental Tales." Modern Short Story: Text and Narrative. Krishnanagar Women’s College, 2012. 28-35
2. “The East /West Binary in Tagore’s Red Oleander." Rabindranath Tagore: Nationalism and Internationalism. Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, 2011. 114-117
Course Modules produced under UGC MHRD e-PG Pathshala
1. “Slave Narratives.” American Literature. UGC MHRD e-PG Pathshala, 2016.
2. “Orientalism and Thereafter: Edward Said.” Literary Criticism and Theory. MHRD e-PG Pathshala, 2016.
3. “Tragedy between 1590 and 1798. English Literature 1590-1798. UGC MHRD e-PG Pathshala, 2016.
Select Book Chapters
1. “Introduction to Theories of Performance”. In Essays on Text and Performance.Delhi: Book Age Publishers, 2017.
2. "Everyday Tactics: Analysing the East Bengali Migrant Working Women's Everyday Practices in the Post-Partitioned Calcutta". In Understanding Marginality: Cultural and Literary Perspectives. Delhi: Rawat Publications, 2022.
Papers in Journals
1. “Reading of Manikuntala Sen’s Memoir Sediner Kotha” in GDGU ICAP 2016 Power, Peception and Personality: Protagonists of Change , pp. 223-230, March, 2016. [ISBN: 978-93-85936-13-5]
2. “Tracing the Genealogy of the Categories of ‘Ghar’ and ‘ghar-er bou’ in Post-Partition Refugee Literary Narratives” in Pratibha Umashankar (ed.) Muse India: Focus: Parition in Literature and Cinema. Issue 62, July-August 2015. [ISSN: 0975-1815].
3. “Shakespeare’s Adaptations in Bengali Theatre: Study of the Adaptations as Colonial and Post-Colonial Devices” in Interpretations pp. 1-8, March, 2016. [ISBN:978-81-931925-3-5].
Edited Books
1. Holocaust and Popular Culture: Interpreting Trauma across Genre, Nation, and Generation (Coedited volume, Routledge, in press)
2. Status of Hindus in view of Jurists, Sufis and Intellectuals of the Sultanate Era , by Tabish Khan. Ed. Priyanka Das. (2016).
Book Chapters
1. "Domains of Private Melancholy: The Burden of Language", in Abandonment and Abjection: Melancholy in Philosophy and Art. Ed. Saitya Brata Das. Springer. (2020).
2. "At the End of the Day: Translation of Jagadish Gupta’s Short Stories from Bengali to English", in The Literary Voyage. (2016)
3. “Earthlings: A Parallel World”, in The End is Here: A Book About the Apocalypse (Spectral Visions Press, forthcoming 2023)
Papers in Journals
1. “Die Monster, You Don’t Belong in this World: The Spectre of Genocide in Japanese Digital Games”, Acta Ludologica, Vol 4 Issue 2. University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovak Republic. (2021).
2. “The Banality of Existence”, Muse India. Issue 99. (2021).
3. “Magna Mortalitas: Decrypting the Pandemic from the Medieval to the Digital”, Enarratio, Medieval Association of the Midwest. (Forthcoming, 2022).
4. “Boccaccio and Netflix: Imagining the Medieval Pandemic in a Capitalist Bubble”, English Studies in India, University of Kashmir. (Forthcoming, 2022).
5. “From Aliens to Mermaids: The Supernatural in Korean Dramas”, in Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy. University of Lisbon, Portugal. (Forthcoming, June 2022).
6. "Echoes from the Elysium." Muse India. Issue 97. (2021).
7. "Hell hath enlarged Herself: Reading the Salem Witch Trials in Times of Corona." The Golden Line. Special Issue on Diseases, Death and Disorder. (2020).
8. “The Other Jester- Tenali Rama in Graphic Novels and Cartoon Shows.” Muse India. Issue 91. (2020).
9. "Rethinking Communism in the Age of Trump and Modi: The Bengali Film Ghya Chang Fou sets a Milestone in Cinematic History", (with Mahitosh Mandal) in Mise-en-scène: The Journal of Film & Visual Narration. (2019).
10. “The World of Visual Culture: Interpreting the Lacanian Gaze”, Phenomenal Literature. (2018).
11. "An Abated Mass of Flesh." Muse India. Issue 81 (2018).
12. "Galaxies Far, Far Away." Muse India. Issue 77 (2018).
13. "Convention or Innovation: Gendering the Debate of Indian Commercials." Cinephilia, Special Issue on Advertisement. (2017)
14. "The Digital Reproduction of Violence: Decoding Game of Thrones." Asian Quarterly. Vol. 15. Issue 4. (2017).
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