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Value Added Courses
Title: Philosophy and Globalization (PU/PHIL/PAG/23-24 )
Notice for shortlisted participants
Date: 07/08/2023
With reference to the advertisement published for the Value Added Certificate Course on Philosophy and Globalization (PAG) dated 30 th June 2023, the date of class commencement of the course will be from 31 st August 2023 to 31 st December 2023.
Dr. Barada Laxmi Panda
Assistant Professor and Head
Department of Philosophy
Presidency University
Advertisement Notice
Advertisement Date: 30th June 2023
Course type: Certificate Course
Commencement Date and Time: 14 th August 2023 – 30 th November 2023
6.30pm to 7.30 pm on weekdays (Selected days) and 11am to 1pm on Saturday
(Date and Time may be subjected to change. Detail schedule will be shared before one week of the commencement of the classes)
Duration: 14 th August 2023 to 30 th November 2023
Course Fees: Rs.7,200/
(Mode of payment would be intimated subsequently to the selected participants)
Mode of Course: Online
Eligibility: Under graduation and above
Course Coordinator: Name: Dr. Barada Laxmi Panda
Email id: barada.phil@presiuniv.ac.in
Course Objective:
Globalization is the central discussion in today’s world. Technology has occupied a very relevant space in our lives. Globalization and technology go hand by hand with the help of philosophy. Philosophy helps to conceptualize and re-conceptualize different aspects of human life in the world. The course will highlight the possible aspects of understanding the concept of a globalized world. The role of technology, cultural values and exchange of cultures, moral values and the possibilities of formation of universal moral values will be discussed for discovering a moral globalized world.
- Globalization, Technology and Philosophy
- Cultural identity and globalization
- Globalization and crisis in moral values
- The possibility of universal moral fabric
Invited Recourse persons:
General Note
Kindly fill the form with correct information within 1stJuly 2023 to 30 th July 2023 midnight, IST.
Once the form is submitted you are not subjected to any further change.
The selection is done on first come and first serve basis, availability of resources and submission of valid application.
Selected participants will be informed about the payment method subsequently via respective email id along with their Application Number. On successful submission of Course fees, participants will be notified about their Enrollment Number and commencement details of the course.
Fees of enrollment is not refundable.
Classes will be held online.
The application link is below:
Dr. Barada Laxmi Panda
Course coordinator
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