Ref No: PU/FA/53/PhD/Reg/2019 Date: 22/05/2019
The listed scholars who are allowed for Ph.D. (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.) registration by the concerned Doctorate Committee in its meeting dated 30/04/2019, are requested to submit their duly filled in registration form along with requisite fees before 07/06/2019 at the office of the Secretary of the concerned faculty council.
The fees are to be paid online through SBI Collect:
https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm. The link will be available from 23/05/2019 to 06/06/2019. The duly filled in registration form (available in the university website) is to be forwarded by the respective Head of the Department. The form is to be submitted along with one copy of the duly approved 1000 words summary and necessary documents (as given in the form). The documents submitted in photocopies are to be self-signed.
List of eligible candidates for Ph.D. registration (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences).
(Dept. of Bengali):
a) Repon Roy (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2018/029)
b) Arpita Mondal (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2018/ 023)
c) Sudip Sarkar (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2018/ 028)
d) Irani Mandal (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2018/ 031)
e) Rozina Khatun (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2017/049 )
f) Rahul Mandal (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2017/045)
g) Adrija Chaudhuri (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2017/ 044)
h) Himadri Mandal (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2017/048 )
i) Krishna Sen (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/BENG/2017/046 )
(Dept. of English):
a) Deblina Hazra (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/ENG./2017/052)
b) Diganta Bhattacharya (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/ENG./2017/050)
c) Dhee Shankar (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/ENG./2017/051)
(Dept. of Hindi):
a) Madhumita Ojha (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HINDI/2017/032)
b) Kartik Kumar Roy (Enrollment No. - PU/PHD/HINDI/2017/034)
c) Kirit Debnath (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HINDI/2017/035)
d) Priyanka Kumari Singh (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HINDI/2018/057)
(Dept. of History):
a) Gourav Lama (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HIST/2017/038)
b) Akrur Sardar (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HIST/2017/037)
c) Aritra Majumder (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HIST/2018/036)
d) Utpal Biswas (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/HIST/2018/042)
(Dept. of Sociology):
a) Somrita Sengupta (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/SOCI./2017/039)
b) Sonia Bhattacharya (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/SOCI./2017/040)
c) Salini Saha (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/SOCI./2017/041)
d) Sana Rahaman (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/SOCI./2017/042)
e) Sandipan Mitra (Enrollment No.- PU/PHD/SOCI./2018/018)
Dr. Arunasish Acharya,
Faculty Council (Arts).
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