Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Biotechnology (West Bengal) sponsored Research Project
A Walk-in-interview will be held on 27th September (Tuesday), 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at the Department of Biological Sciences (Zoology Section) at Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, for the appointment of one Junior Research Fellow in a Department of Biotechnology (Govt. of West Bengal) sponsored Research Project entitled “ Identification Of Susceptible Genes Associated With Arsenic Induced Bladder Cancer In West Bengal, India” sanctioned to Dr. Amlan Ghosh (Principal Investigator).
Date of Interview : 27.09.2016 (Tuesday)
Place of Interview : Department of Biological Sciences (Zoology Section), Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, India.
Post : One JRF
Duration: 01 Years 04 Months
Project Details : Identification of Susceptible Genes Associated With Arsenic Induced Bladder Cancer In West Bengal, India”; Memo No: 992/(sanc)-Bt (Estt.)/RD/13-13 dated 09.09.2014 and 1158/BT(Estt.)/RD-13-2013 dated 28.11.2014.
Salary : As per DBT, Govt. of West Bengal Rules and Regulation.
Essential Qualification : Any branch of Life Sciences with minimum 55% marks in all examinations (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates) from recognized University and NET/SET/GATE qualification.
Desirable Qualification : Research Experience in the relevant field.
Interested candidates may appear with CV and original testimonials in the Walk-in interview on 27th September (Tuesday), 2016.
Applicants should report 30 minutes before the schedule time of interview.
The original certificates and mark-sheets along with a hard copy of application letter (in plain paper) are to be presented before the Selection Committee on the day of the interview.
No TA/ DA will be provided
Dr. Amlan Ghosh,
Principal Investigator,
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Biological Science
Presidency University
86/1 College Street
Kolkata -700073
Contact No.-09674643869 (Mob)
e-mail: amlan.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
Website: Website: http://www.presiuniv.ac.in/web/staff.php?staffid=75
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