An Appeal to the Alumni/Friends of Presidency College/University

Dear Alumnus/Friend,

Greetings from Presidency University, Kolkata. I hope all is well with you. As you know, Presidency University is relentless in its attempt to reach new heights of excellence. In a rapidly changing world of teaching and research, all the stakeholders of Presidency University are giving their best to cope and to leave a mark in the field of higher education, both within the country and in the global scenario. I am glad to share with you that according to the NAAC assessment (An Autonomous Body under UGC) held in the recent past, Presidency University received Grade A.

New vistas of research are opening. New methods of teaching and evaluation are in place. To survive and to survive well in this climate, Presidency University requires your cooperation and guidance. As an alumnus, you have made Presidency proud and we treasure your contribution to your research field and to society in general. Keeping the glorious past in mind, we have to surge ahead to leave an indelible mark in Higher Education and research. And to achieve this goal, we appeal to you on both counts, viz. Human resources and Funding. If you can share your expertise and research contribution with students and research scholars of Presidency University, this would go a long way in the enrichment of the research ambiance of Presidency University. The detailed modalities can be worked out following the University regulations.

Needless to say, any attempt to improve the infrastructure conducive to research requires adequate financial backing. Since we are planning to take a giant leap in the research activities of the faculties and research scholars, we have already created an Alumni Funding Account that will facilitate state-of-the-art research in all the Departments. We fervently urge you to donate to this account which will help us in providing a better research infrastructure. We assure you that your donation will be spent on a worthy cause related to the University. We believe that your help and guidance will inspire us in our journey to a bright future. More details in this regard can be sorted out through future correspondence.

You are most welcome to contact us in the following email:

The account details will be sent to you via email.

How to Find Us

Presidency University
(Main Campus)

86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073

Presidency University
(2nd Campus)

Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner