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Day 1: 19th February, 2015; Thursday |
Registration (8.00-10.00 hrs) |
Welcome address (10:00 – 10:05 hrs) Derozio Hall |
Key note address 1 (10:05 – 11:00 hrs) |
1. Prof. Jitendra P Khurana Professor and Head of the Department Department of Plant Molecular Biology University of Delhi, New Delhi E. mail: khuranaj@genomeindia.org |
Tea break (11:00-11:15 hrs) |
Scientific session I (11:15-12:45 hrs) Derozio Hall |
Environmental Ecology in the changing world |
1. Prof. KNG Ganeshaiah Department of Forestry and Environmental Sciences School of Ecology and Conservation University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore E. mail: knganeshaiah@gmail.com |
2. Prof. Dipankar Chakraborti Former Director & Research Director, School of Environmental Studies Jadavpur University, Kolkata E. mail: dcsoesju@gmail.com |
3. Prof. Bernard Paul Professeur de Biologie végétale Université de Bourgogne, Institut Jules Guyot Dijon, France E. mail: bernard.paul@u-bourgogne.fr |
Lunch (12:45-13:45 hrs) |
Scientific session II (14:00-15:30 hrs) AJC Bose Auditorium |
Plant and its interactions with the environment |
1. Prof. Narendra Tuteja International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi E. mail: narendra@icgeb.res.in |
2. Prof. Paramjit Khurana Department of Plant Molecular Biology University of Delhi, New Delhi E. mail: param@genomeindia.org |
3. Prof. Ashwani Pareek, JNU, School of Life Sciences Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi E. mail: ashwanip@mail.jnu.ac.in |
Tea break (15:30-15:45 hrs) |
Scientific session II continued |
4. Dr. A. C. Anil National Institute of Oceanography Dona Paula-Goa E. mail: acanil@nio.org
5. Prof. Sanjib K. Panda Department of Life Science and Bioinformatics Assam University, Silchar E. mail: drskpanda@gmail.com
Poster Session (16.45-18:30 hrs) Derozio Foyer |
Dinner (18.30 onwards) |
Day 2: 20th February, 2015; Friday |
Key note address 2 (09:30 – 10:20 hrs) Derozio Hall |
1. Prof. Anindya Sinha Professor and Dean, Academic Affairs National Institute of Advanced Studies Indian Institute of Science Campus, India
Tea break (10:20- 10:35 hrs) |
Scientific session III (10:35-12:35 hrs) |
Emerging technologies in plant and the environment |
1. Prof. Subhra Chakraborty National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi E. mail: schakraborty@nipgr.ac.in |
2. Prof. Santanu Ray Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Shantiniketan E. mail: sray@visva-bharati.ac.in |
3. Dr. Manoj Prasad National Institute of Plant Genome Research New Delhi E. mail: manoj_prasad@nipgr.ac.in |
4. Dr. P.V. Shivaprasad National Centre for Biological Sciences GKVK Campus, Bangalore E. mail: shivaprasad@ncbs.res.in |
Lunch + Poster session (12:35-14:30 hrs) |
Scientific session IV (14:30-16:30 hrs) |
Plant development and cell signaling |
1. Prof. Usha Vijayraghavan Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology Indian Institute of Science, BangaloreE. mail: uvr@mcbl.iisc.ernet.in |
2. Prof. Sudip Chattopadhyay Department of Biotechnology National Institute of Technology, Durgapur E. mail: sudip.chattopadhyay@bt.nitdgp.ac.in |
3. Dr. Anjan K. Banerjee Biology Division Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune E. mail: akb@iiserpune.ac.in |
4. Dr. Sourav Datta Department of Biological Sciences Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal E. mail: sdatta@iiserb.ac.in |
Concluding remarks |
Vote of thanks |
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