Rahul Sankrityayan Research Symposium
RSRS (Online)-29Date:22 June 2022
Topic: Discussion on “PhD Maukhiki: Taiyari Ewam Apekshayen”
Researchers: Pooja Mishra , Priyanka Singh, Puja Prasad, Kartik Roy, Brijesh Prasad , Nidhi Gupta, Shani Kumar Chauhan.
Online Moderator: Brijesh Prasad, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-28Date:29 March 2022
Topic: Discussion on “Shodharthi Shodh Nirdeshk Sambandh”
Researchers: Pooja Mishra, Neha Chaturvedi, Priyanka Singh, Puja Prasad, Munmun Agrawal, Kartik Roy, Aradhana Shaw, Kirit Debnath, Madhumita Ojha, Brijesh Prasad, Jaiprakash Mishra, Nidhi Gupta
Online Moderator:Kartik Roy, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-27Date:23 February 2022
Topic: Discussion on “Path-(Vishleshan) Ki Bhumika Ewam Shodh Aalekh-Path”
Researchers: Pooja Mishra, Neha Chaturvedi, Priyanka Singh, Puja Prasad, Munmun Agrawal, Kartik Roy, Aradhana Shaw, Kirit Debnath, Nidhi Gupta, Madhumita Ojha, Brijesh Prasad
Online Moderator: Puja Prasad, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-26Date:26 January 2022
Topic: Discussion on “Shodh Mein Prathmik Aur Dwitiya Samgri Ewam Shodh Aalekh Path”
Pooja Mishra, Neha Chaturvedi, Priyanka Singh, Puja Prasad, Munmun Agrawal
Online Moderator: Munmun Agrawal, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-25Date:29 December 2021
Topic: Discussion on “PhD Pre- Submission Prastuti : Kyon Aur Kaise ?”
Researchers: Madhumita Ojha, Priyanka Singh, Kartik Roy, Pooja Mishra, Aradhana Shaw, Kirit Debnath, Neha Chaturvedi
Online Moderator:Neha Chaturvedi , Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-24Date:24 November 2021
Topic: Discussion on “Shahitiyik Shodh Ewam Antarvishyak Drishti”
Researchers: Kartik Roy, Pooja Mishra, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Kumari Gupta, Munmun Agrawal, Priyanka singh,
Online Moderator: Pooja Mishra, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-23Date:27 October
Topic: Discussion on “Shodh, Adhyapan Ewam Gunwatta Ka Prashn”
Researchers: Kartik Roy, Neha Chaturvedi, Kirit debnath, Pooja Shukla, Aradhana Shaw, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta
Online Moderator: Nidhi Kumari Gupta, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-22Date:29 September
Topic: Discussion on “ Shodh Samay (Kalkhand) Se Judi Chunautiyan Ewam Shodhptra - Wachan ”
Researchers: Jaiprakash Mishra, Nidhi Gupta,, Madhumita Ojha, Kartik Roy, Priyanka Singh, Aradhana Shaw
Online Moderator: Priyanka Singh, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-21Date:25 August 2021
Topic: Discussion on “Shodh Mein Upsanhar Lekhan Ewam Shodhpatra Path”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra , Puja Parasad, Kirit Debnath, Manoj Rajak, Shradha Singh
Online Moderator: Madhumita Ojha, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-20Date:28 July 2021
Topic: “ Sahityik Shodh Aur Adhyay yozna ”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Pooja Mishra, Madhumita Ojha, Neha Chaturvedi
Papers Presented by Pooja Mishra- “Bhartiya swadhinta sangram Ke Bodo Yogdan ki Pratinidhi: ThengFakhri”, Jai Prakash Mishra - “ patra sahitya : Ek Anushiln ( Vishesh sandarbh: P. Banarasidas Chaturvedi)
Online Moderator: Neha Chaturvedi, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-19Date:30 June 2021
Topic: “Shodh-Patra Wachan”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Pooja Mishra , Aradhana Saw, Nidhi Kumari Gupta, Munmun Agrawal, Kartik Roy, Brijesh Prasad, Jai Prakash Mishra
Papers Presented by Pooja Mishra- “Bhartiya swadhinta sangram Ke Bodo Yogdan ki Pratinidhi: ThengFakhri”, Jai Prakash Mishra - “patra sahitya : Ek Anushiln ( Vishesh sandarbh: P. Banarasidas Chaturvedi)
Online Moderator: Pooja Mishra, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-18Date:26 May 2021
Topic: Discussion on “ Shodh, Naya Gyan Aur Behtar Samaj ke bich Sambandh”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra , Aradhana Kumari, Purnima Mishra, Puja Parasad, Amit Singh, Nidhi Kumari Gupta
Online Moderator: Nidhi Kumari Gupta, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-17Date:21 April 2021
Topic: Discussion on “ Shodh –Aalekh Aur Aalochna : Antar w Samya ( Sandarbh –Sahitya)”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh , Aaradhana Shaw, Purnima Mishra, Puja Parasad, Nidhi Kumari Gupta, Munmun Agrawal, Brijesh Prasad, Shani Kumar Chauhan, Gautam Kumar Shaw,Anisha Singh, Gopal Soni, Ravi Pandit
Online Moderator: Priyanka Singh, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-16Date:10 March 2021
Topic: “ Shodh –Aalekh Prastuti”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Munmun Agrawal, Jai Prakash Mishra, Puja Mishra, Neha chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Brijesh Prasad
Paper Presented by Priyanka Singh – “Gadya Ki Bhasha : Ram Vilas Sharma”, Brijesh Prasad—“ Sat Bhaeeyon Ke Bich Champa Kavya sangrah Mein Stree sangharsh Aur Mukti Ka sawal.”
Online Moderator: Jai Prakash Mishra & Priyanka Singh, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-15Date:30 December 2020
Topic: Discussion on “Mera Shodh Vishay Aur Uski Kendriya Samasya-2”
Researchers: Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Manoj Rajak, Nandini Shaw, Munmun Agrawal, Nidhi Gupta.
Online Moderator: Manoj Rajak, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-14Date:16 December 2020
Topic: Discussion on “Mera Shodh Vishay Aur Uski Kendriya Samasya”
Researchers: Kirit Debnaath, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Manoj Rajak, Nandini, Munmun Agrawal.
Online Moderator: Manoj Rajak, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-13Date:02 December 2020
Topic: Discussion on “Possibilities of New Research Topics and it’s Challenges in Hindi Literature” (Hindi mein Naveen Shodh Vishyon ki Sambhavnaayein aur Chunautiyan)
Researchers: Kireet Debnaath, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Nidhi Pandey, Manoj Rajak, Jai Prakash Mishra.
Online Moderator:Kireet Debnath, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-12 Date: 18 November 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Mayank.
Paper Presented by Munmun Agrawal- First Woman Auto biography of Bangla (Aamar Jeebon): A Deliberation (Bangla bhasha ki Pahli Stree Aatm katha: Ek Vivechan)
Online Moderator: Priyanka Singh, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-11Date:04 November 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Discussion on “Possibilities of New Research Topics and it’s Challenges in Hindi Literature” (Patra Prastutikaran avam Hindi mein Naveen Shodh Vishyon ki Sambhavnaayein aur Chunautiyan)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath,Nidhi Gupta,Priyanka Singh, Pooja Mishra, Nidhi Pandey .
Paper Presented by Nidhi Gupta- Identity Crisis in the Story ‘Mohan Das’ by Uday Prakash (Uday Prakash ki Kahani ‘Mohan Das’ mein Pahchaan ka Sankat)
Online Moderator: Nidhi Gupta, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-10Date:21 October 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhna Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Amit Kumar Singh, Nidhi Pandey, Manoj Rajak.
Paper Presented by Priyanka Singh- ‘Evolution of Language, Prose and Culture ( Bhasha, Gadya aur Sabhyta ka Vikaas)’,Brijesh Prasaad- ‘Concept of Folk Literature (Lok Sahitya ki Awdhaarna)’
Online Moderator: Pooja Mishra, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-9Date:07 October 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhna Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Amit Kumar Singh, Nidhi Pandey, Jai Prakash Mishra, Manoj Rajak.
Paper Presented by Munmun Agrawal- ‘Stree ke unmukt gagan mein vicharne ki dastan: Anya se Ananya’
Online Moderator: Neha Chaturvedi, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-8Date:23September 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhana Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Pooja Mishra, Manoj Rajak, Jai Prakash Mishra, Nidhi Pandey.
Paper Presented by Jai Prakash Mishra- ‘Contributions of ‘Vishal Bharat’ in the Evolution of Hindi Journalism (Hindi Patrakarita ke Vikas mein Vishal Bharat ka Yogdaan)’, Nidhi Pandey- ‘Environmental Challenges and Government Policies (Paryavaran ki Chunautiyan aur Sarkaar ki Neetiyan)’
Online Moderator: Aradhana Shaw, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-7Date:09 th September 2020
Topic:Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Kireet Debnaath, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhana Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha, Nidhi Pandey.
Paper Presented by Kireet Debnath- ‘Writings of Narendra Kohli: Cultural Concern in Sagar- Manthan (Narendra Kohli ka Rachna Sansaar: Sagar- Manthan mein Sanskritik Chintan)’
Online Moderator: Priyanka Singh, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-6Date:26th August 2020
Topic: Paper Presentation and Conversation among Research Scholars (Patra Prastutikaran avam samvaad)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Pooja Mishra, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhna Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita
Paper Presented by Pooja Mishra- ‘Patriarchy: Meaning, Origin and Generality (Pitrasatta: Arth, Utpatti avam Vyapakta)’, Priyanka Singh- ‘ Role of Social Contradiction in the Evolution of Language, wrt reference of Ram Vilas Sharma (Bhasha ke Vikas mein Samajik Antarvirodh ki Bhumika, Sandarbh: Ram Vilas Sharma ka Bhasha Chintan, Madhumita Ojha-‘ Women in the Mirror of Reality, Reference: Novel ‘Ek Bata Do’ by Sujata (Yatharth ke Aaine mein Stree, Sandarbh: Sujata ka Upanyas ‘Ek Bata Do’)’.
Online Moderator: Madhumita Ojha, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS (Online)-5 Date: 12 August 2020
Topic: Corona Crisis: Challenges of Research (Corona Sankat: Shodh ki Chunautiyan)
Researchers: Munmun Agrawal, Pooja Mishra, Brijesh Prasad, Nidhi Gupta, Shraddha Singh, Priyanka Singh, Aradhana Shaw, Neha Chaturvedi, Madhumita Ojha.
Online Moderator: Madhumita Ojha, Research Scholar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS-4 Date: 27 Jan 2020
Topic-“ Research Articles by Scholars in 500 words on different topics, Presentation & Discussion”
Researchers: Nidhi Pandey, Puja Mishra, Kirit Debnath, Neha Chaturvedi, Shraddha Singh, Aradhana Shaw, Madhumita Ojha.
Paper Presented by Priyanka Singh- “Ramchandra Shukla Ka Sahityik Vivek”
Venue: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS-3 Date: 31 Dec 2019
Topic -“Research Articles by Scholars in 500 words on different topics, Presentation & Discussion”
Researchers: Priyanka Singh, Aradhana Shaw.
Paper Presented by Kartik Roy- “Rahul Sankrityayan ke Sahityik Awadan”
Nidhi Gupta - “Raji seth ki kahaniyon mein Dampatya jiwan”
Puja Mishra- “Mithak aur Madhvi”
NehaChaturvedi- “Krishna Bihari Mishra ke Nibandh: Samvedna ka Sankat”
Kirit Debnath- “Bhartka Abhuday”
Venue: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS -2 Date: 11 Nov 2019
Topic- “Discussion on Published Research Articles”
Researchers: Nidhi Pandey, Puja Mishra, Priyanka Singh, Kirit Debnath ,Neha Chaturvedi, Shraddha Singh, Aradhana Shaw
Venue: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
RSRS -1 Date: 7 Aug 2019
Topic - “Discussion on the Format of symposium”
Researchers: Nidhi Gupta, Puja Mishra, Priyanka Singh, Kirit Debnath , Madhumita Ojha, Neha Chaturvedi, Jaiprakash Mishra, Kartik Roy,
Venue: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture
- Dr. Rajendra Prasad Memorial Lecture -1 on “Today's Hindi Journalism” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 17 th Dec 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Ved Pratap VaidikRenowned Journalist & Columnist delivered the Lecture.
Tagore Lecture Series
· Tagore Lecture Series on “Begampur ke kavi: Sant Raidas” Organised by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 29 th July 2022 at 1pm at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar , (online with link http://meet.google.com/pyu-mjtx-zzi ) Emineat Hindi Poet-critic, Professor and Vice Chancellor of Shri Shankaracharya Professional University Prof. Sadanand Sahi delivered the Lecture.
· Tagore Lecture Series on “Hamare Samay mein Kavita” Organised by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 16 th March 2022 at 4.45pm Online with link http://meet.google.com/tsz-zfbo-yma . Eminant Hindi poet, officer Doordarshan Bhopal Nilesh Raghubanshi delivered the Lecture.
· Tagore Lecture Series on “Renu ke kathagayan ka Saundarya aur Simayein” Organised by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 4 th December 2021 at 3pm Online with link http://meet.google.com/msw-ovni-vzw . Eminent Hindi Novelist-poet, IAS officer (Jharkhand Cadre) Ranendra delivered the Lecture.
- Tagore Lecture Series on“Literature and History”organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 11 th Sep2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Vijay Bharty, Dean Arts Faculty Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
- Tagore Lecture Series on“Rabindra Literature: Different Aspects”organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 14 th Aug 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Soma Bandyopadhyay, Vice Chancellor WBUTTEPA, WB delivered the Lecture.
Panini Lecture Series under Bicentennial Ceremony
- Panini Lecture Series under Bicentennial Ceremony on “Bolti Bolia: Maa Bachaon Khatron Se” (03 Lectures) organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 21 st February, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof.Uday Narayan Singh, Eminent Linguist Former Director CIIL, Mysore delivered the Lecture.
- Panini Lecture Series under Bicentennial Ceremony on “Thoughts on Language and Grammar in India” (03 Lectures) organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 6 th February, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. V.D. Hegde, Renowned Grammarian Hindi Department, Mysore University delivered the Lecture.
- Panini Lecture Series under Bicentennial Ceremony on “Bhasha : Samajh, Sankat aur Samadhan” (03 Lectures) organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 1 st February , 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Padmashree ( Eminent Linguist ) Prof. Ganesh N. DevyMSU, Baroda, Founder- PLSI delivered the Lecture
Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series
- Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on "Old Cities, New Facades: Political Economy of Heritage Conservation in India” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 19 th Oct 2022 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Garima Dhabhai, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on "Hindi in Mauritius " organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 14 th Sept 2022 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. VedRaman Pandey,Associate Professor, Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “ICT Techniques: Some Basic Aspects” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 11 th Dec 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr.Arunashish Acharya, Secretary, Dean of Arts, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Poetry in Hindi Movie Songs” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 23 rd Oct 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Shaon Nandi, Asst. Professor, Department of Bengali, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “History of Emotions” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 10 th April 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Sajjad Alam Rizvi, Asst. Professor, Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Intersectional Feminism in Ketan Mehta's Mircha Masala ” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 27 th March 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar Dr. Purna Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of English, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Village Life of Bengal: In Bengali Prose Narratives” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 27 th Feb 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Mostak Ahmed, Asst. Professor Department of Bengali, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Mind and Language: Philosophical Perspectives” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 13 th Feb 2019 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Manoj Kumar Panda, Asst. Professor, Department of Philosophy, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Literature, Culture and Spirituality: Interrelation” ” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 15 th Nov 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Padmashree Dr. Krishna Bihari Mishra,Writer, Retired Professor, University of Calcutta delivered the Lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Prakriti, Puratatv Aur Sahitya” ” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 29 th Aug 2018 on 29 th Aug 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Swapan Chakraborty, Tagore Chair Professor English Department, Presidency University, Kolkata deliverer the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Samkalin Hindi Kavita” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 11 th June, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Rajesh Joshi, Renowned Hindi Poet, Writer, Journalist, Sahitya Academy Award Recipient deliverer the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Samkalin Hindi Kavita” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 11 th June, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Anamika , Renowned Hindi Poet, Satyawati College, English Department, Delhi University deliverer the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Rashtravaad” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 14thMarch, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof.Jagdishwar ChaturvediHindi Department, University of Calcutta delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Strivaad” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 13 th March, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof.Jagdishwar ChaturvediHindi Department, University of Calcutta delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Sahitya Se Mera Nata” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 9 th January, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Anuradha Lohia, Vice Chancellor Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Aupaniveshik Bharat mein Jan-Swasthya” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 5 th January, 2018 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Arnab Chakraborty,Research Fellow York University, USA delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Pravasi Man Aur Katha ka Daiaspora” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 12 th April, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Alka Saraogi, Eminent Hindi Writer delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Hindi Language & Literature: Between Domestic Tongue & Global Language” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 10 th April, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Heinz Werner Wessle Department of Linguistics & Philology, Uppsala University, Sweden delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Who is the Child on Stage? Understanding Childhood Through Theatrical Productions” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 5 th April, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Hia Sen, Assistant Professor Sociology Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Hijab, the Search for Freedom, and the Meaning of Rebellion: The Case of Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 29 th March, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Shuhita Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor English Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “New Poetry and ‘Manjhi ka Pul’: Via Jnanpith Awarded Poet Kedarnath Singh” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 8 th March, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Ved Raman Pandey, Associate Professor Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “India and Pakistan: State- Society relations” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 2 nd March, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Satyabrat Sinha, Assistant Professor Political Science Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Forgetting Grandma: A tale of Fading Memories” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 8 th February, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Piyali Mukherjee, Assistant Professor Life Sciences Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Mahabharata: History or Fiction?” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 2 nd February, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Som Shankar, Assistant Professor History Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Games with Karma: Indian Board Games as a Commentary on Life” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 2 nd February, 2017 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Souvik Mukherjee, Assistant Professor English Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Jewish Contributions to Hindi Literature and their portrayal in it” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 21 st October, 2016 at Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr.Navaras Jaat Aafreedi, Assistant Professor History Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Criticism in the New Century: Ismat Chughtai’s ‘Lihaaf’ and its Discontents” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 16 th September, 2016 at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Anupama Mohan, Assistant Professor English Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Cartoon in the Hindi Literary Sphere, 1900-1940” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 9 th September, 2016 at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Prabhat Kumar, Assistant Professor History Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “History and Understanding of the theory” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 2 nd September, 2016 at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Somen Mukherjee, Assistant Professor History Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Contemporary Manipuri Poetry” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 26 th August, 2016 at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Prof. Tanuja Majumdar, Head of the Department Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
· Premchand Interdisciplinary Lecture Series on “Modernity and Postmodernism” organized by Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata on 19 th August, 2016 at Rajendra Prasad Sabhagar. Dr. Ved Raman Pandey, Assistant Professor Hindi Department, Presidency University, Kolkata delivered the lecture.
National & International Seminars / Workshops
- One day International Seminar on ‘Literary Works and Translation- Challenges and Possibilities’ was organized by the Department of Hindi, Presidency University on 25 th January, 2024 at A.K. Basak Auditorium. Eminent author, artist, Hindi-Urdu Translator and winner of the International Booker Prize for the translation of Geetanjali Shree’s ‘Tomb of Sand’, Daisy Rockwell delivered a lecture as chief guest.
- One day UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘CONTEMPORARY INDIAN TRIBAL LITERATURE’wasorganized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages,Department of Hindi, Presidency University on 30 th March 2015 at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium. Shri Ranendra, Eminent Tribal Writer from Jharkhand was Chief Guest. Subodh Hansda, Eminent Santhali Writer and member of Sahitya Academy was invited as special guest. Subodh Hansda delivered his Keynote Address on ‘Special Features of Contemporary Indian Tribal Literature’. Ranendra delivered his lecture on contemporary tribal literature, emphasizing on tribal problems, their social insecurity and also discussed about his two novels ‘Global Gawn Ke Dewta’ and ‘Gayab Hota Desh’. Sahitya Academy Award winner Santhali Writer from Purulia Jamadar Kisku discussed on his award winning Santhali Play ‘Malamundam’ and tribal culture. Another Sahitya Academy Award winner Santhali writer Badal Hembrom delivered a lecture on Tribal Culture in Bengali. Ex. Pro-vice Chancellor of S.K.M. University, Dumka, Prof. Promodini Hansda chaired the second session and discussed on tribal challenges. She also mentioned endangered situation of tribal existence. Dr. Suresh Jagannadham from Council for Social Development, Hyderabad delivered his lecture on tribal culture and literature of Arku Ghati with visual clippings having tribal Songs of seasons and slang expressions. Dr. Chakradhar Pradhan, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Hooghly Mohasin Govt. College delivered a lecture on Gond tribe and their culture, saga of tribal God ‘Jagannath’ as ‘Nilmadhab’ which was really interesting treasure of tribal literature. Krishna Mohan Singh Munda delivered a lecture on contemporary tribal literature & culture. Dr. Ranbir Sumedh Bhagwan, Assistant Professor, Department of Marathi, Visva Bharati focused the tribal society of Maharastra and their philosophy of life. Dr. Arjun Kumar, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Visva Bharati delivered a lecture on tribal expression in Hindi Literature and about their community and acquaintance with nature. Dr. Sucheta Kujur, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Jalan Girls College, Kolkata discussed emerging problems in Tribal Literature.
- One day UGC sponsored National Conference on ‘ INFLUENCE OF FOLK LIFE AND CULTURE ON INDIAN LITERATURE : WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BENGALI, HINDI & ENGLISH LITERATURE’ was jointly organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Department of Hindi, Presidency University and Netaji Subhas Ashram Mahavidyalaya, Suisa, Purulia on 20 th March 2015 at Suisa, Purulia, West Bengal.
- Two days National Seminaron ‘DIALECTS & IDENTITY CRISIS’ was jointly organized by Department of Hindi, Presidency University and Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore on 23 rd February 2015 and 24 th February 2015 at A.J.C. Bose Auditorium, Presidency University. Keynote address was delivered by Prof. Manager Pandey, Eminent Literary Critic & Former Chairperson CIL & CS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in Inaugural session. Other invited dignities were Prof. Uday Narayan Singh, Eminent Linguist, Ex-Pro-Vice Chancellor, Viswa Bharati & Former Director CIIL, Mysore and Prof. S. Imtiaz Hasnain, Eminent Socio-Linguist, Department of Linguistics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The second session of the seminar was chaired by Prof. Udaya Kumar Chakraborty, Professor & Head, Bengali Department, JadavpurUniversity. Social Activist and Writer Vandana Tete delivered a lecture on ‘Dialects and Identity Crisis in Context of Tribal Society and Tribal Literature of Jharkhand’. Dr. Ganga Sahay Meena, Assistant Professor, CIIL & CS, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi delivered lecture on ‘Globalization & Threats on Indian Languages, in contest of Tribal Languages’. Dr. Chakradhar Tripathi, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Hoogly Mohasin Govt. College delivered a lecture on dialects of Sambhalpur, Orissa. The third session of the seminar was chaired by Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi, Professor, Hindi Department, Calcutta University. Dr. Vaibhav Singh, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, Dayal Singh College, New Delhi discussed on ‘Nationality and Dialects’. Dr. Arimardan Kumar Tripathi, Assistant Professor, Hindi Department, North Hill University, Shilong discussed Compressed Expression in Wider Communication. The forth session of the Seminar on 24 th February, 2015 was chaired by Prof. Chandrakala Pandey, Professor & former Head, Hindi Department, Calcutta University. Social Activist from Ranchi Sri A.K. Pankaj expressed his views on Tribal Dialects and Culture. Dr. Aditi Ghosh, Assistant Professor, Linguistics Department, Calcutta University delivered lecture on ‘Multilingualism and the Nation’. Dr. Bikash Kanti Middya, Associate Professor, Bengali Department, Rabindra Bharati University focused on ‘Language in Bengali Rituals’. Dr. Madhura Damle, Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Presidency University delivered a lecture on ‘Defining ‘Dialect’ : A Survey of Linguistic Survey of India’.Dr. Ajay Kumar Shaw, Head, Hindi Department, Siliguri Mahavidyalay, Siliguri, Darjling presented a paper on ‘ Women Dialects & Questions of Identity’.The fifth session of the Seminar was chaired by Prof. Ipshita Chanda, Professor, Comparative Literature Department, Jadavpur University. In this Session over 14 Research Scholars presented Papers. Prof. Manager Pandey delivered the concluding Lecture of the seminar.
- One day UGC sponsored National Seminar on “CONTEMPORARY INDIAN POETRY” was organized by Department of Hindi, Presidency University on 24th December, 2014 at A.J.C. Bose auditorium. It was inaugurated by Prof. Anuradha Lohia , Vice Chancellor, Presidency University,. The Eminent Bengali Poet Nirendranath Chakraborty was invited as Chief Guest. Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Anuradha Lohia felicitated Nirendranath Chakraborty on this occasion. Prof. Aveek Majumdar, Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University gave a Lecture on the work and contribution of Nirendranath Chakraborty in the field of Bengali Poetry as well as in Indian Poetry. Kedarnath Singh, Gyanpith Award winner Hindi Poet and Emeritus Professor, Department of Hindi, Jawaharlal Nehru University gave Keynote Address in the inaugural session. The department was enough fortunate of having Poetry Reading Session at inaugural session. Hindi Poet Kedarnath Singh, Bengali Poet Aveek Majumdar, Assamese Poet Nilim Kumar, Hindi Poet Arun Kamal, Bhojpuri Poet Mritunjay Kumar Singh, Santhali Poet Sarada Prasad Kishku recited their poems in honour of Nirendranath Chakraborty. Nirendranath Chakraborty also recited his poems, which was really inspiring for all. Sahitya Academy Award Winner Sanskrit Poet Sitanath Acharya was also invited on this occasion. The first session was chaired by eminent Assamese Poet Nilim Kumar. Prof. Gopadutta Bhaumik, Professor, Bengali Department, Jadavpur University & former Vice Chancellor, Gour Banga University presented a paper on ‘Myth of contemporary Bengali Poetry’. Prof John Jantu Soren Professor, Santhali Department, Ranchi University presented paper on ‘Contemporary Santhali Poetry’. Sarada Prasad Kishku, eminent Santhali poet presented a paper on ‘Santhali Poetry and its Present Perspective’. Assamese poet Nilim Kumar highlighted the special features of Contemporary Assamese Poetry in his presiding lecture. The second session was chaired by Prof. Sisir Kumar Sinha, Professor & Former Head, Bengali Department, Tripura University. This session had a discussion on mainly contemporary Oriya, Kokborak & Sanskrit Poetry. Prof. Sitanath Acharya, Sahitya Academy Award Winner eminent Sanskrit poet & Emeritus Professor, Sanskrit Department, Calcutta University presented a paper on ‘Contemporary Sanskrit Poetry’. Prof. Chandrakala Pandey, Professor & former Head, Hindi Department, Calcutta University presented a paper on ‘Contemporary Kokborak Poetry of Tripura’. Prof. Rabindranath Mishra, Professor, Hindi Department, Visva Bharati, presented a paper on ‘Contemporary Oriya Poetry’. The third & last session was mainly based on Urdu, Hindi & Bhojpuri Poetry. Prof. Suman Gun, Professor & Head, Comparative Literature Department, Assam University, Silchar chaired the session. Prof. Arun Kamal, Professor, English Department, Patna University and eminent Hindi Poet portrayed the features of Contemporary Hindi Poetry. Prof. Shanaz Navi, Professor and Head, Urdu department, Calcutta University presented a paper on ‘Contemporary Urdu Poetry on Perspective of Women’. Prof. Shivnath Pandey, Professor & Head, Hindi Department, Hoogly Mohasin College enlightened the audience on Contemporary Bhojpuri Poetry.
- One day National Workshop on ‘MOTHER TONGUES : MARGINALIZED LANGUAGES-CULTURES OF WEST BENGAL’ was jointly organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University and Comparative Literature Department, Jadavpur University & North-Bengal University on 13 th March, 2014 at North-Bengal University, Siliguri. Prof. Ganesh Devi, Prof. B.P. Kesari, Prof. Giridhariram Ganjhu, Prof. Dipak Roy were the distinguished Speakers. The workshop mainly focused on the development of Sadri language of North Bengal. Faculty members of Language departments of North Bengal University and students attended the day long workshop.
- One day International Seminar on ‘ CONTEMPORARY POETRY OF PAKISTAN AND VIETNAM’ was organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 7 th February, 2014 . Seven Vietnamese poets and three Pakistani poets attended the seminar.
- Two days National Seminar on ‘ The Voice of Enlightenment : Remembering Ram Vilas Sharma’ on the occasion of Birth Centenary of Ramvilas Sharmajointly organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University and Central Hindi Institute, Agra, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India on 14 th & 15thFebruary, 2013 at AJC Bose Auditorium of Presidency University,Prof. Hideaki Ishida, Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan; Udayprakash, Eminent Hindi Writer; Dr. Vijay Mohan Sharma, son of Ramvilas Sharma and Prof. Mohan, Director of Central Hindi Institute were the chief speakers.Prof. Damodar Mishra, Hindi Department, Vidyasagar University: Dr. Subhach Chandra Ray, Hindi Bhawan, Visva Bharati; Dr. Arjun Kumar, Hindi Bhavan, Visva Bharati; Dr. Sanjay Jaisval, Hindi Department Visva Bharati; Dr. Manoj Shukla, Goyenka College of Commerce were also invited as Speakers. 20 research papers were presented in the seminar by the college teachers of Kolkata, Kharagpur & Jalpaiguri. A Documentary Film on Ramvilas Sharma was also shown in this seminar.
- One day UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘ The Song of the Phynix : Remembering Saadat Hasan Manto’ on the occasion of Birth Centenary of S. H. Manto organized jointly by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University and Center of Advanced Study, Comparative Literature Department of Jadavpur University on 21 st January, 2013 at AJC Bose Auditorium of Presidency University , Prof. Harish Trivedy, English Department, Delhi University; Prof. Abdul Bismillaha, Hindi Department, Jamia Millia Islamia University; Prof. Arun Kamal, English Department, Patna University, Prof. Chandrakala Pandey, Calcutta University, Prof. Sucheta Bhattacharya, Comparative Literature Department of Jadavpur University Prof. Ipsita Chanda, Comparative Literature Department of Jadavpur University; Prof. Kunal Chattopadhayay, Comparative Literature Department, Jadavpur University; Bilal Hashmi, Mc Craken Fellow, Comparative Literature Department, New York University, USA; & Mostak Ahmad, Bengali Department, Presidency University were the speakers of the Seminar.
- .Two days National Seminar on ‘Globalization & Literature’ organized byGandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 11 th & 12 th January, 2012 at AJC Bose Auditorium of Presidency University. The seminar was inaugurated by the Honourable Vice Chancellor Prof. Malabika Sarkar. Prof.Mesbah Kamal,History Deptt, Dhaka University delivered Keynote Address. Lectures were delivered by Prof. Tyler W.William, Hindi Department, Columbia University, USA; Dr. Rajashree Shukla, Hindi Deptt, Calcutta University; Prof. Chakradhar Tripathi, Hindi Department, Visva Bharati; Prof. Sheela Misra, Hindi Department, Osmania University; Prof. Dilip Kumar Barua, English Department, Burdwan University; Prof. Sucharita Chattopadhyay, Comparative Literature Department, Jadavpur University; Dr. Indrani Das, English & Other European Languages Department, Visva Bharati; Dr. Debashish Bandyopadhyay, English Department, Presidency University; Prof. Suman Gun, Bengali Department, Assam University, Silchar; Dr. Dipankar Mullick, Bengali Department, Ramkrishna Mission Vidya Mandir, Belur; Dr.Manjusree Mukhopadhyay, Bengali Department, Presidency University ; Dr. Shraboni Ray, Bengali Department, Presidency University were invited as Speakers. Local participants presented 17 research papers in the seminar.
- One day International Seminar on ‘Contemporary Literature of Vietnam’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 28 th January, 2011 at Presidency University in association with Vietnam Writers Association of Hanoi, Vietnam. Eminent Novelist & Short Stories Writer Phamtrung Di Nh was invited as Chief Guest. He is also Director of Publishing House ‘Hoi Nha Van’ and a member of the Executive Committee of Vietnam Writers Association. Ms. Tranthi Troung the Novelist , Short Stories Writer & Journalist from Hanoi, Vietnam ; Ms. Dothi Tac, the Poetess & President of Association of Art & Literature of Lai Chau Province, Vietnam and Dr. Do Thu Ha, Professor, Faculty of Oriental Studies and Dean of Vietnam National University, Hanoi were invited as speakers.
- The Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata organized a Seminar on ‘ Translation of Tagore’s Geetanjali in Tripuri Tribal Language Kokborak’ on 14th January 2015.Key Speaker was Chandrakant Murasingh, Sahitya Academy Award Winner Eminent Kokborak Poet of Tripura. The Special Event of the programme was a presentation of Rabindra Sangeet in Kokborak Language at A. J. C Bose Auditorium, Presidency University, Kolkata.
The Department of Hindi, Presidency University, Kolkata
organised a Seminar
on ‘ Journalism : Linguistic Challenges’ on 9 th December 2014. Prof. Samir Goswami, Principal, Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan of Journalism; Ashoke Sengupta, Special Correspondent, Ananda Bazar Patrika; and Dr. Abhigyat, News Editor, Sanmarg were distinguished speakers.
- Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Department of Hindi, Presidency University organized aSeminar on‘The Problems of Translation of Classical Poetry : Kalidas’s Meghdoot’on 17 th September, 2014.The Key Speaker was Mrintyunjay Singh, IPS, DIG, & the Translator of Meghdoot in Hindi. The seminar was followed by a dance performance on ‘Meghdoot’ by famous Odisi Dancer Debamitra Sengupta & Group.
- Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Department of Hindi, Presidency University organized a seminar on ‘Kavita Se Sarokar’ on 28th August 2014 . Jyanpith Award Winner (2013) Hindi Poet Kedarnath Singh was invited as Key Speaker. Prof. Anuradha Lohia, Vice Chancellor, Presidency UniversityfelicitatedKedarnath Singh on this occasion. Kedarnath Singh delivered a lecture on ‘Poetry & I’ on this occasion.
- The Department of Hindi, Presidency University organized a seminar on ‘The Nath Sampraday & Hindi Literature’on 25th August, 2014 . Ms. Christine Marrewa Karwoski, Research Scholar of Middle East South Asian and African Studies at Columbia University, New York, USAand Fulbright Haysscholarship fellow in India was invited as Speaker. Prof. Chandrakala Pandey, Professor & Former Head, Hindi Department, Calcutta University chaired the seminar.
- The Department of Hindi, Presidency University organized a seminar on‘The Bazaar and the Bari : Calcutta, Marwaris and the World of Hindi Letters’on 22nd August, 2014. Dr. Rahul Parson, Resident Director of the Hindi Program of American Institute of Indian Studies (AIIS), Jaipur was key Speaker. Sahitya Academy Award Winner Eminent Hindi Novelist Alka Sarawagi was also invited as special guest on this occasion. Prof. Anuradha Lohia, Vice Chancellor, Presidency University chaired the seminar.
- Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department organized a Seminar on ‘Political Terrorism in North-Eastern Literature : Reflection & Impact’ on 8 th January, 2014. Prof. Pabitra Sarkar, Former Vice Chancellor of Rabindra Bharati University, Prof. Himadri Banerjee, Guru Nanak Professor, History Department, Jadavpur University, Shri Gautam Prasad Barua, Eminent Business Economist & Writer and Shri Debashis Chakraborty, Trade Adviser, Govt. of Assam were invited as Speakers.
- Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department organized a seminar on ‘ Renaissance and Language Controversy’ on 19 th September, 2013. Dr. Bajrang Bihari Tiwari, Associate Professor,Department of Hindi, Deshbandhu College, New Delhi and eminent Hindi Writer Prafulla Kolkhayan were invited as Speakers.
Memorial Lecture Series
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘The Indian Renaissance and Vivekanda’ organized byGandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 10 th January, 2014 . Prof. G. Gopinathan, Former Vice Chancellor of Mahatma Gandhi Antrrashtriya Hindi Vishvavidyalaya, Wardha delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Cinema of Bangladesh : A Different Trend’ organized byGandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 20 th September, 2013 . Tanvir Mokammel, Filmmaker and Director of Bangladesh Film Centre and Bangladesh Film Institute delivered the Lecture. The film ‘Rabeya’ directed by Tanvir Mokammel was also screened on the occasion.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘The Classical Ragas in Tagore’s Songs of Season’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 6 th September, 2013. Dr. Indrani Sen, an eminent exponent of Rabindrasangeet and Najrulgeeti delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘The Indian State and Communalism’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 30 th August, 2013 . Vibhuti Narayan Rai, Vice Chancellor of Antrarashtriya Mahatma Gandhi Hindi Vishvavidyala and eminent Hindi Novlist delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Family Honour & Women Killing’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on14 th December, 2012. Prof. Maleca Begum from Central Women University, Dacca, Bangladesh, delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Development of Consumerism & Capitalism in American Society’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on30 th November, 2012. Dr. Garey Vender from Bostan University, USA delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Development of Korean Language by Missionaries in South Korea’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 7 th September, 2012. Dr. Sung Min Park, Vice President, The King’s College, New York, USA delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Main Aspects and Trends of Bangladeshi Literautre’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 3 rd September, 2012. Eminent Bangladeshi Writer Sallina Hussain, Director of Bangla Academy, Dhakha, Bangladesh and representative of Bangladesh in UNESCO delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘United Voices Raised Against Communalism & Fundamentalism In Bangladesh’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on 29 th August, 2011. Noted Bangladeshi writer and film maker Tanveer Mokammel delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Correction management by Alternative System of Medicine and Gandhian Way : A Ray of Life’ organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Language, Hindi Department, Presidency Universityon15 th February, 2011. Dr. Manju Agarwal, Consultant Naturopath of Central Jail, Tihar, New Delhi and Visiting Professor in Naturopathy, Akhil Bharatiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad, Delhi delivered the Lecture.
- Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Lecture on ‘Development of Santhali Literature & Language’ was organized by Gandhi Centre for North-Eastern Languages, Hindi Department, Presidency University on22 nd December, 2010. The famous Santhali writer and Guest Professor in Santhali, Rabindra Bharati University, Shri Subodh Hansda delivered the Lecture.
Invited Talks
- Dr. Rustam Rai, Assistant Director, Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India delivered a lecture on ‘ Nature of Administrative Hindi, Rajbhasha ' on 3 rd March, 2015.
- Dr. Rustam Rai, Assistant Director, Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India delivered a lecture on ‘ Implementation of Official Language' on 25 th February, 2015.
- Dr. Vinod Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi, West Bengal State University delivered a lecture on ‘Research Methodologyon 13 th February, 2015 .
- Dr. Ram Nivas, Deputy Director, Central Hindi Directorate, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi delivered a lecture on ‘Raj Bhasha Niti’ on 23rd December, 2014.
- Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi,Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University delivered a lecture on ‘Problems of Social Media’ on 23rd December, 2014.
- Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi,Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University delivered a lecture on ‘Media : Language & Concept’ on 22nd December, 2014.
- Prof. Jagadishwar Chaturvedi, Eminent Scholar on Media & Professor , Department of Hindi, Calcutta University delivered a lecture on ‘Challenges of Electronic Media’ on 19th December, 2014.
- Prof. Rita Chatterjee, Professor, Department of Sanskrit, Jadavpur University delivered a lecture on ‘ Modern Sanskrit Literature: Tradition & Innovation’ on 18 th December, 2014.
- Prof. Mohan Naimishray, Eminent Hindi Dalit Writer & Associate Professor, Department of Hindi, Indira Gandhi Open University, New Delhi delivered a lecture on ‘ Dalit Vimarsh : Dalit Sahitya : Dalit Andolan’ on 21 st November, 2014.
- Prof. Mou Das Gupta, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Sanskrit, Calcutta University delivered a Lecture on ‘ Translation & Tran creation : Hazari Prasad Dwivedi’s novel ‘Anam Das Ka Potha’ on 14th November 2014.
- Prof. Ipshita Chand a, Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur University delivered a Lecture on Rabindranath and Nirala : A Comparative Study’ on 12th November, 2014.
- Prof. Arun Kamal, Eminent Hindi Poet & Professor, Department of English, Patna University delivered a lecture on ‘The Relevance of Literature in 21st Century’ on 24th September, 2014.
- Prof. Vinod Kumar Mishra, Head, Department of Hindi, Tripura University delivered a Lecture on ‘ The Status of Hindi in North-Eastern India’ on 28 th April, 2014 .
- Prof. Sheonath Pandey, Head, Department of Hindi, Hoogly Mohasin College delivered a Lecture on ‘The Relevance of Bhakti Kavya of Hindi Literature’ on 25th April, 2014.
- Prof. Rajshree Shukla, Associate Professor, Department of Hindi, Calcutta University delivered a Lecture on ‘The Poetry of Shamsher and Hindi Poetry’ on 23 rd April, 2014.
- Prof. Mohan P.B., Department of English, Cochin University, delivered a Lecture on ‘Communicative English’ on 12 th March, 2014.
- Prof. Shashindran Poovar, Emeritus Professor, Department of Hindi, Govt.Arts & Science College, Calicut delivered a Lecture on ‘Women Discourse in Malyalam Novels’ on 11 th March, 2014.
- Prof. Malati, Former Head, Department of Hindi, Govt. Arts & Science College, Calicut, Kerala delivered a Lecture on ‘Women Discourse in Hindi Literature’ on 10 th January, 2014.
- Dr. Rahul Pandey, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi & Modern Indian Language, University of Lukhnow delivered a Lecture on ‘Women Discourse and Poetics’ on 6 th January, 2014.
- Prof. Kailash Devi Singh, Professor & Former Head, Department of Hindi & Modern Indian Language, University of Lukhnow delivered a Lecture on ‘The Impact of Hindi Bhakti Sahitya on Society’ on 4th December, 2013.
- Dr. Prashant Kumar Mridha, Assistant Professor, Department of Bangla, Biyanibazar Govt. College, Sylhet, Bangladesh delivered a Lecture on ‘The Trends of Contemporary Literature of Bangladesh’ on 25 th November, 2013.
- Dr. Farjana Siddika, Associate Professor, Department of Bangla, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh delivered a Lecture on‘ The Role and Impacts of Hindi on Social Life of Bangladesh’ on 25 th November, 2013.
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