Advertisement for Walk-in Interview for a Project Fellow/ Associate Position for an UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) funded project.
Applications are invited from motivated and eligible Indian citizens for a position of Project Fellow / Associate in a UGC-DAE CSR (Kolkata) sponsored research project entitled " Synthesis and study of novel semiconductor materials through ion beam irradiation " under the supervision of Dr. Debasish Datta, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Details of designations, requirements and fellowship rates are given below:
Designation |
Remuneration |
Minimum Qualifications |
Project Fellow |
Rs 14,000/pm + HRA |
2nd Class M.Sc with a minimum of 55% marks in Physics |
Rs 16,000/- pm + HRA |
After 2 years as a Project Fellow, if the research work is found satisfactory on assessment (by a 3 member expert committee with an external member) with at least one research paper in a reputed journal out of the work done under the project. |
Project Associate-I |
Rs 25,000/- pm + HRA |
2nd Class M.Sc in Physics with a minimum of 55% marks in the subject concerned + GATE / NET-JRF / Lectureship (UGC-CSIR joint test ) / SLET |
Project Associate-Il |
Rs 28,000/- pm + HRA |
After 2 years as a Project Associate-L If the research work is found satisfactory on assessment (by a 3 member expert committee with an external member) with at least one research paper in a reputed journal out of the work done under the project. |
Following qualifications are desirable but not mandatory:
a) Previous research experience in experimental material science (material synthesis and characterization) and good programming skills with experience in data analysis and/or simulations.
b) Good oral and written communication skills in English.
Tenure of project: The position is for a fixed-term period of one year and extendable up to three years.
Application process: Please bring the photo-copies of the following documents and originals with you on July 19th, 2019 (12:30 P. M.) at the Department of Physics, Baker Building, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073.
1. A brief account of the applicant's research interests and motivation for applying for the position
2. CV
3. Master’s dissertation (if any)
4. Transcripts and/or diplomas showing completion of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees, or official confirmation that the Master's thesis has been submitted.
5. Relevant certificates/references.
6. Any publications in your name.
You need to email your current CV and one page write-up about your own research vision along with the name of at least one referee (someone who can provide feedback on your academic background) to the PI (debasish.physics@presiuniv.ac.in) by July 15th, 2019.
1. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
2. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of UGC, Govt. of India and Presidency University, Kolkata.
For further details please contact the PI via email.
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