Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
Applications are invited for two Junior Research Fellows (JRFs) for DST funded project entitled “Development of methodology for bathymetry of inland water using hyperspectral remote sensing technique” awarded to Dr. Barun Raychaudhuri, Department of Physics.
Post: Two Junior Research Fellows.
Project Duration: Total 3 years subject to availability of fund and satisfactory research progress.
Fellowship: Rs.25,000 + HRA for 1st & 2nd years and Rs. 28,000 + HRA for 3rd year as per DST guidelines.
Eligibility: First class M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Physics/Electronics or equivalent and a valid rank in CSIR/UGC NET JRF/LS or as per DST-SERB Office Memorandum No. SB/S9/Z-01/2015 dated: 07 January, 2015.
Date & Time of Interview: A walk-in interview will be held on the 29th July, 2016 (Friday) at 11 AM at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata-700073. All interested candidates are requested to appear at the interview with the following documents.
1. Application on plain paper with detailed CV
2. All relevant certificates: both originals and self-attested photocopies
Candidates may also send in advance the soft copy of the CV to Dr. Barun Raychaudhuri, PI of the project to email ID: barun.physics@presiuniv.ac.in
Candidates are requested to reach the venue at 10:30 AM. No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.
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