Advertisement Inviting Applications for Position of JRF in DST-SERB Funded Research Project at the Department Of Life Sciences dated 09/02/2021
Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in DST-SERB funded research project entitled “ Investigating Role of Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) in Lymphoid Leukemogenesis and Reversion-Towards an alternative approach to the battle against Paediatric Leukaemia ” at the laboratory of Dr. Sutapa Saha, Department of Life Sciences (Molecular Biology Section), Presidency University, Kolkata.
Application process: The candidate must fill in their details through the following link latest by 16th February 2021.
Through the above link, you will also have to upload a PDF file (max. File size 10 Mb) named as " JRF-SS-Lab-2021-Your name-Surname " with the following details in stipulated order-
i) Updated CV with e-mail ID (preferably gmail), mobile number, date of birth, and details of qualifications i.e. examination passed, year, division, percentage of marks from Secondary onwards, research experience, publications, and latest passport size photograph
ii) Scanned copies of B.Sc. & M.Sc. Mark sheets
iii) NET/GATE score cards or qualification certificates, if any
Date and Venue of Interview : 18th February 2021, in online platform (Zoom/Google meet). Exact time and link will be communicated to shortlisted candidates, by 17th February 2021.
Eligibility Criteria :
i) M.Sc or equivalent in any discipline of Life Sciences (Biochemistry/Microbiology/Genetics/Botany/Zoology/Physiology etc.) with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA (6.0).
ii) Candidates who have qualified CSIR-UGC NET (including LS) would be highly preferred for the position
Desirable Skills/ Qualities :
i) Previous experience in mammalian cell/tissue culture.
ii) Previous experience in molecular biology/microscopy/recombinant DNA technology related tools and techniques
iii) Sound knowledge of MS Office and other basic computer operations.
iv) Competence in Scientific Communications
v) Commitment and Perseverance to excel in the field of research.
Duration of project : Three years or duration of the project (subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds)
Amount of Fellowship:
Rs.31,000/- for 1st & 2nd year +24% HRA
Rs.35,000/- from 3rd year +24% HRA
PhD Enrolment : The selected candidate may be allowed to enroll for the Ph.D. program as per university rules and subject to satisfactory performance.
Terms and conditions:
1. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of the DST-SERB and Presidency University Kolkata.
2. The above position is purely contractual and is for the duration of the project only. Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim any regular appointments/absorption in this institute.
3. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
4. Candidates will not be entertained after said online interview slot, except in case of any exigency the decision of the selection committee will be final and binding on the candidates.
5. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
For further details please contact:
Dr. Sutapa Saha (PI) email: sutapa.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
Department of Life Sciences (Molecular Biology Section)
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