A walk in interview for a research scholar dated.22/08/2019
A walk in interview for a research scholar: Applicants are invited for a walk in interview for the post of research scholar in DST funded project 'Lamellipodia, filopodia; either or both?'
Minimum qualification: 55% in M.Sc. (any biological science course); NET LS
Desirable: Dedicated, responsible and wants to work really hard; NET UGC/CSIR
Job description: We'll try to characterize protrusions during collective cell migration. We will also be working on the mechanism of protrusion formation with special emphasis on actin binding proteins. We will use border cell migration during drosophila ovary development as a model. The work will involve mainly genetics & microscopy with a little biochemistry and molecular biology.
Project duration: About 3 years or duration of grant (subject to performance)
Fellowship: JRF @31,000.00 (first 2 years); SRF @ 35,000.00 (last year) + 24% HRA per month
Application process: Please bring with you on 27/08/2019 (02:30PM) at Dept of Life Sciences (Old Zoology), Baker Building, 2nd floor, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073.
- your updated CV
- one page write up detailing your vision on research
◦ email the CV and write up at pralay.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in if possible
For details on our total lab work please visit https://pralay.weebly.com/
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