A walk interview for research scholar dated.12-07-2019
A walk interview for research scholar: Applicants are invited for a walk in interview for the post of research scholars in DBT funded project Par1 and Sgg: un-tango-ling microtubule regulation'.
(1) JRF (One, funded through grant);
(2) JRF (One, JRF with own fellowship)
Minimum qualification:
(1) 55% in M.Sc. (any biological science course), NET LS;
(2) 55% in M.Sc. (any biological science course), CSIR/UGC NET
Desirable: Dedicated, responsible and wants to work really hard; prior experience with Drosophila.
Job description: We'll try to understand the role of Par-1 and Sgg, focussing especially on mechanism of regulation of microtubule binding proteins. We will use border cell migration during drosophila ovary development as a model. The work will involve mainly genetics & microscopy with a little biochemistry and molecular biology.
Project duration:
(1) About 3 years or duration of grant (subject to performance)
(2) Junior Research Fellow – duration of the individual fellowship period (ususally 5 years)
Fellowship: JRF @31,000.00; SRF @ 35,000.00 + 24% HRA per month
Application process: Please bring with you on 19/07/2019 (12:30PM) at Dept of Life Sciences (Old Zoology), Baker Building, 2nd floor, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073.
- your updated CV
- one page write up detailing your vision on research
◦ email the CV and write up at pralay.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in if possible
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