Advertisement inviting applications for the position of Fellow/Project Research Scientist I in ICMR funded Project at the Institute of Health Sciences Date: 12/06/2024
Applications are invited from motivated and eligible Indian citizens for the position of Fellow/Project Research Scientist I (Non-medical) in the ICMR-sponsored research project entitled “Development of PCL-PMMA nanofiber reinforced composites and profiling of their oral microbiome for dental applications”, under the supervision of Dr. Paulomi Ghosh [Principal Investigator (PI), Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata]; and Dr. Utpal Bakshi [Co Principal Investigator (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata].
Date and Time of Interview:Friday, June 28, 2024. The interview will be conducted in online mode from 11:30 a.m. onwards. Candidates are requested to report at least 15 minutes earlier. The link to join the interview will be forwarded to shortlisted applicants by email.
Application process: The candidate must email the following documents to the Co-PI (utpal.ihs@presiuniv.ac.in) before June 25, 2024.
i) Current CV including their contact number and email address.
ii) Name and email ID or phone number of at least one referee, who can provide feedback on their academic background,
iii) Scanned copies of their mark sheets/certificates and a Government-issued photo identity proof.
Minimum Educational Qualifications Required: Ph.D. in Computer Science/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Life Sciences with a) proficiency in R or Python, b) understanding of HPC system, and c) working knowledge of next-generation sequencing data analysis. Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis may also apply along with proof of thesis submission.
The following qualifications are desirable but not mandatory:
a) Previous research experience in projects related to microbiome/metagenome/NGS data analysis.
b) Evidence of good oral and written communication skills in English through presentation.
Job description: The fellow will be responsible for the sampling and analysis of the microbiome data. The fellow will take part in publishing the scientific findings in reputed peer-reviewed international journals. He/she is encouraged to set up collaborations with other members of the department at Presidency University.
Duration of project:Three years.
Tenure of Assignment:Three years subject to the availability of funds by the funding agency.
Rs. 56000 + Rs. 15120 (27%HRA) = Rs. 71,120 per month
1. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
2. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of DST-SERB and Presidency University Kolkata.
3. Students should provide the original certificates and mark sheets in support of educational qualifications at the time of joining for verification.
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