Advertisement for the position of Visiting Language Instructor for Persian Language (Level Two) at the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata dated 20/12/2019
A walk in interview will be held at the Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata 700073 on 03.01.2020, 12 noon onwards for one (1) position of Visiting Language Instructor to teach a Postgraduate course in the Even semester 2019-20.
Course Title & Level: Language: Persian (Level Two)
Course Duration: Even Semester 2019-20 (total number of lectures as extant norms of per Presidency University)
Essential Qualification (s):
1. MA in Persian with at least 55% marks
2. The candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC (CSIR) or similar test accredited by the UGC like NET/SLET/SET
Desirable Qualifications:
1. PhD under UGC Regulations of 2009. The candidates who have been awarded Ph.D degree in the same or in a relevant subject in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for award of PhD degree) Regulations, 2009 are exempted from qualifying in the Eligibility Test (NET/SLET/SET)
2. Two years of teaching experience in a substantive teaching position
The interview will be held in the Department of History’s Computer Lab (2nd floor of the main building). No TA will be paid for appearing in the interview. All interested candidates are requested to come to the interview with the following documents (originals as well as self-attested photocopies)
i. An application stating your research
ii. A updated Curriculum Vitae with valid contact details (postal address, contact number, email address)
iii. Original and photocopies of all academic degree certificates, namely BA, MA, MPhil and PhD if applicable
iv. Original of the UGC-NET or SLET certificate as applicable.
Interested applicants may appear in person directly at the interview with the required documents, which are to be produced at the time of the interview. The applicants must report at 11.30 am on 03.01.2020 to Mr. Sadananda Das, at the office of the Secretary, Department of History, to be considered for the interview. Applicants are required to submit the self-attested hardcopies of certificates and the complete application dossier at the office of the Department of History.
Head of the Department of History
Presidency University, Kolkata.
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