An interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a SERB-sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073 Date: 05/06/2023
Applications are invited for a position of JRF under a SERB-funded research project (CRG/2022/003900) entitled “Modelling of continental collision and/or subduction under oblique convergence: an experimental approach” at the Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Interested candidates with MSc or equivalent degree in Geology/Applied Geology with NET may submit an application with a full CV by e-mail to <santanu.geol@presiuniv.ac.in> within 21.06.2023. Hard copies of the application, and a complete CV, with all testimonials (bring the original of all testimonials for verification) have to submit to the P.I., Dr. Santanu Bose, Professor of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073 on or before the day of the interview.
Date of interview: 27.06.2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 12.30 PM
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Fellowship for the JRF position (1st and 2nd year) will be Rs 31000/- per month, and the SRF position (for 3rd year, after the expert committee's recommendation) will be Rs 35000/- per month as per SERB norms. The JRF will be eligible for HRA @ 24%.
The project is likely to continue for three years.
No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
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