Interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a MoES sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. dated.12-07-2019
Applications are invited for a position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) under the MoES funded research project entitled “ Sequence stratigraphy of Bagh Group of rocks, Narmada rift Valley, Central India: its bearing on the Late Cretaceous paleogeography ” at the Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Interested candidates with M. Sc. or equivalent degree in Geology/Applied Geology may submit an application with full CV by e-mail to kalyan.geol@presiuniv.ac.in within 23.07.2019. Hard copies of the application, full CV with all testimonials (bring original of all testimonials for spot verification) have to be submitted to Prof. Kalyan Halder, Professor of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073 on the day of the interview.
Eligibility : 1. Post graduate (PG) degree in Geology/Applied Geology
2. Qualified in a national eligibility test (NET/GATE).
Date of interview: 25.07.2019 (Thursday)
Time: 11.30 am
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Fellowship: Rs. 31000/- + 24% HRA per month. On successful completion of two years as JRF the candidate may be promoted to the position of SRF for the remaining period of the project with the recommendation of the expert committee. Fellowship for the SRF position will be Rs 35000/- + 24% HRA per month.
The project is likely to continue for 3 years.
Note: No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Dr. Kalyan Halder
Co-Principal Investigator
Professor of Geology
Presidency University, Kolkata
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