Interview will be held for the appointment of one JRF in a DST sponsored Project in the Department of Geology, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073. The details are as follows: Dated:10-06-2019
Applications are invited for a position of JRF under the DST funded the research project entitled “Facies Architecture, Depositional Framework and Sequence Building of the Upper Member (Albian), Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India” at the Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Interested candidates with MSc or equivalent degree in Geology/Applied Geology preferably with NET may submit an application with full CV by e-mail to anudeb.geol@presiuniv.ac.in within 20.06.2019. Hard copies of the application, full CV, with all testimonials (bring original of all testimonials for verification) have to submit to the P.I., Dr. Anudeb. Mandal, Assistant Professor of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073 on or before the day of the interview.
Date of interview: 26.06.2019 (Wednesday)
Time: 11.30 am
Venue: Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata
Fellowship for the JRF position (1st and 2nd year) will be Rs 25000/- per month and SRF position (for 3rd year, after the recommendation of the expert committee) will be Rs 28000/- per month as per DST norms. JRF will be eligible for HRA and MA as per Presidency University Rules.
The project is likely to continue for 3 years.
Note: No TA / DA will be paid for attending the interview.
Dr. Anudeb Mandal
PI of the Project
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