Applications are invited for the following research based positions in a The International Growth Centre sponsored project “Can peer and neighbourhood effects improve maternal health outcomes in rural Bihar? Assessing the role of formal and informal networks”:
1. One RA (RA1) for 60 working days spread over 4 months, to undertake qualitative survey and monitor field survey in Bihar. Payment will be made @ ₤10 / working day. In addition, travel, boarding and subsistence expenses will be paid as per University rules. Essential Qualification: Post Graduate in Social Sciences. Desired Qualification: At least twelve years of experience in undertaking and/or supervising field survey.
2. One RA (RA2) for 300 days, to undertake literature survey, assist in preparing questionnaires, monitor field survey, undertaking qualitative data analysis, and help in project writing. Payment will be made @ ₤10 / working day. In addition, travel, boarding and subsistence expenses will be paid as per University rules.Essential Qualification: Post Graduate in Social Sciences. Desired Qualification: Experience in undertaking and/or supervising field survey and knowledge of SPSS and/or STATA.
3. One RA (RA3) for 218 days, to undertake literature survey, undertaking data analysis, and other project related work. Payment will be made @ ₤10 / working day. In addition, travel, boarding and subsistence expenses will be paid as per University rules. Essential Qualification: Post-Graduate in Economics with knowledge of SPSS and/or STATA.
4. Four Field Investigators (FI) to administer a total of 625 questionnaires each (600 final and 25 pilot) in Bihar. Payment will be made @ ₤2 / completed questionnaire. In addition, travel, boarding and subsistence expenses will be paid following University regulations, subject to cap of ₤7 / completed questionnaire. The field survey should be completed in five months. Essential Qualification: Graduate in any subject with at least 6 years of experience in undertaking field surveys.
5. One Data Entry Operator (DEO) for entering data in CS Pro from 2400 questionnaires. Payment will be made @ ₤1.40 / questionnaire entered. Essential Qualification: Graduate with at least four years experience of working in FoxPro, SPSS and Excel.
1. Post codes are given in brackets and should be mentioned in applications.
2. Posts are temporary in nature and obligations of Presidency University will end with the termination of the contract period.
3. Payment will be made on a monthly basis based on work actually performed as certified by Project Director.
4. Actual payment will be made in Indian Rupees at the exchange rate prevailing at time of receipt of funds from funding agency.
5. TA/DA will be reimbursed against production of actual bills, following University guidelines.
6. Tenure of the staff may be extended depending upon progress of work.
7. No TA/DA will be paid to candidates called for the interview.
Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV (in either hard copy, or by email) to the Principal Investigator, Prof. Mousumi Dutta, Economics Department, Presidency University (Email: mousumi.econ@presiuniv.ac.in) by 29 November 2019. Applicants should state clearly their contact number, email, and the post for which they are applying for.
The tentative date of interview is 3.12.2019 (Tuesday), from 3.30 PM in the Office of Head, Economics Department.
Prof. Mousumi Dutta
Professor & Head, Department of Economics
Presidency University
86/1 College Street, Kolkata 700073
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