Advertisement Inviting Applications for Position of One project JRF in NCPOR Funded Research Project at the Department Of Life Sciences Date: 29/11/2021
Applications are invited for the position of One Junior Research Fellows (JRF) in NCPOR funded research project entitled “ Macrobenthic community structure and climate change mediated stresses on their physiological performances from the Indian sector of Southern Ocean during austral summer ” at the laboratory of Dr. Sumit Mandal, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Date and Venue of Interview : 17th December 2021 in online platform (Zoom/Google meet) 1 P.M. Exact time and link will be communicated to shortlisted candidates, by 16th December 2021.
Duration: Appointment will be till end of the project (i.e 04.07.2022) depending upon annual review of the progress report, availability of fund from the funding agency and further extension may be granted depending upon approval of funding agency.
Salary: Rs.18660 per month consolidated
Essential qualification: First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in Life Sciences/ Biological Sciences/ Zoology/ Marine Sciences/Marine Biology from recognized university and student must have a minimum qualification of CSIR/UGC NET-LS. Without at least NET (LS), students will not be shortlisted.
How to apply:
Interested and eligible candidates should send complete curriculum vitae including e-mail ID, mobile number, date of birth, and details of qualifications i.e. examination passed, year, division, percentage of marks from Secondary onwards, research experience, publications, etc. with a latest passport size photograph along with scanned copies of relevant documents (by preparing a one pdf file) to Dr. Sumit Mandal (Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor) by e-mail (sumit.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in) before 5:00 PM, 15th December, 2021. The online link (google meet) for the interview will be sent to the shortlisted candidates one day prior to the scheduled interview date.
Job requirement: To participate extensively in cruises/ field work for biological sample collection and analysis, which is the first and foremost requirement of the project. The JRF will be responsible for the taxonomic identification of polar macrobenthic and meiobenthic species. Students desire to work on taxonomic work encourage to apply.
Terms and conditions:
1. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of the NCPOR and Presidency University, Kolkata.
2. The above position is purely contractual and is for the duration of the project only (depending on the fund availability from the funding agency). Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim any regular appointments/absorption in this institute.
3. Candidates will not be entertained after said online interview slot, except in case of any exigency the decision of the selection committee will be final and binding on the candidates.
4. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
For further details please contact:
Dr. Sumit Mandal (Principal Investigator)
Assistant Professor
Marine Ecology Laboratory
Department of Life Sciences
86/1, College Street
Kolkata 700073
Email: sumit.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/pumel/home
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