It is to notify that, walk in interview for Sudipto Ghosh Memorial Scholarship (Rs. 2,500- 3,500 per month approximately) will be held on Wednesday, February 3rd 2016. Applications are invited from students’ who has completed M.Sc. any branch of biosciences. The work will involve responsibility at the capacity of a project assistant on projects related to human physiology, work capacity, occupational health etc.
This fellowship will remain valid initially for 3 years. However, it has no connection with PhD, and it will be dependent on rules and regulation of the institute. The candidate will also be able to access Prof S. Banerjee contingency fund.
The candidates are supposed to carry their Resume and self attested photocopies of mark- sheet to the interview room (Biosciences Head of the Department’s chamber) at 2:00 pm.
Sd /-
Head of the Department
Department of Biological Sciences
Presidency University, Kolkata
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