Advertisement for Interview for a Junior Research Fellow Position for a SERB Funded Project at the School of Astrophysics Date: 04/07/2023
Applications are invited from motivated and eligible Indian citizens for a position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a SERB funded research project entitled “The Cosmic Evolution of Supermassive Black Holes: A Multi-Wavelength Approach” at the School of Astrophysics at Presidency University. The successful applicant will work with the PI Dr. Suchetana Chatterjee.
Date and Venue of Interview: July 19 th 2023, 2PM at the School of Astrophysics
Application process: The candidate must email i) their current CV with a cover letter providing their contact number as well as their personal email id ii) a 400-word write-up about previous research work latest by July 14 th 2023 to the following email address suchetana.astro@presiuniv.ac.in. The application should also include a scanned copy of the NET/GATE/JEST scorecard/rank card/certificate of award, whichever is applicable.
Minimum qualifications: M.Sc or equivalent in Physics or Astrophysics with at least 55% marks or equivalent CGPA (6.0). Candidates who are in their final year of M.Sc are eligible to apply, subject to the fulfilment of the eligibility criterion after the publication of results.
Essential qualifications for JRF: CSIR-UGC NET (including lecturership) or GATE or JEST.
Following qualifications are highly desirable
a) Previous research and/or coursework in astrophysics
b) Evidence of solid ability of scientific communications in english through presentations in conferences and/or published research work
c) Previous experience in working with cosmological simulations and/or astrophysical datasets
Job description: The fellow will extensively work with cosmological simulations and develop mock observational pipelines for studying the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect from quasars as well as modelling spectral energy distributions of quasar host galaxies. In addition the fellow will work on analysing astrophysical datasets to compare the observational results with theory. The fellow will have to present their work in national and international conferences and publish the research work in research journals in the discipline.
Duration of project: Three year or duration of the project (subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds )
JRF:As per SERB norms.
Enrolling for Ph.D.: The selected candidate may be allowed to enroll for the Ph.D. program as per university rules.
1. All the terms & conditions for this recruitment will be as per the guidelines of the DST-SERB and Presidency University Kolkata.
For further details please contact:
Dr. Suchetana Chatterjee (PI) email: suchetana.astro@presiuniv.ac.in
School of Astrophysics, Presidency University
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