Advertisement Date:18/05/2022
Applications are invited for the position of ONE Technical Assistant for the British Library Endangered Archives Program Project on ‘Records of the Oldest Institution of Western Education in Asia: Archiving the Hindoo/Presidency College Collection’ (EAP 1230)
This Pilot project intends to survey, catalogue and partially digitise pedagogic texts, and the establishment records of Hindoo/Presidency College, the first institution of Western-type secular education in Asia. It aims to assemble a rich body of institutional evidence, the first of its kind in India, for historical studies of the colonial (re)production of Western-type secular education in the non-Western world. The project aims to catalogue approximately 20,000 titles in European and Oriental languages on an astounding variety of subjects, dating between the early 18th and early 20th centuries, and digitise, as samples, around 5000 pages of miscellaneous material, like minutes, letters, reports, and confidential proceedings of the college.
The Technical Assistant will have to perform the work of digitization of approximately 5000 pages from the catalogued records of the Hindoo/Presidency College. The material consists of miscellaneous institutional records, and rare books and journals from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Project Investigators :
Upal Chakrabarti (Presidency University)
Rabisankar Giri (Presidency University)
Eligibility: M.A. in History, and past experience of using technical camera equipment for photography and digitisation.
Deadline : May 25, 2022
Project duration : June-July, 2022 (renewable for one more month depending on demands of the project)
Remuneration : Rs. 15000 per month
Application Procedure
Applicants are requested to email their CVs to the following email id: upal.soc@presiuniv.ac.in
Selection Procedure: Short-listed applicants will be interviewed in-person, at Presidency University. The date and time of the interview will be notified to them over email.
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