Walk-in Interview Notification for JRF Position at the Department of Physics, Presidency University, Kolkata
Applications are invited for a JRF position in the UGC sponsored major research project entitled, “Development, Synthesis and Characterization of ZnSnP2 Chalcopyrite Thin Film for Photovoltaic Devices”.
Post : One Junior Research Fellow.
Project Duration: Total duration 3 years depending on availability of fund and satisfactory research progress.
Fellowship: As per UGC guidelines.
Eligibility: First class M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Physics/ Materials Science.
Desirable: A valid rank in GATE/CSIR/ UGC/ NET JRF Examination OR a valid DST- INSPIRE fellowship.
How to apply:
Interested candidates may send their CV to Dr. Arabinda Nayak, PI of the project by email: arabinda.physics@presiuniv.ac.in or appear with an application in plain paper and a hard copy of CV on the date of interview.
Date and time of Interview : 16th December, 2015 at 11.00 am. The candidates are requested to reach the venue by 10.30 am.
Place of Interview : Department of Physics, Presidency University , 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, India.
No TA/DA will be provided for attending the interview.
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