Advertisement for Student Internship under SSR programme of SERB funded project on Climate change Date: 02/08/2023
Application is invited from the eligible candidate to work as a “ student intern” under a project titled “Lipoxygenase and Jasmonic acid machinery with trading off in lipid domain under stress in high altitude mosses of Eastern Himalayan Biodiversity hotspot (Darjeeling Hills)”. Student will learn RT-PCR, GCMS & HPLC based techniques for two months.
Candidate must have M.Sc degree from any branch of biological Science .
Emolument : 5000 per month for two months.
Interested candidate has to submit a brief CV (not more than 4 pages with photo and signed by the candidate) in e.mail of PI - Prof. Mousumi Poddar Sarkar (mps.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in) on or before 15 th August, 2023.
No scanned /xerox copy of credentials/marksheet have to be enclosed with CV.
Only Short-listed candidates will be intimated by e.mail and will be called for interview.
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