Walk-in-Interview Notification for Research Assistant Position (2 posts) at Presidency University, Kolkata
Applications are invited for two positions of Research Assistant in two externally funded research projects
Ø Details of the projects:
I. Project details: Evaluation of phytopathogens associated with some major aquatic weeds with emphasis on their toxin production .
- Minimum qualification : First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in any area of Biological Sciences/ Chemistry from recognized university.
- Desirable: Applicants having research experience in biochemical analysis of plant or microbial metabolites.
- Job description: Research shall include about 40% field and 60% laboratory studies on metabolites from phytopathogenic fungi with an aim to develop a successful mycoherbicide.
- Project Duration: Appointment will be for 2 years or till the end of the project, and subjected to annual review for further extension that will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishments.
- Fellowship : Rs. 16,400/- pm
II. Project details: Studies on ecology of insects, plants and phytopathogens
- Minimum qualification : First class M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in any area of Biological Sciences from recognized university.
- Desirable: Applicants having passion to study field ecology. Fresher’s may apply.
- Job description: Research shall include about 70% field and 30% laboratory studies.
- Project Duration: Appointment will be for 2 years or till end of the project, and subjected to annual review for further extension that will be granted based on the research progress and accomplishments.
- Fellowship : Rs. 5000/- pm
Ø Interested candidates may send their CV or relevant queries in advance to Dr. Puja Ray, Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata @ email: puja.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
All interested candidates are requested to appear for an interview with the following in two sets:
1. An application stating your research/ career goals and your vision regarding your PhD.
2. A detailed CV
3. Degree certificates (photocopies to be submitted. Originals to be brought for verification)
4. Publications (thesis/ project reports to be brought for verification)
The outstation candidates may request a Skype interview in advance keeping in mind that incase of bad internet connectivity re-interview may not be possible.
Ø Date and time of Interview: Thursday 17th Dec. 2015, 11.00 am. The candidates are requested to reach the venue positively by 10.30 am.
Ø Place of Interview: Department of Biological Sciences (Zoology Section, 3rd Floor, Bakers Building), Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, India.
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