Value Added Course : Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market
Notice date: 16/08/2024
Following are shortlisted participants for the Two-credit Online Value Added Certificate Course (Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market (MIRFM), DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS). Kindly use the Application Number at the time of payment for your Value Added Certificate Course.
The following link for payment will be available from 22-08-2024 to 28-08-2024, midnight, IST.
Post successful payment the participants will get their enrolment number and details of commencement of the course.
Payment Process through SBI Collect Link:
1. Choose Payment Category: VACC-MIRFM
2. Enter Application Number: (Get your application number from the notice for payment)
And press Submit.
3. Enter the details and click submit and pay your fees.
Note down the Payment Reference Number and keep the print out of the receipt for future reference if required .
Sl.No |
Application Number |
Name |
Course |
Payment (Rs) |
1 |
Anindita Ghosh |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
2 |
Anyesha Chowdhury |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
3 |
Ashutosh Anand |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
4 |
Ashutosh Gupta |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
5 |
Bhanu Pratap |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
6 |
Chandrisha Ghosh |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
7 |
Debdeep Chakraborty |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
8 |
Debrupa Mukherjee |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
9 |
Devangi Banerjee |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
10 |
Dwaipayan Jana |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
11 |
Khushi Surana |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
12 |
Kollolini Dey |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
13 |
Madhurima Dasgupta |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
14 |
Mainak Abu Sarin |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
15 |
Manjari Agrawal |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
16 |
Megha Das |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
17 |
Mohor Biswas |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
18 |
Parna Rudra |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
19 |
Prithhiraj Biswas |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
20 |
Ramakrishna GN |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
21 |
Ria Chowdhury |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
22 |
Ritankar Sen |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
23 |
Samrat Chatterjee |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
24 |
Sanchita Saha |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
25 |
Shubhasree Bhadra |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
26 |
Snehashis Mondal |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
27 |
Tisha Gupta |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
28 |
Trinaa Aich |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
29 |
Usashi Banerjee |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
30 |
Vicky Kumar |
Managing Investment and Risk in Financial Market |
5750 |
Gagari Chakrabarti
Course Coordinator
Notice date: 12/07/2024
Course Code: MIRFM
Course Type: Two-credit non-degree, registered value-added certificate course
Commencement Date: 31.08.2024
Date of Completion: Tentatively by Mid December 2024
Duration of the Course: 30 hours (including theory and practical sessions)
Schedule of the Classes:over weekends
Objective of course:
The global financial market is continuously expanding in terms of size, variety and complexity. Historically, waves of crises have hit the financial sector. The resulting losses and the depletion of real wealth have raised the necessity for efficient management of investment in such ever-expanding and intrinsically volatile market. Understanding the nature and dynamics of risks and the ways to hedge against it thus seems crucial.
This course introduces its participants, in a lucid yet comprehensive and practicable way, to the complex mechanism of managing investment and risk. The course would help its takers to comprehend the theories relevant to the issues and to recognise the nature of challenges one would face in managing financial investment and risk in real world. The discussions on theories would be supplemented by practical applications using programmes like Excel or Eviews. The participants thus would learn to use different tools and techniques to solve problems using cross-section and time series data. More details are in the brochure.
Mode of Course: Online
Course Fees: Rs. 5750/- (inclusive of GST @ 18%) through SBI Collect portal. The fee is non-refundable.
Eligibility:Undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and people from industry interested in learning techniques of investment and risk management in financial market may apply. Participants should have elementary idea about the functioning of financial market, knowledge in basic theories of statistics and knowledge in computer operation.
Course Coordinator Name: Gagari Chakrabarti, Professor, Department of Economics
Email ID: mirfmvaccpu@gmail.com and gagari.econ@presiuniv.ac.in
Registration window: 15/07/2024 to 15/08/2024 (Midnight)
Registration link: Apply
General Note
- Kindly fill the form with the correct information by 15-08-2024 (midnight, IST).
- Once the form is submitted you are not subjected to any further change.
- The selection is done on a first come and first serve basis, availability of resources, and submission of valid applications.
- Selected participants will subsequently be informed about the payment method via their respective email id along with their Application Number. On successful submission of Course fees, participants will be notified about their Enrolment Number and commencement details of the course.
- Your fees will not be refunded once enrolled.
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