Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
Enquiry Notice for Rate Contract regarding Supply of Chemicals and Other Laboratory Consumables
Enquiry Notice No. : PU / Rt Cont. / Lab. Consmb. /2014-15 / 01
Sealed Offers are invited from the Original Manufacturers and their Authorized Dealers (evidenced by the valid certificate from the Original Manufacturer) for entering into rate contract with the Presidency University in respect of supply of laboratory chemicals, glass ware, plastic ware, and other laboratory consumables of the following Brand / Make to various Science Departments of the University for a period of one year commencing from the date of execution of the contract:
GE Healthcare
Hampton Research |
Molecular Dimensions |
Clonetech |
Himedia |
Tarson |
Borosil |
Schott Duran |
Grant |
Atto |
Hoeffer |
Mo-Bio |
Axygen |
merk calbiochem |
R & D Systems |
Biolegends |
millipore |
eBioscience |
Upstate Chemicals Duchefa Biochemie Takara Eyela Roche Genaxy E. MERCK (India) SPECTROCHEM NICE LOBA RANBAXY RANKEM VETEC (India) CDH FISCHER HIMEDIA Sigma-Aldrich (India) Alpha Aeser Lancaster E. Merck (Germany) Scott Durant Vensil Riviera Certain Important Points to be Noted : (i) A main sealed cover addressed to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 and duly superscripted with the present Enquiry Notice No. and Date and the caption “Offer for Rate Contract for Laboratory Chemicals / Glass Ware/ Plastic Ware / Other Laboratory Consumables (as the case may be) ” should consist of two separate sealed covers: (i) Cover – I containing Technical Bid in the Form under Annexure-B and signed Declaration in the Form under Annexure – C, and (ii) Cover - II containing the item-wise offered rate (price or discount; in the case of discount rate, appropriate evidence of the basic price to which the discount rate is applicable) and the main cover should be dropped in the Tender Box kept at the Purchase Cell of the University at Main Building (1st Floor). (ii) Last date of submission is 31-01-2015 within 4-00 P.M. Date of opening of the offers would be intimated through website notification subsequently. Cover – II of those parties would be opened whose Cover – I documents are found to be in order. (iii) The tender fees of Rs.1,000/-(Rupees One thousand) and interest free EMD of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten thousand) in the form of two separate Demand Draft in favour of “Presidency University” payable at Kolkata should be put in Cover – I. The EMD will be refunded if the rate contract is not entered into due to non-fulfillment of any of the terms and conditions in this Enquiry Notice or after the expiry of the rate contract period, as the case may be. (iv) If the Offer for rate contract is placed by the Original Manufacturer, the self-attested Proprietary Certificate and Original Manufacturer Certificate are to be provided in Cover - I. (v) If the Offer for rate contract is placed by an authorized dealer, valid authorized dealership certificate in favour of the applicant (in original) issued by the Original Manufacturer is to be provided in Cover – I. In this case, the price / rate of discount may be certified by the Original Manufacturer or the authorized dealership certificate issued by the Original Manufacturer should specifically mention that the dealer is authorized to quote the rate, enter into rate contract on its behalf for sale of its products and provide after-sale service. (vi) The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason. (vii) In case of any dispute, the decision of the University authority shall be final and binding on the bidders. Sd/- Finance Officer Presidency University |
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