Date: 14.01.2021
Corrigendum to Notice No. PU/CA - Enlistment/20-21 /1 dated 31-12-2020 inviting Expression of Interest from Chartered Accountants Firms for Enlistment in Presidency University
1. Professional Fees for audit / Certification jobs should be as follows:
i. For any grant upto Rs. 1.00 Crore : Rs.2500/- + GST for each year
ii. For any grant exceeding Rs.1.00 Crore but not exceeding Rs.2.50 Crore: Rs.4000/- + GST for each year
iii. For any grant exceeding Rs.2.50 Crore : Rs. 5000/-+ GST for each year
iv. Audit of University’s Annual Accounts (Minimum Fee is Rs.10000/- + GST for each year): To be mentioned by the Firm in its letter head in a separate sealed cover.
v. Audit of University’s Hostel Annual Accounts: To be obtained through separate communication as and when required.
2. Last date of submission through post / by messenger has been extended to 22-01-2021.
3. If any Firm has already submitted its Expression of Interest and now likes to revise or withdraw the same, this may done within the extended time limit.
4. Other matters will remain the same as mentioned in the original Notice No. PU/CA - Enlistment/20-21 /1 dated 31-12-2020.
Finance Officer
Presidency University
Tender Reference Number:PU/CA - Enlistment/20-21 /1 dated 31/12/2020
Notice inviting Expression of Interest from Chartered Accountants Firms for Enlistment in Presidency University
Applications in the prescribed Format are invited from the reputed firms of Chartered Accountants expressing interest for empanelment in Presidency University, Kolkata , to undertake the following assignments as and when offered by the University authority. These assignments are to be carried out at the office premises of the University or of the Firms as per the requirement of the assignments.
1. Certification job and Audit of the Accounts relating to Grants from various funding authorities for conducting Extramural Research Projects, organization of Seminar, Conference, different schemes, etc.
2. Audit of the University’s Statement of Accounts and Hostel Accounts
3. Other Certification jobs.
This panel shall remain valid for five years subject to satisfactory performance of the empanelled C.A. Firms.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. The applicant Firms should have valid Certificate of Practice from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (elf-attested copy to be attached).
2. The applicant Firms must have valid CAG Empanelment Certificate (self-attested copy to be attached).
3. The applicant Firms should have been in practice for a minimum of 7 years.
4. The Registered Office of the applicant Firms should be in Kolkata,
5. The applicant Firms must have experience in the abovementioned works of the State-aided or Central Government Universities only.
Professional Fees for audit / Certification jobs shall be as follows:
i. For any grant of Rs.50 lakh : Rs.2500/- + GST for each year
ii. For any grant exceeding Rs.50 lakh but not exceeding Rs.1.00 Crore: Rs.7000/- +GST for each year
iii. For any grant exceeding Rs.1.00 Crore Rs. 10000/-+ GST for each year
iv. Audit of University’s Annual Accounts: To be mentioned by the Firm in its letter head in a separate sealed cover.
v. Audit of University’s Hostel Annual Accounts: To be mentioned by the Firm in its letter head in a separate sealed cover.
Applications are to be sent in sealed envelope addressed to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata – 700 073. Application should be sent along with a forwarding letter in the letterhead of the Chartered Accountants Firms duly signed by the Proprietor / Sr. Partner thereof with rubber stamp and Membership No. of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The Professional Fees for (iv) and (v) above should be mentioned in a separate letterhead of the Chartered Accountants Firms duly signed by the Proprietor / Sr. Partner and that should be placed in a separate sealed cover. It is to be clearly specified whether the offered rate is inclusive / exclusive of GST.
Last date of submission through post / by messenger: 18-01-2021
Presidency University reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.
Finance Officer
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