Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
Tender for the supply of the Laboratory Equipments to the Department of Physics under DST-FIST Program & DST- project grant, Presidency University, Kolkata
Tender Notice No : - PU/DST-FIST/ Physics/2014-15/01
Quotation in sealed cover addressed to “The Registrar, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata-700073” are invited from the original manufacturer, sole authorized dealers / authorized dealers or distributors (to be certified by the original manufacturer) for the supply of the following laboratory equipments to the Department of Physics, Presidency University. The quotations should be made by the bidders in their original letter head clearly indicating the specification, brand / manufacturer’s name, model, quantity, price (excluding tax, if any) on free delivery at site basis, rate of tax as applicable, discount, etc. separately for each item. Quotations should be accompanied with the duly filled up Application Form (Annexure – I). Self-attested photocopies of VAT / Sales Tax Registration Certificate, copy of the valid Trade License, copy of the PAN card, I.T. Return for the last three Assessment Years and other relevant credentials are to be enclosed with the said application form. No advance payment will be made. Payment will be made after completion of the satisfactory delivery and installation of the items as per the Purchase Order and submission of tax invoice / bill with necessary papers. A non-refundable demand draft for Rs.1000/- (Rupees One thousand) only in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata should be enclosed with the quotation as application fees. The sealed cover should be duly superscribed with the Tender Notice No. and date and the words “Laboratory Equipments to the Department for department of Physics under DST-FIST Program/ DST-project grant”. Technical Bid and Price Bid are to be made in separate sealed covers and both to be placed inside the main sealed cover.QUOTATIONS IN THREE SEPARATE LETTER HEADS ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH ITEM.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason.
1. Double beam, double Monochromator, ratio recording UV/Vis/NIR Spectrophotometer with Diffuse Reflectance Accessories and complete with all necessary attachments.
Required Technical Specifications
1) Wavelength range 190 nm – 3000 nm (Minimum).
2) Optical unit should include Pre-aligned tungsten halogen lamp and deuterium lamp.
3) All reflecting optical system (SiO2 coated) with holographic grating monochromator with 1440 Lines/mm UV/Vis blazed at 240 nm and 360 Lines/mm NIR blazed at 1100 nm with Littrow mounting,
4) Peltier cooled PbS detector for NIR.
5) Spectral bandwidth: from 0.17 nm – 5 nm UV/Vis (in 0.01 nm increments), spectral bandwidth from 0.2 nm – 20 nm NIR (in 0.04 nm increments).
6) System should have Dual Sample Compartment.
7) UV/Vis Resolution: ≤ 0.17 nm; NIR Resolution: ≤ 0.20 nm.
8) Stray Light: ≤ 0.0001%T (10 g/l NaI ASTM method At 220 nm).
9) Wavelength Accuracy: UV/Vis ± 0.15 nm // NIR ± 0.5 nm.
10) Photometric Accuracy: Double Aperture Method 1 A ± 0.0012 A.
11) Photometric Linearity: At 3.0 A ± 0.020 A (Addition of filters UV/Vis at 546.1 nm, 2 nm slit, 1 second integration time)
12) Photometric Range: 6 A (UV/Vis as well as NIR).
13) Photometric Noise RMS: 0 A and 500 nm ≤ 0.00005 A.
14) Standard quartz cells for liquid sample analysis and thin film sample holder for UV-VIS-NIR range.
15) Integrating sphere contained in a module which simply snaps into the spectrometer and is ready to be used without any adjustment. The sphere should be Spectralon Coated - PMT / PbS detector combination. Wavelength range: 200 to 2500 nm.
16) Powder sample holder should be quoted.
17) Service Facility: Supplier should mention their details of service setup and man powers, which are responsible for after sales support. Response time should be within 48 hrs.
2. Electrochemical Analyzer/workstation.
Required Technical Specifications
For Potentiostat
1) 2, 3 and 4- electrode configuration.
2) Maximum potential: ±10 V.
3) Maximum current: ±2A
4) Potentiostat rise time: < 1 μs, 0.8 μs typical
5) Applied potential resolution: 0.0015% of potential range
6) Applied potential accuracy: ±1 mV, ±0.01% of scale
7) Measured current resolution: 0.0015% of current range, minimum 0.3 fA
8) Current measurement accuracy: 0.2% if current range >=1e-6 A/V, 1% otherwise
For Galvanostat
1) Galvanostat applied current range: 3nA - 2A
2) Applied current resolution: 0.03% of applied current range
3) Measured potential resolution: 0.0015% of measured range
1) Reference electrode input impedance: 1x1012 ohm
2) Reference electrode input bandwidth: 10 MHz
3) Reference electrode input bias current: <= 10 pA @ 25°C
Waveform Generation and Data Acquisition
1) Fast data acquisition: dual channel 16-bit ADC, 1,000,000 samples/sec simultaneously
Experimental Parameters
1) CV and LSV scan rate: 0.000001 to 10,000 V/s
2) Potential increment during scan: 0.1 mV @ 1,000 V/s
3) CA and CC pulse width: 0.0001 to 1000 sec
4) CA and CC minimum sample interval: 1 μs
5) DPV and NPV pulse width: 0.001 to 10 sec
6) IMP frequency: 0.00001 Hz to 1 MHz
7) IMP amplitude: 0.00001 V to 0.7 V rms
Other Features
1) External potential input
2) Potential and current analog output
3) RDE control output : 0-10 V (corresponding to 0-10000 rpm), 16-bit, 0.003% accuracy
4) Digital input/output lines programmable through macro command
5) Flash memory for quick software update
6) Serial port or USB selectable for data communication
7) CV simulation and fitting program, user-defined mechanisms
8) Impedance simulation and fitting program
9) Maximum data length: 256K-16384K selectable
1) Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
2) Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) with stripping
3) Staricase Voltammetry (SCV) with stripping
4) Tafel Plot (TAFEL) potentiodynamic deactivation, pitting
corrosion, corrosion rate, linear Polarisation, Corrosion current etc.
5) Chrono Amperometry (CA)
6) Chrono Coulometry (CC)
7) Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) with stripping
8) Normal Pulse Voltamemtry (NPV) with stripping
9) Differential Normal pulse Voltamemtry (DNPV) with stripping
10) Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV) with stripping
11) AC Voltammetry (ACV) with stripping
12) Second Harmonic AC Voltammetry (SHACV) with stripping
13) Fourier Transform AC Voltammetry (FTACV)
14) Amperometric i-t Curve (i-t)
15) Differential Pulse Amperometry (DPA)
16) Double Differential Pulse Amperometry (DDPA)
17) Triple Pulse Amperometry (TPA)
18) Integrated Pulse Amperometry Detection (IPAD)
19) Bulk Electrolysis with Coulometry (BE)
20) Hydrodynamic Modulation Voltammetry (HMV)
21) Sweep-Step Functions (SSF)
22) Multi-Potential Steps (STEP)
23) AC Impedance (IMP)
24) Impedance – Time (IMPT)
25) Impedance – Potential (IMPE) (Mott-Scottsky)
26) Chrono Potentiometry (CP)
27) Chronopotentiometry with Current Ramp (CPCR)
28) Multi-Current Steps (ISTEP)
29) Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA)
30) Electrochemical Noise Measurement (ECN)
31) Open Circuit Potential – Time (OCPT)
32) Galvanostat
33) RDE control (0-10V output)
34) Full version of CV simulator with fitting program
35) Impedance Simulator and fitting program
36) IR Compensation
37) External Potential Input
38) Auxiliary Signal Measurement Channel
39) Bode and Nyquist plot can be done
Photovoltaic studies
Software provision for measurement of I-V measurements, I max, Pmax, Fill factor etc
1) Pt Working Electrode -1 No.
2) Ag/AgCI Reference (aq) -1 No.
3) Pt Wire Counter Electrode – 1 No.
4) 4 glass cell with one cell top
Warranty: 1 year & AMC: 1 year AMC Free of charge after warranty period
Service Facility: Supplier should mention their details of service setup and man powers, who are responsible for after sales support. Response time should be within 48 hrs
Computer: Latest version computer compatible with instruments software.
System configuration: I3 Processor, 4GB RAM, 1TB Hard Drive, 19’’ LED Monitor, DVD
writer, Keyboard & Mouse & speaker.
3. Broadband Light source with Optical Chopper, Monochromator etc.
Technical Specifications
1.Braodband Light Source with housing, power supply, Lamp
Lamp: Xenon lamp
Power: 150 W
Braodband Optical Power at focal point: 15 W
Input Power Supply: 210–240 VAC , 50 Hz
Power Rating: 0 to 150 watts
Operating Voltage: 10 to 24 volts
Operating Current: 0 to 8 amps
Ripple at Max Current: < 10 mV
2. Digital Optical Chopper
Chopper control: Two stepper motor controller
Number of phases per motor: 2
Output current per phase: Maximum 1A
Stepper motor voltage: 5 to 10 V
Stepping modes: Full, Half and Micro (1/8) steps
Chopper slew rate: 0 to 62,500 micro steps per second
Chopping speed: 0 to 500 Hz with 5 sector blade
0 to 3,000 Hz with 30 sector blade
Chopping accuracy: 0.016 Hz with 5 sector blade
0.096 Hz with 30 sector blade
Communication interface: USB 2.0
Software: MoCo 3.0 program, LabVIEW™ driver & source code
3. Monochromator
Optical scheme: Optimized Czerny-Turner
Spectral range: 300 – 1500 nm
F/Number : 1 : 3.6
Focal length: 142 mm
Diffraction gratings: 40 x 40 x 10 mm, turret with 2 gratings
Grating 1 Ruling: 1200 l/mm
Blaze wavelength: 400 nm
Grating 2 Ruling: 600 l/mm
Blaze wavelength: 750 nm
Resolution: < 1 nm
Entrance slits: Automatic and manual adjustment
Slit width: 0 – 3 mm
Slit height : 10 mm
Step size: 0.5 µm
Exit slits: Manual adjustment (micrometer driven)
Slit width: 0 – 3 mm
Slit height: 10 mm
Micrometer reading accuracy: +/- 1 µm
Step size: 0.5 µm
Precision: +/- 10 µm
Computer interface: Full-Speed USB interface
4.Motor driven Filters Wheel with 4 standard order separating filters
5. Achromatic condenser AFA with SMA-905 optical fiber connector for Exit port
6. Mechanical adapter for Xe source for Entrance port
For any further clarification regarding specifications only, the Head, Department of Physics may be contacted through e-mail ( somak@presiuniv.ac.in).
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