Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
Tender Notification No. PU/2015-16/Ph.CopyCent/01
Date: : 16-04-2015
Last Date of Submission of Tender: 04-05-2015 up to 3.00 P.M.
Date of Opening of Tender: 06-05-2015 at 4 P.M.
Applications are invited from the bonafide, reputed and experienced Service Providers for setting up and andrunning of a Photocopying Centre at the allotted space at the Ground Floor of Baker Laboratory Building of Presidency University. Interested parties may submit application in the prescribed format available from the Office of the Finance Officer, Presidency University at Ground Floor of the Main Building of the University on payment of non-refundable Application Fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only by a Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Presidency university” payable at Kolkata. The prescribed format must be properly filled up and should be submitted along with the required documents and proof of the payment of Application Fee as mentioned above either in person or by speed post / courier to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073.
The Form can also be downloaded from the University Website (www.presiuniv.ac.in). The downloaded Form must be filled in properly and should be submitted along with the required documents and a Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only drawn in favour of “Presidency university” payable at Kolkata as non-refundable Application Fee to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 either in person or by speed post / courier.
The successful Bidder shall have to enter into an Agreement containing all Terms and Conditions of the service with the University Authority.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereto.
Registrar, Presidency University
Format- I
KOLKATA-700 073
1A. Name of the Company/Firm/Business Organization:
1B. Address (Address Proof to be given):
2A. Name of the Managing Director/Managing Partner/Proprietor:
2B. Name & Designation of the Authorized person other than 2A, if any:
3. Contract Number: Landline No. / Mobile No.-
Fax No. –
E-mail id-
4. Details of expertise in the area of running of Photocopying Centre (credentials):
(Use separate sheet, if required / submit supporting documents)
5. PAN of the Company/ Firm / Sole-Proprietor:
(Certified true copy to be enclosed)
6. Valid Trade Licence No. (Attested photocopy to be enclosed):
7. Monthly Rental offered for payment to the University :Rs._______________(in words Rupees__________________________________________________________)
(Note: Minimum monthly rental shall be Rs.20,000/- including charges for electricity)
I do hereby confirm that the Rules and Regulations already framed and to be framed for the purpose of Setting up and Running of a Photocopying Centre including that of making “Security Deposit” as determined by the University Authority will be abide by me scrupulously.
I also certify that the information furnished above is true and correct.
Full Signature of the Applicant
Designation & Rubber Stamp
1. Incomplete application may be rejected.
2. The application is to be submitted in a sealed envelope mentioning
A. Service Provider of Setting up and Running of Photocopying Centre
B. Date of submission
C. Name of the Company/Firm/ Business Organization
3. Decision of the authority is final and binding.
For Office Use:
Requirement of service:
1. The Service provider should purchase and install the sufficient number of Photocopying and other machines for providing prompt service to the faculty, student and other community of the University.
2. The rate of photocopying should be at par with the market rate. The University shall not provide any subsidy or support in terms of papers and other consumables.
3. Service Provider will have to pay a rental to the University on monthly basis which is inclusive of the charge of power consumption.
4. The Centre should be kept open from 9.00 A.M. to 9.00 P.M.
5. The Service Provider should take proper care for the well maintenance of the Furniture & Fixture already installed at the Centre. The provider will take up any additional electrical installation at his own cost, if required by him.
6. Minimum 5(five) years experience in photocopying service is required.
7. Registered Office of the Company must be in Kolkata.
8. Certification of ISO:9001:2008 is desirable.
9. All staff must be in the direct staff roll of the service provider but the bio-data of the staff engaged in the Centre should be made available to the authority of the University.
10. Outsource through sub-contract is not acceptable.
11. The University will not bear the cost of any loss/damage of the accessories / parts of the Machinesand the same to be replaced or repaired by the provider at his own cost immediately so that the service is not interrupted/ hampered.
13. In case of any accident within the work place, no Accidental Cost will be borne by the University Authority.
14. Any loss or damage of the infrastructure of the Centre will be recovered from the Security Deposit of the provider.
15. The Service provider shall have to abide by the general rules and regulations of the University.
16. The successful bidder shall have to enter into an agreement with the University authority before commencement of the service. The term of the agreement shall be one year which may renewable subject to satisfactory performance.
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