Presidency University
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073, India
Tender For Works of Conversion of Professors’ Common Room and Renovation of faculty Toilets in Main Building
Tender No. PU/CVL-5/13-14
Date: 23rd December, 2013
1.0 Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of the Registrar, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 from bonafide resourceful and financially sound contractors as per the particulars given below :
a) | Name of work. : | Works of Conversion of Professors’ Common room and Renovation of Faculty Toilets in Main Building of Presidency University at 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073.. |
b) | Location of work : | 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073. |
c) | Time of completion. | 5 (five) months. |
d) | Cost of tender documents. : | Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees five thousand only). |
e) | Estimated cost : | Rs. 1,50,53,205.00 (Rupees one crore fifty lakhs fifty three thousand two hundred five only). |
f) | Earnest Money Deposit. : | 2% of the above estimated cost, ie, Rs.3,01,064/- ( Rupees three lakh one thousand sixty four only ) to be deposited by Bank draft / Pay order payable at Kolkata in favour of “Presidency University” only on Nationalised Bank along with the tender without which tender will be rejected. |
g) | Last date and time of receipt of application : | 7th January, 2014 up to 3.00 P.M. |
2.2 Tender Documents can be obtained from the office of the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 on payment of Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees five thousand only) (Non Refundable) by Demand draft / Pay order payable at Kolkata in favour of “Presidency University” only on Nationalized Bank between 24th December, 2013 to 3rd January 2014 (excluding Saturday, Sunday and any holiday) during working hours 10.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M.
2.3 Tenders will have to be submitted in two parts: cover – I & cover – II separately sealed and
superscribed with the name of work.
Cover – I shall contain Earnest Money, covering letter and conditions, if any, stipulated by
the tenderer
Cover – II shall contain the complete tender document duly filled and signed with stamp in
all pages in duplicate. No condition stipulated in cover – II other than general rebates shall
be accepted.
Tenders in cover – I & cover – II shall again be put in a separate sealed cover. This will be
received up to 3-00 P.M. on 7th January 2014 at the office of the Finance Officer,
Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073.
2.4 Tender cover – I will be opened on 7th January 2014 at 3-30 P.M. in the office of the Registrar, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 in presence of the contractors or their authorized representatives who may like to be present. Time and date of opening of cover – II of tender will be intimated thereafter. The University reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason thereof. The University retains right to cancel any of the items at a later date after the contract is awarded.
2.5. Validity of tender shall be 4 Months (120 days) from the stipulated date of submission.
2.6. No conditional tender will be considered for acceptance.
2.7. The tenderer should submit with the application i .e. copies of current PAN card, P.T & PF enrollment number and tax payer identification number (TIN) according to VAT, Income Tax & Sales Tax clearance certificate and other statutory documents.
2.8. Cess for the purpose of the building and other construction workers ( Regulation of Employment and other condition of service) act 1996 will be deducted @ 1% of the cost of construction to be incurred by the agency in terms of finance department G.O No.- 6895 - F dated 11.09.2006 and letter No. 100 (74)/L.C dated 30.08.2006 from the office of the labour commissioner. The tenderer would consider for deduction on account of cess for aforesaid work.
2.9. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 31st December, 2013 to clarify any doubts or ambiguities arising in the tender documents if requested by bidders.
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86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
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Plot No. DG/02/02,
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