Adv No PU/DLS/PM/WB-DST /ADV-01/2018-2019
Date: 30.07.2018
Advertisement for participation of NGOs for survey/ filed study approved by WB-DST
Applications are invited from registered NGOs for a survey/field study approved by the WB-DST, on areas where the populations are exposed toarsenic contaminated drinking water for a long time.
Terms and conditions of the specified work are as follows:
1. Survey will be conducted twice in a week.
2. Sufficient man power is to be provided.
3. The work will be conducted on any days of the week as per the availability of the research scholar.
4. NGO should provide personnel who is efficient in handling population in all situations.
5. The duration of the work will be initially for 1 year (June 2018- June 2019); renewable for another 2 years with respect to satisfactory performance. However, the term may be terminated with 1 month prior notice, if the performance is not satisfactory.
6. Payments will be made on monthly basis against submission of your bill. The successful bidder will be provided work order.
7. All the responsibility (financial/non financial) relating to the man power deployed by you for the assigned work should be entirely lying with you.
Bidders are requested to provide their ‘expression of interest’ and apply with the following documents. Applications in sealed cover are to be submitted to Dr. Prabir Kr. Mukhopadhyay, Dept. of Life Sciences, Presidency University by 3rd August, 3.00 pm.
1. Registration certificate
2. PAN or any relevant document related to income tax filing.
3. Other related credentials pertaining to the work which will be done.
Dr. Prabir Kr Mukhopadhyay,
Associate Professor,
Department of Life Sciences,
Presidency University
Email.id: prabir.dbs@presiuniv.ac.in
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