Tender Reference Number:- Instruments /PU/SBT/UGC/AB/2021/1 dated 11/01/2021
Sealed quotations are invited from the Enlisted Vendors of the University to quote their lowest possible rate for the supply of the under-mentioned goods/articles, subject to the following terms and conditions.
The quotations must be submitted to Dr. Avishek Banik, School of Biotechnology, Presidency University, Canal Bank Road, DG Block, Action Area 1D, Newtown, Kolkata-700156, West Bengal, India.
Last date & time for submission of quotation is 25/01/2021 up to 3:30 P.M.
Sl. No. |
Particulars |
Brand/Make |
Approximate Quantity |
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Vertical Autoclave Technical specification It should be electrically operated, Pressure Switch Controlled, provided with Low Water-level Cut-out, Device, model IIC-AV-2 or Similar Dimension of working chamber: 300 mm Diameter (minimum) x 500 mm, Deep (minimum) (38 lit. or more) Pressure Range up to 20 psi • Hydraulically tested up to 100% • Stainless Steel Inner Chamber, Lid and Ring • MS (mild steel) outer body • Stainless Steel Perforated Basket • Paddle lifting arrangement • Fitted with ISI marked immersion heaters • Adjustable spring-loaded safety release valve with repeat performance. • Complete with water-level cut out device • 220/230 Volts, Single Phase, AC Mains; Wattage 3 Kilowatt with Automatic Pressure Control Switch – functions interlocking the heaters on set operable pressure thereby saving electrical energy and ensuring safety in operation. |
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BOD INCUBATOR Technical specification Cooling BOD INCUBATOR combined with High & Low Temperature, Digital Controller and provision for running shaker inside Brand ‘IIC’ or Similar Temperature range between 5ºC to 50ºC which should be controlled by means of a Digital Temperature Controller in conjunction with an electronic relay. Accuracy should be approximately ± 1ºC. Best quality heaters, should work at black heat, are provided for obtaining temperature above ambient. Forced air is thrusted and re-circulated throughout the chamber by a continuous running blower fan for attaining maximum temperature uniformity. Double walled constructions with inner chamber of stainless steel and outer wall of CRC steel sheet. Non- hygroscopic glass fibre insulation should be provided in between two walls. Heavily insulated door opens fully with slight pressure on chrome plated handle. Magnetic strip gaskets are employed to seal the door against any atmospheric infiltration. An inner glass door should be fitted for inspection of materials kept under test. A lamp should be provided within the working chamber which operates immediately to opening the outer door. CONTROL PANEL: All controls should be externally mounted and include all necessary switches and indicating lamps for Mains, Heating and Shaking Mechanism. The Digital Temperature Controller, Speed Regulator Knob with Digital Speed Indicator should be mounted on the panel. Temperature Range: 5ºc to 50ºC ± 0.5ºC / 1ºC Temperature Control: Electronic Controller with Digital Display. Speed Indication by: Digital RPM meter Drive Motor: Direct Current, Ball Bearing Type. Refrigeration: CFC Free. Operable On: 220 Volts, Single Phase, AC Mains. Capacity: 170 lts – 6 cft (or more) Chamber Size: 18 x 18 x 32 inch (or more) |
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Orbital Shaker
‘IIC’ make SHAKER with Variable Orbital (Rotary) Motion to run inside BOD incubator – from KRIC These Orbital Shakers are designed for gentle shaking of shear sensitive cells and vigorous high-speed shaking of bacterial cultures. They combine the efficiency to run inside a controlled temperature with the precision of a variable speed orbital shaker. Ruggedly built for continuous agitation, this heavy duty shaking machine utilises electronic controllers for shaking speed with extreme precision. Specification of SHAKING portion: The Orbital Shaking Mechanism is built with precision for continuous service and reproducible agitation. Acting through a triple eccentric drive transmission, a powerful ball bearing DC driven motor rotates the shaking platform horizontally in a circular orbit describing a 25 mm circle. The platform rides smoothly on nine ball bearings to achieve reproducible agitation and extremely long life. Speed is adjustable between 40 and 180 rpm by means of a step less speed regulator. The shaker platforms are of easily replaceable type and can accommodate 1000 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml or 100 ml conical flasks. Specification of CONTROL PANEL: All controls are externally mounted and include all necessary switches and indicating lamps for Mains and Shaking Mechanism. The Digital Temperature Controller, Speed Regulator Knob with Digital Speed Indicator are also mounted on the panel. Technical Specification: Ambient Temperature Range: 5ºc to 50ºC Speed Range: Variable between 40 to 180 rpm. Speed Indication by: Digital RPM meter Stroke: Orbital Rotary Motion of 25mm. |
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Note: a) The sealed cover should be duly superscribed with the enquiry no & date and name of the item quoted in block letter.
b) Party is requested to keep in touch in Dr. Avishek Banik (avishek.dbs@preseuniv.ac.in), Assistant Professor, School of Biotechnology, Presidency University before quoting the rate for better knowledge of specification, quality of material, etc.
c) Warranty must be mentioned in your offer for all the above items.
d) Please make sure to mention unit price and cumulative price for all items that should be inclusive of all taxes, duties and other charges as stated in point no.3 below.
Finance Officer
Terms & conditions of the Quotation:-
1. The bidder must be GST-Registered (photocopy of the GST Registration Certificate to be provided along with the quotation). Quotations of the unregistered dealers would be summarily rejected.
2. The quotations should be made by the vendors in their original letterheads clearly indicating the aforesaid goods/articles in details.
3. Price quoted should be inclusive of GST, installation, commissioning and delivery charges up to Presidency University.
4. Rate and amount of GST for each item is to be specified in the quotation.
5. DSIR Certificate would be provided to the L-1 Vendor against Proforma Invoice, if necessary, for the purpose of exemption of Customs duty / GST as per the extant Rules and Notifications.
6. The above Rate Format is to be strictly followed. In case a bidder is unable to quote the rate against any item, the rate should remain blank for the respective Serial No. But in no case the row against the said Serial No. should be deleted by the Bidder.
7. Validity of the quotation will be at least 3(three) months from the closing date of the enquiry.
8. Sample must be attached with quotation in all possible cases.
9. Our enquiry no and date & Purchase order no. and date must be quoted on all correspondences and those should be duly signed and seal.
10. Bidders must as far as possible, arrange to supply the materials within the stipulated time mentioned in the purchase order. This delivery time must be strictly adhered to. Failure to supply within the specified time will lead to cancellation of the order without notice.
11. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason thereto.
12. In all cases of disputes, the decision of the University shall be final & binding on you.
By order
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