Tender Notice for “Annual Rate Contract for supply of Liquid Nitrogen Refill for NMR at Presidency University/Kolkata ”
Presidency University, Kolkata invites sealed tenders under two bid system for “ Annual Rate Contract for supply of Liquid Nitrogen Refill for NMR at Presidency University/Kolkata as per details in Annexure “C”. Interested vendors/ agencies are requested to submit their technical bid and financial bid ( Annexure –D) [ attached with the tender document] along with signed and stamped tender document and duly filled up signed and stamped Vendor Data Sheet (Annexure “B”) in sealed cover addressed to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata -700 073 :-.
Details for contact person, bid submission are as under:
1. Tender form available at : Presidency University website at www.presiuniv.ac.in
2. Place of submission of tender bids : Tender Box placed at Finance Office, First Floor, Main Building.
3. Tender Fee :Rs. 500.00 ( Five Hundred ) only
4. EMD : Rs. 5,000.00 ( Five Thousand) only
5. Last date of submission of tender bids : 11.12.2017 up to 11.00 am
6. Date of opening of tender bids : 11.12.2017 at 11.30 am
Presidency University/Kolkata
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