Tender Notice No:BOOKS/17-18/CAS/Geology / 01
Sealed quotations are invited from the Enlisted Vendors of the University to quote their lowest possible rate for the supply of the under-mentioned goods/articles, subject to the following terms and conditions. The quotations must be submitted to the Head of the Department, Depatment of Geology of the University.
Last date & time for submission of quotation is 28.02.2018 up to 3.30 P.M.
Consignment in details:-
Sl No. |
Name of Book |
Name of Author |
Publisher name & year of Publication |
Approximate Quantity |
1 |
Earth as an Evolving Planetary System |
Condie, K. C. |
Academic Press, 3rd Edition |
01 |
2 |
Crust- Mantle interactions |
Halla |
01 |
3 |
Crustal Evolution of India and Antractica |
Pant |
01 |
4 |
Isotope Geochemistry |
White, W. M. |
John Wiley, 2015 |
01 |
5 |
Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and evolution |
James S. Monroe |
Cengage, 2008 |
01 |
6 |
Foraminiferal genera and their classification. Volumes 1 and 2 |
Loeblich, A. R. Jr, and Tappan, H. |
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1988 |
01 |
7 |
Taxonomic notes on the species figured by H. B. Brady in his “Report on the foraminifera dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876” |
Barker, R. W. |
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1960 |
01 |
8 |
An Atlas of British Recent Foraminiferids |
Murray, J. W. |
Heinemann Educational Books, London, 1971 |
01 |
9 |
Textbook of Micropaleontology |
Yadav, P. R. |
Discovery Publishing Pvt.Ltd, 2010 |
01 |
10 |
Foraminifera and their Applications |
Robert Wynn Jones |
Cambridge University Press |
01 |
11 |
Micropaleontology: Principles and Applications |
Saraswati, P. K. and Srinivasan, M.S. |
Springer |
01 |
12 |
Applied Geological Micropalaeontology |
Kathal, P. K. |
Scientific Publisher, 2012 |
01 |
13 |
Applications Of Paleoenvironmental Techniques in Estuarine Studies |
Peter A. Gell and C. Gregory Skilbeck |
Springer |
01 |
14 |
Microfossils |
Howard Armstrong, Martin Brasier |
Wiley-Blackwell; 2nd Edition, 2004 |
01 |
15 |
A Textbook of Palynology |
K. Bhattacharya, M. R. Majumdar, S. G. Bhattacharya |
New Central Book Agency, 2011 |
01 |
16 |
An Introduction to Paleobotany |
A. C. Arnold |
Agrobios (india) |
01 |
17 |
Ichnology |
Buatois Mangano |
Cambridge University Press, 2011 |
01 |
18 |
Sedimentary Rocks |
F.J. Pettijohn |
Cambridge |
01 |
19 |
Sedimentary Structures |
J.D. Collinson & D.B. Thompson |
Terra Publishing |
01 |
20 |
Sediment Provenance Influences on Compositional Change from Source to Sink |
Rajat Mazumder |
Springer |
01 |
21 |
Sedimentary Petrology-An introduction to the origin of sedimentary rocks |
Maurice E. Tucker |
John Willey (Indian Edition) |
01 |
22 |
Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy |
Sam Boggs, Jr |
Pearson |
01 |
23 |
Principles Of Stratigraphy |
Roy R. Lemon |
Longman Higher Education (Indian edition) |
01 |
24 |
Sedimentology & stratigraphy |
Garry Nichols |
Wiley India |
01 |
25 |
Indian Statigraphy |
Ramakrishnan M & Vaidyanadhan R |
Geological society of India |
01 |
26 |
Ore deposit geology |
John Ridley |
Cambridge University press, 2013 |
01 |
27 |
The ore minerals under the microscope – an optical guide |
Bernhard Pracejus |
Elsevier, 2015 |
01 |
28 |
Understanding mineral deposits |
Kula C. Misra |
Springer |
01 |
29 |
Minerals and sllied natural resources and their sustainable development: principles, perspectives with emphasis on Indian scenario |
S. C. Sarkar |
Springer, 2017 |
01 |
30 |
Understanding Earth |
John Grotzinger and T. H. Jorden |
W. H. Freeman & Co. Ltd. |
01 |
31 |
Essentials of Oceanography |
T. Garrison and R. Ellis |
Cengage learning. |
01 |
Note: a) The sealed cover should be duly superscribed with the enquiry no & date and name of the item quoted in block letter.
b) Party is requested to keep in touch withHead of the Department, Depatment of Geology , Presidency University before quoting the rate for better knowledge of specification, quality of material, etc.
c) Warranty must be mentioned in your offer for all the above items.
d) Please make sure to mention unit price and cumulative price for all items that should be inclusive of all taxes, duties and other charges as stated in point no.3 below.
e) Rate and amount of GST for each item is to be specified in the quotation.
Finance Officer
Terms & conditions of the Quotation:-
1. The bidder must be GST-Registered (photocopy of the GST Registration Certificate to be provided along with the quotation). Quotations of the unregistered dealers would be summarily rejected.
2. The quotations should be made by the vendors in their original letterheads clearly indicating the aforesaid goods/articles in details.
3. Price quoted should be inclusive of GST, installation, commissioning and delivery charges up to Presidency University.
4. Rate and amount of GST for each item is to be specified in the quotation.
5. Validity of the quotation will be at least 3(three) months from the closing date of the enquiry.
6. Sample must be attached with quotation in all possible cases.
7. Our enquiry no and date & Purchase order no. and date must be quoted on all correspondences and those should be duly signed and seal.
8. Bidders must as far as possible, arrange to supply the materials within the stipulated time mentioned in the purchase order. This delivery time must be strictly adhered to. Failure to supply within the specified time will lead to cancellation of the order without notice.
9. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason thereto.
10. In all cases of disputes, the decision of the University shall be final & binding on you.
By order
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