Notice for Quotation
No:-. PU/ Tender/ Flat Hire/2016-17/1/R
Dated: 17-06-2016
Hiring of three (3) nos. 2 BHK Flats in South Kolkata, West Bengal for use as Transit Accommodation for Teachers / Guests on Lease Basis
Presidency University invites Tender under Two Bid System from the interested individuals / firms in respect of hiring of three (3) nos. 2BHK Flats/Apartment (850 to 1000 sq. ft. carpet area each) situated in South Kolkata on monthly lease rental basis for use as transit accommodation for its teachers / guests.The flats/apartment should be in “Ready to Occupy” condition. The three flats should preferably be in the same House / Apartment and be owned by the same person. The location of the premises should be such that it is easily approachable from Railway Station/ Bus Stand. Hospital(s), market, school, etc. should situate in the vicinity of the premises. Interested owners are requested to provide their bids under the Two-Bid System.
i. Annexure I Technical Bid
ii. Annexure II Financial Bid
The sealed Cover of Technical Bid should contain Annexure I duly filled up and signed by the bidder(s), the required documents and a Demand Draft / Pay Order in favour of “Presidency University” payable at Kolkata of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five hundred) only as non-refundable Tender Fee. The sealed Cover of Financial Bid (Annexure – II) should contain monthly lease rental.
A master Sealed Cover, containing the Covers of Technical Bid and Financial Bid as stated above, addressed to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 must be dropped in the Tender Box kept in the Purchase Cell at Ground Floor of the Main Building of Presidency University or may be sent by post / courier within the date and time mentioned below.
Financial Bid will be opened only if Technical Bid is found in order after technical evaluation.
The Forms / Annexures can be downloaded from the University Website (www.presiuniv.ac.in). The successful Bidder shall have to enter into an Agreement containing all Terms and Conditions with the University Authority. Initially the agreement shall be for a period of one year and may renewed, if required by the University authority.
Last Date of Submission of Tender: 24-06-2016 upto 3.00 P.M.
Date of Opening of Tender: 24-06-2016 at 3.30 P.M.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Tender Inviting Authority does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender.
Clik here to download details Clik here to go in the previous notice
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