Enquiry Notice
Enquiry No. PU/CONVO/16-17/Printing/1
Dated: 22/07/2016
Quotations in sealed cover addressed to “The Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata-700073” are invited from the reputed/enlisted Printing Companies/Firms for printing and supply of the following items in respect of the 4th Convocation Presidency University, Kolkata:
1) Invitation Card with envelope
Size : A5 (Close), A4 (Open)
No. of Pages : 4 Pages
Paper : Card - 300 GSM Art Board, Envelope - 120 GSM SSP
Colour : All through 4 Colour
Fabrication : Card - Matt Lamination both side and one fold, Envelope making
Quantity : Card and Envelope- 1250 Copies and 1250 Copies
2) Folder
Size : A4
No. of Pages : 4 Pages
Paper : 300 GSM Art Board
Colour : Front Side 4 Colour printing only
Fabrication : Matt Lamination both side and one side pocket pasting
Quantity : 1000 Copies
3) Detailed Programme
Size : A5 (Close), A4 (Open)
No. of Pages : 8 Pages
Paper : 300 GSM Art Board
Colour : All through 4 Colour
Fabrication : Matt Lamination both side
Binding : Centre Stitch
Quantity : 1000 Copies
4) Citations (Honoris Causa)
Size : A5 (Close), A4 (Open)
No. of Pages : 4 Pages
Paper : 300 GSM Art Board
Colour : All through 4 Colour
Fabrication : Matt Lamination both side and one fold
Quantity : 1000 Copies
5) Exhortation
Size : A5 (Close), A4 (Open)
No. of Pages : 4 Pages
Paper : 300 GSM Art Board
Colour : All through 4 Colour
Fabrication : Matt Lamination both side and one fold
Quantity : 1000 Copies
6) VC’s Speech
Size : A5 (Close), A4 (Open)
No. of Pages : 8 or 12 Pages
Paper : 170 GSM Art Paper
Colour : All through 4 Colour
Binding : Centre Stitch
Quantity : 1000 Copies
For detailed information relating to specification, design, color, etc. and the matters to be printed, the interested bidders may contact in person with Dr. Hia Sen, Department of Sociology at the NS building (2nd Floor) or Shubhabrata Das, Department of Mathematics at the Main Building (1st Floor) of the University .
The quotations should be made by the bidders in their original letter head and duly signed by the authorized signatory of the Quoting concern.
Tax, if applicable, should be mentioned separately . Otherwise, price quoted would be considered as inclusive of such tax.
No extra charge will be considered.
Self-attested photocopies of the valid Trade License, copy of the PAN card, and other relevant credentials are to be enclosed with the said application form.
No advance payment will be made. Payment will be made after successful completion of the works.
The sealed cover should be duly superscribed with the Tender Notice No. and Date and the words “PRINTING JOBS” and should be dropped in the Tender Box kept at the Purchase Cell of the University at the First Floor of the Main Building in the Presidency University campus.
- DATE OF OPENING OF THE QUOTATIONS: 01-08-2016 at 3.30 P.M.
The University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation in part or full without assigning any reason
Presidency University, Kolkata
By order
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