Tender No- PU/COE/025/2022 Tender Notice for “Supply of Answer Scripts for Examinations – Booklet of 24 pages and Continuous Sheet of 4 pages” at Presidency University / Kolkata” Date:25/05/2022
Presidency University, Kolkata invites sealed tenders for “ Supply of Answer Scripts for Examinations – Booklet of 24 pages and Continuous Sheet of 4 pages at Presidency University, Kolkata” as per details in Annexure “B” under Two Bid system. Interested bidders are requested to provide their bids as per the item and specifications inBill of Quantities(Annexure- B) andGeneral Terms & Conditions (Annexure- A) along with the signed Vendor Data Sheet and Declaration (Annexure– C) and Financial Bid (Annexure –D).
All the above mentioned documents should be in two separate sealed envelopes: 1.envelope of Technical Bid and 2. Envelope of Financial Bid. The envelope of Technical Bid should contain Annexure A, B and C dully filled up and signed, Demand Draft for Tender Fee and all other required documents.The envelope of Financial Bid should contain Price Bid (Annexure –D) only. Both the Financial Bid and Technical Bid should be put in a Master Envelope.
The Master Envelope should be sealed and superscribed with the words:
Tender for: “Supply of Answer Scripts for Examinations – Booklet of 24 pages and Continuous Sheet of 4 pages at Presidency University/Kolkata”
Tender Notice no. : PU/COE/025/2022 Dated :25.05.2022
The above mentioned Master Envelopeshould be addressed to the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street. Kolkata -700 073 and dropped in the Tender Box placed at Security Office, Main Gate of the University.
Tender Fee : Rs. 500.00 (Five Hundred) only
Last date of submission of tender bids : 03.06.2022 up to 03.00 pm
Date of opening of tender bids : 03.06.2022 at 03.30 pm
Financial Bid will be opened only if Technical Bid is found in order after technical evaluation.
The University at its own discretion may cancel any or all the bids without assigning any reason. The University may not confine itself to issue purchase order in favour of the lowest bidder.
Presidency University/Kolkata
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(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
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(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
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