Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
Tender Notification No. PU/Car Hire/15-16/1
Date: : 16-04-2015
Sealed bids undertwo part systems are invited from reputed and experienced Kolkata based contractors for providing cars monthly hire basis. Detailed of the cars including terms &conditions are given in the bid documents.
Description |
Tender Document fee |
E.M.D. |
Bid Closing Date & Time |
Bid Opening Date & Time |
Providing of Seven / Eight (7/8) nos. 4-sitter A/C diesel Car (Commercial & Registered after 01-04-2012) with full time driver on monthly hire basis.; Colour – milky white; Brand – Tata Indica / Indigo / MarutiDzireor equivalent. |
Rs.1000/- |
Rs.80,000/- |
04-05-2015 at 3.00 P.M. |
04-05-2015 at 4 P.M. |
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: Intended bidders should fulfill the following Pre-Qualification Criteria.
1. The Bidder should have at least 5(five) years experience in workof similar nature preferably with Govt./PublicSector or big reputed private sector companies.(Appropriate proof has to be attached ).
2. The Bidder should give a declaration that all the cars offered to be provided are exclusively owned by him / her / it. (Documentary evidence to beprovided subsequently in case of the successful bidder).
3. The Bidder must have Annual Turnover of not less than Rs. 5 (Five) Lakh for the preceding 2 years (to be proved by the audited State of Accounts of 2013-14 and 2012-13).
4. The Bidder should have a Permanent office in Kolkata with telephone and mobile connection (To providedocumentary evidence).
Offers are to be submitted in two part bid.
1. A) Part-I:Commercial Bidcontaining the following:
a)Documentary Evidence as required in Pre-Qualification Criteria.
b) Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 80,000/- by Demand Draft in favour of
Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
c) Tender Fee of Rs.1000/- by way of Demand Draft in favour of Presidency University
payable at Kolkata.
d) A copy of tender document duly signed and stamped by authorised signatory on all pages intoken of acceptance of alt terms and conditions of our tender.
e) Bidder's Profile (Annexure-I) duly filled in and signed.
B)Part-II :Price Bid (Annexure-II) should contain Price only without any precondition.
The Commercial Bid (Part-I) and Price Bid (Part-II) should be kept in separate Sealed covers. These 2 envelops with superscription of (a) Commercial Bid Part-I & (b) Price Bid Part-II respectively should further be placed in another sealed envelope and duly super-scribed with Tender for Hiring of Carsand be addressed to “TheFinance Officer, Presidency University, and to be dropped in the tender box kept at the Purchase Cell at First Floor of Main Building on or before 3 P.M. on 04-05-2015.
2. Bid documents may be collected from the Finance Department at the above address on payment of fee of Rs.1000/- by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
3. The University reserves the right to acceptor reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
4. Late and delayed offers will not be considered. Presidency University shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
Presidency University
1. The successful bidder is required to provide the vehicles within 15 days after receiving the car.
2. Agreement will be executed between the Car Provider and the University authority for one year from the date of commencement of the work which may be extended for another year on satisfactory performance.
3. If the University authority is at any time dissatisfied with the service of the Car Provider or not in accordance with this Contractual agreement (regarding both vehicle and Driver), the University will cancel the contract by issuing 30 days Notice without assigning any reason.
4. The bidder should have the capacity to provide 2/3 more cars at a time in case of necessity.
5. Providing drivers, fuel, lubricant, maintenance of car, any statutory taxes, fees, insurance etc. shall be the responsibility of the successful bidders.
6. The vehicle shall be kept in good running condition at all times by the car provider and will arrange at his own cost procurement of fuel, lubricants/ spares, tyres, tubes, spare parts, etc. Maintenance/ repair, frequent check up servicing. overhauling, payment of wage to driver, supply of uniform to driver and cleaning the cars etc, will be contractor's responsibilities and no claim, whatsoever on these accounts will be entertained at any time.
7. The contract includes provision of outstation duty as per requirement of the University.
8. The cars should normally report between (8 A.M./9.00 A.M.) or as per advice by the reporting officer and provide 12 (Twelve) hours duty per day for five days in a week (Except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) and 120 K.Ms. of Journey per day.
9. During office hours the cars should be parked at Presidency University or in other place or places as directed by the authority of the Presidency University.
10. A log book for each car shall be maintained and signature of the user officer certifying the reporting and releasing kilometers and time shall be obtained on log book every day at the close of work.Both the Garage Out and Garage Inkilometers and time shall also be regularly recorded in the log book.
11. The University will not provide any garage for the cars. The cars have to be garaged outside the University campus.
12. The payment will be made against monthly bill duly certified by the Competent Authority of the University and the Bill for the last month of the contract period will be paid after 30 days of completion of contract unless the contract period is extended.
13. The successful bidder shall undertake that the carswill be provided to the University in excellent condition including fitments and will be cleaned inside and outside of the car by daily basis.
14. In the event of breakdown or mechanical failure and/or any other failure of the car, the Car Provider should provide a replacement of the car of similar make and model within one Hour, otherwise the University will hire a vehicle of any type from any other source and debit the hiring charges to Service Provider.
15. The University shall bear charge for the mileage and time from the garage to the residence of the user Officer and vice versa for a maximum of 8 K.M. and 30 minutes respectively for each way.
16. The driver should be neatly dressed in white uniform, black shoes, must be well behaved, literate and capable of rigorous duty. The Driver should not consume alcohol, smoke/chew tobacco/ gutkha or consume/inhale any toxic product while on duty. The driver must ensure secrecy in all respect as desired from the Drivers of VVIP cars.
17. The cars should be milky white, the upholstery (seat cover etc.) and the driver should be well familiar with the roads and places of in and around KOLKATA.
18. The service provider should ensure that the car is provided with a spare wheel and toolbox along with First Aid Box.
19. The car parking and other toll charges will be borne by the driver and that will be reimbursed on monthly basis on production of the original toll charges receipts, original parking receipts attached to respective Bill.
20. The accuracy of car meter will be checked by any authorized officer of the University and the University reserves the right to get the meter calibrated or checked at any time at its sole discretion and in the event of any fault/error in the meter being noticed, the bill for the Journey undertaken (including those undertaken earlier) would be adjusted, besides any other penal action as decided by the University Authority, which may even lead to termination of the contract.
21. The Car Provider should have mobile telephone at his residence and office and should be available round the clock and also should provide mobile telephone to the driver of the vehicle at the cost of the service provider.
22. The University will not have direct and indirect liability arising out of any negligence, rash and negligence driving and loss caused to the first part have to be compensated by the other part and first part shall not be held responsible for theft, burglary, fire or any mischievous Deeds by his staff.
23. The service provider will be held fully responsible and/or partially for any dispute that may arise between the service provider and his workers.
24. The car provider shall install & properly maintain Front & Rear name plates, flag with flag stand (to be supplied by the University authority) at his own cost and that should be returned to the party of the University on termination of the contract or as and when required. Any damage incurred to these items shall be replaced by the service provider on demand. Any misuse of the said items will be treated as offence & service provider shall be sole responsible for such act/s.
25. The following clause will be applied in the event of change (both increase / decrease) of price of Diesel only by the Government of India from the base price (the price prevailing on the date of bid to be declared by the bidder with appropriate proof or the price prevailing on the date of renewal of contract, as the case may be) and the compensation rate will be calculated by the following formula:
Compensation rate per km. = (x2 – x1)/15 (for Diesel vehicle).
Where (x2 – x1) is the change in the price of diesel. x1isthe base price and x2 is the revised price prevailing at Kolkata.
26. Over time charges for use of the car over and above 13 hours of duty per day shall be consideredon proportionate basis with respect to the monthly hire charge standing for 12 hours X 22 days. Similarly, extra charge for mileage over and above 120 kms per day shall be consideredon proportionate basis with respect to the monthly hire charge standing for 120 hours X 22 days. However, the charge for extra hours or charge for extra mileage, whichever is higher shall be considered for payment.
27. If the car is required by any user Officer on a holiday / Sunday / Saturday, the extra charge will be paid on proportionate basis as stated in para 26 above. No additional charge will be paid. The Over time charge for such days shall be payable on the same proportionate basis.
28. If the car moves out of station i.e. 200 kms, one way from Kolkata, the University will pay to the Car Provider Rs.100/- per night extra on the total Bill.
1. Validity: The bid offer shall be valid for our acceptance fora period of 45 days from the date opening of the tender.
2. Earnest Money Deposit: Bidder shill submitRs.80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand) only by way of DD favouringPresidency University, payable atKolkata towards Earnest Money Deposit alongwith this Bid. However, EMD to unsuccessful bidders will be refunded immediately after finalisation of tender. No Interest is payable on EMD Amount.
3. Security Deposit: Successful bidder shall have to deposit an amount equivalent to 5% of one year’s rental value quoted by the party by way of Demand Draft/ Banker’s cheque from any corrmercial BankfavouringPresidency University, payable at Kolkata towards Security Deposit which shall be returned after successful completion of the contract. No interest is payable on SDamount.EMD of successful bidder will be refunded after deposit of Security Deposit amount.
The University reserves the right to forfeit the security deposit in case of breach of terms and conditions of the work order on the part of the contractor, andalso in case the contractor fails to execute the job to the satisfaction of the Officer-in Charge.Any loss suffered by the University due to negligence of thecontractor orhis men or any other dues, penalty etc. will be recoverable from the security deposit. Decision of the Officer-in- Charge in this regard will be final and binding on the contractor. The security deposit will however be released within 1 (one) month after the successful completion ofcontract withoutany interest after necessary deduction,if any.
4. Sub-contractwill not be allowed in part or whole under any circumstances.
5. Security measure : The tenderer will abide by the rules and regulations of the Security Regulations.
6. Rates:The quoted rates shall remain firm and fixed during the currency of the contract.
7.1.All taxes and insurances presently in force or to be enforced in future by the Govt. during the contractual period in respect of the vehicle shall have to be paid/ borne entirely by the contractor.
7.2.Contractor shall furnish to the Officer- in Charge the proof of payment of taxes, insurance etc. on a regular basis.
7.3.Contractor shall have valid permit as per applicable statutory provisions.
7.4.Contractor shall comply with all relevant rules and regulations of Motor Vehicles Act applicable at present and may be enforced from time to time in future. Any violation ofthe provisions of the said Act will be at his risk and cost and may lead to termination of the contract.
7.5.Driver driving the vehicle must have valid professional driving license as provided in the MV Actand should have atleast 2 years experience and well conversant with the city of Kolkata.
7.6.During the contract period if the vehicle is seized or detained or requisitioned by the Govt. Authorities for non-compliance of the relevant Acts/ statutory provisions or for any other reason, whatsoever, penalty/ compensation as per clause 2 of special terms and conditions will be payable by the Contractor if the liability to provide for alternative vehicles is not fulfilled immediately. The contractor is also liable for any penalty and / or any consequence on account of traffic violence / accident etc.
The successful tenderer will abide by all laws governing employment and safely of labor and particular the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1856 and Workmen Compensation Act, 1948, Provident Fund Act, 1952, Motor Vehicles Act (WB), 1988and other Acts as applicable from time to time. If any amount becomes payable by the University as a result of any claim application etc. in terms of the provisions of the said Act(s) and regulations and / or any other Act not specifically mentioned thereof, such amount shall be recovered from the successful bidder.
The successful bidder will be liable to indemnify the University against any loss with regard to its property / interest / reputation while executing the work order.
In the event of any failure/ negligence form the part of the contractor the University reserves its right to terminate the contract either in full or in part at any time during the course of the contract by serving 1 (one) month advance notice in writing.
Income Tax and other taxes at the rates applicable from time to time shall be deducted from the bills of the Contract at the source, if any.
12. FORCE MAJEURE: As applicable under the law.
All questions, dispute or differences of any kind whatsoever arising out of or relating to the contract shall be referred by the parties to this contract within 30 days from the date of dispute for decision to the Sole Arbitrator who shall be the Vice Chancellor or any person nominated by the Vice Chancellor on his/ her behalf. In the event of such an Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred, is transferred or vacates his/her office by resignation/ superannuated or gets separated from the University for any reasons whatsoever, or otherwise or refused to act or is incapable of acting for any reasons whatsoever, the Vice Chancellor shall appoint another person to act as arbitrator in his/her place in accordance with the terms of this contract. Such, person shall be entitled to proceeds from the stage at which it was left by his / her predecessor.
There shall be no objection to such appointment that the Arbitrator appointed is an Officer of the University or that he / she had any occasion to deal with the matter to which this contract relates or that in the course of his /her duty as such officer he / she had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. No person other than the Vice Chancellor or his / her nominee can act as an Arbitrator. The venue of Arbitration shall be Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata – 700 073.
The awards of the Arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties of this agreement.
Subject to the above, the provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and all of the rules/ and amendments there under and such other similar enactment for the time being in force and all statutory modification there of shall govern such Arbitration proceedings.
The contract shall be governed by the laws of India and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Kolkata only.
The contractor will be fully responsible for safe custody of Car/ Driver/ Materials.
Tender Notification No PU/Car Hire/15-16/1 dated16-04-2015 for Hiring of 7/8 nos. of Car with full time Driver on monthly Rental basis
1. Name & Address of the Firm/ Proprietor with Phone No./ Fax No./E-mail
2. Status of the Firm______________________________________________________________
(Proprietorship/Partnership/Company) Please furnish documents in support.
3. Certified copy of a Chartered Accountant regarding annual turnover of the Firm in 2013-14 & 2012-13.
4. Service Tax Registration No.____________________________________________
(Please furnish a photocopy of the documents in support.)
5. Income Tax PAN No. __________________________________________________________
(Please furnish a photocopy of the documents in support.)
6. Experience (in years) in work of similar nature (Appropriate proof to be provided)
7. No. of Cars owned / operated on hire (photocopy of Registration Certificates of cars to be provided)
8. List of major customers i.e. Govt./PSU/ Reputed Private sector Company
(Please furnish a photocopy of the documents in support)
9. Name(s) of contact person(s) and His/Her office /Residence Phone No. & Mobile Nos.
10. Any other information useful for consideration.
11. Names) person(s) authorize to sign documents on behalf of the bidder with specimen signature(s):-
I/We confirm that we have read the terms & conditions of the tender and that the information furnished above is correct to the best of my knowledge and I/We agree to comply with all conditions stipulated in the bid documents.
I/We hereby declare that my / our concern / company have never been black-listed with any government company or office or any public / private sector enterprise.
I/ We further declare that all the cars offered to be provided by me / us are exclusively owned by me / us. I/We have furnished / attached all required documents along with this Technical Bid documents.
Signature of the Authorised Signatory of the Bidder
Full Name & Designation ____________________________________
Sealed/ Rubber Stamp of the Firm.
(To be submitted in separate Sealed Covered)
Tender Notification No PU/Car Hire/15-16/1 dated16-04-2015 for Hiring of Seven / Eight (7/8) Cars with full time Driver on monthly Rental basis
Dear Sir,
I have understood that all the general and special terms and conditions of the Tender.
I/We hereby quote our Rate for providing car specified in the Tender Notification along with a driver for each car on full time monthly basis as per the terms & conditions of the contract.
Specify Brand & Model of Car |
Monthly Rental per Car (Rs.) |
1. Tata Indica 2. Tata Indigo 3. MarutiDzire 4. Other (specify) |
The above monthly rental is based on the diesel price of Rs._______/- liter (provide documentary proof)
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Place: (Signature of authorized signatory)
Seal of the Company/ Firm
Note: The cars shall be commercial vehicles and registered after 01-4-2012 to be proved by the Registration Certificates.
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