Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
TENDER NOTICE NO.: PU/Car Hire/14-15/1(2) Dated 14-10-2014
Sealed bids under two part systems are invited from reputed and experienced Kolkata based contractors for providing One Brand New Honda City (Model 1.5 S MT) or Equivalent Car ( Registered after October,2014) on monthly hire basis. Detailed of work including terms & conditions are given in the bid documents.
Description | Tender Document Fee | E.M.D. | Bid Closing Date & Time | Bid Opening Date & Time |
Providing of one brand new Honda City (Model - 1.5 S MT) or Equivalent A/c. Car (Registered after October,2014) / with full time driver on monthly hire basis. | Rs.500/- | Rs. 10,000/- | 23/10/2014 15.00 Hrs. | 23/10/2014 16.00 Hrs. |
Bid Closing Date & Time has been extended to 05-11-2014 upto 3.00P.M.
Bid Opening date & time is 05-11-2014 at 4.00 P.m.
PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: Intended bidders should fulfill the following Pre-Qualification Criteria.
1. The Bidder should have at least 8(Eight) years experience in work of similar nature preferably with Govt. /Public Sector or big reputed private sector companies.(Appropriate proof has to be attached ).
2. The Bidder should be owning and operating at least 5 cars in the name of Proprietor/Firm (Documentary evidence to be provided).
3. The Bidder must have Annual Turnover of not less than Rs. 5 (Five) Lakh for the preceding 2 years (Certificate of chartered accountant to be provided as Proof).
4. The Bidder should have a Permanent office in Kolkata with telephone and mobile connection (To provide documentary evidence).
Offers are to be submitted in two part bid.
A) Part-I bid (Techno Commercial Bid) should contain the following:
- a) Documentary Evidence as required in Pre-Qualification Criteria.
- b) Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- by Demand Draft in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
- c) Tender Fee of Rs.500/- by way of Demand Draft in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
- d) A copy of tender document duly signed and stamped by authorised signatory on all pages in token of acceptance of alt terms and conditions of our tender.
- e) Bidder's Profile (Annexure-I) duly filled in and signed.
- B) Part-II (Price Bid), Annexure-II should contain Price only without any precondition. The Techno Commercial Bid (Part-I) and Price Bid (Part-II) should be kept in separate Sealed covers. These 2 envelops with superscription of (a) Techno Commercial Bid Part-I & (b) Price Bid Part-II respectively should further be placed in another sealed envelope and duly superscribed with Tender for Hiring of Car & Opening date and be addressed to “ The Finance Officer, Presidency University, and to be dropped in the tender box kept at the Purchase Cell at First Floor of Main Building on or before 15.00 hrs on 22-10-2014.
2. Bid documents may be collected from the Finance Department at the above address on payment of fee of Rs.500/- by way of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
3. The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
4. Delayed Offers: Late and delayed offers will not be considered. Presidency University shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
Registrar, Presidency University
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