Presidency University
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073, India
Tender For Disposal of Old Answer Scripts and Other Junk Papers
Tender No. PU/CVL,etc. 7(3)/13-14
Date: 23-01-2014
Specific Conditions of Job:
1. All the materials have to be cleared from the university on the own cost of the selected party within 10 days of issuance of the work order.
2. An additional amount of Rs. 20,000/- (Rupees two thousand only) as Security Deposit has to be deposited in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata by the selected party to the university during collection of work order.
3. The entire value of the old answer scripts and other junk papers must be paid in advance to the University.
4. The answer scripts are required to be pulped immediately after the purchase and the certificate from the Paper Mill in this respect has to be produced to the university against which the Security Deposit as mentioned above will be released.
5. The old answer scripts and other junk papers can't be used for any other purpose. For any sort of unauthorised use of the same the selected party will be legally liable.
General Conditions:
a) Tender Papers and other details will be available at the office of the Finance Officer, Presidency University, 86/1 College Street, Kolkata – 700 073 from 24 / 01 / 2014 to 31/01/2014 between 10.30 AM and 5 PM
b) The interested parties are required to deposit the tender forms along with relevant papers (mentioned in the form) in sealed cover.
c) Tender fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) has to be deposited along with the tender papers by Demand Draft in favour of Presidency University payable at Kolkata.
d) The last date of receiving of tender paper in the Office of the Finance Officer is 03-02-2014 upto 3 P.M. The tender form will be opened on 03-02-2014 at 3.30 pm.
e) Incomplete tender shall be summarily rejected.
f) The university reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without showing any reason.
g) All legal disputes shall be subject to jurisdiction of Calcutta High Court.
Registrar, Presidency University
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Presidency University
(Main Campus)
86/1 College Street
Kolkata 700073
Presidency University
(2nd Campus)
Plot No. DG/02/02,
Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
New Town
(Near Biswa Bangla Convention Centre)
Contact details Presidency University Students Corner