No:- 31/AR/PU/DM/14-15
Date: 23th Feb. 2015.
Competitive quotation from enlisted or reputed vendors are invited for the following goods/works with item wise detailed specifications.
Name of the Project:
Repairing & Painting works at PWD Electrical (Sub Assistant Engineer) office at Presidency University, 86/1, College Street,
Kolkata- 700 073
Please click on the link for details:
· The contract shall be for the full quantity as described.
· The quotation shall be signed by the vendor with seal on each page of the document.
· The vendor is advised to inspect and examine the site before quoting the rates. Please contact with the office of the undersigned for any further clarifications.
· The rates to be quoted should be inclusive of all taxes. There will be no change of rates with market variation.
· The agency must stick to their work program including quality control of works firmly and monitor the works accordingly.
· The contractor shall start the work from the next day after the receipt of the work order.
· No payment in advance will be made.
· The Quotations would be evaluated for all items together.
· University reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations at any time prior to the award of contract.
· The site will be totally cleaned after completion of the work and before submission of bill by the vendors.
· As per University norms 10% (ten percent) of the total value of the Bill will be retained as Security deposit for defect liability period of 6 (Six) months if the value of the Work order is more than Rs. 50, 000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) only.
· Payment will be made after satisfactory completion of the work and production of bills with other necessary documents.
Sealed quotation to be submitted/delivered, within 2nd Mar. 2015 (1 pm) at the Planning & Development Office, 1st Floor, Main Building, Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073.
The University reserves the right to accept and/or reject any or all quotations without showing any reason.
Assistant Registrar
(Convener of Planning and Development Committee)
Presidency University
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Kolkata 700073
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Plot No. DG/02/02,
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