Shampa Sarkar (Biswas)
Associate Professor

By my academic training I am a reproductive endocrinologist. But my basic training has been on Human Physiology. After my Masters from Calcutta University I joined Benaras Hindu university with a Centre for Advanced Studies fellowship in the Department of Zoology to persue my Doctoral Studies. I joined Dr. PranabLal Pakrashi's lab. It is here that my research training began. I learned some of the basic tennets of experimentation from Dr. Pakrashi. He trained me from an untrained research scholar to a trained research scholar. And it is from him that I developed interest in Embryology and developmental biology as a whole. But I had to leave BHU and come back to Kolkata only to join IICB as a research scholar in the Reproductive biology Research Lab of Dr. Alok k. Pal and Dr. S. N. Kabir. I carried my doctoral studies and at the same time I Joined the CSIR family as a permanent employee in my same lab as a senior technician. And later I came into teaching in the early 2009 by joining Jhargram Raj College, Jhargram as an Assistant professor in the Department of Physiology. Where I was engaged in teaching Physiology to both the honours and pass students of this subject.
At the same time I was a Guest Faculty in the Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Jhargram Raj College, where I taught Animal Physiology, Cell biology, Biophysics and Bioinstrumentation, Biotechnology (theory) and Histology and Histochemistry (Practical) to PG students of this Department. During the vacations I carried out my research projects which were in Collaboration with IICB.
But now when I have joined the University my quest is to train both the UG and PG students and biuld up their research career.
Education :
2004 Ph.D. in Life Sciences, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
1992 M.Sc. in Physiology, Calcutta University, Kolkata, India, Specialization in Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology.
1990 B.Sc. with Honours in Physiology, Chemistry and Botany as subsidiary papers. Calcutta University, Kolkata, India.
Research / Administrative Experience+
The specific areas of my interest are i) Egg-activation and oocyte maturation, ii) Sperm-egg interactions, iii) factors regulating embryo implantation iv) Germ cell maturation and primordial germ cell migration, v) Reproductive toxicology vi) cell signaling cascades and molecular pathways involved in apoptotic changes in different reproductive processes vii) Embryonic stem cells as a therapeutic tool for reproductive diseases/anomalies. As for my research goal is to better understand the fundamental mechanisms of human reproductive system and related diseases and more importantly, to translate basic research findings into therapeutic applications.
Currently I am working on the etiologies of POF, and establishing an animal model for POF. We have substantiated an important role for embryonic galactosyltransferase (galTase) in the process of germ cell migration, and demonstrated that purturbation of embryonic gal Tase function in utero induced modification of its substrate recognition, or galtase-Ab -mediated neutralization of enzyme activity led to a sequel of ovarian dysfunction that characterize the basic tenets of POF. I am seriously think of developing a stem cell research lab in my department at Presidency University . Where the students will get an exposure to the techniques of isolating embryonic stem cells from mammalian embryos/organs fetal or adult which will also help me to reach my future research goals too.
Teaching / Other Experience+
I love teaching Reproductive Physiology, Endocrinology and Developmental Physiology. At the same time I take interest in teaching instrumentation to both UG and PG students.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
Life member of Indian Society for Studies in Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF)
Full Length Papers in peer reviewed journals:
o S. Biswas, S. N. Kabir and Alok. K. Pal "The role of Nitric Oxide in the process of implantation in rats" Journal of reproduction and fertility.114; 157-161,1998.
o Alok. K. Pal, Shampa Biswas, S.K. Goswami and Syed. N. Kabir " Effect of Pelvic Endometrial implants on overall reproductive functions of female rats" Biology of Reproduction.60;954-958,1999.
o M. Mukherjee, M. Dutta, S. Biswas, Alok. K. Pal, Dipankar Malakar, A.K. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya and H. Kobayashi “Immotilin – A novel Sperm immobilizing protein” Fertility Sterility. Volume 79, supplement 3, June 2003.
o Srabonti Kumar, Shampa Biswas, Debayan Mandal, Smritinath Chakraborty, Syed N. Kabir, Sukdeb Banerjee, Nirup Bikash Mandal Chenopodium album seed extract: A potent sperm immobilizing agent in vitro and in-vivo. Contraception, Volume 75, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 71-78
o Srabonti Kumar, Shampa Biswas, Sukdeb Banerjee, Nirup Bikash Mandal. Evaluation of safety margins of Chenopodium album seed decoction: 14 day subacute toxicity and microbicidal activity. Reproductive Biology and endocrinology, volume 9:102; 2011.
International Patents:
An international patent has been filed on “A protein from the coelomic fluid of an Indian earth worm that causes immotility of Sperm”. Patent no. 241/NF/2001 dated 30.03.2001.
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