Shampa Sarkar (Biswas)

Associate Professor

By my academic training I am a reproductive endocrinologist.  But my basic training has been on Human Physiology. After my Masters from Calcutta University I joined Benaras Hindu university with a Centre for Advanced Studies fellowship in the Department of Zoology to persue my Doctoral Studies. I joined Dr. PranabLal Pakrashi's lab. It is here that my research training began. I learned some of the basic tennets of experimentation from Dr. Pakrashi. He trained me from an untrained research scholar to a trained research scholar. And it is from him that I developed interest in Embryology and developmental biology as a whole.  But I had to leave BHU and come back to Kolkata only to join IICB as a research scholar in the Reproductive biology Research Lab of Dr. Alok k. Pal and Dr. S. N. Kabir. I carried my doctoral studies and at the same time I Joined the CSIR family as a permanent employee in my same lab as a senior technician. And later I came into teaching in the early 2009 by joining Jhargram Raj College, Jhargram as an Assistant professor in the Department of Physiology. Where I was engaged in teaching Physiology to both the honours and pass students of this subject.

At the same time I was a Guest Faculty in the Post Graduate Department of Zoology, Jhargram Raj College, where I taught Animal Physiology, Cell biology, Biophysics and Bioinstrumentation,  Biotechnology (theory) and Histology and Histochemistry (Practical) to PG students of this Department. During the vacations I carried out my research projects which were in Collaboration with IICB.

But now when I have joined the University my quest is to train both the UG and PG students and biuld up their research career.


Presidency University,
86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India

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