Ratna Koley
Assistant Professor

My research interests include gravitation, cosmology and quantum physics. In particular we are exploring physics of the early universe – inflation, cyclic universe, primordial magnetic fields and blackholes. We are also involved in exploring shadow, echo and memory due to compact astrophysical objects. The observational signatures of gravitating objects through quasi normal modes and gravitational wave are also being explored in our group. Geometrical and gravitational aspects of the extra dimensions are the other interest of our group.
Ph.D. Physics (IIT Kharagpur, 2006)
Academic positions :
· Assistant Professor, Presidency University, 2013 - Present
· Assistant Professor, WBES, Bethune College, 2009 - 2013
· Young Scientist - DST Fast Track, IACS, 2008 - 2009
· Research Associate at IACS, 2008
· Post Doctoral Fellow at IUCAA, 2006 - 2008
Extended Academic Visits :
- Physikalisches Institut, Univ. of Bonn, Germany, Oct - Nov, 2010
- Physikalisches Institut, Univ. of Bonn, Germany, May-June, 2011
- ACRU, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, November, 2017
Research / Administrative Experience+
I am a theoretical physicist with interest in gravitation and cosmology. I am especially interested in physics of early unierse which involves theory of gravitation, cosmology and quatum field theory, which are the dominant modern tools of theoretical physics. In the past I have workd on braneworld physics which was aimed at solving the Higgs mass hierarchy problem. We explored variuos phenemenological aspects of brane world physics. More recently my research is focussed on primordial magnetic field, black hole and gravitational waves. Shadow, echo and memory are the new tools to find observational signatures of strong gravitating objects. We are involved in exploring those signatures.
Teaching / Other Experience+
At Presidency University I am involved in teaching the following courses (theory/practical):
· PG level : Quantum Field Theory, General Theory of Relativity, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, Classical Field Theory, Classical Mechanics
· UG level : Special Theory of Relativity, Electromagnetic Theory, Physical Optics, Statistical Mechanics
· GenEd / Minor : Special Theory of Relativity, Waves and Oscillations, General Properties of Matter
Prior to that I have taught the following courses in different organisations (Bethune College, IIT Kharagpur, IUCAA):
· Mathematical Methods for Physics
· Elementary Particles
· Physical Optics
· Quantum Mechanics
· Electricity and Magnetism
· Physics Laboratory
· Electrodynamics Tutorial
· General Theory of Relativity and Cosmolgy tutorial in Refresher Course for College Teachers
Post Graduate Supervision+
Supervision at Research Level:
- Pabitra Gayen (UGC) Topic of Research: Geometrical and Observational Aspects of Different Theories of Gravity
- Abhishek Das (WBDSTBT) Topic of Research: Primordial Magnetic Fields and Their Imprints on Successive Phases of Evolution
Project supervision at the Master's Level:
2024 - 2025:
- Soham Chatterjee (Project Title: Distingushing probe of massive compact objects)
- Sagnik Roy (Project Title: Investigating signatures of primordial physics)
2023 - 2024:
- Saikat Sinha (Project Title: Field Theory in Curved Background and its application in the Early Universe Cosmology)
2022 - 2023:
- Sampurna Bhar (Project Title: Black Hole shadows: a tool to test theories of gravity)
- Tanmay Mandal (Project Title: Gravitational Waves in Curved Background)
- Mehedi Hassan Molla (Project Title: Early Universe through Gravitational Waves)
2021 - 2022:
- Setabuddin (Project Title: Probing GR and Modified Gravity Theory withGravitational Waves)
1. Alorika Kar
(Project Title: Analysis of Inflationary Potentials to explore Primordial
Black Holes as Possible Candidate for Dark Matter)
2. Santanu Sarkar
(Project Title: Single Field Inflation Model Which Favours The
Formation of Primordial Black Holes)
- Pratyusava Baral (Project Title: Radiation with Phase Structure in Electromagnetism and Gravity)
- Soumanti Chakraborty (Project Title: Blackhole production in the inflationary universe)
- Anupreet Ghosh (Project Title: Primordial Magnetic Field, its effect on CMB and Faraday rotation)
- Soumendra Kishore Roy (Project Title: Post Minkowskian Approximation from Self Interactins and Hawking radiation from Blackhole Binary Merger)
- Anarya Ray (Project Title: Gravitational Radiation From Relativistic Sources (joint supervisor)
- Amitabha Banerjee (Project Title: BACTERIA AROUND A BLACK HOLE : Analogue Gravity with Active Nematic Fluid (joint supervisor))
1. Abhishek Das (Project Title: Particle creation in expanding background)
2. Shahbaz Akhter (Project Title: Distinction between R^2 inflation and Higgs inflation)
3. Surajit Biswas (Project Title: The quantum Higgs phenomenon in massless scalar electrodynamics (joint supervisor))
1. Bhaskar Biswas
(Project Title: How much inflation is there - a study by phase space analysis)
2. Pritam Palit
(Project Title: Addressing the eta problem in inflationary cosmology (joint supervisor))
1. Argha Banerjee
(Project Title: Inflation in Brane World Gravity)
2. Arpan Kundu
(Project Title: Study of Inflationary Magnetogenesis)
1. Subhankar Mandal
(Project Title: Geodesic Flow in Black Hole Spacetime)
Academic Memberships+
Life Member, Indian Association of General Relativity and Gravitation
Recent Publications/ Articles:
- Characterizing a class of accelerating wormholes with periodic potential, arXiv (Preprint): 2407.08307 [pdf, other]
- Shadow of higher dimensional collapsing dark star and blackhole, Roy S, Chatterjee S and Koley R, EPJC 84:47 (2024)
- Scalar and spinor quasi normal modes of a 2D dilatonic blackhole, Gayen P. and Koley R. Gen. Rel. and Grav., 55, 129 (2023)
- Probing the Post-Minkowskian Approximation using Recursive Addition of Self-Interactions, Roy et. al. Phys. Rev D, 102, 084045 (2020)
- Gravitational waves with orbital angular momentum, Baral et. al. EPJC, 80, 326 (2020)
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