Arpita Konar
Assistant Professor

“Some Scars Never Fade: Early life trauma, molecular marks and mental health”
Molecular Neurobiology and Epigenetics Laboratory
I am a neurobiologist pursing my childhood curiosity as the research question of my scientific career. I am interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms by which early life traumatic experiences impact brain functions and behavior posing risk for mental illness referred to as neuropsychiatric disorders. My current research focusses on early life (childhood and adolescence) trauma driven pathological aggressive behavior and related psychopathy including antisocial personality and criminal instinct. We work at the interface of behavioural neuroscience, functional genomics and epigenomics, highly competitive and emerging areas of modern biology.
Major questions addressed are
1) How early life traumatic experiences lead to pathological aggressive behavior and related psychopathy? Is there any molecular link?
2) Why sex differences exist in the long-term impact of trauma on brain and behavior and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders?
We aim to answer the above questions using animal model systems and human cohort
The current areas of research include:
1) Functional Genomics and epigenomics of early life trauma driven neuropsychiatric disorders
2) High throughput drug screening and mechanism of action for improving mental health.
Currently we have 2 PhD vacancies to join our team. Candidates interested to work in the field of neuroscience and epigenetics and with CSIR/UGC/DBT/ICMR fellowships are encouraged to apply.
Education (chronological order)
- B.Sc. (2005) - Zoology (Hons); The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
- M.Sc. (2007) -Zoology (Specialization: Molecular & Human Genetics); Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
- Ph.D. (2015)-Zoology (Research Area- Neurobiology of Learning and Memory); Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
Fellowships and Awards (chronological order)
- 2007- CSIR-UGC NET Junior Research Fellowship
- 2010- CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship
- 2015-DST-INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship, Govt of India
- 2015- Gold medal winner in Oral Presentation Contest, DAILAB (DBT-AIST International
- Laboratory of Biomedicine), Tsukuba, Japan
- 2015- Selected for Advanced Training in Biotechnology, AIST, Japan
- 2020-Travel Award for 43rd Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society, Kobe, Japan
- 2021- Travel Award for 44th Annual Meeting of Japan Neuroscience Society, Kobe, Japan
- 2022-International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Exchange Fellowship Award
- 2022-Travel Award for 45th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society, Okinawa,Japan
- 2022-Mid-career Lady Scientist Award, Association of Gerontology (AGI), India
After completing my masters in Zoology and PhD in Neuroscience from Banaras Hindu University, I pursued my independent research goals and have been working as a principal investigator initially as DST-INSPIRE faculty fellow in CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi, India and currently as an Assistant Professor in Institute of Health Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata, India. I am also serving as a Visiting Scientist in Biomedical Research Institute, AIST Japan.
During doctoral program, I elucidated role of a novel extracellular protease Neuropsin/KLK8 driven “gene-to-brain-to-behavior” pathway of memory loss or amnesia, a cardinal feature of neurodegenerative disorders and aging. Using mouse and primary neuronal culture models and stereotaxy surgery based gene manipulation approaches, I depicted the complex interplay of genes that brings in changes in dendritic architecture and eventually memory decline.
After PhD, I conceived my own research idea and began my scientific career with an endeavor to fulfil my long cherished dream of uncovering the genetic and epigenetic basis of neuropsychiatric abnormalities focusing on violent aggression, indicative of criminal mind. Besides my core research area I have contributed extensively on high throughput compound screening and their brain targeted delivery for cognitive therapeutics in collaborations with international (AIST JAPAN, Indiana School of Medicine USA) and national (IIT Delhi) research groups.
I have several publications in esteemed journals of international repute including high impact papers both as first and corresponding author. I have also published book chapters in internationally edited books. I am serving as guest editor and reviewers of multiple journals. I have contributed in teaching and mentoring bachelors, masters and PhD students and have been an active resource person in science outreach programs. I have delivered talks in national and international forums and organized workshops and conferences including IBRO-APRC schools.
I certainly believe that my research program will add new dimension to the field of molecular neuropsychiatry and objective assessment of mental health.
Research / Administrative Experience+
Research Experience
2022: Visiting Scientist, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
2021-2022: Senior Project Scientist at CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi, India
2015-2021: DST INSPIRE Faculty at CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi, India
2015-present: Visiting Scientist at Biomedical Research Institute, AIST, Japan
2010-2012: CSIR-Senior Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, India
2008-2009: Junior Research Fellow, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, India
Independent Research (2015-present)
Principal Investigator
Project: Molecular neurobiology of early life stress induced long-lasting pathological aggressive behaviour and psychopathy
Early life adversities including childhood fear and maltreatment have been considered a critical determinant of adult psychopathologies, though molecular mechanism is still obscure. Our research focuses on the molecular underpinnings of behavioural changes in response to lifetime experiences. Currently, we are exploring transcriptomics, epigenetics and signalling in the brain to put together a holistic picture of how stressful during early life trauma drive pathological aggressive behaviour and related psychopathy. Our recent findings reveal that long lasting epigenetic programming of thyroid hormone signalling in brain could underlie early life stress induced abnormal aggressive phenotype and its inheritance (Rawat et al, eLife, 2022)
Co- Investigator
Project: Drug discovery and targeted delivery for reversal of memory loss during aging and neurodegeneration
I am working on small molecules of synthetic and natural origin and their brain targeted delivery by nanopolymers for reversal of neurodegeneration and increasing cognitive capacity in collaboration with IIT Delhi, India and Biomedical Research Institute, AIST, Japan.
Doctoral research (2008-2014)
Title of thesis: Molecular Analysis of Neuropsin in Ashwagandha mediated recovery of sco-polamine induced amnesia and in aging mouse brain
PhD Supervisor: Prof. M. K. Thakur, Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
I deciphered a novel “gene-to-brain-to-behavior” pathway of memory loss or amnesia, a cardinal feature of neurodegenerative disorders and aging. Using animal and primary neuronal culture model systems I identified a protease driven novel pathway of memory loss and delineated potential therapeutic targets.
The major findings are enlisted below:-
a) Identification of an extracellular protease, Neuropsin (NP)/KLK8 driven novel pathway of memory impairment
b) Functional and mechanistic characterization of Ashwagandha leaf extract as a neuroprotective agent and memory enhancer
Post PhD research (PhD thesis submission to Viva-Voce period) (2014-2015)
Project: Epigenetic correlates of memory consolidation: Pivotal role of DNMT1 and HDAC2
I worked in my PhD lab and studied the epigenetic mechanism of scopolamine induced loss in memory consolidation in mouse model. I analyzed chromatin modifying enzymes and identified DNMT1 and HDAC2 as master regulators of gene expression and cellular phenotype changes in decline of long term memory consolidation.
Project: Drug screening for neurodifferentiation with potential implications in recovery of neuroblastoma and glioma
I worked in DAILAB (DBT-AIST International Laboratory for Biomedicine), Japan and performed various herbal compound screening for neuro-differentiation potential for therapeutic applications in neuroblastoma and glioma.
Teaching / Other Experience+
“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high”
I believe that the essence of learning lies in three words fearlessness, curiosity and independent thinking. Therefore, my teaching philosophy is to raise inquisitiveness and provide an ambience in which students can think, design problems, express themselves and interact independently. My goal is to develop their analytical minds, logical reasoning abilities and innovative thinking.
Before beginning a new topic, I would like to give a hypothetical problem or riddle that revolves around the chapter, so that next day the students can grasp easily. I would also like to evaluate students based on their classroom interacting ability, group discussion abilities with peers, debate performances and communication skills apart from semester examinations.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Gene regulation and Epigenetics
Human Genetics
M.Sc. in Biotechnology, Presidency University, Kolkata (2022-onwards)
M.Sc. in Molecular Microbiology, Presidency University, Kolkata (2022-onwards)
PhD Coursework, CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi (2015-2020)
M.Sc in Molecular and Human Genetics, Center for Genomics, Jiwaji University, Gwalior (Visiting Faculty, 2018-2019)
Other Professional Experiences
Editor/Reviewer of Journals
- Guest Editor- Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
- Reviewing Editor- Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience
- Reviewer- Current Alzheimer’s Research
- Reviewer - Scientific Reports
Conferences/workshop organized
- Co-organizer of IBRO-APRC Associate School on Regulatory RNAs in the Brain: Development to Disease at CSIR-IGIB (2021)
- Resource person for CSIR-JIGYASA outreach programs
Post Graduate Supervision+
Present members
PhD student- Chetan Mishra, DBT-JRF (co-guide), registered at CSIR IGIB
Project Fellows
Mohit Rastogi
Rohit Singh Rawat
Abhishek Singh
Sakshi Sharma
Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS) summer research fellows
Lakshita Sharma (Guide)
Rutuja Borawke (Guide)
Tanvi Kulkarni (Co-guide)
Shourya Burnwal (Co-Guide)
Academic Memberships+
- Executive committee member of Indian academy of Neuroscience, Delhi chapter, India
- Life Member of International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
- Regular Member of International Society of Neurochemistry (ISN)
- Life Member of Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS)
- Life Member of Indian Academy of Neurosciences (IAN)
- Life Member of Society for Neurochemistry, India (SNCI)
- Rawat RS, Bhambri A, Pal M, Roy A, Jain S, Pillai B, Konar A* (2022) Rawat RS, Bhambri A, Pal M, Roy A, Jain S, Pillai B, Konar A. Early life stressful experiences escalate aggressive behavior in adulthood via changes in transthyretin expression and function. Elife.11:e77968. doi: 10.7554/eLife.77968. (IF-8.71) *corresponding author
- Konar A*, Rastogi M, Bhambri A (2019) Brain region specific methylation and Sirt1 bindingchanges in MAOA promoter is associated with sexual dimorphism in early life stress induced aggressive behavior. Neurochem Int.129:104510. (IF-4.297) * corresponding author
- Goyal K, Konar A*, Kumar BSH, Koul V (2018) Lactoferrin-conjugated pH and redox sensitive polymersomes based on PEG-S-S-PLA-PCL-OH boost delivery of bacosides to the brain. Nanoscale. 10:17781-17798. (IF-8.307) *co-corresponding author
- Singh P, Sivanandam TM, Konar A*, Thakur MK (2021) Role of nutraceuticals in cognitionduring aging and related disorders. Neurochem Int.143:104928. (IF-4.297) *corresponding author
- Konar A, Kalra RS, Chaudhary A, Nayak A, Guruprasad KP, Satyamoorthy K, Ishida Y, TeraoK, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R (2020) Identification of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE) as aPotent Neurodifferentiating Natural Compound That Improves Cognitive and PhysiologicalFunctions in Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases. Front Aging Neurosci.12:561925. (IF-5.75)
- Konar A, Gupta R, Shukla R, Maloney B, Khanna V, Wadhwa R, Lahiri DK, Thakur MK(2019) M1 muscarinic receptor is a key target of neuroprotection, neuroregeneration andmemory recovery by i-Extract from Withania somnifera. Sci Rep. 9:13990. (IF-4.996)
- Konar A, Kumar A, Maloney B, Lahiri DK and Thakur MK (2018) A serine protease KLK8emerges as a regulator of regulators in memory: Microtubule protein dependent neuronal morphology and PKA-CREB signaling. Sci Rep. 8:9928.(IF-4.996)
- Konar A, Singh P and Thakur MK (2016) Age-associated Cognitive Decline: Insights intoMolecular Switches and Recovery Avenues. Aging Dis. 7:121-129.(IF-9.968)
- Konar A, Gautam A and Thakur MK (2015) Bacopa monniera (CDRI-08) upregulates theexpression of neuronal and glial plasticity markers in the brain of scopolamine-induced amnesic mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015:837012. (IF-2.629)
- Konar A, Shah N, Singh R, Saxena N, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R and Thakur MK (2011) Protective role of ashwagandha leaf extract and its component withanone on scopolamine- inducedchanges in the brain and brain-derived cells. PLoS One. 6(11):e27265.(IF-3.752)
- Konar A and Thakur MK (2014) Neuropsin expression correlates with dendritic marker MAP2c in different regions of aging mouse brain. Mol Neurobiol. 51(3):1130-8.(IF- 5.576)
- Konar A and Thakur MK (2015) Neuropsin is associated with MAP2c dependent dendritic morphology in aging brain. Ther Tar Neurol Dis. 2(1) doi: 10.14800/ttnd.503.
- Kathpalia P, Konar A, Pillai B (2021) Home laboratory: interactive science from the kitchen.Nature. 596:486. (IF-69.5)
- Kumar A, Konar A, Garg S, Kaul SC, Wadhwa R (2021) Experimental evidence andmechanism of action of some popular neuro-nutraceutical herbs. Neurochem Int. 149:105124.(IF-4.297)
- Goyal K, Konar A, Kumar A, Koul V (2020) Bacosides Encapsulated in LactoferrinConjugated PEG-PLA-PCL-OH Based Polymersomes Act as Epigenetic Modulator inChemically Induced Amnesia. Neurochem Res. 45(4):796-808. (IF-4.414)
- Lahiri DK, Konar A, Thakur MK, Maloney B (2017) A cardinal sin when researching neuropsin/KLK8: Thou shalt validate antibodies. Alzheimers Dement. 9:1068-1069.(IF21.566)
- Wadhwa R, Konar A and Kaul SC (2016) Nootropic potential of Ashwagandha leaves: Beyond traditional root extracts. Neurochem Int. 95:109-118.(IF-4.297)
- Singh P, Konar A, Kumar A, Srivas S and Thakur MK (2015) Hippocampal chromatin modifying enzymes are pivotal for scopolamine- induced synaptic plasticity gene expression changes and memory impairment. J Neurochem. 134(4):642-651. (IF-5.546)
Book Chapters
1. Konar A*, Thakur MK (2017). Cellular and molecular targets underpinning memory enhancement by Ashwagandha. In: Kaul S, Wadhwa R (eds) Science of Ashwagandha: Preventive and Therapeutic Potentials. Springer, Cham pp 305-318. (*Corresponding author)
2. Thakur MK, Konar A, Kumar D, Singh P and Baghel M. Recovery of age related memory loss:hopes and challenges. Topics in Biomedical Gerentology Springer (2016)
3. Thakur MK, Konar A. Brain Aging and associated diseases – Text book on geriatric medicine, Indian Academy of Geriatrics. Ed: Pratap Sanchetee. Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad, India. Part1 gerontology (2014) chapter 5, pg 32-36,
4. Thakur MK, Sharma HR and Konar A. Role of estrogen in memory during ageing and degenerative pathologies: Molecular insights and therapeutic challenges. Estrogens and cognition. Psychobiological and clinical aspects Ed: Ignacio González-Burgos Research Trivandrum - Kerala, India. Signpost (2014) chapter 2 page 1-19
5. Thakur MK, Konar A, Gautam A. Brain Aging: A Critical Reappraisal. In: Thakur MK andRattan SIS (eds). Brain Aging and Therapeutic Interventions, Springer (2012) pp 1-18.
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