Shibthakur Hembram
Assistant Professor

The interest on the subject of Geography started when I was in school. The facts about different places on the earth, the physical and cultural scenario/photographs across the world drive me most towards the subject. As a geographer I prefer to teach Social geography, Regional Geography of India, Population Geography, Regional Development, Sustainable development etc. My areas of interest in research are indigenous (tribal) community affairs, community development, issues of rural development, gender equality and women empowerment etc. I like to extend my knowledge to deeply understand the nature of interaction of indigenous communities with the physical environment in terms of social, political, cultural and economic perspective. I would like to review different government policies related to tribal development.
B.A. Honours in Geography (Visva-Bharati University, 2014)
M.A in Geography (Visva-Bharati University, 2016)
M.Phil in Development Studies (University of Calcutta, 2018)
I have completed my Undergraduate and Postgraduate from the Dept. of Geography, Visva-Bharati University (A central University), Santiniketan in 2014 and 2016 respectively. In the mean time I qualified UGC-NET-JRF in 2015. My M. Phil has been done from Institute of Development Studies (IDSK), University of Calcutta in 2018 after which I have joined Dept. of Geography, Presidency University in the same year.
Research / Administrative Experience+
Teaching / Other Experience+
1. Geography of Tourism
2. Biogeography
3. Climatology
4. Regional Geography of India
1. Social and Population Geography
2. Natural Hazards
3. Soil and Environmental Processes
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
Presidency University,
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India
Email: shibthakur.geog at presiuniv.ac.in
alternate E-mail: shibgeog17 at gmail.com
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