Souryadeep Mukherjee

Associate Professor

A microbiologist by training and a wild life enthusiast by heart, I have always been intrigued by life itself. My works involve exploring the immense biological diversity of our country, be it the hidden treasures of antimicrobial molecules within Himalayan Bryophytes, or, the prokaryotic communities of the drilosphere that have been involved in increasing soil fertility from time immemorial.

Accordingly, extending this boundary and further devotions to interdisciplinary researches are among the priorities of the future. Also, considering my teaching commitment I intend to include audio-visual aids in class rooms and negotiate exchanges of ideas between teachers of national and international acclaim to expand the scope of knowledge for both students and teachers.


Presidency University,
86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India

Download CV
Email: souryadeep.zoology at
alternate E-mail: mukherjeesouryadeep at

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