Souryadeep Mukherjee
Associate Professor

A microbiologist by training and a wild life enthusiast by heart, I have always been intrigued by life itself. My works involve exploring the immense biological diversity of our country, be it the hidden treasures of antimicrobial molecules within Himalayan Bryophytes, or, the prokaryotic communities of the drilosphere that have been involved in increasing soil fertility from time immemorial.
Accordingly, extending this boundary and further devotions to interdisciplinary researches are among the priorities of the future. Also, considering my teaching commitment I intend to include audio-visual aids in class rooms and negotiate exchanges of ideas between teachers of national and international acclaim to expand the scope of knowledge for both students and teachers.
B.Sc. in Zoology (Honours), University of Calcutta,
M.Sc. in Zoology, University of Calcutta,
Ph.D. in Zoology, The University of Burdwan.
Soon after completing my M.Sc. degree, I was appointed as a Lecturer in Zoology in Netaji Mahavidyalaya, Arambagh, West Bengal, India in 2005. I joined the Department of Zoology of the then Presidency College as an Assistant Professor in 2006 and joined Presidency University in December 2012.
As a researcher, to me, scientific research should always have the goal of benefiting the natural environment and human beings. I try to make some contributions by,
a) Exploration of Lepidopteran (butterflies) diversity and abundance in West Bengal and studies on insect-plant interactions.
b) Finding and characterizing microbes (especially bacteria) that can be used to fight pollution, particularly caused by hydrocarbons (petroleum and its components).
c) Characterization and Quantification of the Seasonal Dynamics of Aeromonas from Aquaculture Bheri of East Kolkata Wetland.
d) Alterations in Antibiotic Resistance of gut bacteria in mammalian model upon heavy metal exposure.
Research / Administrative Experience+
- Studies on butterfly diversity and abundance in Southern West Bengal covering lateritic belt, lower gangetic plain and coastal and mangrove region with emphasis on ecological and biochemical interactions.
- Isolation of Antibacterials and Antioxidants from Bryophytes of the Eastern Himalayas and some flowering plants of peninsular India.
- Isolation and characterization of biotechnologically important enzyme/ protein producing bacteria. Recently a high temperature tolerant lipase producing bacteria, with potential industrial significance, has been isolated and characterized from the scat of an endangered monkey (Macaca silenus). Work is going on to identify and isolate other bacterial strains having the potential of producing other such enzymes.
- Bioremediation of Petroleum contaminated soil and water bodies. The Identification and Purification of microorganisms, which can degrade different components of petroleum from contaminated soil and water. Optimization of petroleum degradation, so that, it can be used and tested in field conditions.
- Alterations in Antibiotic Resistance of gut bacteria in mammalian model upon heavy metal exposure.
- Characterization and Quantification of the Seasonal Dynamics of Aeromonas from Aquaculture Bheri of East Kolkata Wetland.
Teaching / Other Experience+
Post-Graduate teaching- 17 years, and,
Under- Graduate teaching- 18 years.
I teach Genetics, Molecular Biology, Evolution and Wild Life Biology.
Other Academic Assignments:
1. Examiner of Biological-Sciences, West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board. [Date of Appointment 6th May 2008]
2. University Nominee in the Governing Body, Tarakeswar Degree College, University of Burdwan, Tarakeswar, Hooghly. [September 2006 to February 2008]
3. Examiner of Under-Graduate courses, University of Calcutta and Kalyani University.
4. Paper Setter and Examiner of Post-Graduate courses, Visva Bharati University, Vidyasagar University, Asutosh College, Maulana Azad College, Bidhannagar Govt. College, Dinabandhu Andrews College and Vidyasagar College.
Post Graduate Supervision+
- Toufique Shahnowaz, Title of Research- 'Impact of Arsenic Exposure on Antibiotic Resistance of Mammalian Gut Prokaryotes'.
- Santanu Roy, Title of Research- 'Characterization and Quantification of the Seasonal Dynamics of Aeromonas from Aquaculture Bheri of East Kolkata Wetland'.
- Partha Pratim Mondal, Title of Research- 'Isolation and Characterization of Aeromonas Bacteriophage and its Function on Biofilm Degradation'.
Academic Memberships+
- Aerobic Degradation of Benzene by Escherichia spp. from Petroleum-contaminated Sites in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Souryadeep Mukherjee, Arijit De, Nirmal Kumar Sarkar and Nimai Chandra Saha. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 13.4. 2353-2362. https://doi.org/10.22207/JPAM.13.4.51
- Rutin-serum albumin interaction in different media and its effective dose selection in radiation-induced cytotoxicity on human blood cells. P Sengupta, P Mondal, S Mukherjee, S Chanda… - Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2019
- Cranial osteology and molecular phylogeny of Argyrogena fasciolata (Shaw, 1802)(Colubridae: Serpentes). S Das, P Campbell, S Roy, S Mukherjee, K Pramanick… - 2019
- An Insight into the Celluloytic Potential of Three Strains of Bacillus Spp. Isolated from Benthic Soil of Aquaculture Farms in East Kolkata Wetlands, India
- A De, S Mukherjee, GC Sadhukhan, NC Saha - Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2018
- A Stigmasterol Containing n-hexane Fraction of Rauvolfia serpentina Methanolic Extract Shows Tissue-Specific Variation of Biocidal and Antioxidant Activities
- A Dey, S Mukherjee, A De, DK Pandey - Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 2016
- Bioproduction of Ascorbic Acid and Its Optimization by a Rhizobium sp. from Root Nodules of Sesbania cannabina*
- A Nath, A Dey, S Mukherjee, R Bhattacharyya - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences …, 2017
- Altitudinal Variation of Anti-Human-Pathogenic-Bacterial Activity and Antioxidative Properties of Darjeeling Himalayan Marchantia polymorpha L.. A De, S Mukherjee, A Dey - Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature, 2015
- Abhijit Dey, Souryadeep Mukherjee, Arijit De. “Altitude and growth stage specific variation of antimicrobial activity of Darjeeling Himalayan Pellia endiviifolia against some potent human pathogens”. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, (Taylor and Francis), 2014 00:1–9 DOI: 10.1080/10496475.2014.918915 ISSN: 1049-6475 print / 1540-3580 online.
- Abhijit Dey, Arijit De, Pinky Ghosh, Souryadeep Mukherjee*. “Altitude and Tissue Type Influence Antioxidant Potential of Pellia endivifolia from Darjeeling Himalaya”. Journal of Biological Sciences, (Science Alert), 2013. ISSN 1727-3048 / DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2013. (*Corresponding author)
- Bhaskar Gupta, Kamala Gupta, and Souryadeep Mukherjee*, ‘Lipase production by a Serratia marcescens strain SN5gR isolated from the scat of lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) in Silent Valley National Park, a biodiversity hotspot in India’, Annals of Microbiology. (Springer), 2013 63:649–659 DOI 10.1007/s13213-012-0515-7. ISSN 1590-4261, [IMPACT FACTOR 1.549] (*Corresponding author).
- Souryadeep Mukherjee*, Arijit De, Pinky Ghosh, Abhijit Dey, ‘In vitro antibacterial activity of various tissue types of Dumortiera hirsuta (Sw) Nees from different altitudes of eastern Himalaya’, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease. (Elsevier), 2012, 1-5, ISSN: 2221-1691. (*Corresponding author).
- Souryadeep Mukherjee, Abhijit Dey, Trisha Das, ‘In-vitro antibacterial activity of n-hexane fraction of methanolic extract of Alstonia scholaris L. R.Br. stem bark against some multi drug resistant human pathogenic bacteria’, European Journal of Medicinal Plants. (Science Domain), 2(1): 1-10, 2012. ISSN: 2231-0894.
- Abhijit Dey, Trisha Das, and Souryadeep Mukherjee*, ‘In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of n-Hexane Fraction of Methanolic Extract of Plumeria rubra L. (Apocynaceae) Stem Bark’, Journal of Plant Sciences. (Science Alert), Vol. 6 (3), 2011, 135- 142. ISSN: 1816- 4951. (*Corresponding author).
- Souryadeep Mukherjee, Naba K. Bardolui, Sajjad Karim, Varsha Patnaik, Ranjan K. Nandy, Prasanta K. Bag, ‘Isolation and characterization of a monoaromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa from crude oil’, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. (Taylor & Francis), 1532-4117, Volume 45, Issue 9, 2010, Pages 1048 – 1053. ISSN: 1093-4529 (Print), 1532-4117 (Online), [IMPACT FACTOR: 1.107, 5 YEAR IMPACT FACTOR: 1.263].
- T.K. Mukherjee, K.K. Banerjee, B. Gupta & S. Mukherjee, ‘New record of a phasmid, Sipyloidea fontanesina Giglio-Tos, 1910 (Necrosciinae: Diapheromeridae) from Barnwapara, Chhattisgarh, India.’ Journal of Threatened Taxa. June 2010, 2(6): 978-979. June 2010, ISSN 0974-7907 (online), 0974-7893 (print).
- Thakurta P, Bhowmik P, Mukherjee S, Hajra TK, Patra A, Bag PK, ‘Antibacterial, antisecretory and antihemorrhagic activity of Azadirachta indica used to treat cholera and diarrhea in India’, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. (Elsevier), 2007 May 22; 111(3): 607-12. Epub 2007 Jan 21. ISSN: 0378-8741 [IMPACT FACTOR: 3.014, 5 YEAR IMPACT FACTOR: 3.728].
- Hajra TK, Bag PK, Das SC, Mukherjee S, Khan A, Ramamurthy T, ‘Development of a simple latex agglutination assay for detection of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) by using polyclonal antibody against STEC’, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. (American Society for Microbiology, ASM), 2007 May; 14(5): 600-4. Epub 2007 March 7. Print ISSN: 1556-6811, Online ISSN: 1556-679X [IMPACT FACTOR: 2.546].
Book Chapters:
1. Souryadeep Mukherjee*, Abhijit Dey, Arijit De and Pinky Ghosh, ‘Antioxidative potential of two Darjeeling Himalayan Marchantia sp. M. paleacea and M. papillata’, Natural Products: Research Review - Vol. 2. M/S Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. Editor: Dr. V. K. Gupta, Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR), Jammu, India, (In Press). (*Corresponding author).
2. Rabindranath Bhattacharyya, Sandip Das, Abhijit Dey and Souryadeep Mukherjee, ‘Antibacterial Effect of Rhizobial Exo-polysaccharide Against some Multidrug Resistance Human Pathogens’, Natural Products: Research Review - Vol. 2. M/S Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. Editor: Dr. V. K. Gupta, Deputy Director, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine (CSIR), Jammu, India, (In Press).
Presidency University,
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India
Email: souryadeep.zoology at presiuniv.ac.in
alternate E-mail: mukherjeesouryadeep at gmail.com
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